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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Otts486 said:

    I'm not really talking about how they are presented through in-engine models and such because in that regard you would be correct(kind of) I'm more so referring to how they are presented in this cutscene  Also the risen chief design/portrait as well is what I'm referring to:


    They're still all generic fighter class units in that cutscene, thats not impressive.

    Look at this though.

    I'd say those are all more terrifying then the risen chief.

    Awakening doesn't even have dracozombies.

  2. 1 minute ago, Otts486 said:

    but another thing that could be argued in favor of how the risen are established is presentation. Awakening has fully animated pre-rendered CGI cutscenes and boy do those cutscenes ever leave an impression on the ominous creepy vibe that the risen are supposed to give off. The way they're animated just gives them a weird uncanny "almost human but not quite human" feel to them. Also the cracking sound effect that plays in the cutscene they debut in certainly helps to sell that fact. Those glowing piercing red eyes. That weird decrepit mask marked with rows of jagged teeth along with the smoke billowing from their body really does leave an impression if you ask me. Where as Sacred stones(keep in mind I've only finished 15 chapters), the monsters just feel sort of there and are kind of generic in design. They just sort of how up without any real fanfare and don't leave much of an impression. I mean I understand completely that it was the limitation of the hardware and such which is why I don't fault SS too much for this but you know its something to keep in mind.

    Generic enemy fighter class units with spooky masks as opposed to all the weird and crazy monsters?


    I know its personal taste, but why?

  3. 18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    It depends on the monster type.

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    Entombed are walking EXP bags, and Revenants are basically that too unless you're particularly squishy, unless either of these come in really big numbers- aka the Phantom Ship.

    Bonewalkers and Wights are a step up, but not much, and possibly even a step down if you have WTA over them and can thus dodgetank.

    Mogalls- Well mage fliers make them interesting. Pure Water/Barrier can nip the many Evil Eyes for even Cormag (though how many players actually use these normally)? Shadowshot and Crimson Eye is stronger and menacing though.

    Mauthe Doogs/Gwyllgis- They're in a way tankier than Bones and Revenants, since they are much harder to double. The former are weak and will only really hurt the slow and squishy though, and the latter are so very rare in story battles.

    Gar/Deathgoyles- Pegs with low Def comprising most of your air units makes them a little difficult to fight in the sky. Not exactly slow either. Stronger than their SoV counterparts I would say, but in the long run, only Deathgoyles pose any threat.

    Tarvos/Maelduin, interesting choice of weapons. Decently strong I guess, but nothing really powerful.

    (Elder) Bael- Yeah, these are strong. Monster weapon means you can't slash their hit via WTA.

    Cyclops- Well they're really really bulky, and strong. But by the time they show up, you should have a sword unit able to breeze past their every swing. Only a true threat if ever when they're packing Swordreavers/slayers as well.

    Gorgons- Deadly no matter what they wield.

    Draco Zombies (can't say whether this or Necrodragon sounds better)- Look cool, high stats, and they penetrate all defenses. Of course, they're very very rare.


    Overall, I'd consider at least for the main game monsters to be notably weaker than humans. Last Hope- the final vs. human enemies battle, is definitely harder than the last two fights, since those high leveled promoted enemies have better stats than the monsters.

    Note though the monster's caps, most of which are unused.


    Mogalls have high magic caps, similar to druid but with higher res and defense.

    Gwyllgis have stats identical to Swordmasters, all they need is a crit boost.

    Gargoyles have stats identical to wyvern lords.

    Cyclops actually have 29 skill and 29 speed. Unfortunately none of them have good skill and speed, but they should.

    Hard hacks of Sacred Stones which do nothing but buff the enemy stats, really make the monsters terrifying opponents, minus entombed of course. 

    No matter how much Lunatic buffs Awakening's entombed, they're always a joke.

    18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    It depends on the monster type.

    As in all the way up there?:huh:

    What of the penultimate battle?

    At the least, it'd make more sense for the final battle to be Risen, perhaps the penultimate as well. After Validar is offed and the heroes are done in Plegia proper, I think it'd possibly make more sense just to make it Risen. You've eradicated their central base after all.

    Penultimate is also Grimleal, the last one you fight them on is the Deadlord map.

    The Grimleal are constantly emphasized as fully evil as well, thus leaving no need for Risen.

    15 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I don't recall the Risen having that same problem in Awakening and in some supports they are depicted as a threat regularly destroying villages rather than the mere nuisance the Terrors seem to be. 

    So are the monsters in Sacred Stones, the story says they are powerful despite there poor record in story. Its pretty much the case for all FE monsters.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I was never too impressed with Sacred Stones story. It doesn't screw up but aside from Lyon it doesn't try very hard either. A big problem is the lack of world building. There is no real reason to care about any of the places in Magvel. Even Reneais and Grado don't even get much development and some countries have to make do with only one chapter that focuses on them. And then there are the Terrors and their demon king who aren't nearly as impressive as the story needs them to be. Some extremely easy mook and a villain that lacks any personality or backstory doesn't really do much to convince me Magvel is in peril. 

    Sacred Stones might not have a lot of low points but I don't think its got a lot of high points either. 

    While not used to their full potential, Sacred Stones monsters were actually threatening as opposed to being simple regular human classes or walking bags of EXP.

    That the final battles of Awakening were all humans shows how the game didn't need monsters to begin with, I think.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    Prolly cause they can't make support convos for generics

    Why would generics have support conversations?

    The playable generics in both regular Fire Emblem and regular Dynasty Warriors+crossover spinoffs have less features then the regular units. Again they're playable as an extra.

  6. 2 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Gordin. If there would be a joke character, it would probably be Gordin just due to his sheer infamy. Although I suppose Roger would be the other logical choice, since screw Draug.

    Gordin could always be an archer clone.

    Honestly they should've made all the clones playable, there was nothing stop them, even include the generic classes for fun like the Empires and Gundam games.

    After all whats the point of having all those clones if so many are unplayable?

  7. 18 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Ah yeah. I completely forgot about Sheena. I guess she technically works although not to the extend of Hardin. 

    Horace would be a weird choice because the games themselves handled him in a really weird way that ensure little people know of him. The gaiden requirements in Shadow Dragon were so bizarre that very few players probably reached his chapter without deliberately trying. He's not locked behind that nonsense in New Mystery but the West didn't get New mystery so he must be almost a complete unknown in the West. With this in mind he would be hard to put into a crossover.

    Roger could technically work purely as a joke but there are better options for joke characters like Arthur or even Kellam. 

    Koei has done weird and minor characters many times in the past, just look at this example and this example.

    How are Arthur and Kellam better joke characters, Kellam in particular is just discount Arden? 

    Whats funnier then a chubby, bumbling soldier looking for love on the worst places possibly?

  8. On 12/21/2018 at 3:29 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

    Well, knight characters actually weren't really possible due to the games they chose to include. There just aren't any candidates available from those continents.

    From Archenea it would have been either Draug or Lorenz. But Draug  hardly has a character and Lorenz is old which isn't something a fanservicy game like this was going for. Of course they could take my suggestion and just put it emperor Hardin despite him being from Shadow Dragon's sequel. He's still an Archenean after all and the best of the bunch.

    Not true.

    Plenty of Mystery of the Emblem content was included with Shadow Dragon in Warriors, nothing was stopping them from adding Sheena.

    Horace is a dramatic character in the remake and is fairly popular.

    Koei was done weird and unexpected joke characters such as a generic punk in Hokuto musou. Nothing was stopping from adding someone like Roger, the comic relief of Shadow Dragon.

  9. On 6/27/2018 at 1:44 PM, VincentASM said:

    As mentioned, it's never happening, at least not in this universe.

    1. Nintendo/Intelligent Systems does not own the rights to TearRing Saga.

    2. I severely doubt Nintendo wants the rights to TearRing Saga (and that Enterbrain will happily hand over the rights) given all the legal drama that happened.

    While not likely, it never happening is too strong.

    I mean many people from Donkey Kong Country returned to work for Donkey Kong Country Returns. If there's enough fan demand, it could happen, especially in the distant future.

    Regardless though, I think its very unlikely to happen anytime soon.

    On 9/9/2018 at 3:51 AM, BrightBow said:

    Oh sure Vestaria is better in that regard. But that has nothing to do with Kaga. It's just SRPG Studio.

    Kaga said intentionally thought about how to improve the armored units for Vestaria Saga and it worked.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    He does seem pretty desperate to assure Emyrin and himself that he really didn't mean it so bad and curses that he's forever tainted by what he did. So on some level he probably did care.  

    His motivation as revealed in supports was to unite the continent against Valm, but even there he says he went mad with the power of being King.


  11. 4 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

    I have nothing against simpler villains with a lack of real, understandable purpose - heck, I've written one - I simply find it more satisfying when a villain has a driving motive, such as Gangrel. Though he seems a bit strained, particularly when almost his whole army casually throws down their weapons because their enemy's leader says sorry and somehow turns her execution into a martyrdom, in the end, he's not technically wrong - Chrom's father put Gangrel's country and people through a brutal war for years, and there's evidence of residual bitterness, so it makes sense that he'd want to make Ylisse suffer for all that his people have suffered, even if the execution could have been better. Surtr, in comparison, fails to evoke the same response from me because of that lack of motive - he's literally just burning everything to watch it burn. While this doesn't mean Surtr's bad in my view - indeed, when he first came out I thought him a refreshing change(plus he's Ganondorf on fire, how could you not like that?) - it does mean I'll take Gangrel over Surtr despite the former's problems. Besides, he beats Garon, who's basically Surtr but executed WAY worse due to managing to infect the Nohrian siblings with some sort of mind-clouding spell that makes them think he's a reasonable person until they see the sludge he's become at the end of Conquest.

    Also, I'd recommend you tag the others you were discussing this with in Jotari's Surtr Thread, since I think they actually wanted to have a good discussion with you.

    Gangrel just wanted power by his own admission, his supports never even mention the crusade nor does his short story on the Japanese website, where he says he doesn't care about Plegia.

    Here's a good summary of his actual motivation.

  12. On 6/9/2018 at 7:24 AM, eatrawmeat391 said:

    Wow you guys have figured out almost everything that I want to answer.

    Check the first post, I have added the new hack that can allow the capture of anyone.

    I wonder if there is unused capture dialogue like there was in Thracia 776. That'll be interesting experiment, I guess I'll try that once I get the game running.

  13. On 6/2/2018 at 8:06 PM, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I've been wondering how Shields could be incorporated into a modern Fire Emblem game with unit inventory space for more than one item.  I figure that in a modern game with shields, characters could have one weapon and one shield equipped at a time, with currently equipped shields boosting Defense (or maybe even Resistance in some cases) and providing other benefits at the cost of speed and depleting in durability as the user takes hits.  There could possibly even be larger and stronger Greatshields that can only be equipped by Knights and Generals.

    What do you guys think about this?

    Have you read about Berwick Saga, that implemented shields in a big way.

    They came in 3 separate weapon ranks.

    Small Shields mostly used by light infantry.

    Medium Shields mostly used by heavier cavalry.

    and Large Shields nigh exclusively used by armored units with only one pseudo exception.

    LPers I've talked to say Medium shields are quite useful, but large shields weren't as useful. One thing I remember  was a few of the Medium shields had the ability to equip Small shields, but no Large Shield users could equip any other shield.

  14. 2 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    Indeed. Cats are infinitely better pets than rabbits.

    I'm definitely not a fan of "last of their kind" races, or even novelty tribes who you see for one map and never again. Gameplay wise, though, I would hope shapeshifters get a variety of stones to better diversify how the class can be played.

    The writers also tried to do the Laguz vs Beorc plot with the Taguel, except put no actual effort because not one single character in the game displays any prejudice against the Taguel, even the bosses in Yarne's chapter.

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