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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. Classes I hope to see.

    * Good Armor Knights with high resistance and starting with two weapon ranks, similar to Radiant Dawn.

    * Laguz or old school Manakete style Shapeshifters who actually turn into a different animal/dragon class for a period of turns rather then only transforming during their battle animations.

    * Soldiers/Halberdiers, Pirates/Berserkers, Archers/Snipers and Myrmidons/Swordmasters

    * Fighters and Warriors.

    * Ballistician.

    Classes I expect to see but don't necessarily want.

    * Awakening style Great Knight:

    * Awakening style Dark Knight:

    * Tactician/Avatar class


  2. 3 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Yet even then, that doesn't mean anything, as there isn't a Holy Blood system applied here like it was in Echoes and Genealogy. Being Holy Blood doesn't give claim to the throne, or at least not to the knowledge we are aware of. Maybe it does, but based on how things are, nothing suggests it.

    Did you miss Vasto and Campari? Both absolutely hated Ylisse, with Vasto calling Ylisseans cowards, and Campari mentioning the rage of Plegia. And the Drama CDs also show how there are plenty of Plegians that do hold hatred for Ylisse, but through Emmeryn's sacrifice and by some actions Chrom and his forces did in said CD, they were willing to put aside that hatred and look for sympathizers. 

    Even if it's not mentioned, it's the entire basis on why Gangrel pushed that war. In fact, though you say it's abandoned, need I remind you that the entire basis on how Ylisse and Emmeryn turned out to be is because of the former Exalt. Everyone would be happier to forget the terrible king they had and believe in the new ruler that supported peace. But before that, they hated Emmeryn thinking she was just like her father. And no matter how much you try to say that he's an abandoned plot point, the fact remains that he was trying to commit genocide and nearly destroyed his own nation in the process. He forced a major factor of his economy into the war and kept trying to push forward. You think his own nation didn't try to warn him far earlier about the damages he had done? He had to have known, but he pressed on. Any halfway decent ruler would have known to pull out, but this guy pushed on and got nothing from it. Hell, even if he beat Plegia, the Grimleal had ties to Valm. So the cult would have survived and they were no closer to ending Grima. 

    Gangrel confesses that he lost his way in his conversation with Emmeryn:


    Gangrel was a pauper who only got to be King due to Validar’s help, whilst Validar was descended from the people who founded the country. Its clear Validar has a higher right to lead the country.

    Drama CD is non canon and obviously irrelevant.

    Its irrelevant because no one but Emmeryn ever mentions the crusade effecting their lives, not one single Plegian mentions being affected by it. The only Plegians whose backstories we get, make zero mention of the war with Ylisse and instead continue with the whole “Grima worshippers=Irredeemably Evil” thing we already know.

    Neither Vasto or Campari reference the crusade at all. They are just your typical evil minor bosses.

    Gangrel admitting you actively forgot his goal about uniting the continent against Valm and just decided to create a war he knew was pointless out of sheer bloodlust is worse then anything we know of Mr. nameless abandoned plot point.

    I’ll say if like the backstories of Aversa, Henry, and the like had mentioned the war, you might have merit, but as it is you are just speculating on an abandoned plot line about a character who didn’t even merit a name.

    Unless something new is provided, I have nothing else to say.

  3. Both the novel and manga choose Sonya over poor Deen.

    2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    Didn't kliff die to desaix in the Gaiden manga or something? Maybe just have it keep the same deaths or something?



    Also in the novel, he dies during the final battle, leaving his long-lost sister Silque to mourn him.

    All the deaths in the novel were based off the Author's personal play through.


  4. 6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    There is no system installed that the cult leader would be the king. Genealogy and Echoes had that, but Plegia clearly doesn't indicate that. So saying that Validar has more claim is dubious at best. And was Gangrel running his nation to the ground? Yeah, Gangrel was a tyrant and was oppressing his own people, but given his strong military strength and great funds, Plegia was by no means about to run itself through the ground anytime soon. 

    Not to mention, his war with Ylisse was something that many Plegians wanted until Emmeryn's sacrifice was made. Every enemy general apart from Mustafa and his soldiers, the Plegians all wanted blood. 

    Yeah, it does. Even if he's a plot point, he was still a ruler, like Lima IV. And Lima is just as much a terrible ruler, if not worse, but being a plot point by no means makes them less of a bad ruler. The former Exalt launched a war to commit genocide. And his war crippled Ylisse's military strength and economy and is the likely reason that the original timeline even happened, since otherwise, Plegia would not have had enough hatred to desire the war and Ylisse's military strength would have avoided assassination attempts better. So it still stands that the former Exalt is one of the worst rulers in Fire Emblem still. 

    You have a guy that literally calls you a hypocrite and is trying to declare war in a parley. Given how fast things had run, Emmeryn didn't get a single moment of making any conversation to even land an apology. Panne was at least willing to let her talk. 

    Grimleal founded Plegia, Gangrel was just a pauper who got into power due to being a pawn of the Grimleal.

    None of the Generals mention the war, nor do the Plegian villagers we meet, who instead support Ylisse.

    He's an abandoned plot point that never gets mentioned again. Every Plegian's backstory in the game has no mention of his crusade. Even Validar has nothing to say about it.



    Here's Gangrel literally laughing about the deaths of his  soldiers, yes he is easily worse then an abandoned plot point that is only mentioned a few times by Emmeryn before being forgotten by the script.

  5. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I would argue that the former Exalt is. At least Gangrel's case is that his own nation wasn't actually gonna self-destruct in all honesty, since he had enough funds to acquire resources thanks to the intercontinental trade. And Gangrel does explain his motivations. Misguided and likely to fail, but he had far more likelihood of not destroying his own nation in the process. And Validar wasn't a true ruler per se, but rather a substitute as he calls himself king regent, and he was part of the evil cult. 

    The former Exalt might have had a reason to commit genocide, but he was destroying and would have destroyed his nation LONG before Plegia was destroyed. So yeah, the former Exalt is still one of the worst rulers ever.

    Given that 15 years have passed and Emmeryn has constantly tried to maintain peace between the two nations, I think it's obvious that she already said her apologies, and he met Panne for the very first time. 

    Gangrel was literally running his nation into the ground into the ground and laughed at the death of his men. Validar had even more claim to ruler then Gangrel as he possessed Holy Blood.

    That doesn't make him the worst ruler ever in a game filled with bad rulers in a franchise filled with bad rulers. Again he is an abandoned plot point, saying he is the worst ruler is massive hyperbole.

    Then how come she didn't do it again?

  6. 1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Also, Emmeryn's case isn't at all that she's emulating any of these. No, she's taken the idealism of pacifism to the absolute max, but the reasoning is absolutely understandable. This is because Emmeryn's father was basically one of the absolute worst rulers in Fire Emblem, having nearly destroyed Ylisse and Plegia to try and perform a genocidal crusade against the Grimleal.

    Not even close to one of the worst rulers, even in Awakening Gangrel and Validar are far worse.

    Anyone notice that Emmeryn never directly apologizes for the crusade, but does for the Taguel despite Ylisse not being involved?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Oh.  The way you worded your earlier sentence made it sound like Barons in Shadows of Valentia got a Skill that helped them against other armored units.

    I mean other units got weapons that gave them skills against armored units when there was no need for this in the first place.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Huh?  I don't remember that.  What I do remember is Barons getting a Skill that halves damage from Bows.

    The original game had no anti armor and didn't need it as the game is chock full of magic users.

    Heavy Armor was useless as enemy bow users were extremely weak unlike player bow users and with their range, were unlikely to aim for Barons anyhow.

    Why they gave them Heavy Armor instead of pavise is a mystery to me?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:


    I don't really do multiplayer, so I've never heard of this.

    People forge hammers in multiplayer.

    A good way to say it is while anti Armor weapons aren't a major weakness, they don't need to exist most of the time because the class already has weakness after weakness.

    Ridersbanes, by contrast, are a necessary counter for an overpowered class.

    Like in Echoes: SOV, they took so much away from the  Armored class line and all they added to them was anti armor weaponry, like really, how was that what the class needed to have.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    So I don't see why so many people make a big deal out of the existence of Armorslayers as a problem for Knights.  I mean, you don't see many people complaining that Ridersbanes are a big problem for Cavaliers.

    They are a problem on multiplayer though.

    I wish Merc-Slayers and Brigand slayers weapons continued, though.

    Still the primary issue is movement, their defense being too low, being ironically bad at protecting other units, terrain restrictions, low resistance(Awakening putting this back was idiotic), being doubled, and other classes doing their job better.

    You know it'd be nice if Armored Knights, for a canto equivalent universal skill, got the ability to rescue/capture units without losing any stats.

  11. On 6/11/2018 at 4:24 PM, Von Ithipathachai said:

    An idea I thought of to partially mitigate the Movement problem is to give one of the player's Knights less Defense than normal, but Movement +1 as a Personal Skill to make them more viable for LTC play.

    By the way, how often do anti-Armor weapons usually appear in any given map?  I know they show up a lot in Thracia 776, which is why Knights in that game are especially terrible, but I only ever recall seeing them a few times in any given playthrough of any other game.

    Anti Armor rarely appear in most games and in all games, even Thracia 776, are never the classes primary weakness.

    Radiant Dawn had the right idea giving them more weapon ranks and good resistance.

  12. 2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    *Thinks they heard the word before and looks up the definition*

    What? He is supposed to be gay? Now he is just plain offensive! And like Kyza, he certainly doesn't come off as one in English. Thank goodness actually. Rather have a molester over a gay stereotype who happens to also be evil, which is a pretty low bar.

    Basically and yes it is offensive.



    A stereotypical okama, note the picture has the exact same hairstyle and face as Excellus.

    You can still see some of the stereotype even in the localization.

  13. On 4/8/2017 at 10:20 AM, Snowy_One said:

    For those who don't know, in the game data is coding for an Ike/Mia support with the C-support even fully written. It got cut, IIRC, because Ike had too many. That said, I'm curious, if it hadn't...

    Personally I think it would have been a 'meh' option at best for Ike. With Oscar and Soren being better she'd have been competing with Titania for the #3 support (if she got it or not would depend on the time). Not that Ike would want an A as it would only give him avoid and hit. Mia would have gushed for it though since it gives her much-desired evasion.

    What about other cut supports? I can't remember which other ones there were, so how useful would they have been?

    It never existed.

    Can this myth fade already.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    We haven't.  The Vizier in the video is most similar to Aversa, but somehow being a vizier in a high-ranking position trying to revive the dragon made me think Gharnef.

    Aversa was just a manipulated pawn though, so not really close to the vizier depicted in the video.

    The trying to revive a Dragon part is totally Gharnef.

  15. War Dragons were made for quantity over quality, shock troops to cover their valuable troops. They don't have the battle training, the real dragon soldiers get. 

    Jahn says he is more skilled then a War Dragon.

    The Fire Dragon in Blazing Sword is also a veteran based off its Japanese name and select description in all versions of the game.

  16. On 5/23/2018 at 1:22 PM, DisobeyedCargo said:

    Just got the game yesterday and the reclassing feature seems really cool in how it is implemented, but I have no idea how to tell if a character should stay in a different class or go in a class for a few levels. Any tips or such to help me out with it?

    Going in a class for a few levels can be good sometimes, especially if a character needs a particular stat.

    Wolf and Sedgar will gain good levels in defense and HP as Generals for example.

  17. 13 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    I more of meant make them basically a clone or an armour, same move any everything, just with def and res swapped 

    Bishop is like that in several games.

    Low move combined with no defense and max resistance.

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