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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. In Path of Radiance, I found Lethe was very good, especially with her gauge letting her transform immediately. Thus I did a strategy to have her immediately equip the demi band when her gauge ran out. Janaff was similar, but he came in a little too late for me.

    Mordecai was helpful to have around, especially for low turn counts combined with his smite.

    4 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    Why wouldn't it ignore everything that took place in FE1 and 3? After all, Awakening takes place 2000 years in Archanea's future, so it makes sense that nothing from that time is relevant anymore.

    Except they ignore stuff that should still be relevant like how Manaketes work, how the Fire Emblem works, what Naga is, the existence of Gotoh and Xane, ETC.

    Anyhow your post is off topic.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    The main issue is that their inability to use conventional weapons shouldn't be a massive weakness like it is for so many of them. Generally the fatal flaw of shifters is that they don't have access to something, like forges or braves or 1-2 range, and that cripples their DPS.

    Either they need to be more versatile (IE more things like the beastrune), or their lack of versatility has to come with the benefit of genuinely being really good at what they do.

    Did you use Bantu or Tiki in FE3 by the way?

    Bantu is really good in FE3.

  3. Just now, mangasdeouf said:

    Didn't play FE3, don't own a Switch so didn't play FE16 either (and I don't want to, since Hogwarts is no Fire Emblem in essence, I don't see the point in playing a Fire Emblem that doesn't advertise like a Fire Emblem). I don't know the references. Thank you for the piece of intel though.

    No problem, want a video or script link of the explanation on Dragonstones and Manaketes?

    For Laguz, I think there should be some way to build up the meter when untransformed even if it reduces transformed stats. As you mentioned, given them more to do in human form would help, staves would be good for some of them too.

  4. 5 minutes ago, mangasdeouf said:

    I think 5 turns transformation is really too much, if you can refill the gauge I find that it's more interesting to have a number of fights, otherwise you just throw your manakete into the ennemy army and they just slaughter everything without help needed. I like the idea of powerful transformations like they did in Tellius games but limited by the gauge so hey don't go in and destroy the whole map before going out. They can take a specific number of ennemies they can fight back on before going back to human form, so you have to play  carefully while still being able to enjoy the shapeshifter experience, in order to have to use your team with some tactics involved, otherwise if it's just a matter of money, you put all of it into repairing the stone and that's it (with Myrrh-style dragonstones, she could really solo the game without any form of tactics if youcould repair her D-stone, 50x easier than Seth since she would trade 2 move for flight, so she could rescue village easily and cross sea and mountains, on top of having better stats everywhere but in HP and taking 0 damage from 95% of the ennemies before capping any defensive stat).

    When you say luck, do you mean the transformation happens randomly? Or just the number of turns depends on luck?

    The Manaketes in FE3 don't just slaughter everything, remember their Dragonstones can break in that game.

    Repairing the Dragonstone would be expensive of course, just as repairing holy weapons in FE4 and FE16 is.

    5 minutes ago, mangasdeouf said:

    When you say luck, do you mean the transformation happens randomly? Or just the number of turns depends on luck?

    The Luck stat determines the length of a Manakete's dragon transformation, the maximum amount of turns is 10.

    5 minutes ago, mangasdeouf said:

    Paying to repair a shapeshifting stone doesn't seem more right story-wise than buying them, it means they're made with something humans can craft or alter (repairing is still an alteration of something since it changes it's state to a better one). It's the same putting power into a jewel and repair the jewel or sell new ones (either way to repair you need some materials with similar properties, might as well craft a new one if we're talking capitalism).

    Dragonstones are made by a dragon sealing their true form and essence into a otherwise ordinary stone.


    Note the Dragon inside. Lorewise Dragonstones can not be made by humans and Manaketes only get their personal dragonstone.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, people cope in different ways, I'd guess. Societies on the Ylissean continent ain't like societies here on Earth.

    Now that sounds like a good idea.

    It definitely would.

    Honestly how Awakening wastes the crusade against the Grimleal by depicting everyone in the religion as an evil dude who never mentions the crusade is my unpopular opinion. As is that the spot pass storyline are terrible, especially Aversa's "I only cared about the Grimleal because I was brainwashed the whole time and I really want the Grimleal dead."

  6. @mangasdeouf

    You left out SNES Era Manaketes. They transform into a dragon based class with 1-2 range breath after using their dragon stone item. The length of their transformation is based on luck, with the minimum length lasting five turns. The Manaketes Emiyu of TearRing Saga are similar, except they also use human classes regularly and their dragonstones rings have infinite durability.

    There's also NES Era Manaketes who have infinite durability dragon stones, but otherwise work like the GBA Manaketes.

    Anyhow I'd prefer old school Manaketes who transform into a dragon based class based on luck.

    However I'd also like Dragonstones to work like legendary weapons in Genealogy of the Holy War and Three Houses in that instead of breaking, Dragonstones get exhausted and you pay to repair them.

    That way, they wouldn't be too OP and it would be accurate to the lore as opposed to the silliness of buying a sealed dragon-form in a stone at a shop.

    1 hour ago, eclipse said:

    The most offensive thing about this is that you've completely left out Best Manakete System.  Namely, the ones that get vastly different bonuses based on the stone they use.  Need to make a mage cry?  Magestone, and laugh as their attacks literally bounce off of you.  Just short of the doubling threshold?  Wyvernstone.  Another dragon getting on your case?  Divinestone.  They're sold in a secret shop that requires Warp to get to, and there's only one of them (except Divinestone - not sold in a shop, but there's two of them).

    Multiple Dragonstones too. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, I did put the word in quotation marks for a reason.

    Anyway, if you want a Watsonian explanation, I'd just chalk it to Aversa being, well, Aversa. She's mostly only doing it to mess up with (male) Robin, so... eh... *shrugs*

    Even with that, it makes no sense as Aversa hates Validar so why would she bring up the most traumatic experience of her life just for a joke.

    Like I said, its just terrible writing.

    Honestly Aversa being brainwashed as dumb to begin with as the writers squandered a chance to humanize the people who worshipped Grima. You'd think she'd have lost her parents to the Ylissean crusade, but no, Ylisse can do no wrong, just as Grimleal can do no right apparently.

  8. On 2/4/2020 at 3:41 PM, Slumber said:

    Also, how are you guys forgetting Aversa?

    She's straight up wearing battle underwear, AND has a crush on her sibling. She might be the most fanservice-y thing in all of Fire Emblem. Even Camilla looks conservative next to her.

    Honestly there was no reason at all for Aversa to call male Robin, Big Brother, aside from fanservice.

    1. Validar never considered her a daughter per her own words.
    2. Aversa always hated him once the magic spell was broken
    3. Robin never knew Validar and was never raised by him
    4. Validar kidnapped her as a teenager and used her as a slave, that isn't adoption in any way especially as  there was never any kind of feelings between any of them.
    5. Aversa never even calls female Robin a sibling nor mentions anything of it, instead they fight over Chrom.
    On 2/4/2020 at 3:55 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

    On the subject of Aversa, is the "adoptive sibling" thing even important when the two of them never met each other until the game's events? Like, really, Robin was taken from Validar as a baby while he only "adopted" Aversa years later. It's only "siblings" by technicality.

    As mentioned above, Validar didn't even adopt her and calling her, his assistant.

    The only reason, Aversa plays the big brother thing in male Robin's supports is for fetish appeal.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Hm? If there were others before now I didn't notice. But that brings up another question: why is light magic tied to religion? Why is every light magic user in the GBA games, even the despicable scumbags, at least superficially affiliated with some kind of generic "goodness and love" deity? If the gods either can't, or don't care to, stop any old scumbag from channeling holy power, why is it tied to the church at all? Either it isn't actually holy in origin, in which case, why is it exclusive to the church, or the gods just let anyone use it, in which case, what the fuck? The only possible exception is I think Riev? I can't remember if he was ever a follower of the gods of Magvel, but he's pretty clearly a priest of Fomortiis by the time the story starts. So will any faith at all do? What's going on here?

    I think churches have a monopoly on Light magic tomes.

    Also Light Magic is powered by faith according to a support from somewhere. Even Riev was once a member of the Church before being excommunicated. Riev and a boss in FE7 who worships Nergal, seems to indicate any faith will do for empowering Light Magic.

    Can I ask who is in your current army?

  10. 12 hours ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    Yeah a boss fight with Khozen would've been awesome. Not only that, but they also had some characters sub in for others too at times and having them quote lines characters from another game said. Would've been better to just use the actual characters instead. I would've loved for Garon and Medeus etc. to be in even if only as bosses.


    And if nothing else, they could've used generic unit models for them.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

    I absolutely hated the fact that they had characters steal lines that originally belong to other characters in History Mode cuz:

    a. They feel forced and unnatural

    b. They often don't fit the character saying them (Lyn stealing Ephraim's line, Lissa stealing Lex's line, Iago stealing Narcian's line, Oboro and Chrom stealing Jill and Haar's line, etc.)

    c. It just makes me want the original characters who said them even more

    Anyone remember they not only excluded Khozen from Knorda Market but used the censored version of Linde’s recruitment and used generic ruffian as the “boss” instead for some inane reason?

  12. 3 hours ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    I've recently started having another issue lately too that I haven't had before. I can't help but think it must be because of Dolphin. When I try to recruit some enemies it doesn't tell me that I got them when Soren gives me the battle report. Yet I later see that I DID get them. And characters have recently started just disappearing from my army after a certain point in the game in later chapters too. In one playthrough Jill did. And then in another Mist did. They didn't die. They were literally just not there anymore. Almost like they pulled a Birthright Kaze on me. Mist ended up returning when I faced The Black Knight though and I got to have her back. The game treated her like a new character when I did though listing her as a new ally I gained in Soren's report. At least she was already a Valkyrie when I got her again though. But her equipment sucked and she didn't have the sword I gave her anymore.

    It might be because you have too many characters, which can happen if you recruit too many mooks(generic units).

    Its always good to have backup saves just in case.

  13. Just now, Samurai Navarre said:

    These are all awesome. Sadly recruiting either of the first two results in a glitch that causes Shinon and Gatrie to not appear in later chapters and thus makes them impossible to obtain again. At least that's what happened to me. You're right about the others though. They're neat.

    Really, they worked fine for me.

    At the very least, you can always go back and recruit them after getting Gatrie and Shinon or vice a versa.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    Upon testing I found that it is indeed possible to recruit him this way. By suspending the save when he's blue I mean.

    And yes please.

    In route chapters, right? I've had no luck with that in defeat boss chapters.

    • Kotaff the boss of chapter 9 has the counter skill.
    • Nedata the sub boss of chapter 9 has very high stats for a brigand, making him a suitable candidate for Berserker which has a cool enemy palette. He also has a fun personality.
    • Kimaarsi has a very neat General palette.
    • Kasatai has very speedy and magic resistant stats for a General along with Wrath. His palette is decent.
    • Gromell has resolve, high magic stat and is famous enough to have a card.
    • Rikard isn't the most notable, but has a funny personality, uses axes and I like his purple highlighted armor.
    • Bertram has daunt and plot importance.
    • Hafedd, the Black Knight's Halberdier friend has a cool personality, awesome palette, Miracle and holds an occult scroll.

    Also recruit a Red dragon Feral one. I recruited the NPC valkyrie with Geoffrey, but she had the same battle model as Mist. Same for Tanith's falcoknight reinforcements.

  15. 1 minute ago, Arthur97 said:

    Gharnef and Validar were shoehorned, but Iago actually seemed to play out the best ironically. 

    And, please, the people would have flamed before the feet comment. Even after they said they were focusing on three games, they still seemed to expect Ike and Roy. Admittedly, they didn't help their situation by adding Lyn and Celica. They did stick their feet in their mouths a lot to add fuel to the fire, but do you honestly think people wouldn't have freaked out if they just said they were focusing on these three games (and actually stuck to it) and that's it?

    I don't mind one or two wizards, but three of them? If Iago was in, then it should've been Camus and Walhart with him. Though then again, given the clones, there was no reason to limit it to one each game.

    Except their reasoning for only doing three games was to "avoid too many swords", then they flooded the roster with swords anyhow including their revolting Marth clone OCs and left out Fire Emblem staples like Armored Knight and Lance Cavalry. So much so that the weapon triangle only gets in the player's way almost all the time as everyone is using a sword anyhow.

    And they didn't focus on Shadow Dragon, that was the thing. It had less then half the roster of any other game, no stage and no role in the story.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    Frederick counts as being an armored character in the game actually.

    No, he is a cavalry unit first and foremost. They even mentioned him when talking about how there will be an armored unit in the game that is playable and stated thats why Frederick uses an axe for the game.

  17. Yeah, the villains were weird and the villains themselves only showed up for one map.

    If Shadow Dragon was a focus game, where the heck is Camus? He's perfect for a Warriors title. I remember an old Japanese fan art of a hypothetical Fire Emblem Warriors showing Ike facing Camus on the battlefield.

    4 hours ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    I can actually understand Roy not being playable. But how could they exclude IKE of all people? Isn't he the most popular Lord? And with the kind of fighting style he has he's perfect for this kind of game.

    On the subject of getting playable villains though keep in mind there are also ones that DON'T suck. Who wouldn't want playable Zelgius/The Black Knight for example? He'd be awesome in an FE Warriors game.

    Note on the Black Knight, he would be an armored character.

    In Fire Emblem Warriors, an entire unit type that has appeared in every other game in the series as playable, is entirely unavailable to the player for no reason other then laziness by the developers. What makes it worse is Koei said an Armored Knight with a lance would be playable and that was the reason, Frederick used an axe.

    4 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    I don't know. I probably wouldn't want to make another one after all the flaming. There were problems, certainly, but, well, this fandom isn't exactly very agreeable at times. 

    When you mention you ignored characters people wanted because of "sexy feet" and "too many swords", you set yourself up for being flamed.

  18. 4 hours ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    Did you suspend the save while he was blue and the only enemy on the map or something?

    I think did that once, but there I just beat him as the final enemy when he was blue and for some reason, the results didn't count him as dead.

    Wanna hear other interesting enemies to recruit?

  19. 1 minute ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    That's awesome. I didn't know some of this was possible. Control Enemy rocks. I love having Greil and The Black Knight on my team. I've always wanted Homasa and Gashilama. I wonder if I can get them somehow.

    I've recruited Seeker from a rout chapter. From what I remember, I had battle animations turned ff and I did the input to turn red units, blue, after my unit had already attacked Seeker.

    I've tried to recruit Gashilama in the past but was unsuccessful, it kept saying I recruited Gashilama but also lost him. Perhaps I should try and see if he shows up on the field during the normal mode cutscene of the chapter 14 intro. I saw someone on youtube with Homasa on their team, I believe, but I've yet to achieve that myself.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Samurai Navarre said:

    Yes please.

    Here you go.

    NOTE: This is for the NA version.


    NPCS controllable(Hit Z on the controller then Left and right on D pad, do it again to make them NPCs again)












    When controllable, the enemies/NPCs can be moved, but they cannot attack or trade. The big thing is when you  beat the map when their circle changes to blue,  they join you as full units.

    https://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-Path-of-Radiance/Update 87/

    This describes recruiting enemies better then me, I think.

    Recruiting Bosses in Rout chapter seems possible, but hard. The control enemy thing can also be done in cutscenes.

  21. 1 minute ago, Gregster101 said:

    You do realize focusing only on just Three Houses would only make the people who wanted Ike, Roy, and characters from every other older FE game even more mad right? You can't just focus on Three Houses

    If the game was called "Fire Emblem: Three Houses Warriors", I think fans would get it it was just what the title promised.

    The problem with Fire Emblem: Warriors is they said it would focus on the series like Hyrule Warriors, then backpedaled and said it would only do Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates to avoid "too many swords." Then they only did essentially just Awakening and Fates for the game, whilst having a roster full of swords anyhow and missing iconic FE staple classes..oh and adding their crappy OCs who were also redundant infantry swordsmen.

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