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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 8 hours ago, eclipse said:

    I never said anything about it being armored as a generic class.  I was thinking infantry.

    Edelgard's has an armor proficiency and Annete isn't bad at it, so I think it could work. If Armor is to be a rank then there needs to be more armored classes, I think.

    8 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Though if I had to do an armored class, it would probably be something that had gauntlets.

    I can see several of the shieldless General designs in FE using gauntlets.

  2. On the subject of Astrid, I find growth units that have paragon are never bad unless they came in extremely late.

    1 hour ago, Francesca said:

    Tauroneo: Actually, what do people even think of RD Tauroneo? Armors are bad in this game too, yes, but I dunno. Either way he was instrumental for me, especially in Blood Contract. 

    Armors are actually considered very good in RD, not as ridiculous as Wyverns, but not a class to overlook.

    I think RD Tauroneo, as opposed to POR Tauroneo, is actually considered very good, let me check a tier list. Yup, he's quite high despite low availability.

    1 hour ago, Francesca said:

    And from Awakening onwards no unit could even be truly shitty so not much point in making this post longer. 

    That isn't exactly correct, Awakening has Donnel and Virion for example.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Kruggov said:

    I'd say Mage Knight (advanced, mounted, +2 Reason/Faith/Riding, can use magic, class skills: Canto, Fiendish Blow, master skill: Seal Magic), Trueblade (master, +3 Sword/Axe/Brawl, class skills: Swordfaire, Fistfaire, Avoid +10, master skill: idk), Baron (master, armored, +3 Axe/Reason/Authority, can use magic, class skills: Axefaire, Black Magic uses x2, Dark Magic uses x2, mastery skill: General), and Archsage (master, +3 Reason/Faith, can use magic, class skills: White Magic Range +1, Black Magic Range +1, Dark Magic Range +1).


    I like it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Druplesnubb said:

    Warriors was made by Koei Tecmo, only Archanea, Awakening and Fates are represented. The exceptions are Lyn and Celica, who were added by mandate from IS.

    It was only Shadow Dragon from Archanea and it was the bare minimum; not even a stage from Shadow Dragon and less then half the cast of FatesWakening.

    As for the mandates from intelligent systems, I wouldn't be surprised if many of those ended up hurting the game. See Navarre being cut from the base roster and turned into DLC to make room for Lyn.

  5. Thinking on it, I'll cover Shadow Dragon and Gaiden.

    Shadow Dragon

    1. Darros: I like pirates.
    2. Roger: What can I say I dig his humor and everyman appeal.
    3. Roshea(Book 1 excluded): To complete the Wolfguard.
    4. Vyland: Gotta complete the Wolfguard.
    5. Wrys: He has his appeal despite being a joke character in the DS character.

    Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

    1. Barons: Barons are not a good class to be, particularly in the 3DS version which added more flaws and exacerbated old flaws, but I still like to use the Baron characters as Baron and even make some of the villagers Barons.
    2. Atlas: Similar to the above, I like to make him a Baron as he gets a unique model in the class.
  6. 21 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    No General. I tend to underuse reclassing.

    Awesome looking, Sheena!

    One thing I'd improve in the DS remakes is the base stats of the pre-promoted units. Like no General should be recruited with a defense below 20.

    I'd turn Sheema's base stats into:

    1. Str 11 - > 19
    2. Skill 12-> 20
    3. Speed 8->14
    4. Luck = the same.
    5. Def 17->26
  7. 13 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    I applaud you. I tried arena + RNG abusing in the remake and still gave up. Is she more useable in the original?

    Along with Bantu, far more usable! Caps are lower in the original as everything but HP stops at 20.

    Her growths are very strong, but her base stats are too low and the movement thing even though its clear the developers expected Sheena to be strong. Still a few arena levels will solve a lot, but don't expect to get a low turn count if you level Sheena as you'll likely have to slow down a bit.


    Her battle sprite is too unique not to use her.

  8. 3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Is it only one type of manakete? Can I choose a weapon for effective damage against them?

    Varies depending on class, but most face either a Fire, Mage, or Ice Dragon and Wyvern.

    You can't choose a weapon, but its possible to get a matchup with a fire equipped magic user against an ice Dragon or a Wind or bow user against a Wyvern. Dismounted classes don't face manaketes, except hunters but only against Wyverns who they have an effectiveness advantage against.

    Also note you can always back out at the beginning of each round and your physical units+plus the next recruit can survive a hit from a manakete(none of whom can double), so its safe for you to use the arena as you can't be killed in one round by a Manakete. From what I remember, 23 damage is the most a manakete in the arena will deal. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I've never played around with the Arena in Fe3, but I do know that it can randomly throw manaketes at you, which I find hilariously unfair (and no, you can't enter the arena with your own manaketes).

    Well now that was revealed, may as well say only certain classes like mounted Paladins and Bishops face manaketes. Also the arena notices support bonuses too.

  10. 1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

    1: Is it possible that it's because he's the only male mage who promotes? Wendell gives the impression he used to be a healer. Maybe they're supposed to be different classes from what Wendell is?



    He isn't the only male mage, the other male mages all promote to the regular Wendell style Bishop, which gets smaller promotion gains then Merric.

    1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

    2: I am really, really torn between showing off the arena and giving my thoughts for completion's sake and avoiding it given how much it usually breaks the game.

    Show it!

  11. 9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Not sure. But I think the reason why they got rid of Jake was because they made his class have 0 move, because they weren't comfortable making a siege class portable I suppose.

    Thats true, even the TearRing Saga Ballistician gets zero movement when it uses a siege weapon. For reference, Ballisticians in the game are normally bow using tanks, but morph into immobile ballistas or catapults when using the special siege weapons.

    9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    I love Manakete wings too.

    9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Wow, I was wondering why Merric had his own custom sage promotion stats. It isn't just stats, he has his own custom sage promotion sprite! Okay, this is awesome. I love it. He looks almost like a GBA sage, just with a staff and a shorter (and less badass) cape.

    Bs_fe02_sage_magic.pngBs_fe03_merric_bishop_magic.png   Bs_fe01_bishop_magic.pngBs_fe03_bishop_magic.png

    Merric's Bishop variant in addition to having higher stats, a unique map sprite and its own class slot, is called Sage in the Debug menu unlike the final game where its a second bishop. The sprites of FE3 Merric Bishop are compared above to FE2 Sage, as well as the FE1 Bishop and regular FE3 Bishop.

    For a comparison, Julian's thief custom appearance is simply related to his character ID rather then having a separate class slot unlike Merric's Bishop.

    9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Oh no. They make it sound like they cut most of the chapters between getting and losing the Starsphere and Lightsphere. Please no. I wanna milk the shit out of this!

    If you are that worried, you get the Starsphere boosted growths when you level in the arena.

  12. So back on the topic of FE3.

    Whilst the Siege weapons in FE4 are likewise unusable by the player, they work perfectly fine when hacked in unlike the FE3 siege weapons. I wonder if the siege weapons not working for the player was a reason Jake was cut or if the siege weapons were decided as enemy only before then?

    I still wonder why the reinforcements in Morzas's chapter were nerfed, were they worried it made the chapter too hard if there were non stop reinforcements for over 40 turns?

  13. Anyone notice there are far less reinforcements in the SNES And DS versions of this map. For a reminder; the NES version had cavalier, Knight and Horseman reinforcements from turn 9-50,  whilst the SNES and DS version just have reinforcements for 10 turns as opposed to 41 and no horseman.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    And now we get the first instance of siege tomes. I could have sworn I checked the bishops for-

    …I did. But not the one next to the boss. FUCK. I HATE NOT HAVING ATTACK RANGE HIGHLIGHTING. Thankfully Castor, in addition to having nutso strength and good speed, has 31 HP.

    So the craziest thing about siege tomes and Ballistas in this game is they only work for enemy units; if a player unit uses a siege tome or ballista they only get a measly one range! It must be something with the game engine!

  14. 13 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Speaking of the dismounting penalty, do you know what happens if you cap a stat, take dismounting penalties, level up in that stat, mount, and dismount again? If Castor has 20 skill, dismounts, levels from 18 skill to 19, mounts, and then dismounts again, would he still have 21 skill, just reduced to 20 for the cap, or when he dismounted would he be right back to 18 skill again?

    Stats can’t go over 20.

    its been a while but horseman Castor getting 20 skill when dismounted, would still be 20 skill when he mounts and him reaching 20 at dismounted state would be remembered the next time he dismounts. Dismounted stats are only permanently lowered upon promotion.

    Like 20 str dismount Cavalier Hardin becomes 18 ste dismount paladin, but once he reaches 20 steps as a dismounted paladin the stat is there to stay.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Yeah, sorry I didn't mention that, that was interesting! It might explain why they were put in place of what had previously been Heimler the paladin and his cavalry in what in FE1 was chapter 12.

    I wonder what role, Soldiers would've had if they were playable?

    I still speculate they would've been a dismounted form for certain characters. In FE3, a character's ID determines what they dismount into; male mounted units dismount to the male infantry class with dismounted paladins getting a unique map sprite and female mounted units dismount to a female infantry class. It could be possible for a unit or class to have a special ID that makes it so they dismount to a soldier?

    Oh and related subject, the enemy Pegasus Knights have male IDs and thus would dismount to male infantry if enemy dismounting was allowed.

    Finally dismounted Castor will face easier arena opponents for a -2 loss to skill and defense.

  16. 3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Mystery of the Emblem Day 13: Book 1, Chapter 13

    WOW GAME, GREAT CHANGE TO MAKE TO THE FORMULA COMPLETELY UNEXPLAINED. Turns out that Xane’s HP doesn’t change when he transforms, current or max. Which means he’s stuck at 18 no matter who he transforms into. This… is a significant damper on his usefulness, to the point where I wonder if there’s even going to be a point to using him. Thankfully this information isn’t enough to get him killed by the hero I left him in range of.

    FE3 Xane is best to transform into Mages/Bishops.

  17. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Shadow Dragon gives such little incentive to get the Falchion, I invariably keep it for infinite Divine Stone Tiki (and then briefly kill her to get the Naga chapter). Gradivus is a good choice for the literal single chapter you have both it and Star Sphere in this game since it doesn't work on Dragon Stones.


    In FE3, Gradivus and Archanea's other Regalia also double exp gains which is unsurprisingly great to have especially with Star Orb's growth boosts and all those late joiners!

  18. 2 hours ago, Eryon said:

    About the Pegasus Knights, it wasn't until T776 that we heard word on pegasi actively avoiding males as riders. And that was really more of a soft retcon to address how they stopped bothering to design male PKs post-Mystery.

    Its also interesting to note T776 has Karin state Pegasi usually avoid male riders, leaving some room for male Pegasus Riders to exist.

    5 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    While he now has 0 AS because he has 6 speed with a 14 weight tome, he now has 10 strength, bringing his attack power up to 24, and 8 resistance, meaning that if Merric, my strongest mage, were to attack him now, he’d be doing a mere 9 damage per hit. 

    Hyman also took a speed hit, I wonder why he and Garnef lost speed?

    5 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    So, one last thought: what exactly does Gotoh do with the Starphere and Lightsphere? Or, as this game reveals slash retcons them to be… Azure and Argent, two of the stones of the fucking Fire Emblem? Obviously he doesn’t crush them into a fine powder and blow them over a book like fairy dust to make the Starlight tome, since, y’know, they’re still fucking there. Ten fucking centuries later might I add. So, then… WHY THE FUCK DOESN’T GOTOH GIVE THEM BACK WHEN HE’S DONE WITH THEM!? THAT INFINITE WEAPON DURABILITY WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO HAVE, GOTOH!

    Alot of the time, I keep the starsphere for Gradivus use and level ups.

  19. 12 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Yes, I figured it would be like no-mount squares in Thracia, given that I couldn't even warp horses on top of them.

    I didn't mention it because I actually hadn't noticed! Interesting, I'll have to be on the lookout for that from now on.

    No problem. From what I remembered, its just Armor Knights, Generals and Wyvern Riders that get palettes, though Camus has one buried unused as does a unused FE1 boss.


    Palettes of the Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 bosses for relevance. Almost like a rainbow of armor.

    I should've mentioned it in the last chapter, but that Silver Lance soldier in chapter 10, replaced Heimler, a mini boss in FE1. Soldiers at this point are used mainly to replace Cavaliers and Paladins from FE1. 

    There's actually strong evidence for Soldiers being intended as playable in this game;

    * They're grouped among the playable classes in the game data.

    * Their idle map sprites load on every map when most unplayable classes and a few playable ones, only load on certain maps.


    * They have a player palette.

    * Unlike other FE games, in FE3, the arena loads specific enemy units depending on the class of the enemy unit, like a General will never face a Barbarian in the arena, but a Hero might. The enemy classes such as pirate will thus get glitched results when they use the arena, however, Soldier is an exception and has a list of opponents loaded just like the player classes.

    This is just a guess of mine, but I think soldier was intended as the dismounted form for certain characters.

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