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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. I feel if they do a sequel, they should just focus on Three Houses, to avoid another roster mess.

    On 2/19/2020 at 5:16 PM, Samurai Navarre said:

    They really ought to make one...*sigh* I feel like this game would've sold better if they had just included Ike. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn characters in general deserved to be in and really should've been.

    I think the problem is that the game excluded so many obvious stables of both Dynasty and FE, ignored Shadow Dragon and just generally felt hollow in comparison to Hyrule Warriors. The Roster was missing so much on every level and the comments by the director almost felt like he was trolling the FE Fandom.

    It didn't help that the game forced in the weapon triangle when the selection of characters was obviously not built for it.

    On 2/21/2020 at 5:20 PM, Samurai Navarre said:

    I don't want Iago no. But Gharnef and Validar look fun. And why not? Didn't Hyrule Warriors give us playable villains?

    Yes, all the named villains are playable and even two giant bosses, they're also a constant present throughout the story and are playable there too.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    What tier list? I saw him C ranked on one, and lower-mid on another.

    Here you go.

    You can see he is in the C+ rank.

    Mekkah also had nice things to say about Xavier.

    23 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    I heard this thing more than once. Why Tanya or Xavier are praised for the brave bow while Selphina is ignored despite having better bow rank and bases than Tanya? 

    Tanya is low and Selphina is higher then her, I just mentioned that if Alastor was already using Tanya, then the Brave Bow Niche is already filled.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Eh, I find movement matters any time you're moving forward. Especially when you're on a schedule. It's actually one of the things that's given me an idea if I ever create a fangame with SRPG studio, something to make low move less of a deal breaker:

    give the player a convoy unit, like Merlinus, except instead of Merlinus being an optional deploy who can't die, this convoy is force-deployed and losing him is a game over. And then have every map have reinforcements come from behind. That would turn every map into a sort of defense chapter where low-move units would still have plenty to do to protect the convoy.

    Believe it or not, Xavier is actually really good on LTC runs and is high tier. The only armored units on Jugdral to rank that high.

    I've heard armored units are better in Vestaria due to similar reasons, though personally I think there needs to be a way to circumvent the movement loss eventually. I liked how in Berwick Saga, the Armored unit automatically got regular infantry movement once he got to a certain level.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I used him, yes, but mostly for his leadership stars. I generally found everyone else in my main army way more useful for actual combat, given that they had better move, didn't have the double-edged sword that is accost, and had way better speed. I already had a good bow fighter in Tanya, also.

    His leadership stars are great. Xavier's generally used for the cramped indoor chapters, where movement matters less. 

    Though you having Tanya is the big thing, I assume you gave her the Brave Bow, in which case she fills Xavier main niche. The big thing about Xavier besides his skills is that he is the only person who comes with a high bow rank and the Brave Bow is one of the best weapons in the game.

    Accost works great with the Brave Bow and Xavier's base stats can 1 round Dark Warlords/Deadlords if he's given a Master/Brave Bow. One video of Xavier in action.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Great to hear from you again! This mean I'll be seeing more of you around here again?

    I still feel it's quite annoying to make your characters lose a fundamental part of what makes them good for the final stretch of the game, but I played around it more this time, so I don't remember it being as big a deal. I mostly just made sure any mounted units I seriously considered for endgame had a good sword rank, and also made sure the brave lance and dragonpike saw plenty of healthy use and weren't hoarded. I did like the effort to balance what is now a much, much bigger advantage than it used to be though, what with the mobility, cantoing, and nigh-guaranteed capture capacity that being on a horse grants.

    I'll try to, yes, and catch up on the Thracia LP.

    I can understand a bit of the intent with FE5 dismount, but on the other hand, I felt that game needed a soldier unit more then any other game. I'll take a look at your party, I wonder if you recruited Xavier? Xavier is a unit that I really changed my mind on as he's surprisingly good.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    The script doesn't really support any indication as to where Nyna got Parthia. But it would be really weird and somewhat petty of her if she did have it the whole time and never gave it to Marth or Hardin before they conquered Archanea. So we can only deduce that if Nyna isn't fickle like that, it must have been in the palace to begin with. Was it hidden and the Doluna troops didn't know about it? Well possibly, nothing in the script says so either way. But I'd question how they could find Gradivus and Mercurius, but not Parthia. Was it more extra hidden than the other two?

    She did hold onto till chapter 6, so its not impossible she had it in her position.

    I imagine Parthia would've been held in a secret compartment or similar, thus explaining why it wasn't found by Dolhr.

    40 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Heimler having it would indeed be terrifying. But he wouldn't have canto due to this being Shadow Dragon and he would be locked to 2 range, meaning he'd be fenced in. 

    Keep in mind, Horseman Heimler would still have two cavaliers with him and it'd be hard to fence him in. Plus I imagine he'd have a sword of some kind in addition to Parthia.

    40 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    It would provide a great challenge, especially considering you'd have almost the entire map to plan where to engage or ambush him and his troops at. 

    Another thing to keep in mind is Heimler's role is to wipe out vulnerable units with fast and powerful attacks, something Partia would be great for.

    On a sidenote, I wish more games had mobile-bosses like Heimler accompanying immobile bosses, it makes things more exciting. I was even considering adding a mini boss with the soldier portrait to various DS chapters.

    40 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    My only concern would be that some players may miss Parthia due to the way Heimler is structured as a boss. Players could seize the throne before he even shows up, or could panic and seize the throne without even engaging him. The chapter would have to be converted to a "Defeat the Enemy Commanders" style. Well, either that or we just chalk it up to earning your super weapons.

    Keep in mind its possible to miss Mercurius and even Gradivus in the DS version of Shadow Dragon if you don't kill Camus. I imagine very few players would skip Heimler, particularly as he opens the door and starts seeking out the player.

  7. The reinforcements in Chapter 17 are uniquely much tougher then any other version. In that chapter, Dolhr sends out a cavalier, Knight and a Horseman from chapter 9 to chapter 50, basically infinite reinforcements. In the other versions, its just a cavalier and a knight for 10 turns, with no horseman.

  8. On 11/26/2019 at 4:55 AM, Jotari said:

    Yes, Volzhin definitely looks the part of a mage. But it does irk me somewhat that Doluna had access to Patria and inexplicably decided not to use it, even though they used the other two so it's absolutely possible.

    Looking at the script, I'm not sure they had Parthia. Either Nyna held onto it the whole time and only gave it as a reward for capturing the palace like the Fire Emblem, or it was hidden somewhere in the Millennium palace that Dolhr didn't find it.

    If they did have it, what do you think of Heimler using it? Would you prefer him as a Horseman or Sniper?

    Speaking of Volzhin, I'm thinking he's a dragon worshipper from Dolhr. I've also said the theory that he's a former Manakete like Gotoh.

  9. 2 hours ago, Pengaius said:

    Ehh, the movement starred bow fighter has a pretty good magic growth, so they make for a decent counter to mages, and chip damage is nice to have around, the other bow fighter ain't great, but still scrolls can make most units viable if used right. 

    From my experience there are much better then Mage killers, but they are perfectly usable.

    Most people seem to prefer the General and Bow Knight leader over the Bow Fighters.

    1 hour ago, UFVKNP said:

    Wow, this blew up while I was gone. I did already know some of this, actually - this playthrough isn't completely blind, but I've never actually seen any gameplay footage. I just know some of the characters and mechanics.

    What I didn't know was how important staves apparently are in this game. I heard this is one of the best games for warp abuse, but all this is very interesting. This information is super helpful.

    There's also a staff that lets the user warp.

  10. Many of the antagonistic archetypes stay villainous, so bad folks gone good didn't really work and would be better as "good folks gone bad." Outside from that, it was funny.

    2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Putting Quan and Sigurd as Corneliuses just feels wrong to me. Like, they're both main characters in their own rights, I'd say they have a much more important spot than to limit them with that label.


    Calf, Leif's grandpa, felt more like the Cornelius type to me, we get a little bit on him but he doesn't live long.

    2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Wasn't Kris a tactician, or wasn't he called Marth's tactician? Besides that, the omission of Mark is odd. He ain't much of a character, but there's more there than most of the Archenea cast.

    No Kris was never a tactician. It was always Malledeus or Jagen.

    2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Some of those additions when he combines the archetypes really feel like they should've just been there to begin with, or also don't make any sense. Starting with the "Bad Folks gone Good", which is just a terrible name that only fits the Camus archetype to an extent

    "Good folks gone bad" fits far better, as almost none of those characters side with the protagonists.

    2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Why the fuck is Finn in the "Cain Siblings Inc." section, that is not where he should be in the slightest.

    Error I'd assume.

    2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Why is Nolan with "Mentors

    Its a slight stretch, but remember he is technically the leader of the Dawn Brigade.

    2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Who the hell is Ralf? This isn't even a criticism I'm just curious.

    The perfect filler unit in Thracia 776, read about him here.

  11. 18 hours ago, UFVKNP said:

    With the advent of the updated translation patch, I'll be making my first run of Thracia 776 soon (I'm coming up on the end of another playthrough of FE4 and I'm gonna start FE5 after that's done), as the title says. Are there any traps I need to look out for, any characters I should use or avoid, stuff like that? I hear FE5 is one of the tougher games in the series and I'd just like a couple basic pointers.

    And, most importantly... should I play with Elite Mode on, or not?

    Thanks in advance.

    Elite mode is good for a first time, but it really depends on how confident you are about your skill to play the game.

    Anyhow advice: 

    1. Don't be afraid to use the Bandit Warrior Jagen character, just don't let him get too many boss kills, but even late in the game, he can always easily take out the small fry.
    2. Do not save up Lances, basically no one can use them indoors and after a certain point, its all indoors. This is especially true of personal lances.
    3. Thieves are really good, but you need to build up their build.
    4. There are scrolls in the game that significantly raise your stat growths, remember to use them, especially for build and people like Dagdar.
    5. There are some events that are easy to miss without a guide.
    6. A Bandit, Bow Fighters in general, a sham sword master, a magic princess, female Wyvern Rider as well as a squad of Lance Knights are hard to use/not recommended as long term units, but they can be useful for specific tasks, especially when they are auto deployed.
    7. One character has to be put to sleep and then captured when they are dismounted to be recruited.
    8. A powerful unit encountered 3/4 of the way through the game is a very difficult recruit, make sure to use the most modern guide. The best way to recruit this unit involves the use of a sleep sword to put his soldiers to sleep.
  12. 7 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I'd rather Shadow Dragon just added a tier 1 Draco Knight and let Pegasus promote to Falcon Knight naturally. It's weird having Pegasus promote to Dracoknight without it being part of some reclass system.

    And Hardin would obviously need to have general as his reclass option.

    I've always thought it'd be really cool if Volzhin was a Sniper or General that actually used Patria against the player. It'd be mildly terrifying, but the fact that it doesn't have 1 range means it would still be manageable to contend with at that point in the game. Fighting Nagi before recruiting her would also be more fun than fighting a generic manakete.

    That'd be cool to see as well. I'd also like to see enemy falcoknights in that case.

    Hardin's reclasses would be General, Horseman and Paladin, the latter being assuming he gets a unique class.

    Enemy Nagi would be great, though given the cutscene, perhaps they wanted to keep her appearance a surprise?

    I think Volzhin is hard to imagine as anything but a spell caster, given his clothing and characterization. However Sniper/Horseman Heimler with Parthia would be interesting and terrifying to see!

  13. Sorry for the lateness, things were busy, but hopefully the length of this post makes up for it.

    So here’s my boss reclass list for Shadow Dragon, which also covers making them more threatening bosses by altering their inventory and in the case of manaketes, their weapons themselves are altered. I’ll cover New Mystery of the Emblem in a separate post.

    Things to note:

    1. Dragonstones are 1-2 range, so Manakete bosses can’t be abused with ranged weapons.
    2. Spears and Tomahawks are introduced into Shadow Dragon as boss exclusive weapons.
    3. A 1-2 Range Bow, called a Hand Ballista is introduced as the bow version of the spear/tomahawk. Later bosses on the harder difficulties use it to add a counter to units like Caeda/Catria.
    4. On H5 Javelins/Hand axes are forged or become Spears/Tomahawks for the late game bosses.
    5. Spears and Tomahawks are introduced into Shadow Dragon. However a 1-2 Range   

    Prologue Boss Gra Captain: Maybe becomes a soldier, but probably stays a cavalier. I think it’d be neat if he reappeared in chapter 14 with Jiol in Gra.

    Boss of Chapter 1 Gazzak: Stays a pirate, but gets a hand axe in exchange for having lower speed on the harder difficulties or alternatively his hard mode stats stay the same if the prologue is included on modes above normal.

    Boss of Chapter 2 Gomer: Stays the same.

    Boss of Chapter 3 Hyman: Stays the same.

    Boss of Chapter 4 Bentheon: Stays a cavalier, but moves and has a generic cavalier on his seize square.

    Boss of Chapter 5 Merach: Stays the same, but gains a Javelin(Forged on H5). I was thinking of making him a fighter, but decided knight fits best.

    Boss of Chapter 6 Emereus: Stays a General, but gains a Javelin/Spear so he can no longer being cheesed. Also since defense is raised to 15.

    Boss of Chapter 6x Bathys: Stays a pirate but gets a hand axe/Tomahawk.

    Boss of Chapter 7 Harmein: Stays a General, but exchanges his Silver Axe for a Silver Bow. On the harder difficulties, his silver lance becomes a spear.

    Boss of Chapter 8 Kannival: Changes extensively into a Myrmidon using his levin sword as a weapon. Has a magic stat, especially on hard. This is based on his FE3 and FE11 incarnation having a levin sword, he can’t use and his build.

    Boss of Chapter 9 Mannu: Stays the same, but Dragonstone are 1-2 range as mentioned before.

    Boss of Chapter 10 Zharov: Reclassed into a Hero unit with a hand axe, it differs him from Harmein and adds more diversity, showing that not all bosses can be cheesed with the Wing Spear.

    Boss of Chapter 11 Khozen: Stays the same, but maybe raise his speed and change the enemies around him.

    Boss of Chapter 12 Volzhin: He is a human from Dolhr, so Sorcerer fits more then Bishop I think based off the TCG and Mystery of the Emblem. In addition to the Bishop change, Volzhin gets a physic stafff on the hard modes.

    Mini Boss of chapter 12 Heimler: Stays the same as Paladin is a good class for a mobile boss built for taking out weak units. Maybe more speed, but thats about it.

    Boss of chapter 12x Dejanira: This might be controversial, but I’d like to see him as a Berserker, given his connection with Dolhr and to showcase the enemies you’ll later face. His dialogue would also be altered to remove the word, “skewer” and replace it with “slay you like rabbits.”

    Boss of Chapter 13: Grigas: I really can’t think of anything to change, he’s great as far as I remember. Though suggestions are welcome.

    Boss of chapter 14 Jiol: Class is the same. On hard difficulties Jiol introduces the concept of a enemy exclusive 1-2 range bow, the MiniBallista the Bow counterpart to the Spear/Tomahawk.

    Mini Boss of Chapter 15 Generic Bishop: Yes, I’m altering a generic boss. Gharnef’s subordinate is now a sage with an Elfire in addition to a swarm tome on the hard difficulties above.

    Chapter 16 Hollstadt: Stays a General. Holsltadt has a mini ballista on difficulties besides normal. On H5, his MiniBallista is forged to have 12 mt, 100 hit, and 20 critical the same as his H5 Killer weapons in the regular game.

    Boss of Chapter 17 Morzas: Still a Manakete, but the reinforcements arrive three at a time and consist of a pirate, cavalier, and Manakete.

    Boss of chapter 17x Dactyl: Another potentially controversial one, Dactyl becomes a Sage with a Thoron tome and a Swarm tome on H5. I think his portrait could pass for a mage and in addition to providing another magic boss, being a sage makes him more of a contrast to Etzel the Sorcerer. Also trivia, Dactyl is a finger bone, hence him stealing Etzel’ls ring.

    Boss of chapter 18 Sternlin: Get this poor guy a spear ASAP so he can’t be boss abused by ranged units anymore. His spear is forged on H5 to have 14 might and 100 might, showing the power of the Sable order.

    Boss of chapter 20 Camus: As one of the most able Knights alive, Camus’s stats are increased; his speed is 25 on H3-H5, his strength and skill maxed up on and his defense raised to 20 on H5.

    Boss of chapter 20X Larissa: Easily the most pathetic boss in the original game, Larissa has been changed extensively. He has been reclassed from General To Horseman and is now a mobile boss, with the chapter being a rout instead of a seize. Larissa is equipped with a silver bow and silver sword on normal, on the hard difficulties he has a miniballista, which is forged to have 14 might and 110 hit on H5. His troops are more diverse as well, the tier 1 units being replaced by Berserkers and Swordmasters.

    Boss of chapter 21 Orridyon: Minerva’s old vassal is reclassed to Warrior, exchanging his javelin for a tomahawk on normal and hard 1. On H2 and above, he has a miniballista instead that is which is forged to have 14 might and 110 hit on H5.

    Boss of Chapter 22 Michalis: Is a mobile boss like the SNES version, with a generic Dracorider guarding the seize square, his speed is 24 on H3-H5, his strength and skilled raised to max on H5. His Javelin becomes a Tomahawk which is forged to have 16 might and 110 hit on H5.

    Boss of chapter 23 Gharnef: Perhaps give him more HP, Mag, skill and a little more res, but outside from that, he’s pretty good already.

    Mini boss of Chapter 23 Generic Bishop: Now a female bishop, on H5, she has Nosferatu and reblow.

    Boss of Chapter 24 Xemcel: Already a very good boss, I might increase his H5 stats, Dragonstone included, to 28 skill, 26 speed and 22 defense to match the Mage Dragon boss in New Mystery, but all in all he’s great. Oh and replace his Pegasus Knight reinforcements with Falcoknights.

    Boss of Chapter 24x Generic Manakete: Now has a Firestone instead of a Magestone and higher stats including 24 speed(Dragonstone included) on H5.

    Boss of Final Chapter Medeus: Nothing else to change outside of his Defense being raised from 25 to his cap of 30 on H5.

    So what does everyone think, any criticism, suggestions or other comments? I’d like to eventually make this as a patch if I figure out how to use nightmare on Mac.

    On 11/8/2019 at 7:34 PM, Topaz Light said:

    Hmmm... Here's what I'd do, personally:

    • Nyna and Maria would both become Troubadour/Valkyrie-line classes. In Nyna's case, it's sort of to combine her final class with her original planned one (Paladin), while for Maria it's just to make her stand out more as a unit after you've already recruited three infantry staff-users.
    • Matthis would become a Wyvern Rider to create a reason to use him as a unit, and because, as a(n unwilling) member of Macedon's military, he's really the only candidate if a tier 1 Wyvern-riding character is to be included.
    • If Cavaliers are getting split up based on weapon types Jugdral/Tellius-style, then Cain becomes a Sword Knight, Abel a Lance Knight, and Frey an Axe Knight.
    • Wolf and Sedgar are demoted to Arch Knights/Nomads/Bow Knights/the tier 1 bow cavalry class in Shadow Dragon.
    • Barst would start as a Pirate in New Mystery.
    • Gonna second the idea of Arlen being a Dark Mage since that does add some additional narrative power.
    • Yuliya and Jubelo (god I still hate that the translated names broke their naming scheme) would trade base classes, with Yuliya becoming a Mage and Jubelo becoming a Curate, to better reflect their personalities.
    • Elice would either become or uniquely promote into a Priestess, as in, the Valentian promotion for female Mages, capable of using swords, tomes, and staves.

    I'd could also see Matthis promoting to wyvern rider.

    Wow a unique promotion for Elice, I'd love to see that.

  14. So I'm planning on doing reclasses for the boss characters of Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem, however it'd also include equipment changes. Should I post it in this thread or make a new topic?

    On 10/30/2019 at 4:11 AM, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Arlen should've been a Dark Mage in New Mystery of the Emblem.  It would fit his character a lot more as somebody on the verge of treading Gharnef's path and looking to redeem himself once some sense gets talked into him.

    Arlen has high defense(a common feature of Shamans) and a close friendship with Etzel the Sorcerer, so that would make a lot of sense. 

    On 10/30/2019 at 1:02 PM, X-Naut said:

    I second Soldier Matthis, but with the reason being Michalis ordered his horse confiscated to spite him further. He and Lena are nobility, after all.

    While he's technically the last Bishop in his game, Boah's weapon ranks scream Sage.

    Palla and Catria promote to Dracoknight while Caeda and Est go Falcoknight. Do away with Whips or let them promote to the opposite branch.

    Thats exactly what I was thinking of, Matthis mentions he was sent to the front lines because Lena ran out on Michalis.

    On 10/30/2019 at 6:51 PM, JimmyBeans said:

    I know people might disagree but I find horseman to fit Hardin better than cav/palladin. Maybe it's just his look and where he is from that makes me think that.

    That makes sense given his Aurelian origin as well as a TearRing saga unit based off of him who is a horseman. I'd prefer it if Hardin got a custom class that had traits of Horseman and Cavalier though, personally. Maybe lose the use of swords, but gain the usage of bows,  the village elder would give a Lance instead of a sword for Hardin at the end of chapter 4 in that case.

  15. Lets face it many characters in the Archanean games have redundant classes with far too many of classes like cavaliers and far too little of classes like Pirates. This was a result of the original developers of the game expecting everyone to ironman and people like Matthis and Tomas being spares if the player lost Abel and Gordin.

    With this in mind, would you reclass anyone based on any thing on the character's personality and gameplay variety, or would you prefer it the same? We know Shadow Dragon reclassed a small selection of Bishops and Mercenaries into Sages and Myrmidons respectively, so this idea would basically be the same thing.

    For everyone's reading pleasure, here are my reclass suggestions. Note classes like soldier and the weapon variants of cavalry/armor are included.

    1. Frey becomes an Axe Cavalier.
    2. Matthis the cavalier becomes a Soldier class unit as he doesn't seem like someone who'd currently be able to afford a horse
    3. Wolf the horseman becomes a bow cavalry that promotes to a lance using Horseman. As the leader of the wolfguard, he should exemplify most of all.
    4. Sedgar the Horseman becomes a bow using Armor. Sedgar seems the strongest of the Wolfguard and General Sedgar is a famous reclass for a reason.
    5. Roshea the cavalier becomes a Soldier. This is based on both his artwork and his tanking stat growths in FE3.
    6. Vyland becomes a Soldier as well. Unsure about this one.
    7. Roger the Armor Knight becomes an Axe Armor Knight.
    8. Midia becomes an Axe Paladin.
    9. Macellan the Armor Knight becomes a Sword Armor Knight.
    10. Samson the Hero becomes a speedy Warrior.
    11. Ymir the Warrior becomes a Berserker. Given Ymir is supposed to be very intimidating due to his size and his origins in Macedon's borderlands, I think Berserker makes more sense for him.
    12. Mystery of the Emblem Barst becomes a pirate to go with his Shadow Dragon ending.
    13. Yubello the mage becomes a Dark Mage to make him stand out a little more.
    14. Dice the Fighter becomes a Pirate. Maybe, I'm unsure given I've already added Barst and Ymir?
    15. Malice the Myrmidon gets restored to her original mercenary status.
    16. Leiden the cavalier becomes a Axe cavalry.
    17. Frost the Bishop becomes a Sorcerer.

    And Caeda, Hardin, Camus/Sirius and Minerva might get unique variants of their classes.

    What does everyone think, do you have canon reclassing ideas of your own to diverge the characters or do you like everyone in the class they start in?

  16. 53 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Yeah, but I mean, how does the game feel different when you use Luke instead of Rody? I'm saying that any story difference is stuff that goes on in the player's head because they barely have any characterization in the game, and thanks to the star shards, after a certain point they don't even play differently. When you can turn everyone into a stat-capped juggernaut, you're not going to get a different experience using one person of a class over another.

    As for the video, I can't find any option for English subtitles, and at any rate I don't think I can really judge the wisdom of this change without playing the game for myself later and seeing how it fits in the context of everything else.

    I find using different classes feels different myself, like using snipers instead of horseman for a run. Using Bantu feels very different to me.

    Its just stats, no talking or text. The topic of DS remake stats can be reserved for later.

    21 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    And then there’s Arden, and… yeah I don’t think he’s spending much time out of the castle. I don't even dislike armor knights. I find them a lot of fun to use in the GBA games, I can put up with their flaws in a few of the games, and I really wish some game aside from “Fire Emblem: the Gacha Hell” would make them truly good units. But holy shit does this fucker just have nothing going for him. I don't even know what to fucking say. Armor knights are at their absolute worst in this game. Seriously, it seems nearly everything about this game is designed to make Arden useless. No doubling, no good 1-2 range even if he could, no mount, 5 move, and he's completely outclassed in the breeding department by a guy who literally has everything he has to offer, does it better, and does it while being on a horse and able to attack twice. It's almost offensive how badly Arden gets shafted, and as I said before, I think the writers knew full well how badly he fared in this gameplay style. Whether that was from the outset or something they added in later when they realized how shafted he was... who can say? There's a hell of a lot of stuff in this game that makes me want a Psychonauts level of the developers' brains.

    There's an interview with Kaga where he says on Arden, as well as Alec and Noish that they were designed to be quickly replaced filler units. 

    Naoise, Alec, and Arden are like ‘transparent’ characters who don’t carry any special bloodlines or outstanding stats, like Cain, Abel, and Draug from the previous games. They weren’t given any backstory either.

    There have been other joke characters too, like Samuto, the Navarre imposter in Mystery of the Emblem.  I do think the lack of enemy action against the player's castle was an oversight/cut for time, even though Arden wasn't intended to be a good unit. For reference, you can never have anyone in your castle and you won't be in any trouble. 

    Its funny how popular Arden became for a character who was designed as such a throwaway filler unit. He also has a unique sprite if you can get him there. As for the range, bad as Arden is as he is in the game, he'd be even worse as a Lance or Axe Armor Knight.

    I'll do a longer reply later.

  17. 1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

    For the former, mostly because, while this mostly applies to Book 2, as you say, everyone is usable thanks to the star shards. But that also means that since everyone caps at 20 and you can probably reach those caps with ease... everyone winds up being the same, just coming down to what utility they have beyond their stats. Their mobility, their range, their weapon access, their personal weapons, etc. And since there's almost no dialogue for minor characters, once you take away statistical differences, there isn't much reason to use an army different from the one I used last time. Where would be the fun in using Luke over Rody, or instance? And at any rate, Merric and Linde are still going to be the big-time MVPs because they're still going to be the only ones capable of one-rounding at 1-2 range without using Gradivus. I can barely even imagine building a unit who would be as useful as those two, because they're literally at the objective pinnacle that it's physically possible for a combat unit to achieve in that game, and I got that without cheats or even dumb luck.

    Universal stat caps is true for alot of early Fire Emblem games.

    Luke is the "Jobless man" remember and the one Cecil doesn't get a support bonus from. Many story bits can be gotten from bios and information released in guides around the time, the only exceptions tend to be stuff like Midia's men. 

    Yubello can be really good if you put time into, because unlike the other mages, he has an extremely high strength growth. Ellerean also has a very high defense growth.

    As for Linde, Resire isn't locked to her, any female magic user can use it.

    By the way, what did you think of the enemy stats of FE3? Replaying the SNES and DS versions, I've noticed the SNES version builds its enemies around defense, whilst the DS version builds its enemies all around speed. Bosses in the DS version will have lower defense, but higher speed and skill, the lower defense compared to the original applies even on lunatic mode!

    I think its a little odd in the later maps where the reluctance to give any enemies or bosses(with only two exceptions), any defense higher then 20(when the cap is 30) starts hurting  the threat of General enemies. Here's a video for reference, you can notice the General boss is way slower then his generics whilst only being a little more defensive. Your thoughts after watching the video?

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