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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 4 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Funny. Why change how the locked door works on this map in Book 2? In Book 1 you could clearly see into the throne room. Here the throne room is hidden. But why wait until Book 2 to introduce this new mechanic? This sounds like something that could easily have been put in Book 1.

    Anyway, it looks like the only enemies on this map are thieves, and Astram’s army of silver sword heroes. And by this point? They’re a pushover.

    That reminds me have you used the Watch Staff, yet?

    7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:






    The remake foreshadows this by having the boss announce that they'll spring open once the chests are opened.

    7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Anyway, the context of that was this girl going from “Please don’t steal our shit” to “Here’s my most treasured possession, you incredibly hunky boy” in the span of one fucking sentence. Weeeeird.

    Possibly a translation thing.

    7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    And Marth apologizes for killing King Orleans’ men even when he literally hasn’t fought a single one of them. Which suggests to me that the writers didn’t even conceive of me doing what I just did. Which suggests to me I was supposed to… okay, so the game really does assume I would fight them on my first playthrough. Alright, that makes the map design make more sense, though I still consider the deployment layout to be utterly atrocious. If I hadn’t decided to look up that village’s contents, if I had decided I just had to fight my way there to get it no matter the cost, it would have been nearly impossible to keep my fragile units alive without using another use of the Again staff.

    The Archanean troops are recruited from all the nations of the empire, so its possible Marth is referring to that as well.

    4 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Hey, I'd like to take a second to ask everyone something:

    How well are you able to follow along with my commentary? How often are you confused by what I say, and feel like you need more information or pictures to know what I'm talking about? Do you wish I went more in-depth with my strategies or didn't gloss over so much when it's easy? Any requests for how I could change the format to make it better?

    I do wonder how you did against some of the more unique bosses such as Toras(Ballistician) or Willow(Meteor Sage), I'm also interested on your story thoughts? On a similar vein, do you have any thoughts on all the info that is out of game? 

    I'm also curious as to how much gameplay advice do you want to avoid?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Thankfully Marth is tough enough that the low-damage enemies aren’t going to fight him, so it’s just a matter of only attacking the well-armed Archanean soldiers and getting in there quickly.

    This is just a mini reply before my full reply.

    The low level Gra enemies don't attack on any difficulty, all they do is run away. The difficulty comes from the player compulsion to kill any enemy in sight and the similar classes of the Gra and Archanea soldiers.

  3. 22 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Buffing the Armored movement type in some manner that doesn't make it a net liability.  Just giving them higher Def than every other movement type isn't enough if they're going to have so many other weaknesses.  They should either have the highest BST like in Heroes or an additional Class Skill to match Canto, like maybe Jugdral Pavise or a lesser form that only halves damage rather than negating it entirely.

    Thinking, what if armored units were the only unit able to increase their movement by simply leveling? Like say the player's armor unit, after reaching level 10, their movement increases by one point, making their movement the same number as the other infantry? Berwick Saga had something like that for Marcel, who was basically an armored unit.

    In Vestaria Saga, the General class, who are a separate class line from Armored Knights(a promoted class here), also has infantry level movement. Though in Vestaria Saga Gaiden, where a General is playable, there is a playable armored knight with the movement +1 skill.

    In a system like Three Houses, high enough armored rank would allow regular infantry movement.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    That kind of system, similar to the three houses magic system, is something I think would work well for a lot of un-purchasable items, stuff you can't replace. I'd like to see a game with something like that or the Sword of the Creator restoration system for legendary weapons.

    I like that system as well.

    Do you have any preference between Manakete transformation mechanics so far?

  5. 10 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I noticed! I've been making use of that a lot actually.

    Yyyyep. I was wondering what was special about it, given its low might and no effective damage. I was wondering if it was magic damage, but no, it just has a 20% crit rate, and it got lucky with Yumina.

    I imagine they also added a critical rate as otherwise there would be no purpose for the Thunder ballista in enemy hands as its original purpose was slaying other ballisticians.

    Great, glad to see you've been making that use of that. I find it an interesting mechanic, its quite useful for the player, though not so much when Tiki is the Ice Dragon amusingly enough.

    You've saved the Firestones, so don't worry about the Secret Shop.

    Speaking of it, the Secret Shop in the remake only sells one of each dragon type, this hurts playable Manaketes a lot as the training grounds use up Dragonstones very fast. Bantu in particular is basically impossible to use, but Tiki isn't so great either IMO. I prefer FE3 Manaketes where they actually become a different dragon based class with 1-2 breath weapons over only transforming for a single 1 range attack.

    Speaking of Dragonstones, what would you think if Dragonstones, instead of breaking or being unbreakable, could get "exhausted", but would regenerate in a map or two and could be repaired for money as well? I think that'd be the best way to handle Dragonstones and it'd come off as lore accurate.

  6. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Day 22 Bonus: Book 2, Chapter 11

    …Someone please explain to me how “I love you heart three” happened. Did the fan translation originally have her say “I love you <3”, only to realize they could do the actual heart symbol and then forgot to replace the three too?

    …Oh. It was Xane. That… makes it marginally less creepy. Still creepy as fuck that he thought hitting on a teenage boy by using a little girl’s body was an amusing prank instead of FUCKING TERRIFYING. But hey, I guess this demonstrates that he can transform into dragons’ human forms at least, if not their dragon forms.

    Shame I only managed to find one treasure naturally. On the plus side, Merric’s insanely strong now and level 20! What did I miss…?

    Ah, just a couple of stat boosters. Not like there’s much demand for those right now, hahaha!

    I never got why so many ship Tiki and Marth, personally.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Day 22 Bonus: Book 2, Chapter 11

    Alright, we’re finally at the ice dragon castle, and…

    …Why do ice dragons look like burrowing snagrets?


    I’m sorry, I just can’t unsee this! They look like pink long-necked birds poking out of the ground. And given the pile of freshly-dug dirt at the bases of their necks, I’m assuming that yes, they are burrowing underground.

    Ice Dragons are weak to fire, so Bantu and Mages can tear them apart with Fire Breath and the various fire tomes respectively. Fire Dragons are also weak to the lone ice tome. These traits were removed in the remake.

    This is one of the reasons why Bantu isn't bad here along with Starsphere shards and dragon defense.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Oh. Oh I see. You’re going to have to do better than that game, if you want to justify Medeus’s motives. Need I remind you that they lived in terror of these godlike beings for most of their lives, before being terrorized by their insane brethren as they went feral and destroyed their homes, and that the one dragon who made any real effort to help humanity didn’t even do it in dragon form, giving them no idea there was any nuance in this situation at all? How much of this is based on human racism and how much of it is based on a massive tragic miscommunication? And also, need I remind this game that this is based on a THOUSAND FUCKING YEAR GRUDGE? Fuck how humans treated dragons thousands of years ago, I want to know how they treat them NOW.

    Out of game material goes into this more. Humans tend to fear and hate Manaketes, bar the Divine Dragons. The nations of Archanea prevented the Dohr from obtaining resources and foods, in general keeping them in the bad lands and a state of poverty. They didn't enslave them or make them act as second class citizens like say the Beorc to the Laguz(humans reserved that for other humans), though. In general humans were greatly wary of dragons, constantly viewed them as a threat and ensured Manakete would be as deprived and as far away from humanity as possible to prevent another Dolhr uprising.

    Ordwin the founder of Grust was the only hero of the liberation war who tried for peace with Manaketes, though the others didn't agree with them. Grust, in general, had the least hostile with Manaketes and thus worked the most closely with Dolhr out of their allies in the War of Shadows, though there was still plenty of tension even there.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I’m really beginning to question the sanity of the map designers. There aren’t any more enemies in these rooms. I’m just running across a huge map, from room to room, opening them in order and getting the presents inside. Why couldn’t I just get all of this at once?

    This is a map that was improved by the remake which added more enemies including dark mages and filling those empty rooms with dragons.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    When assessing the risk of the ballisticians, I failed to notice their frankly obscene crit rates. Rates that procced. Killing Yumina and costing me one of my healers, the watch staff, and the last use of the rescue staff. Given the psychotically low attack power of this type of ballista, it’s like it was tailor-made to only be dangerous to tier-one healers. And it succeeded.

    Wow its been a while, but I don't remember ever losing a unit to a ballistician, interesting. They must've used the Thunder cannon, right?

    23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Honestly though, Tiki's other stones aren't really needed.

    • You can have two Firestones: one from a Thief in Chapter 8, and another from a dragon that spawns in Chapter 7 near the cave if you got close enough to it. The Fires + Divine is enough for Tiki. Or even just the Divine.
    • Statwise, the Ice Dragon is hardly different from the Fire.
    • Flying would be cool for the massive Move. But the lower Def, Divine having flight already (and anti-everything Dragon breath), and the inability to prematurely shift back to pick something better for combat, makes it not so great.
    • I did buy a Magestone for Tiki, but it wasn't as useful as I'd thought it'd be. The 20 Res stops magic enemies from attacking her altogether, and since she can't double, this makes the Magestone not so great for slaughtering mages.

    Going to disagree on some of those.

    • The Icestone, whilst cool, is significantly weaker then the Firestone. It has less HP and Ice Breath has less might then Fire Breath. But the real danger of it is its weakness to fire, unlike with the ice weakness, fire is everywhere; there are tons of Fire, Elfires and Bolganons in the enemy army that were tear Ice Dragon Tiki, including the low level Mages. Actually I remember Ice Dragons also take extra damage from the Hoistflame(Flamethrower) and Pachyderm(cannon) ballistas, a 20 defense Ice Dragon Tiki was heavily damaged by one in chapter 19 in a play through of mine, actually that was a time a Ballistican was a threat.
    • The Magestone is Tiki's best weapon. It gives her +15 defense, +10 Str, +40 HP, and +20 resistance; the perfect stat combination for a FE3 Dragon. The magic enemies in chapter 20 and beyond will attack Mage Dragon Tiki.

    Do agree that the dragonstone secret shop is kinda of a novelty though. Tiki won't be able to finish most non dragon enemies in general; the majority of foes have just enough HP to survive an attack from her.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    …Everyone else just stops attacking. I mean that makes sense, but… I was really looking forward to the free exp for training Merric!

    I'll do a full response on your progress later, but for now I'll say that the remake altered this chapter really weirdly: All of Ellerean's troops start trying to kill him after he's recruited except the clerics, the game now punishes you for killing the clerics, and weirdest of all Jagen says they've "rescued the clerics kidnapped by Ellerean" if you complete the clerics without killing any. 

    What makes it really weird is that there's no mention anyone elsewhere in the remake about Khadein's clerics being kidnapped and why Ellerean would kidnap them? The original makes so far more sense, I like being able to complete the mission with minimal bloodshed and it makes no sense that Khadein would try to kill their leader instead of standing down. Your opinion on this change?

  8. 1 hour ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Buffing the Armored movement type in some manner that doesn't make it a net liability.  Just giving them higher Def than every other movement type isn't enough if they're going to have so many other weaknesses.  They should either have the highest BST like in Heroes or an additional Class Skill to match Canto, like maybe Jugdral Pavise or a lesser form that only halves damage rather than negating it entirely.

    • I know Vestaria Saga gives Armored units Class Skills that buff nearby allies' Def stats.  Maybe something like that which boosts Def AND Res?

    That's all I can think of for now.

    In Vestaria Saga, it was +3 defense AND resistance for adjacent units, after promotion, it becomes +5 defense and resistance for adjacent units. The defense maps encourage the use of your Armored Knights and turtling.


  9. 21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Holy shit, Lang is nasty. He’s got 19 defense, so clearly he’s been making use of that star shard he’s been carrying, and its FIFTY PERCENT DEFENSE GROWTH BONUS. JESUS CHRIST. IS THE GAME EVEN GOING TO BE HARD AFTER GETTING THIS THING!?

    For reasons, I don't understand the DS remakes lowered all the enemy defense even on Lunatic(barring two major antagonists), so Lang's defense is lowered to a mere 13 on all difficulties, when the General base defense is 15.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    And of course he’s a dirty, cowardly snake in his battle dialogue. Of course. Still think they dropped the ball big time with how early this happened. This guy is no Admiral Greyfield.

    Hey Advance wars reference. Anyone notice the Beast and Hyman/FE bandit similarities.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Ooh! Feena the dancer comes with a rapier! Apparently dancers can use rapiers too! Wait… does that mean it’s a class skill now, and that if I have Xane copy Marth, he’ll be able to use rapiers too? Questions for later. For now, gotta use her and Navarre to take out these thieves as they try to make a break for it!

    Q2: Why can Feena equip the Rapier?

    Comments: In the world of Fire Emblem, Rapiers are used by royalty. The fact that Feena can equip it implies something about her heritage.

    From an interview with Kaga.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I mean, that makes it a pretty cool plot point in hindsight that Gotoh considered defeating Medeus so important that he’d risk this, but then why didn’t Gotoh, I don’t know, task Marth with gathering the shards RIGHT FUCKING AWAY? RIGHT AFTER THE WAR!?

    Good question!

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Okay, the thief getting indignant about being stolen from was a little funny.

    And his death quote just being “Murderer.” was HILARIOUS.

    Gotta love Dahl, a Japanese hack of Fe3 even made him a recurring boss.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    But that post-victory mid-conversation segue into a story of the lore of Naga was… super dumb.

    “They destroyed the whole temple with their vile ways, Prince Marth! This is an unspeakable atrocity! Even Naga would be furious!”

    “You know about Naga? Tell me about him please, Jagen!”

    Okay, so the Fire Emblem and Falchion were apparently originally used by a “giant warrior”. How giant could he be? The sword and shield are perfectly usable by humans, so…

    Anyway, this is interesting. I think I heard something about this, but apparently Naga being female was a retcon, and originally Naga was viewed as distinctly male.

    Wait a second, so there’s a fucking holy book, one which Jagen seems to take for granted that Marth has read like it's common knowledge, and yet Marth still doesn’t know anything about the divine figure described in it? That’s like reading the Bible without knowing who God is!

    This is a good point, I'd wager Marth just isn't religious, but really they just wanted an excuse to exposition.

    You see a tapestry with a depiction of Giant God Naga in the intro if you leave the game on titlescreen long enough.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    This may very well be a map where I have to run from advancing silver sword heroes, which would be terrifying. So I’m not gonna stick around too much to feed kills to the new sharder, Rody, but I will of course take any opportunities I can get.

    Okay, so, I’m very scared right now. Jeorge is guarding the fort I have to seize to win, and I’m worried I may have to fight him because recruiting him requires moon logic or something. And on top of that, the mercenaries are advancing, and I’m gonna have to run away from them. But there’s also the village I’m honor-bound to try to access, but to do that I have to go backwards, wasting time I need to escape, and likely risking getting intercepted by Astram. I may very well have to use yet another rescue charge, and I’ve been told I really want to keep some of those for later.


    I really love how much FE3 keeps the player on the run with stuff like Emperor Hardin and those encroaching Hero units.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    …And just as it occurred to me that I could probably just ask the thread if it’s possible to reach the final level without Sirius, I already restarted. Fuck. Well, that means this run isn’t ironman anymore.

    …I really want to be able to do one of these completely no-reset ironman. But it looks like this isn’t going to be the one. Maybe Genealogy? I could give that a shot.

    …Man, I gotta say, there are few worse feelings while playing Fire Emblem than pussing out of an ironman run. It’s making everything I do after it feel kind of empty, honestly. Hopefully the feeling will pass. I just hope that keeping Sirius alive was worth it for my assessment of the game.

    Don't worry about it.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Anyway, before I move on… you know what strikes me as odd? This is the same map as a chapter that was cut from Book 1. Which begs the question of why it was cut in the first place. They weren’t saving any money by cutting it, were they?

    Space perhaps, I still wonder why they cut Roger as unlike Wrys, Jake, Beck and Darros, his class was still in the game playable, and unlike Gotoh, he didn't wield any enemy exclusive equipment.

    21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Hmmm… this Michalis backstory is pretty interesting. For those who haven’t played, basically he sided with Dolhr in a bid to take over Archanea, but planned to betray Dolhr with Camus later down the line. Not sure exactly if Camus was aware of this plan of his, or if he’d even agree if he was, but the important thing is that he survived because Maria took care of him. Not sure how she managed that when she was in our party for the whole time he would be in the most critical condition (not that I used her, so who knows?), but now he wants to repay her kindness by saving her.

    I’m not sure how I feel about him as a character. This backstory, while interesting, seems a bit rushed, and could have done with some flashbacks. I’ll have to see how FE12 handles it. But that’s a looooong time away. For now, let’s focus on this mission.

    Kaga and the timeline expands a bit: when Macedon was in a famine, Osmond kept waiting for supplies for Archanea rather then taking it by force and when Dolhr invaded, Osmond was expecting reinforcements from Archanea that didn't arrive, whilst Nyna's father was a good dad he was notably incompetent as a King as noted by Camus in BS FE. Finally Michalis murdered him after hearing false rumors of Osmond disinheriting him in favor of Minerva.



  10. 5 hours ago, Seazas said:

    Well they did forget about Draug and Norne's relationship along with never giving Cain and Catria a proper interaction despite the the duos having support bonuses. Shadow Dragon brought forth interesting ideas that were forgotten about unfairly. Marth having a personal arc and being more realistic, Marth not needing to be spoonfed exposition because he says himself that he's the prince of his own country, Draug getting a love interest adding more to his pool of relations, etc. 

    FE12 dropped a lot of things and fucked over/forgot good and established content. Castor's backstory is one out of many.

    Thank god Echoes didn't have to suffer what Archanea had to deal with. Fuck Kris, lousy support hog.

    It bugged me a fair bit that Norne's Heroes depiction only goes on about Kris and more Kris, rather than the far more unique connection she has with Draug.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Except Tiki's problem isn't the degeneration. It's a different issue, in regards to the power she has.

    I'll check, I don't think its stated either way. 

    I'm personally of the opinion its related to degeneration though and Tiki is at more at risk because of her greater power compared to other Manaketes.

    EDIT: Gotoh:
    Because she is still a child. Without the shield, she too will degenerate.. In time, she will turn into a beast and attack humanity. I took pity on her and sent her to sleep. But if the Binding Shield is restored, we will no longer have to worry. The shield will protect Tiki. Marth, I leave Tiki in your hands. Please free her from her destruction. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    I see, thanks for the lore!

    Was I just imagining that thing about why Tiki had to go to sleep?

    Thats correct too, Tiki was incredibly powerful, so much so that it made her more vulnerable to degeneration.

    In general, it seems the more powerful a dragon/manakete is, the more likely they are to degeneration Age seems irrelevant, Gotoh and especially Bantu are both ancient, yet are entirely resistant to degeneration.

  13. 2 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    I was under the impression that it was an age/power thing considering Duma/Mila, powerful dragons starting going crazy around the same time after long lives and Tiki was said to need to be magically put to sleep specifically because she was so powerful, to avoid degeneration. But I could be mis-remembering things. Archanea isn't a world I was that engaged with.

    At any rate, for whatever the reason, dragon degeneration is one of Fire Emblem's most iconic and intriguing lore things.

    Mila and Duma are actually very young by Archanea Dragon standards. 

    Xane indicates the world just couldn't handle the power of dragons anymore and it just happened to all dragons, young and old.

    Many tens of thousands of years ago the dragon tribe lived on this world, and built their own civilisation.
    They were much wiser and stronger than humans.
    But, from nowhere, the day of ruin came.
    First they could not give birth anymore and then they lost their minds, becoming wild beasts that destroyed everything in their path.
    The elders said the dragon tribe was reaching its last days.
    We had no choice, except to abandon our identities as dragons and live on as humans.
    The dragon tribe panicked.
    Those who trusted the elders sealed their dragon form inside stones and assumed human form.
    But there were some who could not abandon their pride as dragons and did not become human.
    In the end they lost their mind and became wild.

    Word from Kaga furthers this. 

    Q: What is the relationship between Loputousu and Narga?

    A: The ancient dragon tribes possessed terrifying power and established a glorious civilisation, but they were currently facing extinction and it seemed impossible to avoid this fate. The Divine Dragon King, Narga, suggested to the other dragon tribes the idea of passing on the new age to the humans. 

    Elibe has similar lore; remember dragons only became Manaketes in that setting as the world could no longer sustain them after the Ending Winter drained the world of its mana.

  14. Just now, Alastor15243 said:

    Forgot her, but isn't she sympathetic in the sense that she's a branded and thus has all of the baggage that implies?I 

    I hadn't thought of that, guess its only just Hilda, Sonia and maybe Kronya then? 

    Oh and FE4's minor female bosses, the only game with multiple minor female bosses.

    Your thoughts on the reluctance of Fire Emblem to depict women as evil and/or unattractive, as well as the phoned in Nuibaba backstory? 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    There's also Peri, and no one on earth will tell me otherwise. She's tragic, but she's also completely beyond anything resembling redemption.

    Game wants you to see her as tragic and a victim of circumstance against her control.

    7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Sonia for sure is a sack of garbage, definitely irredeemable

    Agreed, one of the few irredeemable female villains in FE.

    7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Nuibaba too, who's female at least in Echoes.

    That isn't the case; the Art book gives her a long tragic backstory of how she was a victim who only became evil because her fiancé abused her and tried to murder her, leading to her getting revived and corrupted by an evil spirit.

    Basically its the same deal as Aversa; she's female so she has to be attractive, and because of those two she can't be truly evil and responsible for her actions.

    7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Ashera's also an unfeeling psychopath, even if it's hard to call her evil because her thought process is just so inhumanly alien and not really malicious.

    Exactly its established she's more of a force of nature.

    7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Ashera's also an unfeeling psychopath, even if it's hard to call her evil because her thought process is just so inhumanly alien and not really malicious.

    There's just: Hilda, Sonia, Petrine, and possibly Kronya.

    Thats only four in a series in a sea of characters, especially villains.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If you did, I can't quite remember.

    I just remembered, I didn't show it to you.


    Tsukamoto: Another thing that caught me by surprise this time round was the presence of women in the enemy ranks. I think this was the most refreshing part of the game to me, actually. Till now, any female enemies you saw were usually recruitable units, but women that stay as antagonists throughout is a first.

    Kaga’s comment: I didn’t do that on purpose, I just didn’t like the idea of completely irredeemable women…but I guess no one does (laughs). I didn’t want to make a female character that was completely evil, but then I also wouldn’t be surprised to find that women like Hilda exist in this world. But it feels so overly unpleasant that I don’t really like doing it. Among the enemies in this game, many of whom have their own circumstances and some of whom even have their likeable points, Hilda is the very definition of villainous. She’s like an evil witch; you’d want to kill her if she were your enemy. I like real world history, which is why I base my works on it, but the killing of women is something that doesn’t happen so much even in real life. That’s why I don’t really like to include it.

    This interview is on FE4 which contains the most female enemies in the series.

    Also related, what genuinely evil females can you think of in Fire Emblem?

  17. Just now, Alastor15243 said:

    That would explain why there were so many unarmed sages. But then I wonder why they were sages. If I had to guess, this was before they were comfortable letting the player kill women, and they didn't have a male healer sprite made.

    Have I shown the old interview on female enemies and discussed Fire Emblem's general reluctance to depict women as evil even today?

  18. Just now, Alastor15243 said:

    What kind of thing are we talking about here?

    Its about the game engine.

    It seems while the enemy can hold 4 weapon slots just like player units, its hard to get their AI to use anything but the first weapon slot, this might explain all the Bishops with only healing staves and nothing else. Like Dragonstones, enemies hold staves in their weapon slot. Like if I give Gazzak a hand-axe in his second weapon slot, he won't use it. Same with healing bishops and an attack tome.

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