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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 1 hour ago, AyraXLex said:

    On the point of balance, most games don't have such enormous gaps between the quality of units. It's not just that a few characters are extremely powerful, it's that they're many times more useful than the average unit in your army, e.g. the difference between Lewyn and Tailltiu or Aless and Oifey/Delmud. Even comparing Seth (who is the only truly OP unit in FE8) to Kyle or Forde is not the same idea.

    Much of that was intentional according to an interview. Sigurd's starting crew were meant to be overshadowed by people like Quan, Finn, Ayra, and the rest eventually.

    13 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    So what if Arden can solo gen 1? That doesn't change the fact that mounted units are favored to an obscene degree, and are all the better if they have a holy weapon or Pursuit; of course, the best units have all three. Also, those other games you mentioned are still more balanced than FE4. None of them give me a mounted lord who starts overpowered and stays that way, for starters. And none of them have entire weapon types being practically unusable, either. Not to mention that those other games you mentioned also don't have bigass gaps in terms of unit quality. Sure, most games are gonna have those units that are just better than everyone else, but FE4 takes it to another level - those with a horse, holy weapon or Pursuit end up being much more useful than the average unit in your army. I don't think the gap between, say, PoR Titania and PoR Rolf is as big as the difference in usefulness between Sigurd and Arden. About the only game that I'd say would have a usefulness gap as big is Binding Blade, which, coincidentally, is another title where mounted units are favored up the wazoo.

    Mounted units are ridiculously favored whilst Archers and Armored Knights are ridiculously bad in Awakening as well. Plus given Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, what makes you think IS could properly balance a remake of FE4?

  2. 6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    It's one scenario out of many.  And even if FE4 has its weirdness, it's still a FE at heart - which means it's a numbers game.  Sure, a magic sword might do it, but not when it's stuck to someone who's across the map.  Besides, Dew can steal gold and deal chip damage, so I fail to see why him being stuck at C swords is considered good, if a few more points of damage is the difference between feeding a kill or no.

    Thief fighter can be more powerful, but chapter 1 would have to be altered if Dew's base stats were altered too much as he needs to be weak enough not to kill the axe fighters when protecting Edain.

  3. 1 minute ago, B.Leu said:

    Well, Hannibal does start promoted... must have worked hard, but still useless.

    Hannibal is actually really good at guarding castles and can easily stomp the Wyvern riders during Areone's three pronged assault in his recruitment chapter. Its just that is the only time a castle guard is ever needed by the player in FE4.

    Outside of that, Hannibal comes in too late and loses his leadership stars, as well as his army, though one could argue the latter could steal EXP.

    1 minute ago, B.Leu said:

    Yeah I've heard about Binary, I really should play it, it look so freaking great ! So many cool things ! That could be put in the remake.
    It really puzzles me that they created something so useless, I see it as a design choice from the devs to say "This guy make a good wall for the home castle", because we reaaaaaaaaally need that eh ?...
    Well you never know, so I can only guess it's to be sure you don't get surprise-invaded, but still.

    Binary is really something. A lot of the additions are really fun. Also one thing I should mention is all armored and mage classes were combined into one, which is nice. A few prepromotes like Quan and Oifey can also promote. Oh and the holy blood is altered so minor holy blood units can wield holy weapons with halved stat bonuses. And the Holy Blood errors with certain enemy units are fixed. Chagall even uses the Mystelain after Eldigan's death.

    Alec, Arden and Noish were intended to be mainly useful in the beginning of the game according to an interview with Shouzou Kaga. Even so, I do imagine there was at one point intended to be more then one occasion where the player needed to defend their argue. Still it took till Vestaria Saga for armored units to become truly good in a Kaga game, not that regular FE is any better.

    1 minute ago, B.Leu said:

    Hmm, consider the following, how bullshit would it be for thieves to be able to steal items and/or non-equiped Items ?
    I fully expect the remake to have more stuffs like more rings and shields.

    I believe there were enemy thieves in TearRing Saga that could do exactly that.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Stephano said:

    I know it’s supposed to be like this but getting him to promotion is hair pullingly difficult.

    It could be altered so Dew gets more EXP from his thief utilities like stealing money and giving gold.

    9 minutes ago, Stephano said:

    Same goes with Arden. These units in my opinion need to be buffed.

    I wouldn't count on Arden being any better outside of the many fan patches.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Why dragonstone rules does Xemcel break?

    Xemcel receives significantly higher stats from his magestone:

    1. Normally a user of a Magestone gets only +1 skill but Xemcel receives +5 skill putting his skill stat at 25.
    2. Most notably a Magestone takes away -1 point of speed, making Mage Dragons very slow. Xemcel breaks the rules by gaining +4. Giving him 24 speed and making it so only max stats Snipers, Bersekers, Horseman, Thieves and Swordmasters can double him.

    This is possible only through Xemcel internally having personal higher stats in the Mage Dragon class used to determine transformation stats. Lorewise as Medeus's close guardian, he probably isn't an ordinary manakete either.

  6. 2 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    ...Okay, hearing Zephiel's actual motive rant is kind of... no, really disappointing. Given everything I've seen him go through, I expected his hatred of humanity to be... a bit more original than this nonsense. Of all the reasons he could hate humanity, he hates them... because they have emotions? And he thinks that because the dragons are mindless, emotionless war machines, they'd therefore be better... rulers...?

    I mean what!? I mean he's just flat-out canonically insane now, and not even in a visionary way. I can't grasp what he even values or wants at this point. It's not even that he wants to undo the injustice of the Scouring. He just admires the mindless war machines that the dragons created to try to win the war, and wants to give the world to them!? He doesn't want to give it back to the real dragons, he wants to give it to their drones!? Why!? Because he just flat-out hates intelligent life because his dad was a dick!? That doesn't... that doesn't even logically follow! I don't even have a grasp of what he even admires about the concept of a world ruled by what are essentially organic machines. By what standards or values does he draw the conviction that emotions are evil and emotionlessness is good!?

    Zephiel basically wants to do a murder/suicide because he is sick of life itself and he blames emotions for ruining his life. 

    The review from Orion at BreakingCanon,  sums Zephiel very well I think. 

    I'll also note that War Dragons aren't mindless so much as emotionless and there is one true dragon allied to Zephiel.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    He definitely had a short lesh, but destroying the league after they've just liberated Aureles seems a decent thing to put his skills to work on. Minerva and the white wings were on a tight leash at this time too and still appear in this portion of the game (and Camus also somehow had enough freedom to appear in Gra while Marth was attacking it and actually help Marth rather than fight him). Maybe to show Camus is under supervision by Doluna they could have Manakete deploy alongside him. Maybe Xemcel, the Manakete who guards Medeus's keep. It'd be nice if the penultimate boss of the game was someone who showed up a few times and had an actual character rather than being random Manakete number 7.

    (And while I bring up Xemcel, his design even in Shadow Dragon is very similar to Mannu's. Mannu needs a more distinctive, regal design. He's the only non friendly Manakete free from Medeus's control, deserves to be more than yet another old guy with a hood). 

    Fair enough.

    A crown and royal robe could work for Mannu. Xemcel is also memorable given his role as Medeus's guardian and ability to break dragonstone rules.

    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    If Gra's founder was related to Anri and Marcellus, it's more likely it'd be a conflict of succession, not secession.

    For reference, literally half of Altea left the Kingdom and became Gra because they refused to acknowledge Marcelus as Anri's heir. With this in mind, I think a charismatic opposing candidate with some connection to Anri makes sense.

  8. 27 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Eh; not everyone has to be related to each other. But Gra's mysterious founder could be interesting. If I were making the game, I would have a number of different new additions (since there are only so many that have already been named; I'd have to fill the roster with new characters), and the player wouldn't know which one was the founder of Gra until they saw the different character endings, and for one of the original characters, it would state that the character founded a land that their son would rename the Kingdom of Gra. 

    I'd definitely add new characters to this game, but for Gra's founder, a reason I'd make it Anri's cousin relates to the history of Gra. Its said when Anri died, his brother Marcelus was so unpopular as a ruler, that a large amount of the country seceded from Altea and became Gra. I was thinking a cousin would work, though a best friend or great ally could be interesting too.

    In a contrast to their descendants, I'd depict the founder of Gra as more competent then Marcelus.

    As for classes of the legendary heroes, keep in mind they have unique ones but these are what they'd have as a base.

    • Cartas: Paladin of some sort.
    • Iote: DracoKnight obviously.
    • Ordwin the General: General, another obvious one. 
    • Marcelus: Horseman perhaps, if he learned it from the plains folk?
    • Artemis: Bishop.

    I'd like to thrown in a axe fighter from the islands that eventually became the Kingdom of Talys as well

  9. 16 hours ago, Jotari said:

    All this talk of expanding the plot has made me think Chapter 8 could have benefited from a Camus appearance. Grust are the ones pushing Marth back, have Mr Grust himself show up. That justifies and gives a bit more highlight to Marth's falling back. Hell even have Camus take to the field with Gradivus at a point where the player has no realistic chance of beating him and make a full on escape map. I think ideally it was designed as a proto escape map with all the reinforcements, but in practice the player probably blocks the forts off or child points the enemies and let Marth walk right up to the castle.

    I think the Sable Order might've been under the interim leader, Sternlin, but then again the dialogue is vague enough.

    “You must mean General Camus. I am told Doluna is not very happy with him at the moment, brilliant or not. Something about acting outside orders… They’ll be keeping him on a short leash; I don’t expect we’ll see him here.”

    Its possible for Dolhr to allow Camus to appear in chapter 8, provided he's kept under orders.

    Also @vanguard333, I just remembered Anri's brother, Marcelus and Gra's mysterious founder could be in the Anri game, the latter could be Anri's cousin.

  10. 3 minutes ago, PPPPPPP270 said:

    Every Fire Emblem remake changed many things and added new mechanics. Echoes despite being faithful still added a ton of new characters and combat arts. Some classes like falcon knights got nerfed while buffing the healer classes to actually gain EXP from white magic. 

    They completely nerfed many of the items, buffed the already broken Bow Knight and Dread Fighter classes, and nerfed Baron to nothing.

  11. Just now, B.Leu said:

    Who doesn't want a hard mode ?

    It's even worse when you consider the following: They are a joke in-story according to the convo with Arden.

    That was more Arden being a joke. People like Hannibal were taken seriously.

    Just now, B.Leu said:

    you didn't think thet would give Jamke a horse now ? 😛

    I prefer Warrior Jamke as it makes him more like his brothers and upholds his nation's tradition of axe combat.

    Just now, B.Leu said:

    I'm all for branching classes, if it happens, I woonder how they'll do it. Imagine a canon BaronArden/Hannibal ! ... Still too slow but hey, discount Master Knight.

    Baron Hannibal was possible in FE4 binary, that hack I mentioned and it was indeed a helpful promotion, plus a black palette Baron looked cool. Funnily enough Barons contain playable data in both FE4 and FE5. Healing stave armored units are actually significantly more helpful. Sharlow and Corpul could also become one.

    Arden became an Iron Knight, a mounted armored class from TearRing Saga used by an Arden look alike.

    That reminds me, Axe using Heroes would be nice to add to Genealogy of the Holy war. 

  12. 1 minute ago, vanguard333 said:

    I didn't forget. It's all stuff I definitely would want to see expanded upon. 


    Funny enough; I just remembered that I had been wanting to see a Fire Emblem game that told the stories of Anri and Iote. I wonder if there would be a way for Pyrathi to be in such a game?

    The heroes could come across a younger Mannu. 

    Oh and lets not forget Cartas, General Ordwin, and Marcelus.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Stephano said:

    You have a point. Many nerfs were made in SoV that make the game less broken. Which is a shame because breaking games can be really fun. That’s one of my few praises I can give to 3H. 3H is a sandbox (albeit a somewhat limited One) where you can goof around and do funny stuff. I don’t want sandboxes like the one in 3H to return but I’m okay with it here because it makes the game unique. It’s a shame they took away items in SoV that gave you massive stat boosts and whatnot but for the most part, it was very faithful.

    I think in this case removing those items made the game more broken. Note whilst Shadow Dragon took out stuff like infinite boots, they also did stuff like give Generals more movement and reducing the weight of axes.

    14 minutes ago, Stephano said:

    I’m all for a hard mode.

    I definitely think tweaks can be made to the game that keep the core gameplay intact while also making the game more approachable. I want the game to stay the exact same but I want as many people to experience the story in its fullest as possible.

    I'm liking your ideas.

    15 minutes ago, Stephano said:

    Jamke: Jamke makes a really good first impression however it’s because of the killer bow. He doesn’t have a lot of movement but he is really good at combat. I would like to give Jamke and Bridget one extra move but I feel like it’s overkill. I think Jamke and Bridget are fine.

    That reminds me a popular hack of FE4 changes Jamke to hunter and adds branching promotions. Jamke can choose to promote to Warrior instead of Sniper. That'd be nice, at least the branching promotion part.

  14. 1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

    You have them included in Shadow Dragon, then they'll be in New Mystery. 

    This isn't new Mystery, we are talking about a hypothetical Archanea remake.

    1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

    You have them included in Shadow Dragon, then they'll be in New Mystery. 

    Its 100% possible and infact its easy to add more characters to New Mystery of the Emblem on the DS. It'd be even easier for this hypothetical remake on a new console.

    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, we know from village dialogue that random people can come and go, like that Aurelian who unintentionally took Bantu's dragonstone away from him, so that would require Ogma's father to have offended somehow King Mannu, then.

    You know, the fact he and his wife were in Pyrathi to begin with makes me theorize that perhaps he was some kind of diplomatic envoy, or ambassador? Something like that.

    I wonder if his enemy was anyone we know of like Lang or the mentioned Bent?

    54 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Ah; that makes sense.

    Ogma's origins are a bit of a mess. Born in Pyrathi to a Grustian woman and an Archanean Nobleman. He left the island and ended up a slave-gladiator in an arena, helped a bunch of arena fighters (including Samto if I recall correctly; also something I'd expand upon in an anime adaptation) escape, and then he was rescued by Caeda and ended up in Talys; becoming head of a group of mercenaries that are basically the closest thing Talys has to a military. Wow; that is a lot, yet the games usually focus only on the gladiator part when they bother to talk about his backstory at all. 

    Don't forget his mother was killed in Pyrathi.

  15. 3 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    I wasn't saying those were questions I have, but questions that I would raise and answer. Thanks for that info, though.

    I had no idea about his mother having been killed in Pyrathi. That would give him reason to never want to return, which would be an interesting angle: Ogma, unusually for his rather blunt and man-of-few-words character, downright pleads with Marth not to go to Pyrathi, as he fears what could happen to the army and, more importantly, Marth and Caeda, if they go to Pyrathi. When Marth says they have no other choice, he then tells Marth what he needs to do to increase their likelihood of not being attacked on sight from 0% to 0.001%.

    I like that idea of a Pyrathi pirate that can be recruited by Ogma. I personally would also add a unique boss conversation between Ogma and the manakete that rules the island. Maybe something like this:

    Boss: "...I know you; you're the little mongrel. Your father was a traitor to our people for impregnating her, and your mother should never have set foot on our sacred ground. With you gone, I shall finally end your family's stain on Pyrathi!"

    Ogma: "...For the first time since I came into Lady Caeda's service, this will be personal. Goodbye, you crazy old freak. This is for my mother."

    I really like that idea, perhaps the recruitable pirate could've been an old friend of Ogma who tried and failed to protect Ogma's mother, thus he bears some guilt?

  16. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So your idea is to add ANOTHER character that will, as a result, need to be in the sequel as well? 

    Who is to say they have to be in the sequel.

    2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Even if you exclude the the four maidens in the final chapter, New Mystery has a total of 73 playable characters. That's way too many.

    Not really, especially considering how big Archanea is. And they'd definitely add more then another mercenary and sage, as well as provide some world building.

    Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

    Yep, that's the one. Used the link here on Serenes. The Serenes page says what it didn't translate is stuff we are already told in the games themselves. However, that Pyrathi bit I feel is definitely not.

    The serene translation page is missing quite a bit including the backstory of Aurelis.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Also, one thing to keep in mind, despite the... possible usage of Penal Colony, it's still listed in the "free cities or regions", so that and the translation choice of Exile might mean instead that's it where Archaneans choose to flee to? Like I said, we need someone who can actually translate it.

    Are you using this developer's note page or a different one?

    7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I thought Darros was re-added in Ch12, which isn't late. Though it is close to the mid-point.

    With the prologue chapters and the various gaiden which are extremely easy to obtain, its more like 24 chapters in. And keep in mind, you can only have 1 Berserker until you recruit Darros and even afterwards, you can only have a maximum of 2 Berserkers.

    4 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    That does not change that there are still way too many characters in the game. We just can't add even more. 

    FE has had more characters then Shadow Dragon and even New Mystery of the Emblem added Kris and Katarina(unnecessary, IMO).

  18. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The game already has a shitton of recruits. We legit do not need MORE recruits, if I'm being honest.

    You only get one single pirate/berserker in the whole game and he is recruited late in New Mystery of the Emblem.

    2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I don't know. 流刑地 is where Google Translate got the Exile word... but curiously enough, some other sites I'm looking up put it as "Penal Colony".

    I mean, sure, it's the Designer's Notes... but still, Pyrathi was originally an Archanean Penal Colony?

    Hmm, could that mean Archanea originally used it to store criminals, but Mannu, who valued the ruins, allied with them, overthrow Archanea and established his own human/manakete Kingdom?

    We need a better translation as you said. There's a whole large page of designer's notes that are untranslated.

  19. 1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, to start, Warren isn't part of Archanea it seems, apparently. Also... Pyrathi is an exile? What? Someone who can better translate that sentence... go ahead.

    Just a guess, but perhaps it means completely autonomous from the kingdom of Archanea?

  20. 6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    On the other hand, it's stated his father was killed in a political strife at the Millennium Court.

    Depending on what sort of strife it was, to me it sounds like someone decided to off the entire family; and sent an assassin to Pyrathi.

    If so, that is one dedicated political enemy.

  21. 22 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Was he considered an outcast by the isolationist community due to his heritage? Would he be eager or reluctant to have to come back to it after all these years (probably the latter)? 

    The notes by Kaga say his mother was killed there, so he possibly was an outcast?

    22 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Would he be recognized by anyone there?

    If I did another Shadow Dragon remake, there'd be a recruitable pirate in Pyrath who'd be recruitable by Ogma.

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