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Emperor Hardin

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Posts posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. 1 hour ago, Stephano said:

    It’s slightly off topic but do y’all mind the minor stat tweaking that was done in SoV? I ask this because while several things were tweaked from the original, SoV is considered my many to be an excellent remake to the point where playing Gaiden is unnecessary. I think there is good reason to play FE1/3 because of their major differences from the original, but I’m not so sure I can say the same thing about Gaiden.

    i bring this up because I don’t know if I want a remake to be different enough from FE4 or have is replace it entirely. I have little hope in IS that they will make a remake that surpasses the original in terms of quality. I just feel like there will be something off about the remake that will make me hate it.

    What do you mean by minor stat tweaking? Do you mean stuff like raising everyone's defense growth and lowering Valbar's speed? If so, I'm not crazy for that.

    And as I mentioned there is still a number of gameplay mechanics in Gaiden that are superior to Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

    58 minutes ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    When talking about FE4, I want most of it to be kept the same, some changes could be small tweakings alright like Fire weighing less and magic-based units getting more movement (I never understood why mages and clerics should have less movement than other foot units in Jugdral and Tellius) maybe a bit of accuracy for certain weapons or have weapon weight work with strength to minimize it, or reposition-like combat arts etc.

    What would you think of armored units having higher movement and stuff like new personal skills like Arden having Pavise thus enabling him to pass it to a potential kid? Or adding a hard mode which increases the amount of enemies as well as their stats?

    58 minutes ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    Those things I'm fine with, but trading, cutting maps into smaller chunks, an avatar and a few more I can't think of right now, I do not want.


  2. 1 minute ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    Broken as in OP, but it being broken was a necessary evil to give Barons a fighting chance.

    Basically IS needs to learn if they remove some broken things like the movement giving ring, then they shouldn't leave others like Armored units being 3 movement other infantry, and add new like giving 5 range the already broken Bow Knight great accuracy growth and giving the also absurd Dread Fighters the ability to halve all magic damage in a game filled to the brim with magic users.

    Like its less balancing and more just pointlessly messing around with the game engine.

  3. Just now, This boi uses Nino said:

    Well I mean they did try to tamper with the games "numbers" in Echoes (stats of weapons and other stuff; growths and bases were fine IMO). Like for example the movement ring which was +5 movement and called your speed got reduced to 10 speed and one movement, it was broken but that was its purpose.

    If anything removing that made the game much more broken as the already awful 4 move Barons who already had to compete with mounts and 7 movement Dread Fighters, now have absolutely nothing to patch their movement which is truly bad even by armor standards.

  4. I bet if Kaga remade Mystery of the Emblem, there'd be a Pyrathi chapter. Remember the entire Pyrathi map was removed in FE3 for space.

    34 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Given how there are pirates and such in there that Marth purged, we can also surmise that Marth did eliminate a source of problem for the people that live there for the time being until Marth goes to help Minerva. 

    The pirates weren't random criminals, they were Mannu's official army.


  5. On 3/7/2020 at 8:17 PM, This boi uses Nino said:


    I hope when IS remakes FE4 that they don't try to balance everything by nerfing it all, I mean it's a single player game so why is exact balance so important?

    But ignoring that, the holy weapons are broken exactly because they are meant to be powerful storywise. And it's fine that certain units are broken and certain bosses are extremely hard to kill, as the war goes on it's only logical that only the most powerful commanders on the continent remain alive or that Holy-blood descendants are incredibly powerful.

    I just hope they don't try to adjust *this and that* with the game's numbers because then it would lose a great part of this game for me, which is the way it can be broken


    Outside of the DS remakes where they only balanced classes, since when has IS balanced any remake? They certainly didn't balance Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

    On 3/8/2020 at 2:43 PM, B.Leu said:

    Arden and that other pain in the ass aren't going to get any better, eh ? 😛

    Based off Shadows of Valentia, they'll likely get even worse.

  6. 4 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    ...Okay, no, wow, I was way off. That shrine priest looks totally different. But that beard still looks insanely familiar, like that face is just a recolor of something I've seen elsewhere in the series...

    Ohtz's portrait is a recolored version of several generic village NPCs within this game.

    Ohtz won the least votes in the Binding Blade popularity poll, though it should be noted many mini bosses didn't even rank.

  7. 3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    This is an important detail to consider: that the Japanese script could've/would've been changed too.

    There are a few other changes I'm curious about too.

    FE1 Emereus seems to have different dialogue in each version of the game, but that seems to be due to his different weapon. Originally he used a silver sword for reference which became a Steel Lance or Silver Lance in later versions.

    Nehring, a boss in Mystery of the Emblem says "long live the Emperor" in the SNES translation, but says "Glory to the empire" in the DS translation. I'm wondering if Emperor was actually switched with empire in the DS version

    Sonya's ending in Gaiden, I'm very curious about. The two translated endings:

    • “Her two older sisters, Mara and Heste, had been reborn as witches to be sacrificed to Doma… Sonya would never forgive their father Judah for making his three daughters into sacrifices.”   
    • “”Her older sisters Mara and heste were Doma’s sacrifices. Sonia would never forgave Judah for her deeds.”  
    3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I remember reading that the Japanese script of Shadow Dragon removed the mention of slavers at Knorda Market.

    It was changed from a slaver who was a Manakete(NES) or old lady(SNES+Manga) capturing Linde and some boys to sell to bandits capturing adult men for vague reasons. It's presumed it was done for the sake of the game being localized in english, even though similar scenes have happened plenty of times.

    Fire Emblem warriors used that version and excluded the actual boss of the chapter in favor of making generic bandit the map's boss in a very questionable decision.

  8. 11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    If they remake the Archanean Series, they need to combine it and give it a complete overhaul with the story and characters. 

    Some characters could use more focus, but I'd mainly like all the info from out of game sources to be implemented directly into the game's story.

    2 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Maybe it could be a localization thing with the DS games?

    That just reminds me about several fan translation differences. 

    Like a pirate boss in Mystery of the Emblem, Guile/Gail says in the SNES fan translation:

    • “Please spare me! Wait, that’s useless...No choice... I’m going to chop your head off!” 

    In the DS fan translation, Guil/Gail instead says:

    • I'm sorry! ...I wasn't thinking! Gahaha, just kidding! I'll be smashing your pretty head in!

    I'm kinda of curious here.

    7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Yet removed other things, like the trip to Pyrathi.

    It removed other thing due to space or other gameplay mechanic issues rather then by choice. 

    7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Once again, how does its removal ties to Mannu possibly being bothered that Marth is descended from Anri? He doesn't even have Falchion, as if to think he could be a threat to him.

    Marth may not have falchion at the moment but he is still the proud descendant of the human who dared rebel against his Manakete peters, killed many Fire Dragons and is a symbol of defiance in face of dragons.

    And again, we don't have anything concrete, so we can only speculate. We do see Mannu is very proud of his heritage as a member of the Salamander tribe and finds the idea of a human thinking they're better then a Manakete to be absurd.

    7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Except there's no evidence that Pyrathi did as such

    There's no evidence they didn't do as such either. Pyrathi is underdeveloped as we've talked about.

  9. 8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Huh? You mentioned Medeus, but his whole backstory was being the only Earth Dragon to retain his sanity, while all those around him went berserk. Mannu is likely at risk of the same deterioration, although we can't say for sure.

    That was entirely because they didn't become Manaketes, which Medeus and Mannu are. Mannu is most definitely not degenerated.

    8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Hm? How is Pyrathi being cut from Mystery an indication that Marth's ancestry had anything to do with Mannu's ire?

    Mystery of the Emblem fleshed out a lot of the things that were more bare bones in FE3. For example, the backstory on Morzas replacing Camus as overseer of Altea comes from Mystery of the Emblem.

    8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Except we are told Pyrathi is isolationist. That means they wouldn't even be supporting either side passively, as sending resources would be such. They'd be helping no one, hindering no one.

    The narration says "But the kingdom of Pyrathi seldom made contact with the outside world." There is historical precedence for neutral or even isolationist nations passively supporting another nation in a war by selling them supplies.

    10 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Oh and as someone else already mentioned you do get a wyrmslayer from one of the villages suggesting that there could be dissent among the population.

    Not quite, here is the line from the villager: 

    “Your best chance of stopping a Manakete lies in what they call a wyrmslayer. It’s a type of sword, and I hear one is enshrined in the eastern palace.”

    So it seems Pyrathi was keeping as part of a shrine's treasure. Mannu must've known as the risk though as his soldiers are sent to try to take the sword off of the battlefield.

    Now I'm thinking if Shadow Dragon is ever remade, we should get another pirate unit from Pyrathi.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Just general view of culture it's of course all vague but the fact that you brought up how that one villager had said they visited Pyrathi and possibly Jorge's presence makes it seem like they do allow some selected individuals to enter. Probably because it is of great historical importance to the continent. Could be a bit like North Korea where that one villager paid a large amount of gold to visit the country and examine the ruins and Mannu himself personally over saw it.

    That is why I imagine as well. People can visit Pyrathi, but it is very selective.

    10 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    From what characterization we can get of Mannu the spiritual importance of the country is paramount to him and that his view of humans is dim. But there's still a tonne of humans living in his land (unless they're all Gotoh style throw away the weapons Manakete) which he has to tolerate.

    I think Mannu is good with humans who show manaketes "proper respect" and most of the people on the island are indeed humans. However they may be culturally very different from the humans in Archanea, possibly similar to the humans in Dolhr in their veneration of Manaketes.

    Just general view of culture it's of course all vague but the fact that you brought up how that one villager had said they visited Pyrathi and possibly Jorge's presence makes it seem like they do allow some selected individuals to enter. Probably because it is of great historical importance to the continent. Could be a bit like North Korea where that one villager paid a large amount of gold to visit the country and examine the ruins and Mannu himself personally over saw it.

    Besides my impression that he supports Medeus and Dolhr, mostly through supplies, I imagine Mannu could've been a keeper of an important location to the fire tribe. Overtime people came or lived there all along, and Mannu allowed them to live there after culturally influencing them to his liking and basically ensuring they adhere to Fire Dragon customs.

    10 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    What is sort of strange is that we see only on Manakete there. Though that could be gameplay story segregation. It certainly has a lot of potential as a place that Archanea has sadly glossed over. 

    There could easily be more, I don't think Marth/the player fought the whole nation in game. And agreed on that bit, makes me sad we never got that planned sequel.

  11. 59 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    The thing is, it was due to stepping foot on Pyrathi that Mannu attacks them, not for being humans, which is what Malledus feared. His guess was only half-right.

    Well it says: Mannu, was wroth when he heard of the League's unexpected visit.

    Specifically mentioning the league like that could definitely mean that he was angry that it was them being the Archanean league that angered him.

    59 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Not sure on the Anri connection. He'd have brought that up if it was really relevant.

    Given it was left out of FE3 that is probably a major reason. The NES didn't have as much room for text.

    59 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    If he was, then why remain neutral and isolated? It sounds like Mannu doesn't want to get involved with the outside world, regardless of what it is. Not every Manakete supports Medeus. Even Xane, who has much disdain over humans, doesn't side with him. Why can't Mannu be similar?

    You don't have to actively involve your soil in a war to be supporting one side. For all we know Mannu could've been seen supplying weapons and resources to Dolhr.

    Whilst Xane has negative feelings towards humans, he isn't actively aggressive towards them as Mannu is to those who don't work for him. It is possible for Mannu to be unaffiliated to Dolhr entirely, but that isn't the impression I get.

    59 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I think it's pretty clear to me how bare bones Pyrathi is that the reason for its existence was to introduce enemy Manaketes without having you directly fight Doluna Manaketes too early. Mannu's existence is for gameplay hype than plot integration.

    Oh wow kudos for the link. Ogma being from Pyrathi is really interesting. I could see him popping up as a unit to explain the country a bit better in an expansion

    Whilst that is the Doylist reason, your thoughts on Pyrathi's culture and Manny's motivations.

    No problem at all. Some of these interviews are so hard to find. I still want a proper translation of the Aurelis history posted on this site.

  12. Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, that's just an assumption Malledus makes. He doesn't know, so he makes a guess.

    Like I said, I was theorizing. Why he chose to attack instead of simply telling Marth off? I found it strange he'd go straight to ordering to attack, as if he didn't think it through every option he had available. If degeneration is gradual, then it could be a sign something's amiss. Though, again, just theorizing.

    Yeah. He didn't had to; but he did. The thing about other Manaketes is that they are Dohlians who serve Medeus, so their opposition is tied to that. Mannu isn't affiliated with them.

    Nothing contradicts it and Mannu's obvious pride over being a dragon as well as his use of a derogative towards a human fits in with the Dolhr's world view that they were there for first and humans should respect their betters.

    • Foolhardy humans, defying a Manakete king! Tremble now, and feel the last quickening of your heart!  
    • What...? Slain, by this fangless coward and his minions?  

    As mentioned, Marth is the descendant of Anri, the man who toppled the Manaketes and sent them back to the bad lands, and is currently on land important to the Salamander tribe. He has every reason to be opposed to Marth.

    What makes you so sure Mannu isn't affiliated with them? Given his dragon pride, why wouldn't he not support them? 

  13. I just remembered the generic villager in Aurelis who took Bantu's Dragonstone mentions visiting Pyrathi and seeing a old Manakete transform. I wonder if it was Bantu or Mannu himself. Also interesting that an aurelian visited the nation.

    Bantu mentions visiting Pyrathi and losing his dragon stone in his recruitment speech. Perhaps Bantu visited the nation on a pilgrimage, that is why I'm thinking?

    Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

    Not sure on loyalist. Otherwise he'd have joined the war on his side. At least, I think.

    I'm aware there is dragon degeneration on Fates too; but I wasn't including them on my points. Well, don't commonly means that it can still happen, just as a rare occurance.

    I never implied or assumed he was evil because of degeneration. Only theorized that his actions (which are undeniably hostile and if his answer to people disrupting his isolationism is to kill them, then what it is if not evil?) could be the result of degeneration, which is why there was that debate over if Manaketes, other than Tiki, could loose their minds too.

    What makes you sure he isn't on their side. Malladeus seems to assume if Mannu is a Manakete, he'll be an enemy of Marth.

    Nothing in Mannu''s dialogue he is in any way close to becoming a feral animal, he speaks quite eloquently and is very to the point. Dragons are consistently protective of their territory.

    What actions, do you mean attacking Marth and the Archanean league? If so, most Manaketes and every seen Fire Dragon but Bantu, opposes Marth.

  14. On the subject of whether Pyrathi is a criminal nation or not, whilst the Pirates may be there for the sea title advantage, the nation also uses Hunters in place of archers, which FE usually leaves for bandits or "wild" armies.

    Personally I think its clear Pyrathi is a nation with a history, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had privateers who sometimes raided near ships and took their cargo, especially to guard the island from unwanted intruders. 

    Its too bad there is so little on Pyarthi. We know Ogma was born there and his mother later died there due to some unspecified internal strife

    I really wondered what Kaga would've expanded it if he'd included it in Mystery of the Emblem or done his own remake? 


    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    He had word in advance Marth was coming this way. If he only bothers to do anything after Marth has entered (which is not certain, as that piece of land isn't confirmed to be part of Pyrathi) and said something is to kill him instead of telling him to leave, then he is to blame.

    His anger of them being defilers of the ground falls flat since, if it's because they're humans, then what exempts the humans already there? If it's because they've swore fealty to him... then that just comes as hypocritical, since he's judges who can or can't walk around Pyrathi according to his own whims.

    There are national rivalries too. And assuming he is a Dolhrian loyalist or sympathizer, having the heir to Anri the legendary dragon slayer on the ground of the Salamander tribe might've angered him

    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    If you didn't saw my edit, even in the Kaga era there was some sign it was gradual. At least, going from what I see in Xane's dialogue in the Anri's Way chapters, when he says things like "Eventually the Earth Dragons all lost their minds", it indicates it was gradual, and not a sudden thing afterwards.

    I hadn't see your edit,  but the point stands that Fates handles degeneation differently then Archanea where age played no role. Still there is reason to assume Manaketes don't commonly degenerate. In TearRing Saga, which was once a Fire Emblem game, a Manake...Emiyu did degenerate, but only after she had been locked into her dragon form and prevented from returning to humanoid form with sealed power.

    Also sorry if I came off as snappy, as an Archanea fan, it is a bit of a peeve of mine when people assume that the Manaketes villains in Shadow Dragon are evil because of degeneration.

  15. 1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Degeneration isn't a flip of the switch thing. It's a gradual process. As shown with Duma and Mila, dragons can be under degeneration but still not loose themselves fully, as it's gradual.

    In that case, no wonder Mannu is angry then. He rules over an entire human kingdom, despite hating them. As shown with Jeorge, there can be people not from there around.

    Degeneration in later titles is handled very differently then how it was originally written and I already mentioned how Naga is written way differently now then how the character was originally envisioned.

    Its implied that Pyrathi relates to the Fire Dragon tribe in some way, he calls its Hallowed ground, there are a bunch of weird ruins on the island and the Dragon brethren once ruled the whole world uncontested.

  16. 56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, the potential of degeneration on Manaketes was simply a possible explanation for Mannu's hyper-aggressive behavior, when much better options were available for him to preserve the neutrality and isolationism of his kingdom. Since it's clear Marth was not heading for Pyrathi with hostile intentions.

    For all we know, he's just that much of a jerk. Or it's simply non-degeneration-related madness. You know, just plain mundane stuff.

    Mannu's definitely not degenerated, degenerated dragons don't lead armies, rule kingdoms or make military plans in the Kaga era. Notes say Mannu has always been isolationistic. In the NES script, Mannu also mentions sacrificing Marth to the salamander tribe. Tiki was the only Manakete in danger of degeneration and only due to her incredible power.

    And again, hating humans outside of their direct followers is very common among Manaketes, especially Fire Dragons. Malladeus also implies Mannu may be a Dolhrian sympathizer.

    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Duma was banished from Archanea, Mila chose to follow him in exile. I doubt anyone bothered, or even remembered, to go send the message. There were more pressing concerns. Naga maybe foretold things would go bad for dragons, since she did gave them a Kingsfang so any locals in the place they leave to would be able to defend themselves from them. But it's hard to tell if it was "Use in if the dragons that gave you this are going mad" or just a general "Use this if the dragons that gave you this are doing bad things to you".

    Maybe. At least, Archanean dragons' dragonstones have almost always been depicted as orbs. Though even then, Divinestones are white, not red, which is what Mila's orb is colored. Divinestones also have criss-crossing rings, also missing from Mila's orb.

    Slightly offtopic, but Naga was unusually lenient and irresponsible there, especially as Forseti the Manakete with all his power sealed was stopped from staying on Jugdral to help humans instead of ruling them.

  17. 39 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Mages does not exist so they only follow the rules established by the creator. And while unequipping armor is possible, wouldn't it just make them as fast as normal units?

    There is plenty of other ridiculous things too in FE like Wyvern riders using short axes on a giant mount with wings that would get in the way of the rider's axe swinging, bows shooting through walls and armor not being helpful in most situations.

    39 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    And while unequipping armor is possible, wouldn't it just make them as fast as normal units?

    Exactly and that would be useful in certain situations, especially in games where armored units have terrain they can't cross at all. Say Dalshin is at the 14x escape map and realizes he can't cross over the mountain required for the mission, realistically he would dis-armor as he has to cross or else be left behind. I mean if cavalry can dismount, why not?

    Similarly someone like Draug or Gatrie may want to disarmor in a scenario where mobility is more important and defense isn't needed.

    39 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Heroes does that because you can't have less movement than 1 and making armors unable to cross forests at all would be both even more unrealistic and far too punishing. I'd rather have them balance armor knight in a way that feel "right" for human tin cans.

    In other FE games, armored units are still penalized in terrain like Deserts reducing their already low movement by absurd amounts.

    In Heroes, when you use movement increasing skills like armor march, the lack of movement loss for armored units in forests will stick.

    Also I'm listening to your balance ideas?

  18. 8 hours ago, Flere210 said:

    Ignoring terrain was guntz main argument for equipping the mov ring, but i don't think it fits FE armor knight. He was using a steampunk power armor, it make no sense for an heavily armored guy to walk better than unarmored guys in the forest.

    I'm aware Gunt is an armadillo in armor fitting in with Shining Force being more fantastical then FE, but armored units traveling well over certain terrain such as forests is no more unrealistic then magic users and priests walking faster in the desert or people not being able to unequip armor.

    Heroes even does exactly that, making armored units not slowed in forests unlike infantry.

  19. 7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    In Heroes, funny enough, armor units only have 1 mov instead of 2 or 3, but can cross anything foot units can without penalty. This actually makes them pretty mobile if you give them movement buffs.

    The idea of them not being slowed by forests is brilliant and I hope it eventually makes into FE. There are also skills like armored march to increase their movement. 

    I'm hoping regular FE implements the armored buffs, but I don't have my hopes up.

    4 hours ago, whase said:

    I had heard Armor Knights in FE11 were broken, but reading this topic I guess I heard wrong. Personally I never use armored units, too slow in both movement and stat, not my style.

    General Wolf and Sedgar are indeed broken due to their personal bases & growths creating an incredibly powerful early game unit when combined with the very high class bases & growths of a General. So your first impression wasn't wrong.

    4 hours ago, whase said:

    Shields give skills like wary fighter and a small boost in both protection and resilience, but cost you a bunch of attack speed. When a character invests in both armor and shields, and they focus their stats in their defenses as well, they can become literal walls, anything that doesn't focus solely on damage output won't leave a dent, except for the minimum 1 damage per hit. (Wary fighter might be a bit too strong at 50% though, might have to fix that.)

    Shields are a thing in Berwick Saga and add defense but are often heavy. Unequipping can increase attack speed. 

    There are three types of shields each with more weight and defense then the last.

    1. Light Shields: Used by unpromoted cavalry and Wyvern Riders.
    2. Medium Shields: Used by the tankier promoted cavalry classes as well as the Axe Guard class.
    3. Large Shields: Exclusively used by armored units.

    Almost all anti armor weapon is instead anti shield in Berwick Saga. However armored movement, unit type and one anti armor weapon are still a thing.

    4 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

    Honestly I find Dalshin and Xavier really useful unless the enemy has an armor effective weapon.

    Dalshin is great in carrying through Manster and Xavier has an amazing skill set.

    Though I have to admit they are only good because enemies have poor stats in FE5 and generic caps exist, so they even can cap speed without problems.

    Dalshin is situationally useful from my experience. Xavier is really good for his skills, powerful base stats and maximum bow ranks in a game where every other unit has terrible bow ranks in a game where weapon exp takes forever to level.

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