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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 9 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I think its considered suspicious that in the most lopsided moral conflict in all of Fire Emblem the pure and benevolent nation is conveniently based on the writers own nation. The story repeatedly going out of its way to depict how Nohr isn't just bad but irredeemable, and rotten to the core without any sort of motive for their action doesn't really help either.

    Wouldn't that be Naga worshippers vs Grimleal in Awakening?

  2. 59 minutes ago, Nym said:

    I agree, but I don't really see what this has to do with what I just mentioned. Especially since neither had an apocalyptic world left unexplained.

    Most things in Awakening were left unexplained.

    59 minutes ago, Nym said:

    It's still darker than most Link games. My whole point was to have a Fire Emblem with a different atmosphere. In any games, no matter how stacked the cards are against the protagonist's group, they always come out on top. I would like to see what happens if they truly fail, not just a Game Over when the lords dies. The closest thing we got was FE4 gen 1. Which is why Lucina's doomed future would be perfect for this kind of game.

    Link to the Past had Ganon ruin an entire world and turn dozens of people into monsters also brainwshing the King's army after killing the king. Adventure of Link has a ruined Hyrule and a Zelda being betrayed by her own family.

    59 minutes ago, Nym said:

    I would like to see what happens if they truly fail, not just a Game Over when the lords dies. The closest thing we got was FE4 gen 1. Which is why Lucina's doomed future would be perfect for this kind of game.

    Is it though, Awakening has timetravel which basically allows them to undo any loss?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Darin's son being trusted 20 years after daddy attempted a civil war,

    He obviously did alot of philanthropy and community service during the in the between years.

    10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Ninian not being able to live for long in Elibe despite Sophia being totally fine

    Didn't they say that was due to her spending most of her life in the world beyond the Dragon's gate?

  4. 15 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Ah right. Still after the actual Valm arc. Still the main point is that the "fanatic hero" idea, while kind of done with Whalhart, wasn't done particularly well, and without that element really being explored. It was just thrown on retroactively. 

    Well "not done particularly well" applies to most things in Awakening's story, I'd argue.

    The taguel are another huge unresolved plot thread? 

    The only real solution I can think of is they actually came from another world in the outrealm gate and only Panne's group in Ylisse were killed by bandits rather than the entire species, Panne simply being too young to understand their history.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    The Valm arc as is is kind of a rushed mess that easily could have been it's own game. It was very far from perfect, so I don't think it lacks merit to run the same kind if thing again. Iirc Whalhart being motivated to move against the Grimleal isn't even something in the Valm arc, being something only divulged in his spotless supports or something. 

    Its revealed by a mindcontrolled Aversa in the main story that his goal was to exterminate the Grimleal. Lucina compares him and Chrom's dad in the main story as well. Pheros says Walhart is anti religion as well, hinting this goal.

    And yes, it was rushed like nearly everything in Awakening, but the comparison is clear.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Florete said:

    We are, though. Maybe what you're saying was true before Awakening, but since then, Fire Emblem has been an international series. Fates was announced in a worldwide direct and was showcased at E3. This idea that because the developers are Japanese means they only care about Japanese audiences is not realistic; Nintendo is a major company with worldwide appeal. Blatantly ignoring a huge territory is not how these business work.

    For the record, I don't agree with NaotoUzumaki's criticisms of Fates in this regard, I just wanted to say this.

    It should be noted, Fire Emblem Warriors choice of characters were very controversial in Japan, Awakening isn't one of the most popular FE games in Japan. 

    Shadow Dragon fans also felt left off even though it was supposedly a focus game.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

    But let's not act like this "good nation vs. bad nation" dynamic is new to FE. There's Ylisse and Plegia, where the game tries to say "but the Ylisseans did bad things too" but fails to stick the landing and is based entirely on Chrom's father. Whom we get absolutely no context on.

    The game directly compares the anti Grimleal crusade by Ylisse to Walhart's crusade against the Grimleal. Walhart is depicted as the most sympathetic of the antagonists and the Grimleal are never humanized at any point, being even worse than the Loptous cult.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

    Chapter 6 in Awakening IIRC.

    That doesn't state he died on the battlefield, just that his death ended the crusade.

    He could've also died from illness and suicide.

    11 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

    Ironically, how you feel about Chrom's father is sort of how I feel about the first Exalt. I've seen and played the whole "chosen one against a dark dragon" storyline. And while yes, getting more Grima would be cool, I'm just not a fan of that particular storyline unless it's done really, REALLY well. Or the cast of characters is really good.

    I'm not particularly big on the First Exalt either, who was a very sloppily written character, but I don't see what a Chrom's father prequel would do? We already know he tried to kill the Grimleal, failed miserably, got many innocents killed due to incompetence, he became hated due to his ineptitude, the Grimleal got away and than he died.

  9. 6 hours ago, Jotari said:

    The fact that it's unexplored is what makes it a contradictory mess, and even more so the obvious fact that they had no intention to explore or explain the contradictions. There's really very little Archanea actually in Awakening. If you changed some of the names around and altered the map a bit, you wouldn't even think it were an Archanea sequel.

    You wouldn't even need to change the map given how inaccurate it is.

    @TheSilentChloey When was it implied their father died on the battlefield?

    All in all, I don't see a need for a prequel with Chrom's father because we already got a repeat of him through the Valm Arc. Someone using extremist means to stop the Grimleal, Lucina even compares the two men directly.

  10. 49 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    But then you have Awakening which seems like the one Fire Emblem game perfectly primed for a prequel. I'm talking, of course, about Chrom's father and his attempted genocide in Plegia. Unlike most games it's a very clear it's conflict that happened before the series, but we also know basically nothing about it as it's only briefly touched on. How would it even work? Would Chrom's father be the hero or the villain? How would his actions be viewed in light of what Awakening eventually reveals about the Grimleal? Wjat other chaeacters coild be involved? What would you personally like to see if such a game were made?

    According to the Art of Awakening, it was specifically against the Grimleal.

    The Japanese version of the script also specifies it was a religious war, likely why the english translated it as crusade.

    Anyhow the First Exalt is more worthy of focus, I feel.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    Yes, however, every game thereafter has its own nuances to that idea that would be extremely out of place without, and if brought in, could likely detract from the idea that their trying to bring full circle.

    For example, imagine if SD & Awakening switched roles in relation to the story. Given the relationship between the two, there's a lot to lose in this situation considering how Ylisse holds no significance at all to Archanea while the inverse serves as legacy to the other and seemingly provides the same reverence to them in the context of Warriors as it currently is.

    I may have misworded my point initially, but if there is to be such characters to carry that kind of torch, I personally don't think any other game could have done it better. The short stick is still regrettable yes, but I at least am able to find value in what we have.

    I disagree, the three Shadow Dragon appears with no real story presence in chapter 14 which has no relation to Shadow Dragon and the next stage being an explicit reference to Awakening. Any FE characters would've worked there.

    14 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    For example, imagine if SD & Awakening switched roles in relation to the story. Given the relationship between the two, there's a lot to lose in this situation considering how Ylisse holds no significance at all to Archanea while the inverse serves as legacy to the other and seemingly provides the same reverence to them in the context of Warriors as it currently is.

    That isn't correct either, Marth is referenced only with Lucina's disguise and one single piece of dialogue in a Tiki/Robin support, everything else they talk about the First Exalt.

    They don't even remember what Marth did in Ylisse's time. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Barren said:

    Makes sense. Cecille has been the hardest for me to figure out because of her frailty. But her sword rank can let her pull off Paladin like you said especially with Lady Sword. 

    Oh and if you get a Elysian whip, FalcoKnight is good for her sword rank too. The HP/Defense from Dracoknight is nice, but sword rank will probably be more useful in the long run.

    That said most of her levels should be spent on Cavalier/Paladin given the higher HP, STR and DEF growth.

  13. 49 minutes ago, Barren said:

    Good to note. Thanks for the advice. I’ll do my best to keep those things in mind when  I eventually tackle lunatic.


    I'd make a bit of use of Cecile's sword rank if its still good.

    Rody will have better stat ups as a Paladin than Dracoknight, but a thing to remember in FE12 is you're going to be changing alot, especially before you reach your stat caps.

    There are classes that are good for leveling up but aren't good final classes like Hero and General.

  14. Just now, Motendra said:

    Bear in mind that I'm not talking about it's basic plot. It's a more subtle thing with regards to the twin lords themselves growing into their roles that callback to the ideas of the original game; a deposed royal forms a ragtag army to reclaim their home and eventually save the world.

    That applies to nearly every game and Rowan/Lianna aren't even exiled, if anything twin lords is entirely Sacred Stones and nothing from Shadow Dragon. Now if they were exiled to an island nation, than you might have a point, but they weren't so you don't.

    Think about the general plot.

    1. A singular Divine Dragon, instead of a bunch being known, that is worshipped as the Divine Dragon like a title instead of a species just like in Awakening.
    2. A Dragon without a Manakete form that possesses a human just like Awakening contrast the chatty Medeus who never possessed anyone.
    3. A table specifically just for reviving Dragon just like in Awakening and unlike in SD where the altar doesn't show up or MoTE where the Altar is for holding Dragons.
    4. A world tree just like Awakening's Mila tree, there are no locations based on anywhere from Shadow Dragon.
    5. A Shield that needs to be completed by the villains to revive the villain unlike the Binding Shield which needed to be kept apart by the villains.

    The plot closely follows Awakening, not Shadow Dragon.

  15. 41 minutes ago, Barren said:

    @Emperor HardinFor now I chose, Orphan’s Child, Beauty and Enlightened. So I got the +2 in strength and magic but 5% growths. +1 in skill and speed but 10% growths. And (I think) 30% growth in HP. I’m trying it out on hard mode now before I go lunatic and my avatar is currently a pirate but he started out as a mercenary.

    I do have plans to try the avatar out as a Hero or Berserker pending on how well he levels up.

    Luke I’m going for Swordmaster and then Hunter to Horseman once I try it on Lunatic since the two male class sets merge together when I beat the game. 


    Ryan I may just have him as a Sniper since he’s potentially a good unit on lunatic.


    Rody I’m not 100% sure on but I am currently going for Draco Knight once promotes to Paladin. I know his axe rank being low will be annoying but arms scrolls exists. Then again I might not waste it on him pending on how things work out.


    Cecille I’m trying her out as a Pegasus Knight but I could reclass her as a General maybe or Falcon Knight. I know I have been told that she’s hard to train because of how frail she is but she’s lightning fast and maybe General or Falcon Knight at least on hard mode might not be a bad fit for her.

    With your build, leveling as a Fighter or Pirate may get +2 HP on a level up as your HP growth rate will be 130%. You'll have 50 Speed growth as a Fighter and 70 Speed as a pirate. 

    Hero isn't that great of a final class in the end game, but you're not on lunatic and not close to capping your stats, so probably not to worry. May be worth noting that Berserker is one of the best classes, including final classes, within the game.

    With class merges on, Lukas makes a great mercenary in the early game before going Horseman or Swordmaster.

    Ryan can make a great hunter on Lunatic.

    Rody will be switching in and out of Armored Knight and Cavalier in lunatic.

    Speaking of which, Draug is a godsend on lunatic where his ability to switch in and out of cavalier, Knight and Dracoknight will make him one of the best units in the player's army.

    I'd probably stick Cecilie as a Cavalier for HP and defense, then do some levels as a General when she promotes for more HP and defense as her speed is high enough that she'll still get good levels as a General.

  16. 49 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    Probably Elibe. It has several things going in its favor. Its the first FE continent in the west and its still highly regarded, Lyn's already around and if the devs would insist on one continent to play second fiddle then you don't really need much to make Elibe work. Just have Roy, Eliwood and Hector join Lyn and you've got a decent starting cast. Eliwood would be an easy clone of Xander due to being a sword pony, and Hector could be the first legitimate armor knight.

    Oh I forgot about Eliwood being a perfect fit for Xander's moveset.

    Plus Axe Armored Knight could kinda fill the fighter void like in TMS.

    49 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    If anything, the SD cast had slightly more significance in relation to the original story due to the parallels between them and the Kingdom Aytolis.

    This is complete nonsense, the only thing from Shadow Dragon in Warriors is the enemy army having Manaketes in it

    Nearly the entire story is based wholly on Awakening with lords similar to the Sacred Stones siblings, even the Emblem is based off the vague Awakening incarnations. I can even do a long list of the close parallels between Awakening and WarriorsLandia.

  17. Lets face it, Shadow Dragon was an afterthought in the final game with little presence, much less characters, no stage influence and often had inaccuracies the rare times it did appear. Not to mention, there wasn't alot of room for clones from the series given the abundance of major characters in it that are Lance Cavaliers and to a lesser extent, Knights. 

    So with this in mind, what game do you think would've gotten more representation if it had been chosen as the focus game. You can come up with three new movesets to replace Marth and Linde's movesets.i

    Me, I'd cover Tellius, mainly Path of Radiance but with a bit of Radiant Dawn (similar to how some of the only SD elements in FE:W were actually MoTe). I think that'd allow Ike with a new moveset and the Black knight and/or a Laguz like Ranulf or Tibarn as the next moveset. I'm thinking Titania (Frederick), Soren (Robin) and Mist (Elise) would work as clones. A stage based off the Tower of Guidance would be very cool.

    Marth could still have appeared, just as a guest with a clone moveset like Lyn was in the final game. And I guess if you stretch it, Tiki could still appear as the Awakening version.

  18. 5 hours ago, Axie said:

    oh sweet alastor thinking fates EVER cared about its backstory. maskless people care more about covid19 spreading than fates cared about its backstory in all three games. i still think you should put it below the NES games in the story ranking, as funny as it can be to see how bad it gets. garon is probably the worst fire emblem main villain ever, and one of the main villains of the franchise is fucking veld, he of the "i have like four lines total in the game i am the main villain of" fame.

    Hey the NES games had a lot of ingame lore and world building, moreso then Awakening, I'd argue.

  19. @Mercakete

    Another thing I remembered that you might want to know is Henry mentions seeing a symbol in Algol's base in the evil orphanage/academy that his parents sent him to, this could imply it was a Grimleal institution. Whilst Henry mentions seeing Grimleal practices, he also says that he doesn't believe in gods or religion when talking to Libra. This implies Henry tolerates the Grimleal but isn't part of them.

  20. 13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    Still one more line than I expected him to have.

    Despite its flawed execution and arguably story breaking aspects, I have to admit I did find recruiting boss and generic units very fun!

    I do wish the bosses were more developed though.

    29 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I am beyond flattered.

    I wanted to say, I've been really enjoying your thread.

  21. 1 minute ago, Dayni said:

    Maybe contrition for that act? Supposedly others wanted Azura dead and he could have been said to be following orders.

    So maybe if he's captured and "convinced" he'd change his mind about the act similarly to Shura I could see that working for why he decides he would help her by way of an apology. Just an idea off the top of my head, not well thought out.

    Course that doesn't really work with how total the Nohrhido conflict really is.

    Haitaka's only dialogue is about showing his great spear style, maybe Haitaka just wants to prove his style is the best?

    Anyone else miss Tellius's boss's who each had had at the very least, one unique conversation with a playable unit, allowing you to alot about what kind of people they were? In Awakening and Fates, the vast majority of bosses just had their battle and deathquote.


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