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Everything posted by ILikeKirbys

  1. Lyn's banner gave me one last gift: A third Genny. And she's +ATK/-DEF. I already have a +RES/-DEF Genny, but having a super-high-ATK Genny appeals to me (especially if I run her with Legendary Lyn, who gives +2 ATK since my Genny has a Wind Blessing), plus I'm out of healers who want Wrathful Staff (really it's just Genny, who comes with it, and Elise, who I fed my second Genny to so she has it now as well), so now I have a question: Should I merge my current +RES Genny into my new +ATK Genny, or merge my +ATK Genny into my +RES Genny?
  2. Decided to try for Legendary Lyn again. AND I GOT HER IN THE ONLY GREEN ORB OF THE SESSION! She broke my +SPD streak by being -SPD (oh no, she only has 42 SPD with Swift Mulagir and Laws of Sacae's effects, whatever shall I do /sarcasm), but she's +DEF, which is pretty alright (28 DEF after Laws of Sacae, 34 after DEF Tactic, 40 with Distant DEF, which is pretty decent, and combined with 46 RES after LoS+RES Tactic+Distant DEF, Lyn should be a pretty decent tank). She just made my decision on what to do with my Wind Blessings easier (read: Lyn Emblem, I just need to pull LA Lyn whenever she ends up on a Legendary banner). Now that I've gotten what I wanted, it's time to wait for the next Legendary banner. Or just the next non-Legendary banner that interests me. Either one.
  3. I just 5-Starred Kaze, and I want to build him... But I'm not sure how to. I've got a couple of ideas, but I'd like some feedback: 1) Rogue Dagger+ [SPD Refine] | Reposition | Iceberg | Close Counter (so glad we're getting a free Takumi right now) | Windsweep 3 | ATK Smoke 3 | Seal ATK 3 Seal With this build, I'm thinking that Kaze is fast enough to trigger Windsweep fairly often on most foes (I think; 38 SPD, 42 after a Hone SPD, is good for running Windsweep, yeah?), letting him get a chip in before being attacked and safely activate ATK Smoke and Seal ATK to better survive on Enemy Phase, where he'll always counterattack thanks to Close Counter, and having 38 base SPD means that he might get a decent amount of doubles when he counterattacks, so he'll be able to drop Icebergs on people assuming he survives being attacked. Not sure if this is a decent idea, if only because I'm not sure that a 23-DEF Kaze will be able to survive a hit when he gets attacked even after applying the -7 ATK drop. 2) Barb Shuriken+ [RES Refine] | Reposition | Moonbow | Death Blow 3 | Desperation 3 | SPD Ploy 3 | DEF Ploy 3 Seal This is a more Player Phase build, with 37 RES and double-Ploy to make Kaze hit harder and double more. Desperation's there to ensure that Kaze gets Moonbow off when he's hurt, and Moonbow is chosen since it's pretty much always going to go off. Death Blow's just there to make Kaze hit harder. Do either of these seem like decent choices for Kaze?
  4. I CAUGHT A LEGENDARY EPHRAIM! +SPD/-ATK (I am having the weirdest luck with +SPD this banner... Also this makes him match the Eirika I also pulled off this banner. Odd coincidence, that.) is pretty okay, 30-36 SPD could make Ephraim a bit less double-able, and the ATK bane is just a regular bane and pretty much fixed by his weapon anyway, and he can always get horse buffs, so this is good. Really I'm just happy to have an Ephraim. Not sure I'll keep trying on this banner. Took until 11% to get Ephraim, so maybe, maybe not.
  5. 2 5-Stars on the Legendary banner so far: +SPD/-HP Shigure (Yes! Another Dancer!) +SPD/-ATK Gleipnirika (-ATK hurts a little, but 38 SPD makes it sting less) Also got a couple Hinatas for Fury fodder. Not sure who's gonna want those, but I'm sure I'll be wanting them sooner or later. 9.25% Pity Rate now. Can't wait to see if I get lucky again!
  6. I'm at 90 right now, soon to be a mite higher after I clear a few of the Golden Week Lunatic quests. I've never had this many before either, makes me feel pretty alright about my odds of getting Lyn/Inigo. Golden Week has been super generous, though barely pulling on the Wings of Fate banner also helped.
  7. Seeing Green Lyn makes me happy that I started saving for this banner this week, because she looks amazing. Swift Mulagir looks like inverse Flame Siegmund with an ATK/SPD boost (@Ice Dragon I didn't see anything about Swift Mulagir's effect being limited to Player Phase, was there something about that in the Japanese skill description? Because from what I saw in the English trailer it looks like it works on both phases), Law of Sacae is that on Enemy Phase only and for all the stats, and now I want to give her something along the lines of Swift Mulagir/Moonbow/Laws of Sacae/Vantage/SPD Tactic/Distant DEF and team her up with my Drive ATK & SPD & Falchion Marth, Drive DEF & RES & Hagoita+ Airzura and Spur DEF/RES & Spur RES Male Morgan so Lyn can get a combined +14 ATK/+14 SPD/+20 DEF/+24 RES boost on Enemy Phase, which looks pretty good to me (but probably wouldn't work out so well in practice). Inigo, Ephraim, Micaiah, Shigure, Grima and Genny would be pretty great too. Even Ike would be alright, since Roy needs Warding Breath. Overall, I need Green (thus probably won't get it) and Blue (doubt I'll get any of the focus units tho), and Colorless would be alright too (though I expect pity breaker Jakob if I try for Grima/Genny). Definitely pulling on this banner, just hope I don't get too many Reds and Colorlesses.
  8. I've had pretty good luck with this banner today. Didn't get Hinoka, but I did pull Tana (neutral, wanted for a while) and Linde (+ATK/-DEF, now +1 'cause I had a +DEF/-SPD one for a long time) while I was trying to get my pity rate up. Think I'm gonna wait for the Legendary banner trailer before trying again... Which I might, if only to see if I get another Blue pity-breaker.
  9. @MilodicMellodi I think we've known that for a couple of weeks, actually. IIRC a few people were expecting Legendary Sakura with a Green Bow for the next Legendary Banner a few pages back. I'm still not sure what they're gonna do with this, exactly, though I'm curious. Thought they might do some weird thing with some kind of skills that made Colorless weapons into Red/Blue/Green weapons, but we don't have RGB Daggers and Staves yet, so I don't think that's the case. @Kaden She could be puking blue Mountain Dew. I think there's a blue Mountain Dew. Right now I'm primarily waiting to see whether or not Nanna's gonna drop to 4-Star rarity. That's something I want, since I want to pull her but didn't want to pull for her on the Thracia banner after Jaffar Lethality'd my pity rate. Also it'd be nice to see her show up and not be guaranteed to reset my chances of getting Kinshinoka.
  10. @Diovani Bressan IIRC Fjorm and Gunnthra are skipping this banner. Fjorm's skipping to give Ephraim a turn, and Gunnthra's skipping because she died needs to make room for the next legendary hero. And while I'd be cool with Green Bow Priestess Sakura, I'm guessing the next legendary will be Camilla with Bolverk. I'm guessing as a Fire Hero, though that's not based on anything. As for this banner, I wanna go for Hinoka, partially because flying archer and partially because I really like her skills. Shigure and F!Kana seem alright too, but I already have enough Green Dragons to where Kana doesn't appeal to me, and Shigure looks like he might drop down so I won't try too hard for him. Good thing we're getting a whole lot of Orbs in the near future, so I'll be able to try for Hinoka and most likely have some left over to shoot for F!Grima/Ephraim on the Legendary Banner. Which is nice.
  11. I just pulled Sword Reinhardt. +ATK/-DEF Sword Reinhardt. VICTORY I would've liked Leif, but I don't think I'll try for him after how long it took me to pull a focus unit this time around. It's alright tho, I can finally save my Orbs for a Legendary banner (though I've said that before...).
  12. Only three units that I don't want to see breaking my pity rate: Jaffar (Guess who pitybroke me on the Thracia banner. Also I already have one of him that I like, so no need for further ones) Faye (I've already got one usable one and one duplicate of her, I don't need any more) Mist (Useless, as I already have Genny and Elise for healers) Everyone else I either have and want more of or don't have and desire. Except maybe Julia, since she doesn't have any skills I want and I already have a decent one of her, but even then a +1 Julia wouldn't be so bad (and a second one might be +ATK, that would be neat).
  13. Pulled on Thracia. Got a bunch of units I won't use, and pitybroken by neutral Jaffar. So at least I got Life and Death 3 fodder (I already have a +HP/-DEF Jaffar, which I'll be keeping since this one doesn't seem appreciably better). Hopefully the Orbs from the Tempest Trial+ and Grand Conquest can get me a focus unit before this banner ends.
  14. @Interdimensional Observer On a matter that doesn't require spoiler tags, I'm really liking Roy's new refinery buff. It makes me wish I had Warding Breath and/or Distant Counter fodder for him. And, random thought: I kinda want one of the Boost skills (where you get +6 to a stat during combat if your HP is at least 3 above your foe's) to become a Sacred Seal for the upcoming Tempest Trial+.
  16. Pulled a 4-Star +ATK/-DEF Felicia on the 4/5-Star banner free-summon. Wish she'd been a 5-Star so I wouldn't have to burn feathers on her (could that have happened on a 4/5-Star banner? She's in the big picture, but I dunno if she's actually bumped up to 5-Star on this banner or if she's still just 3/4-Star only), since I still need to see if anyone in the current gonna-get-refinements-soon pool will be needing feathers, but hey, +ATK Felicia. Can't complain.
  17. YOLO'd on the Legendary banner 'cause I had 20 Orbs and hoped for Nowitch. +ATK/-RES Nowitch came home! So happy! I don't have Orbs any more, but now I can just save for Thracia. For real this time.
  18. Just pulled a second Cat Sakura. I'm just glad I got something off the banner, so I can save for Thracia now. She's +DEF/-SPD, so I just need to figure out whether to merge her or use her as Guard or Kitty Paddle+ fodder now.
  19. @SilvertheShadow I'm with you. Thank Grima for nuking her off the banner. Already got pity-broken by her twice, don't need that on a Legendary banner of all places... As for me... Well, I want Red/Colorless. Red because it has VIke (Warding Breath is something I'm sure my dragons could use) and Zelgius/Nowitch (units I desire and don't have, particularly Nowitch), Colorless because I would like any of the units (F!Grima so I can give RES Smoke to M!Morgan because he could really use it, or keep one if I get two, Nyakura because Guard fodder would be nice, Brave Lyn for Swift Sparrow fodder), but Grima is the real prize here for me. Green would be alright too, since I could get a better Gunnthra or seasonals. Blue holds no real interest for me, since I already have Fjorm and Lute, and Brave Lucina doesn't interest me. Prolly gonna pull a bit on this banner, but not too much, unless I get a high pity rate.
  20. I have a spare Ninian from the Spring banner. I want to keep my current one, so should I use her to give Fortify Dragons to one of my other dragons (at the moment, Adult!Tiki, Nowi, and Fae would be my options, since Myrrh and Grima have their own dragon-buffs that I would be using on an all-dragon team), or should I +1 the Ninian that I actually use?
  21. Decided to just break my pity rate with the Orbs I had, since I'll most likely get around 20 again before the Legendary banner (and I get the feeling I won't care for whoever gets on this one, April's the one I think will have units I desire), and I ended up pulling a +DEF/-RES Ninian. This would be really good, except I already have a better Ninian (+ATK/-HP). Still, I'll find something to do with her.
  22. No luck with the seasonal banner so far... Well, not as far as getting focus units goes, anyway. Up to a 4.5% pity rate, but I've got a month to go, so I'm sure I'll get a 5-Star off of it sooner or later. I did luck out and pull L'Arachel though! +RES/-DEF is a pretty alright nature too, I think. And she's a 4-Star, so she didn't even reset my Pity rate (and with all the units I've been sending home, I've got enough feathers to 5-Star her too!).
  23. Alfonse has way more SPD than I expected. I like it tho. I want him... Probably not gonna get him tho. Sharena looks pretty alright too, and I could probably use another Green Tome unit. I'd wouldn't mind getting her or Alfonse... Probably gonna get neither, but ah well. Catria looks great, and I like her stats too. Hope to pull her. Kagero looks pretty good too. Would be okay with getting her if she shows up, but I won't be trying for her specifically since she doesn't look especially good to me. Gonna be pulling Blue > Green > Colorless >>>>>>>>>>>> Red, since Blue has Catria, Green has two focus units who I would like, Colorless has a focus unit and the possibility of pulling Sothe at 4-Star or pity-breaker Genny/Takumi/Sothe, and Red doesn't have a focus unit on this banner so it's the lowest priority. Hopefully between the TT, the Paralogue, whatever BHBs are coming up in the future, and the Voting Gauntlet, I'll be able to get a Focus unit off this banner and still be able to save up a decent amount of Orbs for Leif/Nanna next month. Now I just have to wait another hour or so to find out how Alfonse and Sharena react to their seasonal selves... if they have any reaction to battling against themselves.
  24. Here's a bunch of Halloween seasonals, because I had one idea I liked and just sort of threw the others together: Veronica | Halloween Princess | Green Axe | Infantry Description: Imperial princess of Embla. Usually uses Heroes to gather candy for her, but ventured out to get some herself tonight. HP: 40/43/46 ATK: 29/32/35 SPD: 26/30/33 DEF: 28/31/34 RES: 22/25/29 Total=160~161~162 Weapon: Candy Bag+ (MT 13 | Grants ATK/SPD/DEF/RES +2 to adjacent allies during combat.) INHERITABLE: CAN BE REFINED [+5 HP & +3 MT/+1 MT & +3 SPD/+1 MT & +4 DEF/+1 MT & +4 RES] Command Skill: Rally ATK/SPD (Grants ATK/SPD +3 to an adjacent ally for 1 turn.) A Skill: ATK/DEF Bond 3 (Grants ATK/DEF +5 during combat when adjacent to at least one ally.) B Skill: Guard 3 (Inflicts Special Charge -1 on foe during combat when HP < 80% at start of combat.) C Skill: Spur ATK/SPD 2 (Grants ATK/SPD +3 to adjacent allies during combat.) Owain | Hero-King Cosplayer | Red Sword | Infantry Description: Lissa's future son. A theatrical man dressed as the Hero-King Marth. Wants to compare his Marth costume to Lucina's. HP: 34/37/40 ATK: 28/31/34 SPD: 35/38/41 DEF: 23/26/30 RES: 25/29/32 Total=160~161~162 Weapon: Mock Falchion (MT 13 | Grants ATK/SPD/DEF/RES +2 to adjacent allies during combat.) INHERITABLE: CAN BE REFINED [+5 HP & +3 MT/+1 MT & +3 SPD/+1 MT & +4 DEF/+1 MT & +4 RES] Special: Luna (3 Cooldown: Resolve combat as though foe suffered DEF/RES -50%.) A Skill: Flashing Blade 3 (Grants Special Charge +1 during combat if unit's SPD - foe's SPD > 1.) B Skill: Vantage 3 (This unit attacks first when attacked with HP < 75%.) Fae | Divine Poultry | Colorless Dagger | Armored [because she can't move around all that well in her chicken costume, poor kid] Description: A childish Divine Dragon who heard that her dragon form looks like a chicken, so she dressed as one to get more candy. HP: 47/50/53 ATK: 26/30/33 SPD: 23/27/30 DEF: 25/29/32 RES: 29/32/35 Total=167~168 Weapon: Divine Egg+ (MT 12 | After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts DEF/RES -6 on target and foes within 2 spaces. After combat, if unit initiated combat, this unit recovers 7 HP.) INHERITABLE: CAN BE REFINED [+3 HP & +1 MT/+2 SPD/+3 DEF/+3 RES] Special: Sol (3 Cooldown: Recover HP equal to 50% of damage dealt.) A Skill: Brazen ATK/RES 3 (Grants ATK/RES +7 during combat when HP < 80% at start of combat.) B Skill: Renewal 3 (Recover 10 HP at the start of every 2nd turn.) Sigurd | Spectral Knight | Red Sword | Flying [via ghost horse] Description: Heir to Chalphy, until he met an untimely end. Even after death, he watches over his son Seliph. HP: 37/41/44 ATK: 30/33/36 SPD: 29/32/35 DEF: 25/29/32 RES: 23/26/30 Total=160~161~162 Weapon: Spirit Blade+ (MT 13 | Grants DEF/RES +6 when attacked with Sword/Lance/Axe/Breath.) INHERITABLE: CAN BE REFINED [+5 HP & +3 MT/+1 MT & +3 SPD/+1 MT & +4 DEF/+1 MT & +4 RES] Command Skill: Swap (Switch places with an adjacent ally.) A Skill: Sparrow Stance 2 (Grants ATK/SPD +4 when attacked.) B Skill: R Tomebreaker 3 (When in combat against R Tome and HP > 50%, this unit performs a follow-up attack and foe does not.) C Skill: Guidance 3 (Infantry and Armored allies within 2 spaces can warp to a space adjacent to this unit.)
  25. Nah, it's probably gonna be Soren, Eirika and Leo, since they just got their refinements. I'd prefer another Takumi banner though, since I have all of them (even been pity-broken by Leo twice, somehow). At least I can skip after the free pull. And save up for the surprisingly-good Spring banner.
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