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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Does it? I guess it's a matter of perspective. Knowing a character is evil tends to make someone look evil at times.

    Given how in-game, it's more likely that the bow knights coming in is what kills the Silesian knights, it stands to reason that it was less Pamela and more Andorey.

    Agreed. They did handle a much wider cast. Credit given where it is due. 

    At the very least Pamela played a part in Mahnya's death.

    Funny thing I've heard is that its rare, but possible for Mahnya to kill Pamela, in which case her leaderless troops will start attacking the yellow units and Andorey will have a conversation with Pamela's ghost.

    1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:


    In total, there are 63 male enemies, and 32 female enemies.

    The only way you can have more female enemies appear is by reinforcement triggering, becase only the female bosses (Deetvar, Pamela, and Lamia) do this in the chapter.

    Female enemies are so rare in Fire Emblem, even numbers like that feel much closer to gender equality.

    Kudos for telling me the unit count.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Just spreading the word for all who are interested! Whether you find this gives you more grounds to call Kaga a blight or a blessing, that is irrelevant to me. I just found it fascinating and hope it contributes to FE discussion.

    I appreciate that Kaga tried to have incredibly evil female villains as well as enemy female soldiers despite not personally enjoying creating them.

    10 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Hilda looks aged, but not really old. And I wouldn't even say evil looking either. Though this may be due to tech limitations.

    The Silesia enemies were female, but ultimately it was the male enemies that backed them up that was the true threat. I mean, the one that likely kills Erinys's sister is Andorey and his bow knights.

    Her expression looks pretty evil, I'd say.

    Ingame, Both Pamela, Andorey, and Daccar are credited with killing Mahnya. In game, it can be Pamela or Andorey. Pamela even taunts Erinys and Lewyn about killing Mahnya. Similarly Deetvar says she'll decapitate Erinys and take her head as a trophy, whilst Lamia is one of the few characters to call themselves evil.

    So I'd say FE4 was pretty good.

    12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Actually, even there the majority are still male. Only the pegasus knights and Lamia's squad are female.

    Outside of a scant few Wind Mages, Bishops, and Donovan's fighters, those were all the enemies in the chapter though. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I don't think even back then, they made female characters have ugly mugs. Even Hilda doesn't look ugly. 


    She does look old and evil though, while she isn't super ugly as say Gerrard.

    23 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    This could be more due to how it's highly unlikely for a woman to be able to hold onto power without some man backing them up in those time periods. A woman leading a group of bandits? That's only if the woman is so scary or so ruthless or so strong that the other men cannot hope to oppose her, which doesn't seem very likely. But the men would ultimately hate being pushed around by a woman and would likely try to overthrow them. 

    And even if they do make a female character like that, they would try to make them special or something, really drive home that they are girls, hence why they make female villains always seem presentable, and even potentially sexy. 

    It depends on the nation. Like Altea is implied to be patriarchal, on the other hand, Macedon has a strong female military presence, so it makes sense for there to be some enemy female soldiers or even bandits.

    I liked how in FE4, the majority of enemies in Silesia were female.

    3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Interesting. Then again, is it that surprising? Kaga is not the only one that designed the characters. Others had too. Meaning that others could very well have shared similar designs that had remained at IS. So I wouldn't say that Sonia is a Kaga original just cause there are things that note that it exists there. It's basically the chicken or the egg.


    Though it might've been they were both based off Sonia, though both were slightly younger then the Sonia of generation 2, looking more like Lamia(who I'm sure was Hilda at one point).

  4. 6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    In the end, even Kaga is not able to avoid this. And though he made Hilda, we have others that are like her post Kaga as well, such as Sonia. And before others mention how FE7 and TRS connection, Karla was given sympathetic story. Sonia had none. She was evil to her core.

    Funfact, a Sonia  lookalike boss was one of the many cut character from TearRing Saga.

    In the regular game, there was a slaver NPC who was an old woman similar to Mystery of the Emblem. Just like in Mystery, she wasn't fightable though.

    9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    From an old (1996) but very recently translated interview about Genealogy you can find here (SF has a topic for it in the NES/SNES section):

    Tsukamoto: Another thing that caught me by surprise this time round was the presence of women in the enemy ranks. I think this was the most refreshing part of the game to me, actually. Till now, any female enemies you saw were usually recruitable units, but women that stay as antagonists throughout is a first.

    Kaga’s comment: I didn’t do that on purpose, I just didn’t like the idea of completely irredeemable women…but I guess no one does (laughs). I didn’t want to make a female character that was completely evil, but then I also wouldn’t be surprised to find that women like Hilda exist in this world. But it feels so overly unpleasant that I don’t really like doing it. Among the enemies in this game, many of whom have their own circumstances and some of whom even have their likeable points, Hilda is the very definition of villainous. She’s like an evil witch; you’d want to kill her if she were your enemy. I like real world history, which is why I base my works on it, but the killing of women is something that doesn’t happen so much even in real life. That’s why I don’t really like to include it.


    Personally, I'm open to more female enemies of any kind.

    That interview was very helpful, thank you for enlightening me about it.

    I guess the current people at Intelligent Systems feel that way even more then Kaga.

  5. 27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    . . .you have half an hour to do more with that first post, or this topic will be locked.

    My wi-fi glitched and I lost my opening paragraph when trying to  a minor edit of the post.

    Is there any way I can retrieve the past version of the post? 

    EDIT: I retyped the whole thing.

  6. Portrait_pamela_fe04.pngPortrait_mabel_fe04.pngPortrait_banba_fe04.pngPortrait_lamia_fe04.png

    So outside of Genealogy of the Holy War, which had a lot of throwaway recolored female bosses pictured above, its noticeable minor enemy bosses like Batta and Gromell are always male.

    And before anyone states Clarisse or Pheros, those characters are not minor bosses with no story importance like Lumel or Campari are. I'm talking about bosses that just walk into a map and die with no fanfare. 


    This is speculation but it is quite possible the lack of minor enemy female commanders could be due to the developers not wanting to design female characters with the ugly/evil look that minor bosses have.

    Similarly outside of the aforementioned Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, and Tear Ring Saga which occasionally sprinkled female generics among the otherwise male enemy forces, generic enemy units are almost always male outside of female exclusive classes like Pegasus Knight or Troubadour. We know lore wise, nations like Macedon, Grado, Plegia, Bern ETC have female soldiers and commanders from the recruitable characters those locations, but the rank and file enemy grunts and lowranking commanders are always male. Several games like New Mystery of the Emblem even punish the player for attacking female generics the rare times they appear.

    This is again another guess, but I speculate that the developers avoid female generics to avoid making the player feel bad.

    I''m asking everyone what do you think the reason for this is and would you like this to change?

    *My original version of this post was deleted when my browser glitched so I had to retype the whole thing.*

  7. 2 hours ago, Lyon's Dirge said:

    Can I have the code? Do you know how I'd use it if I play Path of Radiance through USB Loader GX?

    Just use an action replay command, there should be an awesome on your emulator, especially if its for PC?

    Sure, any particular chapter you want?


    next chapter is 10





    next chapter is 13




    Chapter 14(Haven't tested)





  8. 2 hours ago, Lyon's Dirge said:

    Do you have any information on how to begin hex editing Path of Radiance?

    Sadly no, I do have a code to go back to previous chapters, which can help you re-recruit  some dead characters. If you do the teleport trick, dead characters will be back. Like if Devdan dies in chapter 21, you go back to chapter 16 the enemy Devdan is alive and well, when you recruit me, you get a brand new Devdan.

  9. To begin with, many Armored units.

    Here's some I may expand later.

    Path of Radiance:

    * Bastian: Comes in too late and uses knives, but the dude is really cool.

    * Largo: A worse Boyd who comes in far too late, but I love his personality. 

    *Devdan: Funny and unique character, but average pre promote.

    * Tauroneo: Awesome story and some of the best boss quotes in the series, but low base stats for a pre promote and his durability means he can't make use of resolve easily.

    Shadow Dragon:

    * Darros: No Speed, too low skill, and his defense isn't high enough to make him worth it, but come in he's our only pirate and I like his deal of wanting to turn around his criminal lifestyle.

    * Roshea: His speed really stinks, but I love the wolfguard.

    * Roger: Unlike New Mystery, his speed is too low, he has little defense, but his whole recruitment makes him too funny not to use.

    Sacred Stones:

    * Dozla: Happy and hearty man, but one of the worst pre promotes in the game.

    *  Ewan and Amelia: Both these trainees come too weak and have too low growths to be really worth the effort, their super trainee forms aren't so good, but its so satisfying to reach.

  10. 19 hours ago, Jotari said:

    It also turned shooters from a bizzare low movement class with little use to long range artillery which is cool as all hell (and pretty useful too).

    They combined the FE1 and FE3 shooters into one awesome class.

    Grigas is still easily one of my favorite bosses in the  series, I love how you have to rush forward.

    18 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I call bullshit. I don't see what's so "balanced" about magic classes having Donnel-tier bases. Myrmidons and Swordmasters were borderline pointless, too, more so in SD. There's also the part where Manaketes' stones lost durability every time they were in combat, even if they couldn't counterattack.

    Thats false, mages and curates rock. Merric and Lena are top tier.

    Myrmidons are great as well, especially Navarre.

    Note there is nothing as bad as the Echoes: Shadows of Valentia's armor line.

  11. 10 hours ago, Dayni said:

    Draug: Cavalier -> Dracoknight

    Apparently Draug on a mount with a lance breaks Shadow Dragon.

    There is a Japanese code to make this happen, however I lack the knowledge and resources to convert it to a US region. 

    Anyone interested in helping, I can give the code to convert?

    Video to help convert HEX codes, I think its only for Windows emulators though. So someone with a windows would need to do it.

    The code if anyone wants it.


    0204ACE4 E59A0040
    E2000080 00000030
    E59FC020 E59CC000
    E28CC07C E59F0018
    E3A02050 E0000092
    E080000C E58A0040
    E59A0040 EA012B0F
    02198444 00000xxx
    94000130 FDFF0000
    0204ACE4 EAFED4E5
    D0000000 00000000 

    For Hardin, the XXX would be 013


  12. Just now, ArgentSable said:

    Why is it dumb? IS chose to expand upon Ike's story as they saw fit. It's their IP after all.

    That doesn't mean the team who did Awakening did Tellius. Look at all the mistakes they made with Archanea for one.

    And yeah, Ike traveling to Archanea with Ragnell for some reason, then having a kid with some random girl is bad fanfiction tier.

  13. 1 hour ago, ArgentSable said:

     Cipher explains further upon his story, and even shows him wielding Ragnell whilst covered in blue flames, while stating that a Legendary Hero with the very blade he carried traveled to the world they inhabit (Archanaea) and traveled to grow stronger.

    That idea is so freaking dumb that its little wonder why Priam isn't a popular character anywhere.

  14. 7 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Yeah, my bad, you were specifically referring to female ones.

    Thats not to say they couldn't make a female brigand or pirate, I honestly think it'd be really cool if they did.

    7 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Hm, that could work. Actually, Baron could also work a third class tier promotion (is that what you call that? You know, promoting a promoted unit into a higher promoted class?).


    With Jamke it could definitely work; he was originally intended to be a fighter anyways, right? 

    In Brigid's case, I think it can only work if she does start off as a promoted Warrior, for the purpose of using Yewfelle. She does appear as a prepromote in the game anyways so its possible.

    Thats how it was in FE4 binary, Hannibal is still general so he promotes from that to Baron. It really helps him a a unit.

    Jamke was indeed a fighter initially, before becoming a bow fighter. I really like him being a hunter who can become a Warrior or Sniper.

    The FE5 Blume patch added female warrior, which used new map sprites, as an alternate promotion for Tanya, female units like her and Echidna already have the build of Warriors already.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Gradivus. said:

    C19 2/87 turns

    No sellings or expenditures.

    Cash remaining: 22202G.

    Mfw I only kill 4 enemies and 3 of them have faces.

    Elice        Swordmaster    12/8.64 35   5  18  24  28  17  10   5 C Swd         4 Dusts, 1 Wing
    Xavier       Dracoknight   19/17.09 57  25   1  26  23  21  26   5 A Lnc C Axe   1 Shield
    Ymir         Horseman      18/11.48 48  24   1  18  30  10  16   3 D Swd A Bow   2 Wings, 3 Scrolls
    Radd         Swordmaster   xx/11.35 44  21   1  22  28  12  11   4 A Swd         1 Drop
    Samson       Dracoknight    14/9.55 42  22   1  16  20  19  20   3 D Lnc A Axe   -
    Midia        Paladin       xx/14.57 33  20   1  22  22   8  14   8 C Swd A Lnc   2 Drops, 1 Wing
    Palla        Dracoknight    xx/5.62 37  22   1  23  20  12  18   4 B Lnc B Axe   -
    Lena         Sage           18/6.72 30   3  14  10  13  16   8  17 D Mgc A Stf   -
    Yumina       Bishop         xx/1.25 28   1   8   8  16  16   7  12 D Mgc B Stf   -
    Linde        Sage           xx/5.00 32   3  12  19  20  21   4   8 B Mgc C Stf   -
    Ogma         Hero           xx/1.50 44  17   1  22  21  12  13   3 B Swd B Axe   -
    Roger        Dracoknight    xx/7.91 35  18   1  13  18  11  17   4 B Lnc E Axe   -
    Frey         Cavalier         15.47 32  14   0  13  15  10  13   0 D Swd C Lnc   -
    Elrean       Mage             13.37 31   1  11   8  11   3   8   3 C Mgc         -
    Shiida       Cavalier          5.00 25   9   0   9  20  18  11   1 E Swd B Lnc   -
    Feena        Dancer           15.99 25  11   0  14  25  18   8   1 D Swd         -
    Xane         Chameleon        13.39 27  lol Xane
    Horace       DEAD
    Dolph        DEAD
    Roshea       DEAD

    You know it always bugged that Nehring is still a general in FE12, when non Hardin, Gharnef, or Medeus bosses never have defense above 20 for some reason. 

    Imagine how difficult he'd be if he was say a Warrior instead?

  16. 1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Are you trying to kid me? I have issues with some design choices FEW made, but the weapon triangle isn't one of them. On the other hand, I just cannot think of any good reason why the WT needed to exist in SD since the lance abundance leaves sword units at a huge disadvantage. Not gonna say anything about New Mystery, though I believe the enemy lineup was more balanced weapons wise.

    Fire Emblem warriors literally only has one single Lance moveset, that is easily worse then Shadow Dragon and thats all I'm gonna say.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Critical Sniper said:

    I wouldn't call the 4 mov of other units good and plus you could use the movement ring for someone with already better move like Alm, to have him obliterate everything faster.

    They did get the nerf of not being able to use the devil sword without penalties.

    In general all classes have higher growths.

    They get some ups and downs but they aren't bad. 

    Only Baron had 4 move, as well as sage which preferred magic rings anyhow. Every other class had 7 or more move.

    Alm had Falchion or one of the OP swords.

    Not Baron, Valbar's stat growths are even lower.

    Barons are terrible in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and have no advantages. 

    I love Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and I love its designs for Barons, but mechanically Baron is terrible in the game. The DS Remakes actually did a better job balancing classes.

    3 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I would sooner mention Shadow Dragon integrating the weapon triangle in a game that clearly wasn't designed with it in mind.

    Better then Fire Emblem Warriors, that implementation of the weapon triangle was a disaster.

    3 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Or how axe infantry get the short straw almost Every. Single. Damn. Game.

    I don't wanna hijack this topic, but again we've discussed that really isn't the case, particularly in games like FE5, POR, RD, the DS remakes, the TearRing Saga games, ETC. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Critical Sniper said:

    Ah yeah but overall those nerf all the other units too as well though. Like infinite warp for no other unit exists either and nobody can get a movement giving ring (well there is it actually increases mov by 1 and speed by 10 iirc)

    Those skills were tailor made for Armored units though. In any run, you'd always give a Baron, the movement ring, whilst the other classes with good movement got the powerful weapons.

    Dread Fighters are far much more powerful then they already were with their halve all magic skill.

    Bow classes now have good skill growth(class), improving the growth rates of all archers.

    So really only Barons are worse off.

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