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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I hazard to speculate monocles, barring on a butler or something (so why don't you have one Jakob?), come off as medieval whereas glasses do not. Monocles are the thing of older times, it makes no sense to wear them in the modern day, whereas the wacky people of the past did.

    True, but I still can wonder why people like Izuka wear frame monocles, at that point, why only one lens?

    9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    There is the Takumi's Shinai in Fates, and the Trainer swords and Practice Axe used in PoR's Prologue fight. So they've referenced them before, just not much.

    Thats true and some of the non wooden swords look pretty cheap.

    9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I hazard to speculate monocles, barring on a butler or something (so why don't you have one Jakob?), come off as medieval whereas glasses do not. Monocles are the thing of older times, it makes no sense to wear them in the modern day, whereas the wacky people of the past did.

    You're right, that portrait could totally be used for an old lady Manakete.

    12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    That was weird, but I guess the horses you could pretend are of poorer stock or stolen from a farm. Given the bandits in that PoR chapter are slavers and their cargo was stored in containers (otherwise Ike would have seen what it looked like- Laguz slaves), they could have doubled as the means by which to drag the Laguz chattel.

    If they just made Soldier a normal not LoLdier or Japanified class again, they could invent a bandit aesthetic for the class to be used alongside the normal one. And Knights are explicitly more professional and most commonly lancers, so Soldiers don't have to be that way.

    I guess that makes sense, still it kinda stood out for me that there were no lance class that would fit the thematic for bandits/mercenaries. Its true in almost every Fire Emblem game.

    Even Soldiers wears a very military uniform. I mean their uniform is very thematic to be a regimented member of a nation's army. Though early screenshots of Path of Radiance do depict Soldiers wearing a uniform similar to Fighter, oddly enough! Bandits and Mercenaries did use Spear soldiers in Berwick Saga.

    Berwick Saga did have a rogue farmer that had the ability to wield pitchforks that was associated with criminals and mercenaries. I think thats the only real Lance class with that thematic. I guess Lances are very associated with armies in Fire Emblem.

  2. 1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Not to mention Cavaliers almost always being nobility or in service of a kingdom owes something to the cost of horse. A combat horse is not the same as a farm horse, which is not necessarily the same as a travel/messenger horse, each is bred for different purposes with different traits. You either need to be really wealthy, have someone with money to give you the means to own a horse (a kingdom/liege), or perhaps be a mercenary (Fergus, Titania and Oscar are former royal soldiers turned mercenaries) to care for such financial burdens, and you might need multiple horses if Fudgeflake gets stabbed dead one day or grows old (inevitable) or sick. Wyverns and Pegasi must have even greater costs, since I can't imagine flight is a low calorie activity nor that they would breed so easily and thus be so plentiful.

    Thats definitely the case, while there are some mercenary cavaliers, almost all of them have a  background in the military, like Trec in FE6 is a former member of Lord Zelot's forces.

    Free Knights are a little more likely to be purely mercenary like Beowulf and Fergus though.

    Hunters are also lowborn as I mentioned in another thread.

    You know there doesn't seem to be a Lance class associated with mercenaries and bandits the way Fighters, Myrmidons and such are. The rare times bandit armies use lances, they just have a couple random cavaliers. Like in the 14th chapter of Path of Radiance, there is a single random lance cavalier with the Laguz Lance in the bandit army. Unlike the other bandits, he also wears begnion's colors. 

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Well they should be more commonly commoners, and more common overall. At least they have the stats of greenhorns in most games.

    Neph and probably Devdan are commoners. Aran was adopted by Begnion merchants- so some many.

    Levail and Jarod, and the generic bosses Rommit and Roark... well the mass must obviously be commoners in Begnion, there cannot be that many nobles. But we don't know exactly how aristocratic the officer corp is, given IRL Germany maintained even into WWII disproportionately high amounts of nobility in the officer corp, it wouldn't be surprising if every named officer we kill is a noble- the medieval justification for nobility was their combat skills. But then again, Veyona the Druid probably isn't, and being not a perfect medieval copy, Tellius could make room for some upwards social mobility via the elevation of commoners through the military to noble status, but not a lot.

    Nephenee and Devdan are explicitly commoners.

    Come to think of it, Ashnard allowed anyone of any birth to reach the rank of commanders if they had the skills, so its quite possible, people like Emil, Kotaff and Hafedd rose through their skill.

    Jarod also indicated he wasn't a noble in Begnion.

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    And now that I think about it, while we get a lot of very noble Cavaliers/Paladins, Knights tend to be more ogre like in demeanor. Well not completely, the prepromoted Generals like Lorenz, Douglas, Xavier, Tauroneo are all very noble, but the first thing that comes to mind with Knights is brute strength/stoicism, they don't flaunt their nobility as much as Cavs/Pals seem to, for me at least.

    You wouldn't see a bunch of Knights/Generals in a bandit or mercenary army though.

    True to the class name, Military Generals in the series,  allied or enemy, are almost always of the General class. Royalty and Nobility love the class as well, makes sense, not going to move on a throne.

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Maybe older FE was trying to stay accurate by barring glasses? Then again, maybe it was the artistic idealization of the human form- vision problems are an imperfection, as are skin blemishes, body hair, rotten teeth, and fat people. Loathed by Greco-Roman art as much as modern anime.

    Aren't monocles just as expensive as glasses.

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Nor are swords- they're 100% metal and metal = money. Awakening and Fates giving the Villager class Lances makes perfect sense. The shaft can be wood, only the tip need be metal.

     There are actually cheap flimsy swords with only a little bit of metal in them, as well as Wooden swords. I imagine those are the swords, Villagers use.

    59 minutes ago, Light Strategist said:

    It could be possible (albeit unlikely) that they simply never considered full-on glasses in the series up to Awakening. It could just be that they looked over the amount of characters they've had with imperfect vision.


    Just remembered this bespectacled character from Mystery of the Emblem.



    I just remembered another little known portrait exclusive to FE3. She's just a generic villager in the DS remake, similar to the Slaver.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    This reminds me, there are very few FE characters with glasses.

    Makes sense, a glasses were rare in medieval times and only nobility had them. There are 3 characters with glasses Miriel, Laurent and Yukikura. Yukimura is a noble, and Mirel is very likely to be a noble herself so it makes sense for them to have glasses.


    There's quite a few characters with monocles though, oddly.

    37 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    It makes sense. 

    Axes are the most utilitarian of the main weapons in FE. Most peasants would have an axe around, as it's a useful everyday tool in that kind of setting. Add in that Fighters and Brigands wear light clothing, and it makes sense that Fighters and Brigands, likely normal villagers who turned to fighting or banditry, would be on the poorer end and wear shabbier clothing. 

    Knights were upper class, and anybody who has a skill that had to be taught or require a lot of practice(IE Archery, magic and horseback riding) would likely have more money than peasants who picked up an axe and fought for whatever reason. 

    I was thinking Soldiers might also be common but then again, Lukas is a blueblood and several of the Tellius Halberdier bosses could be too.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    By who, Jugdral fans? Because I only see those, the really dedicated FE players, or those who want to boast about having played every FE game as the ones who would bother to play it in the first place.

    I'm referring to Thracia 776 whose AI is consistently praised.

    Also you haven't even played Thracia 776 and admit to doing so. With this in mind, you can't make assumptions about the game like that.

    3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Do you earnestly want me to repeat myself? I find Genealogy to have a bunch of obnoxious mechanics between the fact that trading costs money, and every unit has their own money stash, as well as static weapon ranks, among other things. Thracia isn't as bad, other than the escape maps and the aforementioned stuff about healing staves being able to miss.

    Very funny. You say that Genealogy has better balance than either Awakening or SoV? Nice joke.

    Thracia 776 is easily better balanced then SOV. I already mentioned how utterly overpowered Archers+Dread Fighters are and how completely useless the armor line is in SOV.

    As for Genealogy, the mechanics we have now would not exist without the game.

  5. 1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I still think it's dumb as hell (and I would go so far as to say inexcusable, even) that healing is subject to RNG - I sure as hell would NOT take it well if a unit died because my healer missed. Also, I think that if it was intended, that just goes to show that the dev team was incompetent.

    Funny because Thracia 776 has great reception and is particularly praised for its Ai and mechanics.

    1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Perhaps, but if I may be frank, Jugdral has the others beat by a country mile when it comes to obnoxious mechanics.

    You say that and don't elaborate.

    Heck the characters are more balanced then say Awakening or Echoes: SOV.

  6. Just now, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Thracia is blatantly rushed (I highly doubt that stuff like healing staves missing would even be a thing if not for the fact that he was releasing it on a dead console, and), and Genealogy has a bunch of obnoxious mechanics that make it arduous to get into (not that Thracia is innocent of this, because it is not).

    Healing Staves missing was intended and Thracia 776 staff wielders are some of the best in the franchise..

    And plenty of FE games have obnoxious mechanics.

  7. 1 minute ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Gameplay wise, they've been doing well. I will give them that much. Story wise, they could do better.

    I say no - as far as I'm concerned, he struck out HORRIBLY with Jugdral.

    How so?

    I mean you constantly go on about your hatred of Fighters, yet Thracia 776 Fighters are some of the best in the series.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Now I miss Jake. Bring him back IS!

    2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Part of the plot to forget Anna was ever faithful to anyone who isn't you the player. Sure Jake was nowhere near as present as Anna, but he still existed and was bound to her.

    Poor Jake, they are ignoring him so much lately.

    2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Wasn't one of the slavers in TRS a woman? The one I think I remember hearing who takes Plum away.

    Yes, one of the slavers was an old woman who would capture people to sell to a shady trafficker.

    2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Correct. Dolhr is fought four times in FE1/SD. The two final chapters and inside Pales and Castle Altea, that is it. That is the same as Bandits + Pyrathi. Grust is fought 7-8 times (depends on C2 where they field just a handful), Macedon 6, Khadein (Gharnef) 3, and Gra 1. If it weren't for Manaketes being so strong, Gharnef being willing to obey long enough to manipulate Jiol and Michalis, or Camus so loyal to a weak Ludwik, Medeus wouldn't have his empire.

    The Gaiden chapters in Shadow Dragon adds more missions with Dolhr presence.

  9. 1 minute ago, Soleater said:

    Panne: Yes, it's precious little your kind seem to understand. It was man-spawn like you that invaded our warren and slaughtered my people.

    I always took this that this meant it was Ylissians that killed the last of the Taguel.

    She means fellow man-spawn IE: humans.

    She states she fights for Ylisse as the country and its exalt have always supported them. Some supports also show she is hostile to Plegia.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Soleater said:

    And since she was an infant (as far as she knows), she was probably raised by human foster parents (how else could she survive on her own as an infant), so you could have something else entirely instead of, well, retconning them into the story.  Maybe the continent they were on was a different one from Archenea, or maybe the person who slaughtered them wasn't Ylissian are all - the possibilities are endless because Panne is a faulty source of information. 

    Do you mean Ylisse the continent or Ylisse the country?

  11. 1 hour ago, Aut said:

    Offensive proc skills that don’t have a really good proc rates aren’t good. Skills like Luna and Lethality for example. 

    Luna not being good is mildly unpopular, it depends on the game.

    Lethality being unreliable is mostly agreed on in the communities I've seen.

  12. To answer the topic, mildly rude, though the context can lighten it a bit.

    6 minutes ago, Lau said:

    I've never used the term myself, I'm not that inconsiderate, and I never take anyone who uses it seriously. You don't see anyone calling people a Blazing Blade baby or a Kaga baby or whatever. Why should Awakening be any different?

    People who dislike the older games usually use terms like "elitists" or "Kaga Sucks ups."

  13. 1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I wonder, is that infamous ''technically an adult'' line also part of the original version? Because I wouldn't find it unlikely that Japanese fans found Elise's young age acceptable and that her being mentioned as ''technically an adult'' was a hasty and clumsy correction of the translators to avoid creeping players out. 

    It isn't part of the original script.

  14. 57 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    As much as I love Awakening, the taguel was a big mistake. Yes, an obvious reference to the laguz of the Tellius series, but it's the one lore that absolutely doesn't fit. You can make easy theories and scenarios for the other parts, but this one is too much. Also, I doubt they can have the taguel be part of the Archanea series. That's because even in Echoes, they showed no signs of the taguel. 

    Also, because Panne states that she was just an infant when her kind were slaughtered and their culture was lost, this was likely intentionally done so that there need no explanation on it. But then Panne tends to contradict herself by explaining other things about the taguel. 

    The best I'm sure they might come up with is that they are a recent species that evolved from animals hundreds of years after Marth's time, like maybe a century or so before the First Exalt. 

    Or maybe the Taguel are travelers from another world through the out realm gate, similar to other spot pass content.

    If they wanted to put in something from Tellius, they should've just put in playable Soldiers I think. Its easier to do, is an extremely popular class and doesn't break the lore.

    Also it'd give an appealing non mounted lance user, especially with the nerf to Knight/General Aesthetics.

  15. 33 minutes ago, bufkus said:

    TRS's stealing system also gave way to the game's lone recruitable bandit who steals a random item (or all, can't remember) from enemies he kills. Problem of course is that he sucks so he rarely finishes anyone off. But you can get the skill book for it and give it to a much better character.

    The skill is he takes everything from a unit he kills, excluding stuff like monster equipment.

    That character is mostly a joke, however he makes a great team with the sniper who can't kill human units. She can get an enemy down to one and he can finish them.

  16. 1 hour ago, Soleater said:

    Although I think it's a little weird that Awakening may or may not need to be "fixed" due to how much lore altering is going on, I think it's a good idea to try to tie all of that lore together into a coherent package - obviously some stuff may be lost, but just imagine recruiting a Taguel in SD or Mystery ^^ Doesn't even have to be a bunny, since birds, cats, lions, and wolves were all mentioned - Lion Taguel maybe?

    It'd also be interesting to have Nowi's parents as either mentioned characters, cameos, or playable characters (or maybe Nagi was her mom?  Idk), just to make everything feel connected, instead of this disconnect that seems to be happening between Mystery/SD and Awakening.

    Stuff like retconning in Taguel into Shadow Dragon would be terrible in my honest to god opinion.

  17. 41 minutes ago, Soleater said:

    Wait, in the original text Nowi is literally a child?  Was it Awakening that introduced the slow aging thing then, because otherwise wouldn't that kind of break canon??  (Because if she were a child, wouldn't she look like a baby, or maybe a toddler?)

    Well, it was literally thousands of years later, and Tiki had been asleep for awhile - not to mention it was Flavia and Basilio that mentioned the Fire Emblem split, not Tiki, so she likely had nothing to do with that.

    No idea about why the First Exalt is mentioned over Marth though, and I don't know about Gotoh or Xane, but maybe it's better that they have Tiki build new relationships rather than focus on older ones?  For the sake of developing her character beyond nostalgic wistfulness?

    Thats ALWAYS how it has been. Even in Awakening's english Harvest Scramble script, Nah says Manaketes are emotionally/mentally children until their bodies become adults. Think of it like Human years vs Dog Years. A Year old Dog has all the brainpower it needs, while a one year old human is an infant.

    No, she directly mentions she was keeping it apart. Its bad continuity.

    There is loads of plot importance, Xane could had done. There were even plans for him in the continuation of Archanea.

    The thing is Tiki doesn't reference ANYTHING from Mystery, infact her portrayal directly contradicts most of it.

  18. 11 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

    @Emperor Hardin Damn, those are some impressive kits. Also, re Marcel, that is one thing I've always really liked about FE. Barring some of the harder modes, it's usually never too difficult to train a weaker character and use them in the long run.

    Its nice to see Armor Knight units being in the top 5 most effective character lists in Japan.

    I like doing that to as well, using low tier units because its fun.

    Personally I plan to use Marcel when I play Berwick, he has cool animations and who else is gonna use those large shields?

  19. 1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

    Is that Marcel or whatever his name is? If it's who I'm thinking of, blonde hair, black armor, I think I remember hearing that and being a little disappointed because I really liked his character design.

    Also, yay! Knights don't suck for once! Vestaria seems like it'd be cool to play too, but it seeming more akin to traditional FE and Tearring, I don't have quite as much of an urge to play it. Still would probably be next after Berwick.


    Yup Marcel. He is fully usable though. I've even see Japanese videos of people beating the final map with the joke character of Berwick Saga.

    Interestingly enough, class animations depict Guardian moving like an Armor. Really the only thing that not being an Armor effects is the terrain he can go over. All Anti Armor weapons but the hammer are anti Shield in Berwick Saga and enemies never really use hammers.

    Yup the Knights in Vestaria Saga, who technically start as guards before promoting to Armor Knight, have really great skills.


    One of them has a skill that increases the defense and resistance of all adjacent units and Elite. 


    The other one has two pavise-like skills combined with wrath.

    Defend maps also encourage their use.

  20. Just now, bottlegnomes said:

    I'm starting to feel like I got my idea from the game, just take a bit further, since that sounds a lot like what I had in mind.

    Funnily enough, Large Shield guy, is still low tier despite technically not being an Armor(which really only effects terrain restrictions).

    Vestaria Armor Knights are great though!

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