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Everything posted by かベリー

  1. Oh, that's interesting...Well, Reisen is all about lunacy, sensing thing and different types of waves... Lunacy could be added as just a berserk type of thing, but that's boring... Maybe she can remove all elemental resistances and weaknesses of the enemy? Turn an ally's skills/attacks into non-elemental ones? Adding a piercing effect to allies' attacks? I'm trying of thinking about ways her sensing ability can be incorporated...
  2. I wasn't talking about something that removes them, I was meaning something that ignores them. An attack that always hits and ignores any defensive boosts, for example.
  3. While thinking of some lore for my FE8 hack, I wondering, is it possible to add Gaiden-styled magic to the GBA games or FEXP/FEXNE? This is what I mean: *Lore and boring stuff no one wants to hear* and that's why I want a menu based Magic system in which you select spells and they drain your HP and stuff. So um, is this possible or no? Also, should I work with the GBA or the FEXP family? I really like the cuteness that the small screen and limits of the GBA ones give them (I'm weird), but FEXP/FEXNE offer way more diversity...
  4. Another thing is that probably Minecraft is just so open and versatile that people with disabilities can always find a way to enjoy it without them being hindered by their disabilities. As always, Ritisa perfectly described the reason why I don't like Minecraft, when I was younger and into it, I expected a world to explore and learn, but once I saw the main world and zombies it was like I knew it all. Endermen seem to form some kind of society, but it's never explained. Zombies appear to look like Steve, but it's never explained. Heck, we don't even know what the Nether and End are. While Poke'mon is just... so big, so rich, there's so much to see, but it's all simple and shares the same rules. That's why I don't like Yugioh either, there are tons of cards that imply tons of lore, but they're just numbers in the end.
  5. These look super sensational! I suggest the Cavalier only has one motion blur tho, it looks awkward for him to blur raise his sword, revert to normal movement and then blur slash again.
  6. Oh, that was a very interesting post to read, I can understand the appeal of it much better. It's the accessibility and simplicity that makes it so easy to jump in and participate and the modding community (Which still amuses me, even though I left my MC phase ages ago. (It was really just me watching a ton of Skydoesminecraft videos and being cringey.) ) is what makes you stay in it. And I can agree, it is surprisingly similar to Poke'mon in a fandom-ish way, seeing as how they both can appeal to all kinds of people, but Minecraft kind of seems more soulless to me because the only real reason it's alive is the fandom and fanwork, while Poke'mon works by itself. Sorry if this sounds like a joke thread, I'm just not very educated on how these things work.
  7. Um, maybe skills that ignore the enemy's positive statuses? Seeing as how she managed to get past Sunny's, Luna's and Star's special abilities, it would make sense? I don't know, I'm new to Touhou.
  8. Oh my god, these are all so adorable and soft and hhh. The pale colours and the shake/ghostlike/3D/I'm-not-really-sure lines really make them pop out! If you're okay with it, I would like a chibi Ilyana? I mean, when you're free and stuff.
  9. I was talking about Kabocha, my character. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  10. Oh no no, I didn't mean those things, those are actually super duper cool, but it's not like everyone builds something of that caliber and I guess I didn't make it clear enough that I was more confused about people making all those videos and stuff about Herobrine (Is that even still relevant?) or making a big deal out of the Enderdragon thing and writing adventure novels about Minecraft and it just seems way too overblown into anime territory when really, it's more about building that fighting.
  11. Nothing really, I just don't get it? I'm sorry if I sound too rude or anything, I just can't see where this stems from.
  12. Greetings and salutations, Serenes. Okay, so that video reminded me of the MC community and how weird it is and the questions I have, which I'll just drop here, I guess? -Why do adults play this? I can see the merits, but there are many games that do parkour, combat and stuff better and look better. -Why is the combat in these animations and in general taken so seriously? It's literally just shooting with a bow and hitting stuff, how can you not be good/be an expert with such barebones mechanics? -Why do these animations even exist and who makes them? Also, who voices them??? -What is with all these "girl vs something" animations? -When will it die. -Why do people call it "epic" and stuff? It's just blocks and the simplest form of combat, there isn't anything "epic" about...placing blocks and playing minigames while hitting stuff.
  13. Um, just lower her skill and speed by a little bit and that's it.
  14. So I went and used http://makaze-kanra.tumblr.com/FELevelAdjust to calculate Kabocha's average stats as an unpromoted unit on level 20 and got this: HP: 26 Mag: 16.35 Skill: 16.450000000000003 Spd: 15.55 Luck: 16.55 Def: 9.649999999999999 Res: 9.7 I think I should lower her magic and Skill/Speed growths tbh.
  15. Ooh, these aren't that bad, especially for a person who doesn't have much practice! The good thing is that you're trying and that's best! Also, I just looked at your profile and I think you should try drawing some D&D or medieval stuff? I don't know, but trying out new things AND drawing something you enjoy is a great way to improve!
  16. かベリー


    Oh heck, that Reisen is super neat and Elise's cheeks look tasty.
  17. Oh wait, how about using the Dismount thing, making it temporary and making a FE3 Manakete patch? Also, maybe a Laguz one?
  18. My Rutger isn't even THAT good, Fir is just one or two points in stats behind him.
  19. Oh, that's really neat. It would make for some really funky and unusual characters.
  20. If it's average early Final Fantasy level of hard I should be fine.
  21. Oh wow, this looks sensational! All this info is overkilling me, but I'm totally going to play this during summer break! Good luck!
  22. The progress on this thing looks amazing! I was just wondering, seeing as how you're doing this all by yourself, if you would make some kind of bounty list of mugs and stuff that people could do for you? Just an idea, because some characters such as Penny would require a custom animation. Also, are you going to modernize the FE classes or do you plan to make the character designs more medieval? Some of them look a bit too modern to me, but that's just my opinion. Edit: I just realized you can make Penny a Nino mage, whoops.
  23. Thanks for reminding me to sink back into touhou trash, Eise-senpai.
  24. That mounting thing is amazing, but if I may ask, do both "versions" of the character level up together or no?
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