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Everything posted by かベリー

  1. What is Dark Souls, why is everyone playing it, why should I praise the sun, help.
  2. Their ability is to not use their feet and hands to play. Also, omg where are these sprites from desu.
  3. I know I'm kind of faulty, but yeah, this is supposed to be your gallery, not someone else's.
  4. Yumemi~ Also, ugh, night gown Yuuka would have fit better.
  5. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwyealeX3S1qhfqwv.jpg Cynthia.
  6. English and Bulgarian, some very basic understanding of Russian along with an entire notebook on Russian grammar and words. I wanted to study French, but today I learned my exam grades aren't high enough for me to study in the school I wanted and it had French. Anyways, tea or coffee?
  7. http://www.zerochan.net/Momoe+Nagisa,Fanart Anything Shauna.
  8. I mean, it's like Sycamore, expect maybe worse, the "daddy kukui" is everywhere.
  9. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/nmfhx5qyejhv8sxjd3gb.jpg Any character from Magical Starsign. pads
  10. http://www.zerochan.net/1366957 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/24/5c/10/245c102f29644848912372a3a8478576.jpg Sakuya Iyazoi.
  11. Me: *sees the pair up GIF* is this what god feels like
  12. Dracophobe- Offensive bonus and defensive debuff?
  13. http://e-shuushuu.net/images/2011-04-17-394522.jpeg Professor Kukui. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. I really like his art, but I can never understand what makes it so recognizable, I mean, that's a great thing, but I just can't. ; w;
  15. http://anaceleste.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Quest-VI-Milly-375137316 Nutkin from Final Fantasy.
  16. This will definitely take him by surprise, and you will most certainly destroy his penis.
  17. Hm, maybe...Uh...Lyndis was really cool, Florina is a cutie and her stats turned out great...Hector and Eliwood, sadly, were useless though. Known languages? Also, no weather is bad and summer sucks.
  18. I haven't given up, I'm just busy and I've been sick these days, I'll start it tomorrow, but for now the votes are 4/4 so idk.
  19. ZUN has a family, jeez. Leaked footage from the new Touhou game with more bullets than ever! http://tiny.cc/ukxvby
  20. Hau and his shirt with an awkwardly placed and awkwardly small boob window annoy me tbh.
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