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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 20 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Zephiel literally wants to genocide all the humans to death. At least Medeus is content to let them live as slaves (at worst) or fully functioning allies nations (at best). The latter of which being what we actually see in game, though we don't know what his long term plans were for Macedonia and Grust etc.

    True, though Zephiel is operating under the genuine, albeit deluded belief that War Dragons will build a utopian society.

    Overall, good point.

    I think Macedonia and Grust would've eventually had their rulers assassinated and replaced by more Manakete subservient humans; Michalis is too dangerous to Dolhr to be allowed to live and even Ludwik is too disloyal, despite his cowardice. They'd probably either get a Dolhrian human to take their place, or butter up minor authority figures to replace their King. I can see Dolhrian loyalists like Larissa to bump off their King, in exchange for being the new King(even if ultimately a puppet ruler for Dolhr).

  2. On 8/31/2019 at 1:27 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

    I think this trait doesn't make Medeus as sympathetic as if could have been because Medeus himself hardly seems to care about humans mistreating dragons. Its Xane who tells us Medeus thinks this way but Medeus never says or does anything to suggest he holds the beliefs Xane says he does. Even before he becomes a Dark Dragon he only speaks like the most generic evil overlord imaginable. 

    Its possible Medeus got so corrupted he forgot about his original goal but there's also nothing in his dialogue to suggest that either. He's just an evil prick who got his actions excused by a third party who could be totally off base for all we know. 

    The narrator describes Medeus as "always claiming his cause is just", as well as his direct guardian/subordinate Xemcel ranting about how humans usurped the land from Dragons. He just lacks screentime due to having resurrection sickness in Shadow Dragon and just being resurrected in Mystery of the Emblem.

    On Topic, I'm thinking Zephiel would be the most moral.

  3. On 7/26/2019 at 7:20 AM, Von Ithipathachai said:
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    I think Edelgard's Armored Lord and Emperor classes are automatically gained through story progression, so Heavy Armor won't be needed even for those.

    If there's one benefit to training up Heavy Armor, it's that you can get the high Def boosts I assume are gained from unlocking those classes.

    Can't you get that by unlocking other classes though?

  4. 5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    And random realization I knew before, but forgot to mention- Mystery of the Emblem Book 2/New Mystery.

    This game really shouldn't have had an opening chapter with bandits. The game kicks it off with trying to repress Lorenz's one-chapter rebellion, so you should be fighting Grustian rebels. The game makes up the excuse that only Lorenz himself is left and that bandits have taken over in the chaos.

    But this excuse only exists to keep the player from dirtying their hands. Lorenz and his rebellion are in the right, but IS didn't want the player to massacre good people, so they killed all the good people beforehand via bad people. They even deny you Lorenz's head by making him too durable to take down and hence Marth just talks to him and he dies on his own accord.

    Whilst the part about Lorenz being the only rebel left and all the other guys on the map being bandits is definitely an excuse, Lorenz is fully killable and indeed many players do so, especially in the DS Remakes. Remember Arran can reach him and Lorenz only has a broken lance in the SNES version.

    5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Don't forget the Barbarian Clans of Archanea. Primarily all those who Gharnef brainwash into protecting the Dragon's Altar/Table/Place Where Medeus Lives For Four Minutes.

     But the rest of them practically own the northern wastelands (not that anyone civilized would want to own them), and put the wastelands' powerful feral dragons in domesticated shackles. Honestly, if they could drag a handful of Wyverns, Fire, and Ice Dragons down into Aurelis, they could possibly destroy it overnight.

    I always felt the "elemental" clans were unexplored. The Shadow Clan, in particular, is implied to be connected to Dolhr in the DS remake as the Earth Dragon and Sorcerer in Archanea's palace are labeled as from that faction.

    16 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    The strength of the Grieth pirates kind of make sense in that lawless setting, and are never portrayed as being bigger or more dangerous than Rigel's army or the Duma Faithful. I was going to bring up the Fates/Awakening paralogues as direct examples of how immersion breaking bandits can be when they're at late game levels of strong, but it felt like I would have been going out of my way to trash on those games just to make a point. Only in a post apocalyptic setting should bandits ever match or surpass the military force of a country, but in that setting you'd have no armies in the world to compare to anyway.

    That is true, but the united bandits are still a definite threat to the regular threat.

    Thracia 776 also has you fight bandits in the mid game, such as Zyle in chapter 14. Except for Gomes, they aren't too powerful even within the actual gameplay.

  5. 4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    There are no questions of morality to be had regarding bandits. Storytellers can focus on the world and characters rather than fitting in any particular brand of conflict so early in the game. They're criminals preying on the weak, nothing more needs to be explained. Certainly not the question we ought to ask in the real world, like what drives people to break the law.

    ''Thracia 776'' would like a word.

    4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Plus it may break the consistency of the game universe if you're 20 chapters in fighting a band of dumb, uncoordinated brigands that for some reason are double the level and army size of some formidable foes you defeated ten chapters ago. Bandits shouldn't be represented on the same level as full scale armies, so their stories get frontloaded.

    Whilst rare, this occasionally happens such as the Grieth pirates or the side quests in Awakening.

    4 hours ago, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    Seems my memory was awful after all. So what does that leave? FE5? I remember FE8 had axe fighters but I don't remember if they were Grado or bandits.

    O'Neill. He's the leader of a small squad in Grado's military. Though he is thuggish and lowborn, he's not a criminal.

    I almost put him on the Gazzak archetype on the wiki, but ultimately decided not to.

  6. Despite doing my best to avoid spoilers, one of the recent changes on the wiki added a category revealing a big spoiler.


    Someone added the female category to the Flame Emperor, immediately spoiling the identity of the character for anyone looking at the recent changes that day.

    Another reason I think the male/female categories are 100% pointless.


  7. 17 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Wait, does the one on the left has long hair or are the light blue parts on the back just part of the armor?

    The guy is wearing a helmet.

    17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    The SoV artbook did invent that skinship fig leaf of an excuse when it comes to why Pegasus Knights don't wear more armor/pants.

    I missed that, did it say they have invisible armor or something?

  8. While both are good units, Wyvern Riders tend to be better overall in most games.

    On 6/7/2019 at 8:35 AM, Anacybele said:

    Not anymore. Subaki and Shigure would like to have a word with you. Though I'm not sure if this will actually become a trend... I kinda hope it does, because really, the most famous person to ride a Pegasus was a dude! Hercules. Come on, IS. There's nothing wrong with making a few more male Pegasus riders.

    On 6/6/2019 at 7:38 PM, Bloom said:

    Pegasi are sexist and only want females to ride them.

    Wyverns accept all sexes, you go wyverns.


    Thats not exactly true. Unambiguously male Pegasus Knights showed up as enemies in FE3 and without a bullshit explanation on how they weren't actually Pegasus Knights unlike in Fates. Even the game that introduced the concept of Pegasus Knights typically being female never ruled out male pegasus Knights. IS either forgot this or wants to forget this.

  9. 2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    That was my joke; I even said as much (though I admit I didn't specify that it was mainly the 3DS games; thanks for pointing that out).

    I think besides the 3DS titles, the only games to have slashing/whacking lance animations are: 

    * Berwick Saga: One of the dismounted Spear/Lance Knight animations.

    * Radiant Dawn: One of the Halberdier attack animations is a Jumping slash.

    To be fair, using even ordinary spears to occasionally whack and slash is indeed something Spear/Sojutsu experts do, though its of course not as effective as stabbing except in special scenarios.

  10. 4 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Thanks. yeah; it would justify lance users making cutting motions in their attacks (I admit that that doesn't happen in the majority of FE games; I'm just saying it would justify it when it does happen). 

    That's mainly done in the 3DS games, most other games don't have them do that.

    Though there are several cutting polearms in the Tellius games, including the Wishblade which would count as a halberd.

  11. 2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Part 5: Future Past. I feel like there's something missing from this part but eh

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    I’d like to take a quick minute to talk about the future past cause it may be DLC but the story it tells acts as very natural extension to the themes found in awakening. I said before that the future kids are pretty much a physical reminder of the failures of the former generation and that them coming to the past allows for their parents a second chance of trying to undo the mistakes they made that lead to the trauma they’ve been through. Future past is basically an expansion on that idea. In almost every special conversation the kids have with their parents; they are trying to reject their parents’ help either out of fear of feeling the pain of losing them again or loathing for leaving them to suffer alone. If not either of those, then the parents still help them work through their personal struggles in one way or another. It is a very literal showing of the past aiding the future. The kids struggle now due to the failures of their parents and it is because of that they are unable to succeed. They’ve lost hope due to being consumed by the past which is an idea I’ll get to later. It is only after their parents help them work through these struggles and rectify their mistakes that they are able to win and move past it to work towards a brighter future.


    Now let’s talk about the villains for second those being both Morgans as well as our ever lovable Grima. Morgan is an interesting case here. It is implied through their dialogue when you approach them with Robin that the reason they joined Grima was because well that’s their parent. Grima even admits to it by saying “So much for manipulating the child sympathies”. Now, the way this can be interpreted is that Morgan fights for Grima because they are consumed by the past(just like Robin himself in this instance but I’ll get to that in a minute). Morgan is so afraid of losing their parent that they haven’t realized they already have. They’re so loyal to the Robin they once knew that they fail to realize that they aren’t serving the “real” Robin(which can actually be viewed as a foil to the other kids who question why their parents are suddenly alive again when they aren’t they’re “real” parents). It’s an interesting relationship. Now let’s talk about Grima or more specifically Robin here because there’s a couple of lines in the bad ending of future past that sticks out for me which is:


    “...I am Grima! There is nothing human about me!”


    “...I have always been the fell dragon... ...since the day I was born... ...I wish that I were human! That I could have lived a normal life with you! ...But I'm not, and I can't…”


    “...No. As I said, Grima and I are one... ...I can speak my mind like this because we are weakened... ...but that does not mean my mind is free... ...Put aside your sympathy and finish me…”


    “...Rrgh! *Huff, huff* ...You see? ...Grima is my true nature... ...We cannot be separated…”


    This Robin is different at least different from the one at the end of awakening. This Robin has been consumed by the failures of the past. He gave in to Grima. He believes that he and Grima are one and the same. He believes he was the same person who made those mistakes in the past. However, the message at the end of awakening is the exact opposite. You aren’t the same person you were back then which is proven in this story when the parents insist on helping their children. The children fear their parents on them like they did before. They fear they will make the same mistakes they did before but these aren’t those same parents that failed them. These parents are able to learn from the mistakes made by their other selves and truly help their kids this time. It is through accepting that that the kids are able to succeed and do what their parents could not do. This again is represented by Tiki becoming the new Naga. Naga in this timeline has failed like the kids’ parents and can only aid the world by enlisting help from another world which does help by allowing figures of the past to help aid the future. Naga is similar to the parents in that she is part of the past to help the next generation overcome the past and do what she could not. Once again they beat Grima by overcoming the mistakes of the past.


    Robin is Morgan's parent, not Grima.

  12. 3 hours ago, BastienSoul said:

    I wonder if they'd go with Marshall or Baron for a fourth tier Armor class.

    If the traditional specialty classes do get secondary weapons, I think Swordmaster might get Fighting. Both Felix and Catherine seem to specialize in Swords and Fighting (as well as Bows for Felix), and Felix in particular definitely feels like he'd be one.

    Having Marshall be the physical class and Baron be the magical class makes the most sense.

  13. On 6/3/2019 at 12:59 AM, Armchair General said:

    You know that there's magical weapons, right?

    Enemies almost never use magic weapons, so I highly doubt halving damage from magic bows will ever come in handy for the player.

    4 hours ago, TheWildestCat said:

    Going to the original question, I would like to see a ranger type class that you see in those medieval fantasy movies. i.e. Legolas from The Lord of the Rings. They would be an infantry unit that could use swords and bows (Which is a thing now 😞) and could have skills that improved stats in forests and other terrains. 

    Ranger was a infantry knife/bow/sword class in Berwick Saga that promoted from Hunter(a class in older FE games).

  14. Just now, BastienSoul said:

    That's why I said "could."

    I'm not saying it would be an incredible skill, but without knowing future classes, enemy stats, bow might, and map design, we can't judge a skill we don't even know is going to be in the game. Besides, if it were in it could be changed to be better. Considering the classes that use Gauntlets so far seem like high Strength classes and the inherent Brave Effect, theoretically halving damage from them might be very useful.

    I'm talking about halving damage from bows in particular, rather then gauntlets. I don't see player Knights ever being targeted by bows in any scenario.

    Really they should get something like Guardian from Vestaria saga.

  15. 18 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Heavy Armour(as in the Echoes skill that the Baron had) could be a high ranking skill; and it might not be completely useless if Bows are actually good; which they could be indeed, given range modifiers and Close Counter. Maybe they could expand to include Gauntlets to the skill's effect, as punching a suit of armour will not go well. A high ranking skill could be Armoured March or Armoured Boots; boosting Mov whenever you're near armoured allies or HP = 100%.

    The archer line is already confirmed to get increased range as a class skill, so it'll still be useless.

    Heavy Armor should stay dead and buried.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Calico said:

    If they wanted to balance armor units, it would have been good if they gave them skills suited to negating damage. Like, for instance, maybe there'd be an armor-class exclusive skill that negated damage from battalion attacks. 

    (Considering Edelgard has a proficiency in armor and it's likely that a unique lord promotion of hers would be armored, you'd figure that they'd give armored units a boost somehow. Maybe they'll just get rid of the movement penalty?)

    Its funny how being a Cavalry unit is always an advantage even in the rare times without canto, but the only thing being an armored unit gives is terrain penalties and an extra weakness.

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