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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

    That's a major part of why I'm so hyped about the translation recently, and to be honest might've been where I got the idea. I don't actually remember whether I watched a Berwick Saga LP first or if I came up with the idea first. Either way, I want to play Berwick Saga so much!

    It is interesting with classes like thieves and Soldiers.

    For reference, there are classes that are mounted soldiers and mounted thieves, the latter coming in both dagger and bow varieties. They can dismount too, in which case they become regular Soldiers/thieves, though technically they are a different class in engine despite looking and acting the same like their regular infantry counterparts.

    Large Shields also slow units down in exchange for defense like Armored unit stats. Interestingly enough, only one non Armored Class can use Large Shields, but he's basically an armor in all but name as his battle animations depict him moving like a Armored unit and he has a skill giving him the movement range of an armor until a certain level.

  2. 39 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

    On that note tough, I've always thought it'd kind of cool if there were an FE that was more like what you mean when you say no classes: Let everyone use every weapon, mount, and armor type, but with different aptitudes for each. Like Bartre could be a wyvern-riding, heavy-armored, bow user, but it'd take him a long time to be half as good with a wyvern as Heath is at base, a third as good as Rebecca with a bow, and a fifth as good as Oswin is with heavy armor etc, to pick some random, inconsequential numbers.

    Berwick Saga(PS2) does something mildly similar.

    Certain classes can equip horses.

    You could also compare large shields to armor.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Beats me.  I mostly just wanted to ask about the female Fighter after Hardin mentioned it.  Naturally my mind turned to my second favorite weapon type, Dark Magic, after asking about Axes, my first favorite.

    I would hold my breath on learning the class names until the localization comes out.

    There was a chapter enemy list with several enemy class listed.

    There seem to be a lot of class variants like Bandit, Brigand/Mountain Thief, Pirate both existing, as well as stuff like Tribal Cavalier and Royal cavalier.

    There were also things like Javelineer, Elemental Wyverns, and monster units. The monster units were skeletons and mummies that used regular human weapons.

    The most interesting thing I noticed was the General class used by the enemy. Despite being an Armored category unit, it had infantry movement, meaning it lacked the restrictions usually associated with armored units. I'm going to guess it'll be available in the next part.


    Speaking of armors, notice how highly rated, Prody is in the community chosen unit ratings. For reference, he's an A rank unit!

  4. 1 minute ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Is it this? http://site.wepage.com/vestariasaga/20160805224751

    That's from the website, but not sure if everyone was there. Looks like 36 characters, which sounds about right. 

    I don't think thats it.

    I was talking about the Japanese wiki here.

    5 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    That's both funny and scary at the same time.

    ...Do you know if we get any playable Dark Magic users?

    Havent checked, but you can buy and obtain Dark Magic, plus TRS and BS both included a Dark Magic, so I'm guessing yes.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    The gladiator class you describe sounds like a Hero.  Does it also get a Critical bonus like Berserkers do?

    Also, I thought that class in TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga was just called Boss?

    Gladiator has Berserker like stats including very low skill, it also looks like the Berserker class and does indeed get a critical bonus. Additionally it can only use the Blade subtype of swords.

    Boss is the current translation on the wiki, though the current patch for TRS uses Chief. I hear the word for them is basically a term used for a leader, usually of a criminal organization. I guess Kingpin could also work. 

    Boss's in all their appearances have stats similar to Brigands/Pirates. They typically have thievery skills, especially in Berwick saga. Checking it looks like the Vestaria Saga Brigand Boss can use Axes and heavy Blades.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Judging from what I saw on the website, I assumed Axemasters were the only playable promoted axe infantry (I also see a Brigand Boss class among the enemy-only classes.)

    Do both Axemasters and Berserkers appear in this game?

    There is at least one other Playable Promoted Axe Infantry. The playable Fighters, including the girl above, promote to Axefighters though.

    Both Axemasters and Berserkers appear in the game, Axemasters are like Swordmasters, while Berserkers focus on criticaling and sheer offense.

    Berserker is technically unplayable, but a playable character has a personal class called Gladiator that is essentially a personal version of Berserker that can also use heavy blades(but not regular swords). In early screenshots, he was in-fact of the Berserker rather then Gladiator class.

    It should be noted many characters in Vestaria Saga have their own unique variant of classes and every playable character has unique battle animations/graphics.

    Brigand Boss actually showed up in TS and BS prior, as a sword wielding class oddly!

  7. 10 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:


    WHAt's this I hear about a female Fighter?  I never saw one on the Vestaria Saga website.

    I'll get a picture, but there's a female fighter who is a playable character. They promote to Axemaster in this game, separate class from Berserker.

    There's also a Male Pegasus Gryphon Knight, though, he's a boss rather then a playable character.

    EDIT: Image added


  8. 1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

    I suppose a Black Knight is not exactly a particularly unique concept... And neither is having a villain who killed the protagonist's dad... And neither are holy swords. But this particular holy sword just so happens to make the wielder almost unkillable... Yeah, with all this stuff getting thrown together like this, it's all getting a little dicey. To say nothing about the entire apostle thing. It's worth nothing that Berwick Saga and PoR were released the same year, with PoR being released first. So those games probably didn't directly copy of each other but merely executed concepts that were thrown around back when Kaga was still at IS. But who knows, maybe PoR at least caused some smaller changes to this game, like the Black Knight being a robe guy instead of the armored knight type you would expect for the archetype. Or maybe Kaga was just in a very Tolkien mood at the time. It was the mid 2000s after all.

    It should be noted the villain's class in Japan translates to "Dark Warrior of the Church", Black Knight is a bit of a localization to make it more like Fire Emblem.

  9. Volchens the King is actually of the King Class, a variant of the General class. With hacking help from EatRawmeat, we were able to cheat him as playable.

    There were 4 bosses and 4 minibosses in Chapter 2: Bandit supression, thats a crazy amount of bosses. I like it.

    With characters like Trespaser(Generic name, unique portrait+stats+death quote), Ortega & Friends(Generic portraits but unique names+stats) the line between generic and unique character is a little more blurred in Tearring Saga.

  10. 4 hours ago, Soleater said:

    Eh, I don't really feel that Nowi is a clone since Nowi is miles more mature than Tiki then (from what I've seen), she just acts like a child to make people more comfortable around her - better to play up her looks rather than to have to be bombarded with questions later (like with what Nyx had to deal with).

    Thats mostly the localizers, in the original text, Nowi is actually a child.

    4 hours ago, Soleater said:

    And what do you mean they don't reference Mystery and SD with Awakening Tiki?  She mentions quite frequently - such as mistaking Lucina for Marth, or telling Nah that she's going to suffer the same fate as she, losing people close to her, like Marth

    An obvious one, instead of keeping the Emblem Together like Marth wanted, Tiki is keeping it apart even though story indicates numerous reasons for it to be kept together for everyone, especially Tiki, wellbeing.

    Even in Supports, Tiki, mainly mentions the First Exalt over Marth.

    And speaking of Tiki's friends, she acts like Gotoh and Xane never existed.

    Basically there is unanswered question/plothole after unanswered question/plothole with Awakening's depiction of Tiki.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Soleater said:

    Eh, I suppose they could have made Say'ri more important by having her explain it rather than Tiki (if she would have known), but I think that it makes sense for Tiki to be there in the game anyway, so why not use her?

    Plus, she adds a startling contrast to Nowi, and I think that's worth it.

    Not really, Nowi is pretty much a clone of young Tiki.

    They don't even reference Mystery and Shadow Dragon with Awakening Tiki.

  12. 3 hours ago, Soleater said:

    Maybe it was a different dragon all together?  Not Bantu, but someone else?  Yarne makes comments to Nah that there are other Manaketes around, even if they are very rare.

    Yarne: Yeah, until you turn into a dragon! Then you're nine times my size! You know what? This is dumb. We're not the same at all! Plus, there are other manaketes out there if something happens to you! So quit talking like you have any idea what it's like!

    The Art of Awakening states Nowi was the first Manakete seen for thousands of years other then Tiki and that Manaketes are mythical entities.

    Yarne is referring to Tiki and Nowi there.

    The taguel shouldn't be there period.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Griffinlwgameplayer said:

    He's definitely on the tougher but slower side of the other two soldier options in the game. By a pretty wide margin actually


    It actually makes a lot of sense for Pirates, Barbarians, and Fighters to be pretty fast, since they have little to weigh them down other than their axes. Boyd and Nolan, in particular, are crazy fast (although I think Boyd is a little slower in the second Tellius game he's still fast)

    Aran was built like a tank, for sure.

    45 minutes ago, Griffinlwgameplayer said:

    It actually makes a lot of sense for Pirates, Barbarians, and Fighters to be pretty fast, since they have little to weigh them down other than their axes. Boyd and Nolan, in particular, are crazy fast (although I think Boyd is a little slower in the second Tellius game he's still fast)

    Brigands/Pirates are generally fast after FE5, yeah.


    Interestingly in FE5 as well as the Tearring Saga series, Fighters act like Axe Myrmidons. Tellius Fighters are still my favorite though.

  14. 1 minute ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I've always found this depiction of them kind of strange.  Though I think more of Jugdral when I think of criminal Hunters, since you don't get any recruitable Hunters at all in those games, as opposed to the Archanea games, which give you Castor and Warren.


    Whenever you fight brigands, wild men, pirates, mercenaries, ETC in Shadow Dragon or Mystery, they always use hunters. Similarly to how regular armies never use pirates, they never use Hunters either. 


    While Castor, outside of the NES era, doesn't have the muscle build typical of Hunters, he is somewhat criminal. He's first encountered working for pirates, become a conman after the War of Shadows and in BS Fire Emblem assists Rickard in robbing Archanea palace.

    Warren is a rough mercenary who will take any job for gold. He also has the build of a axe infantry unit, he even wears a headband like the fighters.

    Hunters are also unplayable in Tearring Saga, though one of the playable characters implied he used to be of the class.

    In Berwick Saga, there is a playable hunter, he was a former bandit. In this appearance, Hunters use knives and have their own promotion, an infantry class that gains swords, though still favoring knives and bows.

  15. 32 minutes ago, Griffinlwgameplayer said:

    The Dawn Brigade in Radiant Dawn are mostly pretty weird. Nolan wants to be an oddly tanky Myrmidon. 

    Nolan is a Jugdral Fighter, it helps that Tellius Fighters are faster then normal.

    32 minutes ago, Griffinlwgameplayer said:

    Aaron is also rather slow for a soldier

    I guess Aran missed the memo that Soldiers and Knights were now a separate class line? It is interesting how he is more of a tank then Meg.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Okay, except I don't see what this has to do with gameplay improvements...

    Shadow Dragon took the time to improve Armored classline.

    Echoes: Shadows of Valentia didn't do anything to improve the Armored classline and their new additions made an already bad class, worse.

    50 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    This is exactly why I brought up Archer->Warrior in my initial response to this thread.  I could totally see Hunters getting Warrior as an alternate promotion if they came back in a branching promotion game (mainly from their portrayal in the Jugdral games as Bow-wielding Brigands).

    Funnily enough even the Archanean and Tearring Saga hunters are somewhat criminal.

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