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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. Just now, Starzilla said:

    Maybe they'll have an armored battalion that gives them super high defense, or maybe a higher-tiered armor class will have some skills. Also, the heavy armor professor level could give them bonuses. This is all conjecture though, I have nothing to back it up.

    Unless they have regular movement and other classes can't increase their defense, I see no way in which Knights having no skills will not blow up in the class's face. Especially given how little their high defense has helped them in the series.

  2. 23 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Like stated, Hoshido's an exception since their pegasi are a different breed. Anyhow I'm not that bothered by pegasus knights being female only again since Subaki was pretty terrible, and Shigure was meh.

    I could go on longer, but I'll just say Mystery of the Emblem enemy units.

    23 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    You are actually correct. It's said that Hoshido's pegasi are a different breed. They're actually specifically called Tenma in the Japanese version (this was sadly excluded from the English localization).

    The japanese Fire Emblem games have called regular Pegasi, Tenma, all the time as its  merely Pegasus in Japanese. See Pegasus Knight band being Tenma kishi no udewa.

  3. 4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

     You must acknowledge your past and all the mistakes of it to truly move past it and towards a future, you can be proud of.


    They didn't do that at all.

    For example, Chrom never acknowledged his poor handling of Plegia led to a significant portion of its population being forced into the Grimleal and sacrificed to revive Grima. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Oh; I didn't mean as a sub-weapon type; I meant as a single type of spear. Sorry if that was unclear. 

    Oh; so pikes in that game are good against cavalry? Nice. …Although, in the age of pike-and-shot, the pikes weren't primarily for killing the horses, but for stopping them. It was the shot (as in the Arquebus) that then killed the horses. Scottish Schiltron was somewhat anti-cavalry, but it relied on choke-points and being aggressive at the right moments. For example, at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, they waited for the English to be nearly across the bridge, and then the Scots charged with their two-handed spears; taking advantage of the chokepoint caused by the bridge. 


    Ah; that makes sense. If they want a polearm that is something of a farmer's weapon, a war scythe (picture in the spoiler tag below) would probably have been a better pick. 

      Hide contents

    Image result for war scytheImage result for war scythe


    Yeah; that makes a lot of sense. The whole point of cavalry was to charge; they were never meant to be standing still. In fact, it was really bad if cavalry got stuck in dense melees; their role was to get in, do damage, and get out. The whole point of the lance was to maximize the impact caused by said charge. 

    No problem, it was my bad.

    War Scythes would be really cool actually!

    I know Lances can't counter and I think double attack. Their animation is really cool it depicts the mounted unit just charging through the target. The playable classes that use them are Lance Paladin and Duke Knight. Lance paladin promotes from Spear Knight and Duke Knight is the most powerful mounted class available to the player. On the enemy side, Black Paladins can also use lances.

    Should also be noted most of the traditional FE lances are under the spears category in Berwick Saga.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Not sure what I'm supposed to think about this. I addressed some of it already in the post you quoted and the rest of it doesn't even really have anything to do with what I said. Did I say FEW had good diversity? I don't think so, because I agree it could have used more.

    I wasn't saying your post did say FE:W had good diversity.

    I was just mentioning my specific issues.

    On a related note, it does feel to me like the developers of FE:W snubbed all but two games.

  6. 17 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Huh; interesting. Funny enough; minus the pitchforks (as I don't know if anyone ever used them in battle; in fact, I doubt it, as four prongs just divides the pressure across multiple points) that's exactly how I would divide spears if making a Fire Emblem game: lances as cavalry-only, and pikes as infantry-only. 

    Pikes aren't an sub weapon type, so much as a single type of spear. They are a very good spear that is good for killing horses, though.

    Pitchforks/Tridents are mostly used by the renegade farmer class which is frequently used by bandits. They are usually aren't that good, but some are good at crippling or deal elemental damage. One playable character, a Lance Knight, can use it.

    Spears all deal a little bit extra damage based on how many many squares(hexes here) a unit moved before attacking. All Playable and almost unplayable Spear classes can equip horses, yes, even soldier.

    Jousting Lances deal massive amount of extra damage based on movement, which is the whole point of using them as they wouldn't deal that much damage without that bonus. They are very good.

    3 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:


    Don't worry, they''ll know it was an accident.

  7. For many reasons:

    * Halberdier completes the trinity of infantry classes that specialize in a weapon and have a critical bonus, being a perfect companion to Berserker and Swordmaster.

    * In multiplayer matches in the DS remake and Awakenings, it becomes apparent that every Lance class has a weakness whether it be bows, Hammers or Ridersbane.

    * Their status as an all around unit with a defensive unit is a good niche.

    * Dismounting in games like Thracia 776 makes the absence of soldiers very notable as the player army has no access to lances during the indoor chapters.

    * Generals sometimes get unfairly nerfed and are too hard to use even for people who like them, like in Awakening, making the absence of Halberdiers notable.

    Overall the absence of Soldiers/Halberdiers makes some sense in some games with small class rosters like the DS remakes. Other games like Awakening which included stuff like Taguel and Gryphons, yet excluded Halberdiers, have little excuse for their absence.

    On 5/18/2019 at 11:47 PM, deuxhero said:

    Or, better yet, Merc/Hero. I think Gregor (because he's so slow) is the only not great unit of that class that doesn't join stupidly late (and Gregor does just fairly late).

    Mercenary and Myrmidon really shouldn't exist alongside each other I feel, particularly if branch promotions are a thing. FE4-FE5 and FE9-FE10 had the right idea of merging the two base classes.

    On 5/15/2019 at 7:57 AM, vanguard333 said:

    True. When Fire Emblem says lances, it really means "spears" or "polearms". Although, English infantry in the early half of the Hundred Year's War did use shortened lances as a battlefield weapon. 

    Speaking of polearms though, the Medieval Period had a wide variety of pole weapons that would be cool to see in Fire Emblem, including: billhooks, halberds (to my knowledge, they've only appeared in SoV, and poleaxes are not the same thing), partisans and war scythes. These were all two-handed spears, so they were only used by infantry, but when was the last tine an FE character actually used a two-handed melee weapon with both hands?

    Fire Emblem's spiritual successor Berwick Saga had Halberds as a weapon(distinct from poleaxes which are never called Halberds in Japan), as well as pikes which could only be used dismounted. The game also had two subtypes to spears, lances(specifically the giant jousting type) that were only usable when mounted and pitchforks/tridents.

  8. On 5/22/2019 at 8:20 PM, Florete said:

    I find it odd how people always go to Hyrule Warriors like this. HW had original content. Not even just Lana and Cia, Link, Zelda, and Impa are technically original since they are not the Link, Zelda, or Impa of any other game. These crossovers need a connecting point, but since Zelda and Fire Emblem work differently it was easier to make that connecting point still feel familiar in HW.

    I'm not saying FEW is perfect. I definitely agree that they should have used actual locales from Fire Emblem games rather than the sort-of lookalikes we got. But if they'd chosen any existing lord to be the focal point, I think there would be a lot of complaints that it wasn't someone else. If it was Marth, you'd get people complaining that it should have been Lyn, or Ike, or Chrom, etc. This wasn't a problem with HW because "Link" is always the protagonist in Zelda. So while I'm certainly not a fan of Rowan or Lianna themselves, I don't disagree with the choice to use original characters as the focal point. It's basically the same case as Heroes, and IS develop that one themselves.

    Like, I get it, people were disappointed with some of the choices made in FEW. I don't always agree, but I do understand. But when people say it "wasn't respected" I find that's going too far. They tried a different approach. Some ideas worked, some didn't.

    Also, uh, bosses? Three of them are literally villains from their respective games and the final boss is a giant dragon, which is basically the final boss of every FE.

    The thing is Hyrule Warriors original Link, Zelda, Impa and Ganondorf did not have separate character slots from Skyward Sword Link, Ocarina of Time Zelda, and Twilight Princess Ganondorf. The original characters of HW who did occupy an original character slot, Cia, Volga, and Wizzro all added something new to the roster, whilst intelligently homaging past Zelda games.

    Rowan and Liana existed in a roster with Marth, Chrom, Lyn and Corrin all as separate character slots even though they all fought basically the same and were the exact same character archetype! They added nothing new and together only took away from a game that desperately needed diverse weapon and unit types.

    20 hours ago, ThreeHeroesElitist said:

    Game could used some serious world building, sure you saved the world at the end of the game but only 4 people live in it..


    Darios should be playable in my opinion.

    Fire Emblem warriors felt like it lacked any real villain presence.

    It was just civil war with other FE characters, civil war with other FE heroes, one shot unexplained villain cameo, then Darios and Velezark

    Contrast this with Hyrule warriors where Cia, Volga, Wizzro,  Ganondorf, Zant, and Ghirahim were all a major presence throughout the whole game.

  9. 17 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Gonna put my class speculations in here and probably edit it into the classes discussion page after. 5 Tiers(0 = Base; 1 = Trainee; 2 = Intermediate; 3 = Advanced; 4 = Master).

    Base Classes:            

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    Noble/Commoner(No proficiencies)

    Trainee Classes:                       

      Reveal hidden contents

    Fighter(Axes; Bows; Fighting)
    Monk(Reason; Faith)

    Intermediate Classes:                    

      Reveal hidden contents

    Mercenary(Swords; Axes)
    Thief(Swords; Bows)
    Cavalier(Lances; Swords; Riding)
    Knight(Lances; Axes; Hvy Armour)
    Brigand(Axes; Fighting)
    Brawler(Axes; Fighting(M))
    Archer(Bows; Fighting)
    Mage(Reason; Faith)
    Dark Mage(Reason; Faith(M))
    Priest(Reason; Faith)
    Cleric(Reason; Faith(F))
    Wyvern Rider(Lances; Swords; Flying)
    Pegasus Knight(Lances; Swords; Flying(F))

    Advanced Classes:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Hero(Swords; Axes; Authority)
    Rogue(Swords; Bows; Fighting)
    Paladin(Lances; Swords; Riding; Authority)
    Mage Rider(Reason; Swords; Riding)
    Troubadour(Faith; Swords; Riding)
    General(Lances; Axes; Hvy Armour; Authority)
    Mage Knight(Reason; Lances; Hvy Armour)
    War Cleric(Faith; Lances; Hvy Armour)
    Warrior(Axes; Fighting; Authority)
    Brawler*(Axes; Fighting; Swords)(M)
    Bow Knight(Bows; Lances; Riding)
    Sage(Reason; Faith; Authority)
    Sorcerer(Reason; Faith; Authority)(M)
    Falcon Knight(Lances; Swords; Flying; Authority)(F)
    Mage Flier(Reason; Lances; Flying)
    Light Flier(Faith; Lances; Flying)
    Wyvern Lord(Lances; Swords; Axes; Flying)
    Wyvern Knight(Lances; Swords; Flying; Authority)
    Wyvern Mage(Reason; Faith; Lances; Flying)

    Master Classes:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Vanguard(Swords; Axes; Authority)
    Trueblade(Swords; Authority)
    Assassin(Swords; Bows; Fighting)
    Gold Knight(Lances; Swords; Riding; Authority)
    Silver Knight(Lances; Swords; Axes; Riding; Hvy Armour)
    Sentinel(Lances; Authority)
    Valkyrie(Reason; Faith; Swords; Riding)
    Rune Rider(IDK with these names anymore)(Reason; Swords; Riding; Authority)
    Reaver(Axes; Authority)
    Brawler**(Axes; Bows; Fighting)(M)
    Deadeye(Bows; Authority)
    Bow Paladin(Swords; Bows; Riding)
    Druid(Swords; Reason; Faith; Authority)
    Cantor(Reason; Faith; Authority) - Summon Skill
    Warlock(Swords; Reason; Faith; Authority)
    Bishop(Reason; Faith; Fighting Authority)
    Seraph Knight(Lances; Swords; Bows; Flying; Authority)(F)
    Champion(Faith; Lances; Swords; Flying)
    Dark Flier(Reason; Faith; Lances; Flying)
    Wyvern Master(Lances; Swords; Axes; Flying; Authority)
    Wyvern Mage(Reason; Faith; Lances; Axes; Flying)

    * means it's the expanded form of the class it's put next to, ** means it's 2 tiers up from that class if that makes sense, just haven't thought of a name.
    If I missed anything it's because I haven't proof read it because I've been working on this for close to an hour.


    Knight has no Master Class in your list.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Then that’s just a case of bad world building not like it really matters in the grand scheme of the overall narrative cause it isn’t really necessary to tell the story the game wants to tell cause his name isn’t all that important.

    Yeah, thats what I mean its bad world building that Chrom's dad and the First Exalt of Ylisse, are just ChromDad and First Exalt. FE1 names Marth's father and ancestor, Cornelius and Anri respectively.

    I'd say if they wanted those characters to have meaning, they have to give them names.

    9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean who’s to say that the plegians don’t care about it. I mean just because we don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. That is a logical fallacy on my part I’ll admit but you can’t argue against it either cause there’s no evidence to support either case(unless there’s something in supplementary material I’m missing). Again it’s a matter of bad world building which I will knock awakening for cause it’s world building could’ve used more work. I never said awakening was perfect.

    You can have your opinion, but I'll note Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, which Ylisse's crusade is directly taken from, did show many people in the evil cult affected by the crusades and angry mobs against them. The Proto Validar himself, mentions his revenge scheme being fueled by all the suffering he went through. There were also mention of good sects of the evil cult that were also persecuted and civilians in the evil cult. It was far from perfect, but the writers tried.

    The writers never did any of that in Awakening where neither Validar nor any of the Grimleal, seemingly solely composed of old men and bandits, make a single mention of their persecution.

    9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    An interesting point and one I’ll keep in mind. Will have to do more research then.

    Do you want some links?

  11. On 5/5/2019 at 7:07 AM, Darkyan97 said:

    Does anyone know what is the adress for Magic stat? I really want to promote Enid but she didn't get a single point of Mag in 9 level ups.

    I'll try to look for one.

    This is a bit of a request, but do you think could try out Gigas Knight Dean to see his class caps.

  12. 3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    First of all the bit about emmeryn’s father is not a plot point. it’s a piece of backstory there’s a difference. It’s there to help you better understand the conflict and story.

    Yet he never receives a name and the conflict is never mentioned again unlike other FE games which do similar plots. Him not receiving any name anywhere, in contrast to other minor background characters, shows how unimportant he was to the game.

    3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Even so, he still uses that as a way to unite the plegian people so it’s still relevant. It also ties really well into the theme of unity of Valm(his true motivation anyway) in that he tries to unify the continent via bloodshed and hate where as Emmeryn tries to unify through peace and love.

    No Plegian or even Grimleal(the direct targets of the Crusade) caring about it really hurts the narrative. Manfroy mentions the crusades against the Loptyrians shaping him into the man he was, yet Awakening does nothing like that in its repeat of that plot from Genealogy of the Holy war.

    Not even Validar, who was inspired by Manfroy, or Aversa, who grew up during that time, make any mention of it. Aversa's spotpass backstory even establishes that the Grimleal were her sole persecutors, which sure feels like the writers abandoning that plot to make sure Ylisse was 100% right even in the crusades.

    3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    I’m not necessarily gonna disagree with you here because we don’t know a whole lot about Chrom’s father to be fair. From what little we do know about him, he was very anti-plegian to the point of enacting genocide. He was a ruthless man at least towards plegia in all its forms. That is not Chrom. Chrom is not his father(hell three prominent members of his army are plegian one of them being his head tactician). He fought plegia because they attacked first(at least as far as the final arc is concerned) he didn’t do it for the reasons his father did technically(though again we don’t know the full story) so his father isn’t necessarily vindicated. As for your point on the grimleal well just wait til I post part 3.

    Artbook directly says Chrom's father was trying to stomp out the Grimleal rather then Plegia as a whole(this is taken from Genealogy of the Holy War's backstory). Gangrel's dialogue also clarifies it was a religious war. T

    he narrative also establishes the Grimleal had been committing crimes stuff for generations, going as far back as Validar's grandpa at the very least, so you could also argue the Grimleal provoked him by trying to bring about Grima's return in addition to being involved in various criminal endeavors. Chrom's father clearly caused more harm then good, but the narrative does seem to vindicate his intentions at the very least.

    Neither any of the Plegians in Chrom's army are established as ever worshipping Grima. Chrom ultimately allies with Walhart who is frequently compared to his father in motivation and even as an antagonist was painted in a sympathetic/noble light unlike the Grimleal(Validar, Excellus, ETC) who were never anything but villainous caricatures.

    Chrom abandoned Plegia to ruin out of negligence and never even bothered to check who succeeded Gangrel, thats laziness not intent but the similarity is still there. As for the last bit, Chrom makes war against the Grimleal by the third arc because they were trying to bring back Grima.

  13. 2 hours ago, TheDreamReturns said:

    Since we’re apparently taking about Awakening now, I feel like I should mention there was one support between Ricken and Henry where (iirc) Henry reveals that some of the Plegian generals you’ve killed were actually pretty nice/respected people where they came from. Ricken then replies that he never thought of it that way and just saw them as “the enemy”.

    Thought that was a pretty interesting exchange.

    While a well written support showing the Plegian army are people too, the Grimleal never receive any kind of humanization in anywhere in the game. 

  14. Still the worst Warriors crossover game I have ever played.

    On 5/23/2019 at 11:58 PM, Decerd said:

    Side Note: I find it hilarious that everyone complained that Warriors only pulled from three FE games (the most successful and well known ones) and only had about 5% content from two other games, yet back in it's infancy, Hyrule Warriors did the exact same thing and no one seemingly batted an eye about that. No Johns, just something to think about for a bit.

    Thats really not the case, plenty of things in a patchless Hyrule Warriors for Wii u were directly from other Zelda games. Bow Wow from Link's Awakening is a weapon, Gohma is the Zelda 1 version, ETC.

    In sharp contrast, FE:W barely even featured Shadow Dragon.

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