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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 3 hours ago, Slumber said:

    I do really like the idea of Archers becoming Warriors. 

    Even an Archer built like Archanea Hunters would probably become a decent Warrior. 



    Hunter--> Warrior is pretty implicit in FE4-FE5.


    In New Mystery, I always make Warren the hunter, a Warrior on promotion.

  2. Another unit and class values to experiment with.

    HEX 40 or 64 DEC for Gigas Knight.

    For the unit we could either do:

    * Dean: If we wanna see Gigas Knights caps maxed naturally.

    * HEX 279 or DEC 633 for tough boss Piers. He's a general, so it'd be interesting if his growths still include L shield and swords.

  3. 7 hours ago, eatrawmeat391 said:

    Here is the King's class weapon skill cap


    Same caps as General and Guardian, makes sense!

    So do enemies have class growths like in Fire Emblem, Volchen's shield growth and stats went up in the video which was interesting?

  4. 6 hours ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

    We have basically torn the entire thing apart since beta 3. Lots of revisions where things were translated in Awakening/Heroes/Warriors, lots of grammatical corrections, and fixing quite a few minor translation induced continuity or character errors here and there; all of which is chiefly to be in line with official localizations. It’s been slow progress, but there will definitely be a very noticeable bump in quality compared to the previous revision.


    also, I’ve overhauled the menu interface to be consistent with how it is in Shadow Dragon, and corrected item descriptions to be much the same- lots of testing to make sure everything works fine, though, and there’s a few annoying stragglers in terms of the menu interface to deal with.

    i wouldn’t say Beta 2 is reflective of what the patch will end up with at this point; it misses a lot of localization corrections even as it is currently. Archanea has had the good fortune of getting a lot of coverage in Awakening, Heroes, and Warriors to go off of, which means many things (most prominently support conversations, but pretty much all of Hardin’s FE12 dialogue is localized at this point via the other games) are ammended to be consistent with localized games. Legion is definitely the most prominent change here, but Heroes helped a lot with codifying some nuances for certain characters in official localization.


    basically, please give Beta 3 at least one go whenever it comes out; not sure how long that will be, as the fine tooth comb has been going a bit slower than anticipated, but a lot of effort was put into cleaning things up to be consistent; not just names, but phrases, nuances, etc. are being cross referenced for consistency with localization as thoroughly as possible.

    I'll try it in time, I can always start a new playthrough as FE12 is a favorite.

    Maybe I can get those portrait replace codes working on the latest patch?

  5. 18 minutes ago, Griffinlwgameplayer said:

    I suppose that's also true. I suppose it would be interesting to have two units with the same base class but one turns into one class while the other turns into another, but it would probably have to be balanced based on their stats.

    Tearring Saga did that interestingly. The Knight that promoted to a mounted unit had lower growths and less skills then the Knight who promoted to General.

    On 5/2/2018 at 10:43 AM, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I would strongly disagree - some of SD's changes arguably hurt the game, and a lot of the new stuff felt rather poorly implemented.

    I'll make this discussion small and save the rest for another topic, but Echoes: SOV made Knights far worse then the original, while the DS remakes managed to greatly improve Knights, Fighters, and Pirates.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    True enough. Unfortunately, we're talking about developers who prefer to be too faithful to their games to the point that the remakes of said games suffer, if Shadow Dragon is any indication...

    Despite being made on a lower budget, Shadow Dragon did far more to improve the gameplay of the original FE1 then Echoes: SOV did to improve the gameplay of FE2.

  7. 1 minute ago, Dragoncat said:

    That threw me off the first time too, but I later realized it was just like in the GBA games with the color coded map sprites.

    The console games actually have unique map colorations, the enemy wyvern riders have the correct mount coloration on map, but for whatever reason, wyvern lords have a inconsistent map model.

  8. 2 hours ago, SMEDIA said:

    Huh? No Sacred Stones characters? Not even Ephraim and Erika.

    I can say most would have preferred over Rowan and Lianna.

    The original cast certainly didn't receive the same fan love that HW original characters such as Lana and Volga got.

  9. Just now, Corrobin said:

    Staffs are a lot less broken now than in FE5, and not having them now is not an irredimable sin against a character.

    Class promotion bonuses are a lot more well-balanced, especially for Saves.

    Those are things that people can agree have been fixed post FE5, and so, if a character like Miranda were to appear in FE16, she'd probably be a lot better.

    And not to mention that promotions are only part of the equation. What if said Bow Knight-promoting unit you mentioned only gets a skill like Adept or Prayer, while the Sniper promote gets Luna? What if the Sniper has crazy high Attack, Speed and Skill while the Bow Knight has more average growths? What if the Sniper gets a good personal weapon while the Bow Knight will have to make due with basic weapons in endgame like Brave, Silver or Killer Bows?

    Kinda like how in Tearring Saga, the Knight that promoted to a mounted unit had lower growths and less skills then the Knight who promoted to General.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Well... I have said this in other threads, and maybe even here, but I don't see the good in unique promotions because of class disparity. Who do you think is going to be better if one archer promotes to sniper, and another becomes a bow knight? If you guessed the one that promotes to bow knight, you win the grand prize! Basically, I reject the idea because IS doesn't always make good balancing decisions - who's to say they won't make other units that get shafted like poor little Miranda was in Thracia???

    Miranda was bad due to entirely different factors.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Aethin said:

    The hacker and I tried to find a correspondence between name ID and face ID, but we couldn’t find one. As far as we can tell, they are stored entirely separately.

    Is it just like that for Volchens? He does battle in a cutscene.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Sorry, but "it makes her unique" is no excuse, far as I'm concerned. Being unique does NOT mean it makes her worth using.

    My point is, you are trying to use Miranda as a way to say unique promotions don't work, when not only is Miranda a unique case, she is brought down by other factors.

    Plenty of characters have benefitted from unique promotions. FE3 Merric, Lara, Narron, Sun, ETC. Essentially your argument isn't relevant.

  13. 1 minute ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    True, but if a promotion to Sage wouldn't have helped, how in the seven hells does a promotion to an obviously inferior class help her? The answer to that is simple: it doesn't.

    Promotion to Mage Knight at least make her unique.

    What would've helped Miranda is some pursuit critical, higher weapon ranks and the elite skill.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Remember Miranda? Because I sure as hell do not. Why? Because her being forced to promote into Mage Knight only screwed her over instead of helping her.

    Miranda's issue was she came in late without elite and with low weapon ranks. A promotion to sage wouldn't have helped.

  15. 4 hours ago, eatrawmeat391 said:

    I have hacked Volcens into the game, many thanks to @Aethin and @Emperor Hardin .I wonder if there is any way to easily hack the portrait of a person you want because I have to go through 300 values just to get Volcens' portrait


    You can download my hacked save here.

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/xn43x9shj6wnri4/Berwick Saga Hacked Save game.7z

    - This has Weiss, Chaos and Volcens all playable.Volcens is given low level.



    I noticed Volchen's gained weapon EXP.

    I'm curious as to whether King has the same weapon caps as General. General has a sword cap of 40 and a shield cap of 50. 

  16. 19 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    There's nothing added to a game when you gender lock classes. Well, maybe there is one thing, though it is a reprieve from a larger issue - unit identity. With every character being a reclassing sack of stats, gender locked classes are the last remaining vestige of unit identity.

    I like unit identity, but when everyone can reclass into any class, barring gender locked classes, whats the point of gender locked classes?


  17. 1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Funnily enough, she actually can't access that unless you choose Pegasus Knight for M!Corrin and then marry her... In any case, reclassing breaks pretty much every rule there is, so I'm not sure if that logic applies.

    Thats what I mean with bond seals.

    For some male examples, Fighter Donnel and Barbarian Laurent.

  18. 48 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    They have said that they choose purehearted people. The Tenma from Hoshido are a bit less picky, but still have the pure heart requirement, while the pegasi from the other worlds only choose purehearted maidens. It's not solely based on gender and definitely doesn't have anything to do with virginity.

    Pamela in Genealogy of the Holy War, a FalcoKnight, was a psychotic killer who openly bragged about murder.

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