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Status Replies posted by Randoman

  1. I can't remember if I've asked before, but do you have links to any cute Starkers (Estark's son from Dragon Quest V DS) fanart? I figured you'd be the person to ask about that, being a fan of cuteness and Dragon Quest.

  2. im really late on this train aren't i. happy belated Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday, Rando!

  5. Happy birthday!

  6. So what do you mean by Frozen has been ruined?

  7. I was wondering, could you explain Curate -> Sniper to me? I've seen people recommend it a lot, though I don't get why.

  8. How've you been? I haven't really been posting on SF outside of Forum Games and PMs, since I haven't really been in the mood to deal with constant forum arguments.

  9. I thought you'd be interested in seeing this, since you're a big Crash fan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d5651XSuh0. The video was actually made back in the Naughty Dog Crash era.

  10. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=62524 Dno if you saw this or would like to support my channel
  11. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=62524 Dno if you saw this or would like to support my channel
  12. You didn't strike me as the kind of person that'd have Setsuna as your favourite. Though I guess I wouldn't blame you since her clumsiness and her absentmindedness is really funny and endearing.

  13. You didn't strike me as the kind of person that'd have Setsuna as your favourite. Though I guess I wouldn't blame you since her clumsiness and her absentmindedness is really funny and endearing.

  14. Your avatar... O_O So weird... O_O ...wait... I honestly shouldn't be talking, with the current weird avatar I'm using...

  15. So in the actual game, why does Sakura get that mad in your avatar image? Is that a cutscene in Conquest or something?

  16. So in the actual game, why does Sakura get that mad in your avatar image? Is that a cutscene in Conquest or something?

  17. That's so cute.

  18. I'm quite curious, why the switch from Tiki to Tinny?

  19. Wedding Sanae, heh. Nice.

  20. Potentially interested to face off with other SF people? http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=59561

  21. So out of curiosity, who's the character in your avatar?

  22. So out of curiosity, where did you find that official Santa Mario picture? I've never seen that picture before.

  23. So how have you been? It's been forever.

  24. Your avatar... is it supposed to be Rarity of Luna made through the FE13 avatar maker?

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