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Everything posted by joshcja

  1. No. Every single late game bosskill option is viable vs CH23 Taco. He's on a throne with enemies nearby so setting up full guage on any number of units you care to use of any type can be done in complete safety. It does not matter if he venge crits from 1 hp because complete immunity is complete immunity. He's also not stave or aura immune so any weapon in the game can and will have 100% disp hit. Throwing Xander/Sorc at him is simply a reliable brainless 0 setup option that you will always have on hand because wall.
  2. When deploying a unit wins a map that unit is worth deploying. ------------------------------------------ Going by your logic... Xander lives Taco dies ez win??? Lets assume 16 base +proc is a threat to xander.... somehow? 32 base +2 (meal) +2 (tonic) +4 (rally) +2 (Chivalry) +2 (demosel) +4 (Enfeeble) = 46 minimim effective def. For clarity this is a whopping 2 base from taco. His max effective def here is 62+/-2. Going with the average Taco deals -14 damage before procs. Lol. ----------------------------- Or be sane, and just throw stacked brave/lighting at his ass with full guard guage for double zero chance of death.
  3. Rev:8 Long dull map that has 0% chance of killing anyone and no good loot/exp. You just walk in a windy circle. Hororable mentions to: the rest of early reveleations.
  4. Rhajat can pretty easily reach 50%+ skill growth after parent+class mods. In a game with forgeable pony/reverse tome. In a game where enemies have FE8 stats. In a series where secret books are clearly the most valued and competed for resource.
  5. Not really. Get A support, click plus if you want the other units class. No worries about one way pairings etc as A+ only affects one unit. Each unit has 2-3 possible A+ supports but on average only one is actually useful and not redundant with possible S supports so you just take that one. ------------------ If you only get one path take CQ. ------------------ For an easy low-planning clear use 4 early males + wifeu's + Kids + hard supports + freestaves/utility units regardless of the path. Optimal setups don't matter outside LCQ so don't worry about it. +Hpl is by far the best MU boon followed by +mag and just never touch anything else. Talent does not matter.
  6. You do have to feed her kills early. Kinda like every other unit in BR not named corn/jacob/silias. It's super easy to set up off dragonstome chip/attack stance though.
  7. Enemy stats in lcq start off equal to hard but they do increase as the game progresses.
  8. Everything was pretty descriptive. It means everything. All of that post's claims related to CQ are innacurate. FE8 is not exceptional in the armor area. There is a reason that in the few postend "challange" areas, any challange run, and the Master Quest hack armor is considered... bad. When everyone is super... the ones with broke ass knees are less super. Gillam is lit Nhormal Effie without the speed growth. Also no horse in pony emblem. For an example of value armor look to higher difficulty FE12 where nobody has res, general bulk actually matters starting in P1, and they get fucking bows. Or awakening/CQ where the bulk... matters situationally, and they get useful skills. It's worth noting that all of these games have more useful movement tools than the gba emblems.
  9. Can we not sum fates up as one game? It's three very different games that happen to share six maps. Hell Rev/BR functionally skip traditional armor entirely. Similarly some tactics give different results on different difficulties. Example: Effie is simultaneously great on Nhormal and bench fodder on lunatic. That aside... everything said about CQ in the above post is either wrong, or an incredibly dank meme. Was that copy pasted from reddit?
  10. The random complaining is on point as always but in this case... He's actually semi-right knights are like the worst thing in SS because move.
  11. For all it's flaws armor has a pretty solid niche here in fates. Armor is typically bad in fates (sans move) because there are classes with negligable bulk loss that... -Are not weak to hammer/AS. -have actual 1-2 range -kill the shit out of everything. -Speed/Res/luck tend to be non-issues here, the class has some solid skills, and it is undisputably the bulkiest thing in the game in every way when maxed out. So enemies just refuse to attack them. ----------------------------- Armor was super useful in FE12's higher difficulties. ------------------------------------ Robe!Magik!Elise reclassed into general Via Effie makes a pretty sick general bolt axe. JS.
  12. If you want non-mu/Firstserve mages in BR Hayato/Rhajat/Orachi are all solid as Oni Cheiftains and bolt naginata Sakura is pretty solid.
  13. Go to the castle assistant. Open logbook. Select and delete any unlocked log, or unlock and delete locked logs.
  14. Extremely low MT compared to lightforge iron/steel/silver, and it's not a brave, reaver, bolt, or nos. They're useful enough but they're not a general use weapon and effeciveness weaponry shares the niche. As a note, some units can reach close to or 100% crit on lunatic no-grind (normally with a proc) so lightforge killers are a solid damage option on them in CQ/Rev in the lategame (still lower than brave on PP and not very cash efficent.).
  15. Can we stop shitting on Cornbread? Not in terms of dank memes or silly humor but in terms of actual hate? In a lot of ways Corrin is the least intrusive FE avatar. Compared to robin and kris (s)he never really steals the spotlight as hard despite being the MC. (S)he also has flaws and falls less into the mary/gary stu archetype which for me is absolutely a positive. As far as "everyone loves you for no reason wow" the fe7 strategist (mark?) is by far the worst offender. Seriously that role just feels so akward and creepery. In short Corrin for all it's flaws tried to address many common complaints aimed at MU's and did a pretty good job of it. Anyone who heard "half dragon tripple royal player unit" and expected a relatable character or compelling plot is just an idiot. Stop feeding this. Corn does dumb shit but so does every lord/mu and without argibg "who's the worst character" (it's Est) lets just take a moment to aknowledge that Corn is at least portrayed as the sort of naieve characer who would make these mistakes complete with a sheltered amensiac background and some of these mistakes do result in real consequences for the character. Is it the best writing/character? No but like many things in fates it's a step in the right direction.
  16. One day Est fell off her peg falling an undefined number of feet onto her neck while doing a stupid. Due to her innate absurd luck she survived this but was left paralyzed from the break down for life. Early in her disability Palla and Catria did their best to aid and comfort their now cripplegimped sister but Est's constant entitled scumming eventually alienated them leaving her alone, helpless, and forever unable to enjoy the freedom she once craved. At the end of it all regreting every moment of her life she chose to bite her own tounge and drown in blood rather than hear Palla bang Able one more damn time through the thin walls of their home. Finding the corpse of their younger sister the elder whitewings knew they should feel greif, loss, rage, but all they knew was an odd sort of guilt-relief that it was finaly over. ----------------------------------- A rewrite I would enjoy less (slightly more in line with the OP though) would be... any situation where Est fails and faces real consequences without the intervention of Deus ex Palla. Learns from them, and owns up to her past... everything. ----------------------------------- Celica/Alm "Wow hi Celica, that's a tacklehug alright.....and now I smell like oranges. Are you ok? Anyways you've been gone for like 10 years and there was a totally rad girl-next-door who uuuuh kinda put out first, this matters since we are basicly teenagers, also you're basicly a nun. Also I'm a commoner and you're royalty. Also age of marrige is like 13 in this time period, wanna meet our kids? Also we were six and it's been 10 years. Please get off this is weird. No not like that. Yes I am leading an army, because I like uncertain death more than certain death. But hey we need to take the gates by the temple to go north regardless so we can check on Milla no problem"
  17. Nyna choses not to be a complete flake and just hands Camus the Falchion. Shadow Dragon is now even more of a boss rush. Alternately: Quintessensequest triumps over cucklord Athos in FE7 and humanity enters an age of post-scarcity civilization where everything is powered by actual dragons in the most metal utopian society ever.
  18. FE4 is fun overall but yeah... . The tedium was extremely real at times. Personally I had more issues with bugs than I did balance playing through. Many, many bugs. ----------------------------------- On topic not certain why Rev is oft refered to as Royals Emblem? Sakura (reclassed immediately otherwise no), Camilia, Xander, Ryoma are the games really viable "royal" units. Taco is underwhelming when you have Mozu, Reina, Shura, and Merchant!Oboro, Elise comes painfully underleveled, Leo shares Odins issues (no seriously he's awful at join), and Hinoka is... just a joke. I could understand the Xander/Ryoma thing of "have OP bigbro" but with the crazy booster spam of early rev your early focused units , kids, and Silias are all comperable or just better in every way. The only real standout here is Cammy because Cammy.
  19. On topic: A simpler build would probably just be VLaD+Awakening Caeldori. If anyone wants to use this on higher difficulties than normal. On the topic of older pegs... are you high? Florina/Tana/Vanessa are widely considered some of if not the best non-seth gba units. (Also Tana is the superior blue haired FE waifu). While the elder whitewings and Caeda are just bar none the best units in 1/3/2/12 (Ignoring MU). Even within BR Caeldori, Reina, and Bolt!Swolekura are indisputable top end units. There is a reason "early peg" is synonomys with "extremely good unit".
  20. Entrap is really useful in endgame if you don't have pass. Or if you play it the hard way.
  21. I've been actively avoiding this but here's a sane critique to balance out youknowwho. Low damage before x/15 is pretty harsh but I guess you can splash A+/S for that. Past that the build isn't VLaD stack, bulky stack, or a hard support falco but it looks reasonably thought out and seems functional enough in terms of the job it wants to do.
  22. For best written character I have to go with Arthur.
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