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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I don't think the archive link worked given there's images of Heroes Book 3 up there. I do believe you though, I'd just like to see the info myself. On an unrelated note that website has just revealed to me that Chrom's Japanese name is Chromium which I find simultaneously hilarious, silly and cool.


    This should work.

    The Loptous tome descriptions calls the dragon inside a Shadow Dragon.

    Also I just noticed the Shadow Dragon class in TRS has the same terrain skill as the Earth Dragon class in the game in addition to looking like a Divine Dragon. Wonder if it means anything.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Medeus said:

    Glad to see Ranulf do so well. Granted he just missed making the Farfetched Heroes mark since four non-playable characters are above him, but he not only did better then last year, he held out and made Top 15 male side despite most of his Beast brethren dropping into the 50s or lower. I'm very happy with that result since it means one way or another he's still getting the push I was hoping for with him. 

    Medeus on the other hand I would've liked to have seen him do better, but I'll take the slight bump up for now. I just have to push for him even harder next year provided he still doesn't pop up by then. 

    I voted for him if it means anything.

  3. 26 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

    As long as they are not on "new" heroes banner taking spots that could have gone to someone who was not in the game.  Looking at you mage Erika who should have been Knoll, Myrrh could have sold that banner by herself.  Then I can live with them being in the game even if they are too many for my tastes.

    I feel the same way about Horse archer Lyn should've been Rath or Sue.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    So vague and speculatory at best like all things relating to Dark Dragons. I think it's obvious that Shadow Dragons are supposedly more powerful than Earth Dragons, but I don't think it can definitively be said if they're equal to, stronger, or even weaker than Divine Dragons. Remember all the dragons were way more powerful back in the day before the degradation. Using stats is also a baseless thing to compare as of course the final boss is going to have better stats than a recruitable unit.

    Loptous is confirmed as a Shadow Dragon on what old site? I don't have a hard time believing it at all since the sprite for his tome has the same iguana ears as Dark Dragon Medeus, but I haven't seen any Kaga interviews or anything confirming it as fact.


    Well in FE12, the Shadow Dragon class has the same base stats as Divine Dragons which the developers didn't need to do. The Earth Dragon class doesn't have higher base stats then the Divine Dragon class in FE3 at the very least, unlike the Shadow Dragon class(which can also fly in FE3). If TRS is taken to account, the unused Divine Dragon class is even a white version of the Shadow Dragon class.

    Here we go, had to go for an archive link as unfortunately it is a redirect now(is the museum closed now)? The Loptous tome description on the Fire Emblem museum, which Kaga used to run I believe, calls Loptous a Shadow Dragon.

  5. 1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Anna is like Nurse Joy; different people that look the same. That’s why they didn’t merge the Annas. 

    As for Marth, he should have no problems winning next year. Byleth, Dimitri and Claude could give him a run for his money but he should be able to secure first place. 

    The Annas in the first 5 games at least was the same person.

    She and Jake even refer to Linda of Archanea in FE4.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I mean with how many Camilla alts there are, I genuinely want a Mani Katti-wielding Lyn. Otherwise, yeah, I prefer new characters being added over alts.

    The few alts I want are:

    * Shadow Dragon Hardin

    * Lance Caeda, possibly on a wyvern.

    * Young Finn

    * Old Hector

    * Old Eliwood

    * Old Arvis

    Stuff like Lord Ike would be neat as well.

  7. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    How can one actually say that they are truly empty shells, though? If the spirit/soul inside the shell is so primitive that it has yet to mature, then it's nothing more than just an infant, yet to fully forge an identity and form individuality. But War Dragons have indicated to be capable of holding sentience, or at the very least Ain did.

    Hell, the Morphs that Nergal created also held sentience too, with Sonia trying to believe that she was perfect and such and a real person. Since War Dragons are like the dragon version of Morphs, it might take a slower time because there's so much power from them. Though because they were made for war purposes, and created from a dragon who's soul was crushed, that might have caused problems with the ability to form sentience as fast. 

    But if they hold sentience, able to show signs of thought, even forge individuality, then you created life. 

    I too think War Dragons and Morphs have a soul, however I don't think Idenn or Nergal truly created them so much as recycled them. Again I'd compare it to how a scientist who creates a clone of another human being, the clone is alive and everything, yet the scientist didn't create life as he didn't create the DNA and the genetics himself.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I'm pretty sure lots of people around here don't care for most alts.  The seasonal ones I find especially tacky.

    I'm with you about them taking roster space that other characters.  Everybody's alts could've been a brand new character.

    That said, do be careful about making "Am I the only one who..." topics like this.  I learned the hard way that eclipse hates them a bunch.

    I'll keep that in mind.

    Stuff like Uther!Hector is cool, but in the end I'd prefer Uther himself if I could choose.

  9. 8 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Which is honestly BS when you think about it. Like, Elibe shows that Divine Dragons can create War Dragons, which are similar to Morphs. They are living creatures. 

    War Dragons are empty shells and implied to be made of recycled materials similar to morphs and both are similar to clones. I wouldn't consider cloning an individual the power of creation.

    Its like how someone who assembles a robot from pieces they bought isn't in the same category as the person who made the robot from scratch.

    5 hours ago, Faellin said:

    Would Gotoh and Athos be considered godlike figures for this? They are some of the strongest mortals in the FE universe based on what we've seen. So I feel they would be good choices.

    Gotoh is a Divine dragon so for sure.

    Athos and Bramminond I would say yes to. They figured out how to extend their life to live like the dragons do and literally almost broke the rules of reality. with their man made weapons.

    15 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    You have a source for that? Because any info on what the deal is with Dark Dragons seems to be nonexistant.


    In fairness, that is implied. Xane describes Earth Dragons as almost as strong as Divine Dragons, while Loptous, who is confirmed as as a Shadow Dragon on the old site, is frequently described as Naga's equal.

    Medeus's Shadow Dragon also no longer takes effective damage from Mist Breath and has equal or higher base stats then Divine Dragons in all versions of the game.

  10. There are a few exceptions such as characters who have alternate classes in canon such as Shadow Dragon!Hardin, characters depicted at different ages like Hector and characters not wielding their canon weapon type like Caeda, but in general I'm not that interested in variants especially stuff like Summer Ike or Easter Marth.

    Instead I'm more into which new character gets added to the game, especially if they're a lesser known character who would never make the top 20, let alone top 10. Anyone else feel the same?

  11. 41 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

    I am probably one of the few people who is more interested in who is in the top 50 of each gender over who won, since it will give me an idea of which of my favs have a shot at actually getting into Heroes in the next year.  

    I've been more interested in the lower results too.


  12. Eh as a Marth fan, he has everything he needs, even a Binding Shield alt. The only thing he could possibly get is a Toga form.

    Personally I care far more about new characters and canon alts that are missing like Shadow Dragon!Hardin, Path of Radiance!Sothe, or BindingBlade!Hector.

  13. 54 minutes ago, Critical Sniper said:

    Well you could always keep your save file safe and then copy the DS rom and insert the edited portrait in that copy of the DS ROM. If you mess up then you do something differently.

    No, I mean editing the sprite right here.


    The actual sprite can be incorporated later, but I want a god mini version of the DS portraits without icons.


  14. On 1/27/2019 at 5:21 AM, GamerX51 said:

    The code I once had, the one I'm trying to find, gave everyone on the battlefield 99 of any weapon and item they had in their Inventories.. even enemies.

    I see, I don't have that one.

    Is there anyone where one can commission someone to convert action replay codes?

    Besides the one you mentioned, there are some Shadow Dragon codes, I'd like converted to US Action replays.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Critical Sniper said:

    Couldn't you for example just grab the soldier portrait, make a simple edit an idea from me, a teenager, is a penis xd and then insert the portrait back inside. Although I suppose you are talking about how to insert them... hmmm I cant help you with that then.

    I could, but I'm a little worried and make a mistake, resulting in the mini portrait being misaligned compared to the others.

    I'm not talking about inserting the sprite edits into the DS games, there was already an old topic on inserting portraits into Shadow Dragon.

    Can't find it right now, but I know the creator, Crimson Red and I found post of them mentioning making it. It involves HEX editing.

  16. Since adding portraits has been figured out for hacks of Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem, I'm wondering if is anyone interested in doing some minor edits of the DS Era portraits? I have neither the know how nor the tools to do it myself.


    To start with, a mini portrait version of generic soldier, Ruffian and Fightmonger, so they could potentially be used as actual units in a hack.


    Comparison of Mini portraits used for a unit to see the style used in Shadow Dragon and its DS remake.


    This unused portrait in Shadow Dragon was ripped somewhat messily and could  be cleaned up a bit. A link to the sprite sheet it was ripped from.


    New Mystery portraits tend to be somewhat brighter in New Mystery of the Emblem, so brightening up the portraits not used in New Mystery of the Emblem could be an interesting activity.

  17. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I'd be interested in the full results as well, since they could determine who they would be adding in say November and this time next year.

    It also helps determine which lesser known characters will get in.

    Obviously the people on the top will be both lords and characters from the latest entries, but characters like Wolf and Gonzales rating fairly high could result in them being added to the game.

  18. 9 minutes ago, Hectorcopter said:

    I had 5200 Wii Points and bought some stuff. I still have 1100 points left. Anything important I should buy?

    Contra and the "MY life" final fantasy games.

    7 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Yeah I don't have any of those.

    I don't either.


  19. 23 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Wait how do we add Wii Points? I don't see the menu to do it. 

    Or am I just that blind?

    EDIT: We can't add them anymore. Looks like I won't be downloading anything. Bummer.

    There's still a menu redeem cards, don't know if it works though..

    Apparently adding points was turned off all the way back in March 2018.

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