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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. On 5/19/2019 at 2:27 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

    The return of the generic bosses! This one has a sort of unique weapon, at least in this chapter. There will be plenty more enemies like him in the coming chapters.

    I always figured the generic bosses in book 2 was the developers trying to save time or perhaps memory on portraits, I'd have liked to see them get portraits in New Mystery but alas.

    Anyone find it odd that Dark Mage has two portraits, this one and one thats a recolor of Bishop?

    On 5/19/2019 at 2:27 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

    Oh, and since nobody voted in the poll, I'm going to keep using Abel.

    I'd have voted for Rickard and Sheena/Sheema if I'd been here on time.

  2. 14 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    So I've been playing through awakening again for about the umpteenth time though this time I've really started to truly dig into this story and really try and see what exactly this story is about and after a lot of thought, I think I have my answer. Awakening's story is a story of failure and defiance. It's about being pushed passed the point of failure but being able to pick yourself back up and try again. It's a story about overcoming failure and every single arch in awakening centers around this idea in some way. It's a story about overcoming the past. Learning from the past and those that came before in order to forge a better future. This analysis will be broken up into parts that I'll update periodically over the next couple days so anyway hope you guys enjoy.

    Part 1: Plegia-War

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    The first arch of awakening centers the idea of failing to understand and protect the ideals you wish to cherish and uphold. Emmeryn is everything to Chrom. She is his older sister. His light and guardian. Someone he looks up to and strives to be. She is a kind soul that lives selflessly for her nation and those she cares about. She detests violence and wants nothing but peace. Emmeryn believes that all people desire peace deep down no matter who they are. No one likes war and pointless bloodshed. Violence will only breed more violence. No one wants to be stuck in that endless cycle which is why Emmeryn will almost always opt for a peaceful solution even if she knows it likely will not work. She will not resort to violence because she hates it and knows it will only breed more hate.


    How this relates to Chrom is that he doesn’t understand this. Chrom is a very typical shounen hero. He’s hot headed, reckless, quick to act without thinking, and somewhat irritable.  He sees how selfless and kind his sister is and doesn’t want to see her suffer more than she already has. He doesn’t understand why she opts for the peaceful solution when it so obviously isn’t going to work. If Gangrel wants a war, He says they should give him one. To hell with peace if someone is hurting you, you should put a stop to it. An eye for an eye. If they punch you, you have the right to punch them back. Which in a way mirrors what Gangrels says in chapter five about Chrom’s father and how all this is out of revenge for what he did to plegia. In that sense he’s almost as bad as Gangrel(which is kind of flushed down the toilet due to some outside information). Almost as bad as his father. It is in this way that he fails to understands his sister’s ideals. Hate will only breed more hate. Only kindness and understanding will bring about a true end to this conflict. Chrom fails to understand the ideals he says he strives to protect. This failure to understands wraps the entire continent into a war which he starts. The war that forced Emmeryn to sacrifice herself. It is only after that sacrifice and seeing the impact it has on the plegian army that he begins to truly understand what his sister stood for. He realizes the mistakes and faults in his old ideals which makes him feel unworthy to the ideals of his sister. It was his failure to understand those ideals that lead them down this path. In the aftermath of Emmeryn’s sacrifice, he’s distraught now realizing the consequences of his actions and philosophies. At this moment Chrom has failed. He failed to understand the ideals he himself willed to protect and it’s because of that he failed to save his sister. He failed to overcome the scars of the past left by his father. He failed to change fate. How could someone like that ever be worthy to be exalt. How could he live up to the person he failed to understand. How can he be worthy of her ideals.


    I was powerless once, too, remember? And yes, alone, I don't think either one of us is half the person your sister was. But together...maybe we can be something more. If you fall, I'll be there to pull you back up. When you fight for your sister's ideals, I'll be by your side. You don't have to become your sister, you know. You can still be true to yourself. You just have to give people hope in whatever way you can.”


    “And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? Robin, what if I drag you down with me?”


    “If you aren't worthy, you'll keep at it until you are. And if we both fall down, well, that's what friends are for, isn't it?”


    Well maybe he alone is not worthy of her ideals but he’s not alone he has Lissa, Robin, and everyone else in the shepherds. If he falls, he can count on his comrades to help him back up. That’s what friends are for after all, they’re there to help you even in the darkest of times. When you fail, there are other people you can talk to who can help you. People who care about you and will do whatever they need to so that you can succeed. Everytime you fail just get back up until you succeed.


    The problem is Emmeryn's father is an abandoned plot point that is ultimately vindicated.

    Gangrel later reveals his motivation was entirely unrelated to Emmeryn's father.

    Chrom ends up repeating his father's actions. Not only does he engage in a destructive war against Plegia, taking from its treasury and then leaving the country to fall into chaos rather then help it rebuild, but he also wipes out the Grimleal by the final arc.

    Speaking of the Grimleal, the portrayal of every single one of them as incurably vile, renders Emmeryn message moot. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    Yeah that is probably why I did not like it as much as Corrin makes a terrible general in that game when I did well with Robin. I like Effie though.

    If you wanna make a good general Corrin, give him terrible speed.

    2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I see this and raise you Binding Blade. While its maps may not be as big as Genealogy's, they're big enough that you'd need a mount to get anywhere in a timely fashion. And this is ignoring that the units in the class themselves are rather bad.


    They at least look cool as opposed to "Fat Man Armor", note term taken directly from the english  localization, that trip over their own feet when they attack.

  4. Just now, Quickpawmaud said:

    I never really looked at tier lists much in awakening and their max stat caps were pretty high so I made it work pairing them with flyers and such to get around. I grinded a lot though without grinding flyers and knights seem like they would suck.

    Their max stat caps aren't so high in Awakening. Losing swords to Great Knights and losing good resistance was a dumb decision from Awakening, as was basing pavise around skill.

  5. 2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    At the end of the day, I still subscribe that it was simply something that just happened. It's like a meteor strike. Wait, wrong example. It's like a geomagnetic reversal. Or maybe their planet's magnetic field did shift and that disrupted the dragons' power. For all we know.

    While Binding Blade/Elibe never directly mentions dragons degenerating, it is explicitly mentioned that the ending winter, caused by humans use of their Divine Weapons, forced dragons to become Manaketes to survive.

  6. 3 hours ago, Armchair General said:

    Dude, halving damage would make the game easier than it already is. We already have Barons shrugging off arrows.

    But then again, these skills should be enemy-exclusive.

    Three quarters of the way in both Gaiden/Echoes: SOV almost all enemies in game are magic users. It wouldn't be overpowered at all especially compared to Dread Figthers Apotrope and +5 resistance...

    Enemy Bow users in both Gaiden and SOV are terrible, with their range, they never target Barons anyhow, so that skill was worthless for all except the enemy.


    20 minutes ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    I have only played Shadow Dragon and the 3DS games. Although I have not finished a game yet and only played the first few chapters in Shadow Dragon. Never used knights in Shadow Dragon yet but in Valentia they seem the worst I have seen so far. Possibly because of the fewer class options maybe they have always sucked but because there were more classes they did not stick out as much. I have always liked knights and tanky/defensive playstyles and characters in games.

    Knights/Generals are very good in Shadow Dragon, though of the natural/non reclassed ones, only Draug and Dolph are really any good.

    I'd say Awakening is the worst incarnation of the Armor Knight/General and in general(he), it seems fans agree that Awakening's version of the class has nothing going for it.

    Genealogy of the Holy War's Generals for example look awesome and kick ass in the hands of enemy.

  7. 9 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Pretty much this, though I disagree with that last bit. There's no indication that the world got worse from dragons using their powers. Valentia hits the fan because the environment has grown dependent on Mila and Duma and it suddenly finds itself on withdrawal from dragon magic (plus all the twisted magic that the Duma Faithful's doing). 

    Thats new lore/possible retcons in SOV, similar to Duma's rotting body.

    In the original lore, it was even stated that degeneration was believed by Dragons to be the wrath of the gods against them.

  8. On 5/1/2019 at 1:57 PM, Hare'da-irijon said:

    It's common in FE games for deacons to go insane. However have you ever wandered why it happens?

    What we know about the 'dragon condition':

    • Seems like every dragon eventually goes mad;
    • It's not exclusive to divine dragons, as Anakos goes insane as well (and he was an astral dragon);
    • It's not exclusive to male dragons either. In FE3, Tiki mentiones that she sometimes has an urge to go on a rampage, what can be seen as first simptoms of the condition;
    • Despite his age, Morva from FE8 seems not to be suffering from the illness;
    • Duma did go mad, but Mila and (especially) Naga seem to be completely healthy and sane;
    • There are young dragon around, but they never mention the illness nor seem to suffer from it (exception being probably Tiki, as mentioned before);
    • There is no record of dragons going mad in the previous generations of dragons (for example it is said that they coexisted peacefully with humans on Elibe);
    • Some dragons are aware that they will eventually go mad (Mila, Duma);
    • Dragons can be stopped form going mad by performing certain acts (Azura's song easing Anankos)

    What is happening here? What is the source of dragon madness and why is it so selective?

    Does somebody have any ideas?

    In Archanea, Degeneration has nothing to do with age and more to do with a mysterious change in the world that happened one day. All Dragons young and old degenerated unless they sealed their power and became Manaketes.

    Tiki is mentioned to be in danger of degeneration due to her great power.

    It can be inferred the world could no longer handle dragons at full power.

  9. 1 minute ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    Are they better than in Valentia? I think Valentia knights are probably the worst class but there is not much competition and certain things can make them good enough. Although I did not think they were the worst until this discussion. What is the percentage on movement growth anyway how would that even work?

    I'd say Lukas and Valbar are more useful overall given their contributions early on.

    5% movement growth, though there's random battles and a saving staff.

    Berwick Saga has two Armored units. In Berwick Saga, infantry units have 4 movement, whilst Armored units have 3.


    First there's the bizarre joke character, Derrick who has an interesting story. Derrick has very high base defense, but due to his low growths, in particular defense, he is easily outclassed. He is bottom tier. Nevertheless he does contribute a bit early on. Derrick is an Armor Knight that uses axes and large shields.


    Marcel the guard knight is the more traditional armored character. He uses Swords, Blades and Large Shields. His skill allows him to enter in combat in place of an adjacent unit. Curiously Marcel is technically not an Armored character despite looking and animating exactly like one, though this effects very little as there's only one occasion where Marcel can ever encounter an enemy with a hammer. Marcel has an invisible skill giving him -1 movement until level 14, also making have 3 movement the same as Armored units. Marcel is low mid tier.

  10. 1 minute ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    Well I am new to the forums not sure how strict the rules are. It is on topic for Armored Knights but offtopic for Valentia.

    I don't think anyone would mind that much here as it is relevant in how the game could've improved the class.

    TearRing Saga Armor Knights have 3 movement, where most other units have 4 or 5, which is pretty bad. They use swords like the Armor Sword variant. However the playable Armor Knights do have ways of escaping their low movement.


    Norton, who has very high strength growth promotes to Iron Knight, a mounted Armored class similar to FE8 Great Knight(there is an entirely different class known as Great Knight in FE4, FE5, and FE10.


    Billford is one of the few units to possess a movement growth. Savescumming Billford to have very high movement is a meme in the community.


    There is also a pre promoted General who has uses in Zero growth runs due to his comparatively high base stats. I should mention Generals are swordlocked in TearRing Saga which is kinda annoying, ah well.

    Ballisticians count as Armored units in the game as well.

    Basically TearRing Saga Knights are in no way high tier, but they are usable.


  11. 1 minute ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    I assume it is a much more hardcore game than the newer fire emblems? I have been hesitant to try the older fire emblems as they seem brutally difficult and without any grinding spots to level up. I am fairly bad at video games.

    Eh, not exactly.

    TearRing Saga is pretty easy for example and includes grinding spots in one route.

    Berwick Saga does seem pretty difficult though.

    Wanna hear about the Armored units in TearRing and Berwick Saga?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    Well I will keep an eye on it thanks for telling me.:):

    No problem.

    There's also TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga, which you can look into later as well. Though the Armor Knights, there, while usable, aren't great.

    They do say in Episode 1 of Vestaria Saga, Armor Knights lose some relevance in the final bit as aside from Defense their stat caps are average, but stat caps are far from everything in Vestaria, with performance throughout the whole game and skills mattering more. Armor Knight has great stat caps in the Gaiden game as well, where they & their pre promotion can use swords or axes in addition to Spears and Javelins(separate weapon type in VS).

  13. Just now, Quickpawmaud said:

    It says 2019 do you know the release date? Or has it just not been announced yet?

    It and its Gaiden game are already out in Japan, they're still working on the english translation. Right now, the translation is done but they're working on getting it all within the game engine itself.


    This is the Armor Knight from the first main episode, Prody. He gets the Good Neighbor skill improving Def and resistance of nearby units. Prody is Rank A on Japanese tier lists, the only higher rank, S, is reserved for the top three.


    You technically have a choice of two, with Bonacel being the other. He's very hard to kill with traditional pavise and Wrath, tier lists rank him B.


  14. 22 minutes ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    It just seems like generals will always be a niche class that is only good in certain areas. They better give generals something in 3 houses.

    Vestaria Saga by the creator of Fire Emblem gained made it so the playable Armor Knights(who promoted from Soldier, by the way) had a skill so adjacent units gained defense and resistance when they were next to the Armored unit. It worked very well and the Armor Knight characters are in high tier, though not the very, very top.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Quickpawmaud said:

    I could see them being much better with the 5 movement. Have yet to get the rare weapons so not sure about those.

    The ring didn't give them 5 movement so much as turn their 4 movement into 7 movement.

    Its interesting to note that in the NES and SNES version of Shadow Dragon, just like in Gaiden, Generals and knights had the same movement, unlike the other advanced classes. The DS version made it so Armor Knight gained +1 movement upon promotion just like in all later games, significantly improving the class.

    The Soldier line never gaining movement to the point that Baron is 3 movement behind Dread Fighter is a major of failing Echoes: SOV, I feel. Given them a useful skill like the original pavise would've helped a lot too, especially as the remake added the ridiculous Apotrope skill to the class.

    EDIT: My mistake, make that 9 movement.

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