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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. How is Esau raging? I think it's just you being really tense, Raven. On the other hand, I am raging because: What? The Mega Drive is absolutely amazing. It's on the same level as the SNES, if not higher. The only reason I can think of that you would say this is that you're not very familiar with its library of games. I'd list the games that are an absolute must play right now but I don't feel like it. Maybe later. Also, PS3's backwards compatibility is half-assed because it doesn't play a good number of the really good games from both the PS1 and PS2.
  2. Shouldn't be disrespectful to your elders, Crash. I thought one such as you knew better.
  3. Hmm, I'm only studying the new blood.
  4. Who is Levin and what is his role?
  5. Add an "Other" option there. As for me, I'm torn between Oliver and Valtome, personally. I'm probably going with Oliver because he isn't absolutely evil, at least. Though they're both equally beautiful so that's something to ponder too. Hmm...
  6. "Enter the address after the trailing forwardslash of this page (without http://) E.G.: http://www.vuvuzela-time.co.uk/www.b3ta.com" Paste it multiple times. I must say, the result is frightening. Not recommended for the weak of heart.
  7. He...hehehe...what else?

  8. That last kitten looks pretty horrifying, actually. Here's some Kirby to stave off the effect: He may not be fuzzy, but he's damn cute!
  9. I don't know how I forgot you Dio, but here you are.
  10. I decree that this coalition is ungentlemanly and thus, I will not join it. I had it in mind to join before, but now that the details are clear to me I must decline.
  11. omg i see a des

  12. Looks like we need some He-Man in here.
  13. Whoops, looks like I shot myself in the foot. You win this one. Though...what about the price of the console and its games? EDIT: HOLD IT! I was too quick to give in to your deceptive tactics there, but recall if you will that backwards compatible PS3's are out of production now and very difficult to find. Even if you find one, it's probably going to be overpriced. The newer slim models don't have it either. But say all PS3 consoles were backwards compatible. There are possibly over a hundred games from both the PSX and the PS2 (among them, God Hand!!!) that are incompatible. I still stand my point that PS2 is top of top and PSX comes right after.
  14. The thing here is backwards compatibility plus the console's own worth. PS3 has some pretty good games, but so far it's been lacking, especially in comparison to the two that came before it. The PS2 is an excellent console on its own; by having the capability to play the games of another console which had a game selection that was just as good (or better), it goes beyond excellent.
  15. I was of the same opinion, but consider how the PS2 has backwards compatibility and can play PSX games too. That means about all of PSX's games (I think? or most of them) plus the PS2's own games and...you get the idea.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dies_Irae#The_poem The song I linked to doesn't have the full poem, but still, I think this is pretty fitting. Sorry for the really late answer btw.
  17. I seem to be doing you a lot of service lately.
  18. He doesn't even play me, though. Does he somehow know or...?
  19. Wait what, how the hell are PS2 and PS1 not at the top of this list? Anyone who has played those two consoles would know how they both beat everything else out there. They are really the best consoles! I mean, really, they have so many amazing games I can't even count them all in my head, while I can do that for NES, SNES, N64 and every other console above these two. Just so my argument is more complete, let me tell you that the Playstation has Symphony of the Night, Breath of Fire III, Brigandine, Megaman X4, Metal Gear Solid, and other such greats, and Playstation 2 has GOD HAND, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shadow of the Colossus, and much, much more. These games are virtually unrivalled, and what the hell, I see Nintendo consoles above these two godly consoles?
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