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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I meant disproved. Curse you!

  2. That has been already proved. Wist has the proof; when he is on, ask him for it.

  3. That is an assumption. I am not a disembodied head incapable of speech. Clearly, you are confused beyond your years.

  4. I have no warns either. Except this one warn from Wist which got deleted because the forum is stupid. It's been a weird two years here. Glad I joined, though, found some pretty great people (even now).
  5. Sorry ;__; I was away but I'm not away now so I can talk to you while you have temporary internet McDonald's.
  6. You are implying that I am only a head. However, this is not the case. I have a full body (a magnificent body, mind you) and my typing is just proving this. No, as much as many would like to believe (including myself) I do not have psychic powers. Your argument is invalid.

  7. Also I am not a dumb head HMMMMMPPHHH

  8. Because I am ROBIN MASK, a British chojin!

  9. Don't save them in .jpg and instead, save in .png
  10. You fall asleep all the time. I bet you're asleep right now.
  11. I thought that was Kula Diamond. Guess not. All of the choices are terrible.
  12. Force her to eat it or alternatively, call an ambulance and have them strap her to an IV by force. Or something.
  13. Braces aren't that bad. With some effort, I can even eat sandwiches. Unless she's got them recently. Go pour a few gallons of soup down her throat.
  14. http://creativeuncut.com/gallery-02/mgs-misc06.html REX
  15. Yeah, most anime isn't great or even good, but the same can be said of any medium, really. Books, movies, video games, you name it. You should watch some of the good (non-weird) stuff. I'd give you some recommendations but I don't feel like it now and besides, my recommendations will be obvious. If you want shows that aren't weird, there are lots of pretty normal slice of life stuff out there.
  16. You best not be dissin' Transformers. It may be intended for kids, but it's still pretty grim at points (movie especially) and generally has great story lines.
  17. Futurama is nice but...the rest, uh...I'm kind of wondering if you've actually seen any anime, besides the usual popular stuff. If you're into crude humour (judging by the cartoons you listed), then: Or if you just want awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep6Xnrkumys
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