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Everything posted by lordnergal

  1. How did you recruit Astrid? Talking to Gatrie on the ship did nothing...
  2. lol.. "it's a football thing"..
  3. She is good. Baby her for a bit.
  4. for two guys to have sex, if they're both straight?
  5. Good question.. The feathered necklace is missing too... d'oh
  6. I think their wide jaws and facial proportions are similar.. except john's face is a bit wider in that picture..
  7. I got into video games with an atari 2600 at about age 9 or 10. I wasn't allowed to go out much so spent most of my childhood playing Asteroids and Enduro racer to stay entertained. Then when I was 12 I was given the original 8-bit gameboy which I was practically glued to. My favorite games were Supermarioland, Tetris and an obscure Jap game called "Boomer's Adventure in Asmik World" which was about a pink dinosaur. To this day I still love that game :) I missed out on the Snes and PSX generations of gaming, but friends would let me play on theirs' sometimes. Or I'd go into the arcades (anybody still go to those places?). I did some catching up when I discovered the joys of emulation, however. Recently I acquired a used Gamecube with a controller that looks like a rottweiler mistook it for a toy (read: beat up). I purchased it for the sole reason of playing FE. But I also acquired RE4, Viewtiful Joe and waiting on RE:Remake which I'm told is worth playing... But that's it, pretty much. My 3 gaming machines, were an atari 2600, gameboy and a gamecube :)...
  8. RE4 had me hooked for a while. It is a good game. The dogs in the maze still freak me out...
  9. Locking myself in my room for 2 days to finish fe7. Whether it was an accomplishment or failure is disputable, but it was epic ;)
  10. Thanks. I had a bad experiece with it in the Port of Badon.
  11. Does Lck effect the negative effect of the Devil Axe?
  12. a bit different from the game art but it looks great.. is that from the anime series?
  13. Pirates and axe-wielders in general. I like how they get all excited when they are the highlighted unit and start waving their axe about. I get hyperactive just thinking about it...
  14. I would sell Rolf to Oliver and buy Tanith for myself :D
  15. It's nice to know most of you are able to spread the word about this game. Like Zephiron, people I know find it boring at the start. I guess it's unfamiliar territory for a few gamers. And it's not like FE has a huge franchise backing behind it, it's purely about the game. I personally found it boring the first time (with blazing swords). I got up to just after recruiting sane and kent, and played FF Tactics for a month. After tactics bored me I picked up FE again with a fresh mind and I was captivated by the story and character development.
  16. How about Athos with a goatee..? I haven't played RD yet to properly decide if I want to see the Greil mercs again. As long as the essentials of gameplay are the same, I'm happy. More pirate allies wouldn't hurt also.
  17. LOL.. For me, it's a tie between Hector and Rebecca.. (ok, and Dan) Hector has a quick temper but also a good sense of humor and Rebecca was the first character i maxed out (and she's cute). And Dan for being a pirate.
  18. Thanks for the tip.. The grann desert enemies were a bit too strong for my units so I went straight for the boss instead. Desert stages tend to freak me out because of limited movement, and I usually spend a long time on them. What really surprised me in the final report was Ilyana was my #1 unit. Cuz it just seemed like she was in the background :P
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