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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 1 hour ago, Djing said:

    The poll answers seem loaded to me. I want to say yes, but the yes responses say that we NEED to have female enemies in Fire Emblem, which we really don't.

    True, I feel I could've spent more time on the poll choice descriptions, but I was focusing more on the opening post.

    I was also thinking of adding another poll question asking why do you think female enemies are rare, though the roundtable interview answered my question.

  2. 2 hours ago, Fenreir said:

    - Tiki, due to Manaketes being utterly broken. she can fly too;

    Are you sure about that, Male and female Manaketes function the same in FE1.

    Outside from that Jeorge should be a little higher, he's probably the best bow unit in the game.

    Wolf and Sedgar should also be higher then Beck, they come from free, have good movement as the only Horsemen in the game, and have an easily accessed weapon type. 

  3. 1 minute ago, KMT4ever said:

    Alternatively, an Advance Wars-style strategy game where you control the big armies of mooks we never actually see in the background of the games' main storylines. We could lead the Frelian army against Grado or the forces of the Laguz Alliance against Begnion while Ephraim/Ike do their stuff.

    That could be a very fun multiplayer experience.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I did specify the NES game you cheater. But yeah, my point is that ambiguous designs are more than possible for most classes and I think that's the way they should go unless they want to personalize all generics.

    The NES sprite for male mages is the same, just less colorful. A toga covered by a cape and pointy hat.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Swift Saturn said:

    Hmm.. actually kinda unfortunate. I liked weapons not having weight for a change. Sometimes you just want strict upgrades to weapons.

    I'm actually considering doing a fan patch that removes weight, except for breath obviously.

    6 minutes ago, Swift Saturn said:

    Also on another note, because I'm too lazy to search for it, can anyone provide me with the link to the latest English patch file?

    Here's the official page.

    I can also attach my translated rom to a post if your emulator uses SMC files?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Yeah, I'm saying they should just make ambiguous designs for the faceless characters.

    It's a pretty light outfit, but do you think it looks inherently feminine or masculine? Would you be surprised if that unit was revealed to be female? I know Linde gets her own sprite (as player and boss characters should), but a cloaked figure wearing robes and a hood could be any gender.

    They could, but they haven't done so and for many lightly armored classes it wouldn't be easy.

    You can see much of the body in that outfit, only the head is covered with a pointy hat.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Swift Saturn said:

    Can't double with Javs? That's wack, that's also really nice to know.

    Their weight is 20.

    Dragon breath is also 20, but unlike javelins, Breath ignores the defense of all non dragon units.

    Speaking of dragons, Manaketes function like the Laguz of POR and RD. When a dragon stone is used, the manakete turns into a dragon based class for a certain number of turns, determined by luck. Enemy Manaketes get to stay in Dragon form indefinitely though.

  8. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    They don't have a tonne of female enemies either though. Isn't that precisely what were talking about? What we think they should do?

    Myrmidon I can agree with since they're designed to be light armour units. But Mages, not really. Look at the FE1 mage sprite.

    They don't design male and female armor the same in the series, most of the time, the female uniform is drastically different from the uniform worn by male members of the same class.

    2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Myrmidon I can agree with since they're designed to be light armour units. But Mages, not really. Look at the FE1 mage sprite.


    I have, its a pretty light outfit as you can see here.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    There can be if you choose to draw them that way. But making faceless gender ambiguous soldiers is more than possible too.

    They don't do that though.

    And again, while it makes some sense for some classes like Knight to be genderly ambiguous(real armor isn't made to distinguish between gender), others like myrmidon and mage should make the unit's appearance clear.

  10. Spoiler



    1. Bahadur the Warrior Captain of Verdane from Chapter 1.

    Gender: Male
    Class: Warrior
    Allegiance: Verdane

    Bio: A longtime commander of Verdane in his 40s and close confidant of Kinbois who has seen his fair sure of victories, Bahadur is proud to be one of the few remaining warriors in the nation(really he is the only Warrior other then the Princes in Verdane's army). He has looked after the Princes of Verdane for 17 years and helped teach Kinbois and Gandolf how to fight(hence them being the only other warriors in Verdane).

    Bahadur was proud of his skill as a tactician and had written several books. Eager to improve Verdane was more then just the barbarians, Grannevale dismissed of them, Bahadur approved of the war against Grannevale, he gave Gandolf the idea to marry into royalty by capturing a Grannevalian noblewoman. Though Gandolf ignored Bahadur's advice about acting gentlemanly and pulling a good cop/bad cop routine to get her to fall into stockholm syndrome.

    Bahadur was not happy when he learned of Kinbois capturing Prince Shanan of Isaach to blackmail Ayra into fighting for them, as he hoped Verdane and Isaach could join together to take out Grannevale. Nevertheless he followed his liege's orders, while doing all he could to make sure Shannan's captivity was as comfortable as possible. During the defense of his master's castle, Bahadur put up a good fight, but was ultimately slain by Sigurd, the warrior's life ending at age 46.

  11. On 2/19/2019 at 8:52 PM, Jotari said:

    Thinking on this sone more, I'm actually okay with their being little to no female generics. I mean if you think about it, these are generics. The whole point of them is that they don't have an identity. When I look at them I should be able to imagine they're any kind of individual. It'd be like saying we need more blond hair generics. I'm not under the impression the enemy is fielding an army of clones that look identical. 5-10% of them could well be female. I think the best route to go would be to make the generics more generic looking like in the old days as someone pointed out. Or just have like a helmet covering their face. Either that or go crazy and give a unique artwork to every enemy in the game. Wouldn't actually be impossible if it used a similar method to making the avatar and just randomised features.


    Gonna to disagree there, even in full uniform there are obvious differences between male and female soldiers in FE.



    See the female soldier artwork here, they drew female generics they just didn't use them.

  12. 9 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    Not all the time, there are enemy valkyries, and maids. I was referring to the modern games

    Maids and Strategists were designed as female first, so keep that in mind. Its part of the female only class deal.

    Whats also interesting is Awakening had artwork for generic classes of both genders, outside of gender exclusive classes, yet only the male ones  got used in most cases.

    14 hours ago, toxic1 said:

    Is something amazing supposed to happen if there were generic more female mooks?


    You're also missing the indifference choice.

    I feel it adds more personality and flavor to the enemy, personally.

    I'm noting your post here.

  13. 2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    I thought female bosses/ enemies are rarely used because of how fragile they are. Most enemy pegasus knight tend to die in one hit, and applies to staff units too. 

    Then why does FE have male staff units as enemies all the time?

    2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    I thought female bosses/ enemies are rarely used because of how fragile they are. Most enemy pegasus knight tend to die in one hit, and applies to staff units too. Also making another portrait for unisex classes feels like a lot of effort for little gain. 


    Most generic class portraits are extremely ambiguous and indeed all these portraits above are used for female generics in FE4.

  14. On 2/14/2019 at 10:17 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I don't mean to rag on 3H, I'll wait until the game is released before I form any opinions on the game, but there is one, just one, little, itty bitty thing I want to get out of my system.


    Tiki and Nagi/a were fine, Nowi and canon Nah were okay, but Mila and Duma pressed against a line for me which 3H has now broken. Any color but green! Not all Archanean Divine Dragon Manaketes even had green:


    -but clearly this guy is being forgotten.

    Same, I am so tired of Tiki clones!

    More Xane clones, we only have one pseudo Xane clone in TearRing saga.

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