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Emperor Hardin

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Everything posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. Has anyone ever tried hacking the game. I wonder if you could put Adan in a class where he'd actually serve some use.
  2. Naw his strength was lowered and everyone else got their hp buffed while his remained the same. That and they introduced Frey who's basically Hardian except less interesting and better stats. The main villain of the sequel should be top tier not one of his mooks.
  3. Seriously even Marty and Machis could kick his butt. I tried everything to make him good but he was still subpar.
  4. I don't know whats the deal with Adan. Why create such a useless character?
  5. Man how come all of my favorite characters got nerfed? :(
  6. You forgot Vyland who is a decent character this time around. Also speed is something Hardain should not have trouble with, he's got one of the best speed growths in the game.
  7. I still say his growths and supports put him above Athena. Two maps is enough to get a significant level lead.
  8. Once again why is Athena above Hardain? Hardain comes in at a lower level with nearly the same as bases as Athena, high weapon levels, great supports, and his growths beat her in everything but hp. Only advantage I see for her is the promotion gains from Dracoknight.
  9. On the topic of Athena, why is she so high?
  10. Whys Athena so high? Hardain comes in at a lower level with nearly the same as bases as Athena, high weapon levels, great supports, and his growths beat her in everything but hp. Only advantage I see for her is the promotion gains from Dracoknight. Also shouldn't Julian be higher due to the utility of thieves?
  11. Barst,, Kain, Abel, Frey, Hardin, Oguma, Sedgar, Shiida Wolf and Julian
  12. Well the introduction of Book 2 says five long years have passed. Thats were I got that impression.
  13. Anyone else think its a little odd that Gordin is older then Marth and they list the period between book 1 and 2 as 3 years, I thought it was 5? But the oddest one is Ryan listed as age 17! I mean look at the guy. http://serenesforest.net/media/fe3illust/Raian.jpg That has to be wrong!
  14. While looking on the site I found this. http://serenesforest.net/general/age.html There was a novel adaptation of fire Emblem! Anyone got any info on it.
  15. Nice I was always wondering about Marth and Hardin's relationship. In the snes version you only got second hand information on their relationship. Interesting to find out they were true friends. Also I believe Hardin is called coyote as wolf of the plains means that.
  16. I'm wondering about the new dialogue events. Like what Marth says to Hardin in chapter 5.
  17. Not to be rude but can you give descriptions of some of the dialogue events?
  18. Anyone have a recap of any of the special new conversations? I'm particularly wondering about Marth's conversations with Hardin and the ending with Garnef alive.
  19. Just Units I used in the original. Other then Hardin most of them seem to suck now
  20. What are Hardin, Toms, Alan, and Riff best as?
  21. Good question. 1.I believe he knew of the Grunian black knights but only as ruthless killers that slaughtered the royal family. It's likely Camus was either in disguise when he delivered Nina to Hardain, or he didn't do it in person. 2.I believe Hardain never bothered to get a good look at Camus face during the battle at Grunia's capital. I believe Nina's conversation with Marth was private and her relationship with Camus was not common knowledge. Even in the second book Hardain is not aware of Camus existence and he seems to believe Nina is in love with Marth.
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