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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 54 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Most games is a bit inaccurate, even if it might technically be true. Wyverns have consistently used axes ever since Path of Radiance, which was the ninth game, and we're now up to fifteen games, discounting Heroes, Warriors, Mirage Session and BS: Fire Emblem. So Wyverns have used axes in approximately half the titles in the series, and the most recent half at that (bearing in mind they don't exist in both Gaiden and Shadows of Valentia).

    FE9: Wyvern Lord use axes as a secondary. Due to Wyvern rider only using lances, units like Jill will prefer Lances even after promotion.

    FE10: Axes

    FE11: Lances with axes as a secondary. Do note just like how Warriors have a base E Axe and a Base E in Bow, Dracoknights have a D rank in Lances and an E in Axes. 

    FE12: Lances with axes as a secondary.

    FE13: Axes

    FE14: Axes

    Thats 4 games where Wyvern Riders prefer axes up against 8 games where they main Lances.

    5 minutes ago, illegal knight said:

    Armored spellcaster....? :mellow:

    Armor >< Robe, it means, thicker Armor = higher Def with lower Res, and More layered (except dancers) Robe = lower Def with higher Res.

    In other words, despise about armor-slayer weapons will be their weakness or not, this class will be the first spellcaster which weaker againts magic and suffers disadvantage when must battle on the desert areas.

    Am I wrong? :wacko:

    There are two boss classes that were Armored spell casters, though they could used all physical weapons.

    Armored units are only weak to magic in some games.

    Though it is noticeable that while a unit being in the cavalry category unit is usually an advantage, a unit being an armor category is almost always a disadvantage. Too bad, there is no base armor skill like Canto.

  2. I like the idea of an armored magic class with staves and anima tomes. Come to think of it, we need more armor category units.

    1 hour ago, illegal knight said:

    And basically, according to the Fire Emblem storylines, Fighters and most axewielders are never officially member of the country's military forces from the start. Most of them were civilian volunteers who choose to joined the banner, while others forced to became criminals or joined the mercenary bands. In other words, the only unpromoted/basic military or "martial" axewielder class is only the Wyvern soldier.

    Wyverns don't use Axes in most games either.

  3. 5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Ironically, we see Anima Spirits in RD, but never Dark ones, though to be fair- if Dark is related to chaos, then it's explicable why Ashera wouldn't have any around, if they exist.

    It would also explain why so few Druids exist, few would want the stigma of practicing magics related to the Dark God. And this is borne out in Ashera using all Light Magic, while plans for Dark Judge attacks, and a mass Berserk spell (Berserk and chaos go hand in hand in Tellius) were ultimately scrapped.

    Also, maybe it was just for gameplay, but Pelleas can use Thunder too. Though that does not explain Izuka, Veyona and other generic Druids locked to just Dark.

    My guess is the spirits devouring the user's soul is mostly superstition, but it can be too much for some people. Hence not everyone can be a spirit charmer.

    There does seem to be a Light=Order and Dark=Chaos thematic in Tellius. Even Micaiah has a dark affinity.

    Funnily enough, Izuka's class, Summoner, is statewise, the promoted form of Druid.

    4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Izuka selling his soul to parasite spirits FOR SCIENCE sounds pretty in character actually. As for Veyona in the others. I think we don't need to give them to much attention considering its just minor boss and about four dark mages in the lava caves. 

    Veyona is depicted as a levelheaded and noble opponent, so I think theres more to Dark Magic then just selling your soul. After all, Yune is associated with it.

    I still imagine not just everyone has what it takes to be a spirit charmer though.

  4. 4 hours ago, Kiddo said:

    Yeah, it looks like the character profiles match the site (Even the ones who had their colors changed). And the "Prelude" looks less detailed than the "Story" section of the site, so it's probably spoiler-free.
    That actually kinda bums me out; A part of me is hoping the original story had more direct ties to FE that had to be edited out, but it seems at least looking on the surface level that that may not be the case. Of course, it's most likely that if the direct ties were there than they'd be more deeply hidden anyway, but seeing text that matches the character bios on the site makes me think more that whatever was changed was bare minimum.

    We several characters like Xane and Jake were going to be in the game before being replaced.


  5. 2 hours ago, ViceTOLUCT said:

    Fire Emblem The Blazing Blade added explosives, Fire Emblem Fates added Tanks, and 50 shades of Valentia added elephant tanks from the Halo series, as well as lasers, so should Fire Emblem Switch go a step further and add firearms into the Fire Emblem series? Or better yet, robots and flying fortress's? 


    They actually existed in FE1.


  6. 1 hour ago, Soleater said:

    No idea about anything that happens in Tearring - haven't gotten around to playing it ^^"

    I thought Ice and Fire in the original were good against each other?

    I know that, but I think it would be overpowered if every unit could fly - Ice Dragons are rarely depicted with wings, usually even being partly sea or water dragons, and Fire Dragons are sort of half and half.  I just didn't want every unit to have the power to fly at the touch of a button.

    What kind of ideas?

    Ice and Fire dragons are effective against one another. Ice Dragons also take extra damage from various fire human weapons like bolagnon and Hoistflamme, while Fire Dragons take extra damage from an ice tome.

    Makes sense.

    Most of them involve rebalancing classes, characters, weapons and units. Also I have considered adding more mini bosses. I can elaborate if you want?

  7. 24 minutes ago, Soleater said:

    Oh of course!  I was thinking of using the SD version of Manketes, where you turn into a dragon separate from your attack, and transforming would take up an action, like dancing or rallying - most enemies would be able to transform, BUT that doesn't mean they can't use other weapons.

    Generally, fully transformed Manaketes would be good at dealing damage against untransformed enemies (attacking with magic always instead of physically, save for maybe Earth Dragons, if I include them), however, Manaketes in this version would be more favoring Resistance rather than Defense generally, so while they'd be able to tank magic, physical weapons, like swords and the like, would deal pretty decent damage against them.  Additionally, while Manaketes can fight other Manaketes without too much problem, Fire and Ice breath would deal extra damage against each other, and (if I use them I'm still not sure) Earth and Wind(or Flying) dragons would be resistance to each other; while Divine Dragons (you probably only get one in the game as a playable character) would be able to deal bonus damage to all types - including themselves.  Also, effective against dragon bonuses would only apply when the manakete is transformed.  Obviously different characters would have different strengths as transformed dragons, but the idea is to encourage switching between the forms.  No idea what I'm doing for mounted units - obviously no Wyvern Riders, but I was thinking of maybe throwing in Griffons as the replacement?  Mostly I say this because most dragons probably wouldn't have wings when transformed, with only Wind (Flying) and Divine dragons being able to fly.  Also if I do throw in mounts, the manaketes would automatically dismount when they transform into a dragon, and remount when they go back to a humanoid form.

    The main tribes I know I'm adding are Ice, Fire, and Divine, with all of the tribes being kind of independent, with their own leaders, but with Divine being really in charge (like, the leaders of their tribes being governors, but the Divine Dragon council being king).  And when the Divine Dragon council suddenly collapses, with the royalty completely disappearing, the other tribes are thrown into chaos.

    It's kind of bare bones at the moment, but I was thinking of setting in the the perspective of a young Ice Dragon princess, at least, and her trying to preserve the life she once knew through violent bloodshed; by killing those who would threaten her homeland.

    The SNES and Tearring Saga version right. In Tearring Saga, Manaketes Emiyu, have human classes like Priest before they transform with their item.

    That could be interesting.

    Funnily in FE3, Ice Dragons weakness to fire was pretty bad when Tiki transformed into one because fire was everywhere, even used by Ballistas. Conversely only Ice Breath and a wind tome dealt Ice Damage!

    Dragon wings disappear or reappear depending on the artists. Fire Dragons have always had wings,  sometimes of flame, though they've only flown on rare occasions yet never are flying units. Several other Dragons also have wings that disappear and reappear.

    I have some gameplay hack ideas myself.

  8. 1 hour ago, Soleater said:

    I've been actually toying with the idea of a Fire Emblem setting that's filled with Manaketes - humans are all but extinct; once I get into rom hacking, I'd love to turn it into a SS or FE7 hack ^^

    Usually its the opposite, Manaketes are going extinct in favor of humanity.

    It could be interesting, but there'd have to be more variation on Manakete playable units, I think. In the official games, we are pretty much limited to getting Tiki clones for playable Manaketes.

  9. 4 hours ago, Soleater said:

    I was going to respond to this awhile ago, but I forgot ^^"

    It's really weird how they just sort of have

    orange Anna

    Is this a precursor to blue Anna from Awakening???

    The world may never know.


    There's also a guy who was likely Jake(Anna's beau) early on.

    Pegasus Knights also appear, when nowadays they are copyrighted by nintendo.

    Awakening Anna is kind of odd in that she's practically a whole new character from the prior depiction of Anna.

  10. 4 hours ago, Setsuna.F.Seiei said:

    Why do you make a mod for this game with the new brand story or make some more characters with new classes and new skills?
    Hope to see it comes true.

    In fairness, that would take a lot of time with a whole lot of work, especially considering how much text Berwick Saga contains.

    Still, it can be considered in the future once the translation is finished.

  11. 7 hours ago, Soleater said:

    I heard it was something along those lines?  But wow even Anna showing up?  That sounds...dangerously risky with Nintendo tbh.


    She isn't referred to by name, but she runs the secret shop, options and suspend feature.

    There are also several characters who clearly started out as Fire Emblem characters such as Jake and Xane.

    6 hours ago, Soleater said:

    Never heard that before, but considering the issues with Starfox 2, I wouldn't put it past Nintendo :/

    Sucks though that we didn't get Tearring, but it probably would have gotten called a Fire Emblem clone if FE7 was over here at the same time.

    Tearring Saga: Utna Heroes Saga came out at a time of a major Fire Emblem drought, so there were no other Fire Emblem games out at the time.

  12. 35 minutes ago, Soleater said:

    Well, I am a big fan of the whole "worshiping a thing that isn't really a god" thing, as that comes off as kind of...idk realistic?  I guess?  Idk, but as someone who's really into her Greek mythology, I still like your tried and true god here or there.

    Tear Ring, is that really considered Fire Emblem though?

    Tearring Saga is a Fire Emblem in all but name, Anna even shows up.

  13. 1 hour ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Merric in Mystery of the Emblem is weird.  If I remember correctly, Merric still technically promotes to Bishop even though his in-game promoted appearance is more akin to a Sage and his promotion gains are flat out better than every other magic user's.

    I don't think Merric's promotion in Mystery of the Emblem is a good example of a character-specific promotion so much as it is flat-out favoritism on Kaga's part.


    Interestingly, Merric's Bishop also has its own class slot unlike say Julian's thief, which is just a unique sprite brought on by his unique character ID.

    It is favoritism, but the promotion still further improved Merric.

    Did I ever tell you see any of the Tearring Saga unique promotion links?

    On 5/10/2018 at 9:39 PM, Martin said:

    I DON'T want the soldiers getting the shaft, like they usually do. I don't understand what's so hard about having a standard, infantry lance unit with humble stats that are balanced, sort of like the mercenary. I know they appear in a handful of games, but what is so religiously difficult about making them a main class? I felt just insulted when I learned that Hoshido had a lance only infantry class, yet Nohr don't (not a playable one anyways, excluding re classing [unless I'm missing DLC and stuff like that].)

    Personally I was ok with it as I considered Spear Fighter, the Soldier, similar to how Samurai are Myrmidons.

    Awakening not having soldiers was pretty glaring though.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    And out of those, Merric was already worth using because he has exclusive access to Excalibur, which wrecks flying units (and he joins right before flying dragons show up too). Lara is a thief (at least for part of the game), which means she has the utility that comes with it. No comment on TRS characters.

    The promotion certainly helps Merric as well.

    Lara's promotion to dancer drastically improves her as a unit as she isn't a good thief. She also keeps the steal skill as a dancer.

    Simply put the Tearring Saga characters are helped immensely by their unique promotion.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I checked Youtube to see what affiliation the enemy is for those chapters, it's:

    Chapter 6x: Bandits ("Ruffians" is the official name for them)

    Chapter: 12x: Grust and Horace's Archaneans

    Chapter 17x: Grust

    Chapter 20x: Grust

    Chapter 24x: Keepers

    Gra is the one enemy in the Prologue chapters.

    No Dolhr. Mostly more Grust, cementing its place as the strongest or at least most numerous military in Archanea.

    Chapter 6X is just pirates.

    Chapter 12X: Has a strong Manakete presence.

    Chapter 17X: Small Manakete presence.

    Chapter 20X: Large Manakete presence as the commander there is a Dolhrian loyalist from Grust.

    Grust is the headliner in most of those missions, with most of the enemy commanders being Grustian(though the guy in 12X seems to be Dolhrian), but they have a large amount of generic Manakete units labeled "Dolhr" in their forces.

  16. 2 hours ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

    Ah, it's unfortunate that you missed Garos, the second bounty in the Chapter 3 main mission.

    He shows up on Turn 20 and he is the very first Assassin the player potentially encounters in this game. Assassins in Berwick Saga are rather special.

    The first peculiarity of Berwick Saga Assassins is that normally you actually can't see their stats. Trying to open up their stat screens simply won't work. This is due to their Obfuscation skill, their BS class skill. The only way to actually see their stats is to either have a playable or friendly unit adjacent, or a playable unit with the Watchful skill within 3 hexes, which cancels the effects of Obfuscation.  

      Hide contents



    The more defining characteristic of Assassins, however, is the weapon they wield.

      Reveal hidden contents



    If you're still not convinced that Kaga is a troll, take a look at his skillset.

      Reveal hidden contents


    The final notable thing about Assassins though is that they give an obscene amount of experience. In fact, if I remember correctly, should the player manage to defeat Garos, it pretty much guarantees a level-up (100 EXP) for any unit apart from Ward and one other unit at this point in the game. (Speaking of. you should see quite a few more mercenary units available for hire around the city now) Fortunately, by the next time one encounters Assassins, there may be ways for the player to face them more reliably...

    Assassin Daggers are 100% exclusive to Assassins, like Gigas Axes and unlike General/Paladin shields, right?

  17. 1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Interesting, and it reminds me we've never had to put down a peasant rebellion despite that being a routine duty of armies in history. Blame it on FE always being goodie good. I'd be fine with one as a kind of bonus battle. Lots of weak enemies, but the chapter has awesome bonus rewards that require very stringent planning to obtain. You can't really lose the fight if you have half a brain, but you can easily miss on things you probably don't want to.

    Good point there should be a peasant rebellion mission. Arran mentions doing one in his past in one of New Mystery's info conversation, but its all offscreen.

    Come to think of it, aren't many of the bandit missions, kinda peasant rebellions. August in Thracia 776 stresses that bandits are usually commoners that turn to crime due to poor living conditions.


    From left to right, the Mercenary icon and the Bandit Icon. No Lance unit uses them, even though all other physical weapons are represented by them!

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Well for me it was mostly because enemy Manaketes, and Bantu and even Gotoh to a lesser extent (his sage hat brings one to mind) like that head covering. Naga nowadays is never shown with anything like one, and Tiki, well she had one


    but she has lost it in more recent games, or even 3B2.

    Her book 1 portrait depicted with a hood, albeit lowered, as did her artwork in the accompanying card game. By the DS remakes, Tiki's hood seems to have disappeared for good.

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