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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Anxiety is a song in Castlevania III.
  2. Honestly, me neither. I would oppose it strongly, but I'm not entirely sure.
  3. I can't post this in the original topic since it would be spam, but: "Satan accepts us as we are, but guides us to advance ourselves to where we reach Super Satan 3 power levels." Fixed quote.
  4. Don't. I'll let these few posts slide, but please stop the spamming and continue discussing about security vs. privacy, if you have anything to say (that is not a joke/spam post).
  5. Good afternoon/morning, FE4 THREAD. I went to an all-you-can-eat buffet, but didn't eat all I can eat (because it's rude), so I don't know why I went there. The food was good, at least, and I went to a book store and bought Frankenstein afterwards, so it's all good.
  6. You thought well. What games did you play?

  7. And it doesn't need legs, for even in robot form, that power is still there, and if need be, there's always a Starscream or a Soundwave to use the gun. So ha! You lose.
  8. A gun that can destroy a whole city block.
  10. I slept much more than I intended. Them being serious doesn't lessen any from the amusement. In fact, it might increase the amusement factor. Same. For me, it was a combination of cartoons, TV shows, books/comics and video games. And then the internet came and perfected my English.
  11. Yeah, I noticed that after I posted. I kind of try to get life lessons from everything anyway. And now I will leave to sleep. Dead tired, almost passed out during class. Godnight.
  12. Ooh, you were involved? Yeah, that's never good. Unless you learn a life lesson from it which rarely happens. Joined the thread you mean?
  13. But I looooooooooooooooooove drama. If I don't feed off some drama every once in a while, I will wither away and die. Maybe, but that didn't stop them from killing my favoured pairings (purposefully, or so it seemed) or the staff members themselves in the User HnH. OH WELL
  14. Ha, I missed the latter half of that game. A shame. It was also weird that NightmarexNarga got third place.
  15. Unfortunately, Youtube is blocked here. It was mostly surprising to me because we had OTPs and such in the past here, but none of them were serious. Everyone would just play around.
  16. I always thought these e-relationships were just jokes, even with Seph and Bananas. Took me a while to realize that, not only are they not jokes, they are dead serious. This most recent one still caught me off-guard, for some reason. I suppose I'm still not used to it.
  17. Untrue. There were times where I very much wanted to post, to the point where I was stomping my feet and slamming my fist against my thigh, and I would arch my back, grinding my teeth, grabbing my chair's armrests firmly and even clawing them. It felt strange, like my guts were twisting and turning and I was about to throw them up. After a few minutes, it would end, and I would be breathing heavily and in a pool of sweat, having lost the incentive to post. I could resist situations such as I described, and if need be, a hundred times worse. I would have never gave in.
  18. Yep. One of my life goals was to resist the FE4 THREAD's temptation forever. I posted, but not because it was tempting; oh no, I did not give in to the temptations. I posted because it was a matter of choosing between integrities. To live up to my greater, more honourable morals, or to live up to a silly goal? The answer was obvious, and I am here, now.
  19. My references are lost on almost everybody, don't worry.
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