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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Ones that immediately come to mind: Caineghis: Cain-eh-ghis Dheginsea: Like narrator, except without the weird accent Geoffrey: Gee-off-ree Volke: Vol-kay Sothe: Soth-eh Almedha: Al-meda Ena: Eh-na (unlike the narrator's Ee-na) Naesala: Na-eh-sel-ah Haar: Ha-ar (lengthened a) The rest should be obvious unless I'm missing something. EDIT: Forgot Elincia. I pronounce it as Eh-lin-see-ah instead of the narrator's Eh-lin-she-ah.
  2. Haha, good times. I remember we played it way back when I was new here. Was that your first time? Yeah, I played it around two years ago with some people on here (Knife, Kiryn, Raven, Hikarusa and Zephrion, maybe forgetting some). Got bored pretty quick because the other guys played in my absence and got uber characters so I couldn't win any battles.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXlFGAsegmQ If you don't get fucking pumped up when you listen to this then you are wrong and shouldn't exist.
  4. Yes, demographic of Touhou, not demographic of SHMUPs or fighters in general. Geeze, I don't even get what's so hard to understand here.
  5. Yeah, you can actually suffocate from eating live Cephalopoda. See those suction pads? While the octopus is still alive, those still work. While they still work, they can still stick to your throat and that's the end of it. You'll need to chew it really well if you don't want to die. I wouldn't try this. It's barbaric and disgusting. Normal octopus, sure, give me as many as you want, but anything that's alive...no.
  6. Clever girl, but I will not fall for your ruse. The picture will come, but not to prove my not being a disembodied head incapable of speech.

  7. Not quite. He is saying I am an embodiment of pure power and suggests I can take any shape I want. Therefore, I can take the shape of /two typing hands/ instead of a disembodied head. You cannot prove that I am a head, but I can give infinite possibilities as to what I am at the moment, and what I can be!

  8. "He is an embodiment of pure power, I know not what form he takes."

    That's not what you told me!!!!11111111

  9. Curses, foiled again. I'll get you yet, Speedwagon!
  10. You might be Emerald('s alt). That's possible too, you know.
  11. Actually, those are some of my favourite types of games. I wasn't talking about the demographics of those games, but Touhou itself.
  12. She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said I don't mind but what do you mean I am the one Who would dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one Who would dance on the floor in the round She told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who would dance on the floor in the round People always told me be careful what you do Don't go around breaking young girls' hearts And mother always told me be careful who you love Be careful what you do because the lie becomes the truth The Billie Jean's not my lover She's just a girl who claims I am the one But the kid is not my son She says I am the one But the kid is not my son For forty days and forty nights The law was on her side But who can stand when she's in demand Her schemes and plans 'Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice (do think twice) She told my baby we'd danced 'till three Then she looked at me Then showed a photo of a baby cryin' His eyes were like mine Come on dance on the floor in the round, baby People always told me be careful what you do Don't go around breaking young girls' hearts She came and stood right by me The smell of sweet perfume This happened much too soon She called me to her room The Billie Jean's not my lover She's just a girl who claims I am the one But the kid is not my son The Billie Jean's not my lover She's just a girl who claims I am the one But the kid is not my son She says I am the one But the kid is not my son She says I am the one But the kid is not my son The Billie Jean's not my lover She's just a girl who claims I am the one But the kid is not my son She says I am the one But the kid is not my son She says I am the one (you don't need me) She says he is my son (breaking my heart baby) She says I am the one The Billie Jean's not my lover The Billie Jean's not my lover The Billie Jean's not my lover The Billie Jean's not my lover The Billie Jean's not my lover...
  13. Jean Pierre Polnareff and Benimaru Nikaido are related because they both have a stalk of hair and share many personality traits and poses. Only you would call him an idiot. Only you. And...isn't that flaming?! I'm going to report you!
  14. Every male who plays Touhou is one or more of the following: 1) gay 2) Lolicon 3) Sexually hyperactive 4) gay 5) Emerald
  15. I don't know how you can think something that looks so firm is fat and not muscle. Dheginsea doesn't have a ton of muscle like Caineghis, actually, he's just a large, well-built guy, while Caineghis has pretty distinct and shapely muscles. Just look at that arm!
  16. Also, Touhou sucks. Everyone go play Cho Aniki instead. Body builders > lolis.
  17. Mario is the Human Torch's son because he can manipulate fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I'm posting because Bizz told me to. I have no idea what's what so I'll vote later once I read the posts.
  19. You say that like it's a bad thing for Ultima. Did you ever think what would happen if...Ultima accidentally slipped and suddenly FE4 was no more? Think more, whelp. Think more.

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