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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. Just now, foxysauce said:

    This. Yes. Completely. :D:

    Amelia, like a lot of my favorite characters, isn't really all that amazing of a unit. But let's face it, she's adorable! And the super recruits were sort of a fun and unique reward to work towards by completing both routes. (: 

    For the life of me though I cannot figure out why later villager units like Donnel and Mozu did not elicit the same results. I didn't really care for them the same way I did with Amelia, Ewan, and Ross. *shrug*

    Mozu can get some fitting classes, but Donnel is stuck with Warrior, Hero, and Bow Knight, neither of which fit him at all. Thats one reason I don't like Donnel as much.

  2. 7 minutes ago, foxysauce said:

    I was about to say that the Vallite army in Fates had more female generics, but as I try to come up with examples, the only ones I can think of are the classes that are usually locked to females. (Kinshi Knight, Strategist, Priestess, etc. )

    That said, one could argue that a lot of the generic enemies throughout the series could potentially be anything underneath all that armor, since many of them don't show their faces. latest?cb=20110125072641 You never know, Gra might secretly have an entire army of lady knights. ;)     

    That's what I figured also. :P It's a real shame too. As a female player I was super bummed in Fates when I couldn't make my avatar into a Super Rainbow Yato-weilding Grandmaster Dragon Princess. 


    In all seriousness though, I personally have never been a fan of gender-locked classes. With context and lore they can sometimes be interesting, but a lot of the time there's no real reason for them to be there (For example why could Faye not be an archer in Echoes again???)

    However I do think that some characters become more interesting as a result of them being there; namely through defiance of the rule.

    Echidna from Binding Blade, for instance, was immediately interesting to me, as she was the only female Hero/Merc in her game, or any of the GBA games if I recall. 

    If it were up to me I'd probably get rid of them. They seem to do more harm than good, and often be there purely to cut back on design costs. Luckily though that seems to be the direction we are currently headed with the newer games, excluding remakes. :P 


    If I can nitpick a bit, Knight is male only in the DS games. 


    That doesn't explain why they never use female Snipers or Female Clerics, the latter even have their own sprite separate from the male Curates.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Corrobin said:


    Levant, Michelaar, Machua and Miranda are perfectly fine units. Machua's Hero promotion offsets her low Strength and Defense and she has enough Speed to mitigate Axe weight. Miranda has sky-high Magic and Speed and she became an MVP in one of my playthroughs, but you sort of missed something.

    Asbel's the one with the unorthodox promotion, not Miranda. Asbel's the anomaly in terms of promotions, Miranda is following the standard.

    I've been wondering have you ever played Tearring Saga? Any thought on how the game handles character promotions?

    An interesting example from the game, I think, is two Armor Knights. One gets a movement growth and promotes to General, the other has no movement growth and promotes to Iron Knight, which is a mounted Armored unit.


  4. 18 minutes ago, CyberController said:

    Sometimes, gender lock doesn’t make sense.

    Like Fates. Why is the Ballistician class male only? And why are the Great Lord and Grandmaster locked to females and males, when they’re gender neutral in Awakening?

    My personal guess is they only wanted to make one model for the DLC classes.

    19 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I think classes like Fighter can just have their gender lock removed. Sure, it makes more sense to have heavy axes wielded by bulkier men, which is why the older games trended toward that, but there's no reason for there to not be characters like Rinkah. No real downside.

    For Pegasus Knight though, there is lore surrounding pegasi behaviour, so I'd be fine if classes were gender locked for reasons like that.


    Do note Male Pegasus Knights have appeared in the past. Even the game that introduced the concepts of Pegasus Knights being female, rather specifically said "Pegasus Knights are usually female", basically they specifically didn't rule out male Pegasus Knights altogether.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    He simply meant to give a few examples, not to list every one.

    Ah ok.

    Back on topic, I'd be fine with the gender restrictions being removed. I'd like characters to still have the look/feel of the class, IE: the recruitable Male Pegasus Knights having a small build like a jockey.

    Would also be nice to get more females in the enemy army. We see the enemy nations recruit soldiers of both genders, so why only male generics in every game but 4 and 5?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    I honestly don't care. If she promoted into sage she would be a lot better, not only because of the promotion gains but also because Sage suits her better as a unit in general.

    Whats your opinion on Donnel promoting to classes that don't use lances?

  7. 5 minutes ago, AndrewMcC00l said:

    I think that split promotion is the best way to do promotion, but I also really liked Thracia's unique promotions. The problem in that game though is that it didn't amount to much in the end. Machua going Myrm->Hero meant having a great hero with strong stats all around. The problem is Othin and Halvan on their own, and pretty much anyone with Scrolls and flat 20 caps, can already do this. Asbel being a Sage does help him greatly, but there are also a bunch of other sages in the game, so this isn't too special either. With varied stat caps, I think it would be interesting to see it return. It would be neat to have, say, a Knight who becomes a Paladin, or a Mercenary->Swordmaster.

    Tearring Saga did it better I think.

    You had a very weak Cavalier unit be the only potential Gold knight in the player's army for example. While the Armor Knight unit who lacked MOV growth, promoted to Iron Knight instead of General.


    The Iron Knight one is funny because the character resembled Arden, fitting he fulfills Arden's desire for a horse.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    And yet I believe the opposite is much more likely to happen... Look at the Miranda mention. I agree with Michelaar on her - having her promote to Mage Knight was stupid. What the hell does sword access do for her??? There'll never be a situation where she's better off using a sword over magic.

    True, IS could screw it up. I mean look at how Barons became even weaker in SOV rather then being improved.

  9. 5 minutes ago, ping said:

    Didn't Donnel even have lower caps than other units which makes him an inferior endgame pick, as well? As I said, I don't remember much about Awakening, but this came to my mind when I was reading this discussion.

    Yes, that too. 

    Donnel's caps don't favor the classes he has either. For reference, he can only be: a Hero, Warrior, or Bow Knight. Nothing else.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    Alright but I like Donnel better than those two so I'd use him over them, but that's beside the point. I don't think making stronger characters have weaker promotion options is a good idea? Balancing everything out makes the game very stale.

    Lets put it this way, if Donnel could promote to like say Conqueror(with better skills), he'd be far more worth it then he was in the regular game, where he just becomes a Hero/Warrior/Bow Knight like everyone else except with Meh caps and skills.

    Its not as if Awakening was balanced, some classes were just awful and others were gods.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Simply put, I don't trust IS to make it work in this era or the next. Or at all. And I said already, some classes are just better than others.

    Which is is what I mean, bad characters like Donnel could be balanced by promoting into the best classes, thus giving greater incentive for the player to use them. In one of the most popular hacks for Thracia 776, Marty promotes to Berserker for example.

    Similarly, very powerful characters could be balanced by promoting into weaker tier 2 classes.

  12. 1 minute ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    No. It. Would. Not. Help.

    That doesn't tell me anything, how would it not help?

    Having unique promotions into powerful classes sure helped  the cavaliers Narron and Sun in Tearring Saga, for reference.

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