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Emperor Hardin

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Everything posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. Wolf strikes me as someone who'd want it more.
  2. You know Nintendo could remake these games and sell them as DSiWare.
  3. Hardin>Sedgar & Wolf>Everything else>Vyland>Captain Gordin
  4. Marth's sprite should have changed when he got the Fire Emblem and Falchion. Halberdiers are a nice bonus but they aren't needed. I would've loved class swap being unique for certain characters.
  5. Alan, he's cooler and I like his personality. The Silver lance and Silver sword are an added bonus.
  6. Basically it says a lone hero from the royal family appearts. He helps his sickly older brother, and reforms the national system, and frees the people of the mounted police(wolf,Vyland,and Sedgar). The young heroes name was Hardin. Thats the basic gist of it and it fits together with Wolf's dialogue from book 2.
  7. Some of my Favorites are Hardin, Arran, Lawrence, and Doplh. Hardin is really moving after reading all the awesome things he did in the sattellaview games and in the designer notes.
  8. Using Babelfish it says Wolfguard on the first designers \notes used to be enslaved under the old law system and Hardin freed them. Gee makes me feel bad for them. Because as for that settling finally the alone hero appeared in the royal family is.  He helping older brother king who is sickly reforms national system.  The people of the mounted police are released from slave status, furthermore the young people of king family are received in horseman group of the self and position as a lord is given, disabled nobility is banished.  Nobility obtaining the boost of [akaneia], rebellion is planned, the military force of Crown Prince young king where, but the mounted police tribe was attended in the subordinate individual being defeated they reach, it could not meet civil war and concluded.  That young person who was called the wolf of the grassy plain… name is called [hadein].
  9. Hehe groupies but yeah Nintendo really should've added support conversations.
  10. Why do you love Frey so much? He is pretty cool but that cool?
  11. Norne is decent and certainly better then Gordin. hard mode 1 isn't pull-your-hair-out impossible.
  12. You have to leave someone behind. But if you sacrafice Gordin you get Norne.
  13. Wait people know the full script and dialogue of the BS games? Can you post them all?
  14. I always thought Alan was very depressed with his lot in life and was a heavy drinker which led to his ilness. He seemed very eager to die just look at his death quotes.
  15. We probably haven't had female pirates, brigands, and berserkers as those class are usually shirtless. Still it would be interesting, I hope they'd make female berserkers actually muscular.
  16. I'd like the villains playable and hopefull they'll form some sort of legion of doom.
  17. I imagine Hardin, Sedgar, Wolf, and Vyland's stats would go into Roche.
  18. Overall it seemed Medeus was more into subjugating humanity then destroying them.
  19. Its funny despite Medeus claims of hating humanity, all of his closest followers were human.
  20. At the end of the game. She flirts with Marth and then Sheeda notes Marth is blushing.
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