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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I would love to level up and focus on my Servants, but I am lacking plenty of ascension materials. I eventually still want to get Georgios up to 100 one of these days, but I need to get his materials first (and get him to 90 as well as figuring out if I have 5 more grails to spare). ...I miss the Christmas event and wish I could farm it more (and with better efficiency). It was raining EXP Cards, Skill Gems, and various materials. Saber: Caesar || Saber Lily, Fergus Archer: Orion || Euryale, David, Robin Hood // Arash Lancer: Artoria Lancer || Cu (Fate), Cu (Prototype) // Leonidas Rider: Georgios, Medusa Caster: Tamamo Mae || Medea, Hans, Cu (Caster) // Shakespeare Assassin: Mysterious Heroine X || Camilla // Mata Hari, Arm Hassan Berserker: Heracles || Kiyohime Misc: Mash
  2. Even though I do not play Heroes much these days, if I was to "powergame" I'll likely split my votes between Micaiah and Ephraim. Voting normally though, assuming 7 votes... 1. Micaiah 2. Ephraim 3. Arthur 4. Duessel 5. Nolan 6. Flora 7. Hector
  3. I played the Wii U version and the DLC, and was also disappointed that Legends got some exclusive content. I never got around to "completing" Hyrule Warriors as I began to lose track of what level my guys had to be to do missions in the adventure maps. However, despite the Definitive Edition having more content, I'll probably pass and just focus on Fire Emblem Warriors as my game of choice instead. If there is some form of save transfer (so my progress from the Wii U is somehow transfered over to the new version), then maybe I will consider picking this up. Thing is, there are plenty of other Switch titles I want to play since I'm just picking it up now. There's Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and I can even pick up Mario Kart 8 again (since I didn't get the DLC for that the first time around). I also really want to get Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which will be my next game after Fire Emblem Warriors. All these titles makes the likelihood of me picking up Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition rather low in the foreseeable future.
  4. Also throwing in my thanks for the notification. I'll be getting a Nintendo Switch soon, so I'm going ahead and getting Fire Emblem Warriors. By the time it arrives, I should have my Switch set up and ready to play.
  5. Well, I ended the event with about 1.75 mil. I wanted to try and get the last 100 mana prisms, but the support I was relying on was changed so I was unable to continue my farming with my team comp. Oh well, what's done is done. I also noticed that in Mikotto! Bride Training, she seems to be sticking a screwdriver into a toaster while turning it on... (Why did I notice? I got like 6 of the CE when I was trying for Saber Alter and Nero. I got one MLB now and I think it works well on Georgios, at least more than Halloween Princess.) * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  6. I have a feeling I am probably screwed on points since I focused my efforts on clearing out the shop. I got all I wanted with the Transistors and Lens and am now working on farming the Vacuum Tubes. I just have 800k points and am estimating to get 600k from the remaining dailies. So, I'll basically be 600k behind from 2 million. I can't reliably farm the Super Dimension node (MHZ) and I do not know if farming the Vacuum Tubes will give me enough points before the event ends. I got plenty of spare Apples, but I'm still not sure if I can complete all the runs in time...
  7. I am at 480k for points, but I have mostly been focusing on clearing the shop of items. Currently farming the Tesla node with Lancer support. Man, typing on mobile sucks. I wish I had my laptop with me, but night shift work is night shift work. Good thing there is a fair amount of downtime.
  8. ...I don't even understand. All I wanted was a Saber Alter and/or Nero. Did Diarmuid chase them away? Did Mysterious Heroine X kill them and take their place? I don't understand, man! I wasn't even gunning for Mysterious Heroine X, she was just supposed to be a bonus! I only expected one of them, not three total!
  9. Just MLB my Purely Bloom. Now I need to finish cleaning up the bronze shop items before moving up to the next tier. I'm trying to wait to reach 200k to get my first Star of Altria so I can begin dealing with the higher HP mobs better since my team sorta sucks. (Shoutout to @MrSmokestack's Saber Alter for doing a lot of work!) In other news, I did two 10 rolls on the Saber Wars (Nero) banner. I couldn't wait for the Saber Alter rate-up, so I rolled once immediately at the start of the event and again recently. I got myself Mysterious Heroine X on the first batch while I got plenty of Bride Training in the second. I'm basically set for Lens farming, provided I can get my team in order to handle the power of Tesla. (Still hoping for Nero or Saber Alter, I'm planning on doing another 10 roll once I get the Quartz. Problem is I don't have any EXP Cards to spare...)
  10. I was panicking a bit when I didn't see Saber Alter on the rate-up, but it turns out both her and Nero will be on the pickup summon list tomorrow. I'm just trying to increase me chances of rolling either Saber Alter or Nero for the extra points (and to have another good saber besides Artoria). That aside, I caved in to spending my 5 Summoning Tickets. I got 2 Lu Bu, Caesar, Romulus, and Mephistopheles . I have a feeling the 2 Lu Bus are trying to tell me something... I'll casually spend my AP on various stuff and start my hardcore grind once I roll on the gacha. At least I got the Trueshot CE for farming Transistors (decided to burn through some of my FP stash, might as well get some use out of it).
  11. With the FEH deal, I honestly hopped over to FGO because I started becoming disillusioned with the way Fire Emblem Heroes was being handled. While I do enjoy the tactical gameplay of FEH as well as the general setting (being a fan of Fire Emblem and all), I find FGO to be superior in every other way. In a short comparison, I would say FEH is quantity while FGO represents quality. There are tons of things to do in Fire Emblem Heroes since something is almost always going on (and tons of heroes to raise), but when Fate/Grand Order does something, it is a big deal and is really enjoyable. Essentially, FGO is now my mobile game of choice. I said it plenty of times before, but my enthusiasm for playing FEH is basically gone. If I'm lucky, I'll log in just to get the login bonuses, provided I log-in at all... * * * * * Man, I can't wait for Saber Wars. I want to roll on the gacha and start farming so I can get "easy" Pieces and Foreign Hearts! I should be able to continue ascending Orion, Tamamo Mae, and Artoria Lancer. Here's an infographic of Saber Wars loot, courtesy of Reddit.
  12. [Insert Double Post Here]
  13. I got around to leveling up and ascending Artoria. Provided I can get enough EXP Cards, she should be level 90 (my first 90!) before the Saber Wars Event. In other news, I started using my Grails. I tossed two to Santa Alter (so 90 is the cap) since I find her to be pretty amazing at her role for farming and handling difficult content. I still want to eventually grail Georgios to 100, but getting ascension materials for him is a massive pain...
  14. Welp, I just spent 1 Ticket and 60 Quartz for Artoria Lancer. Mostly everything I got was essentially worthless (plenty of Black Keys) until she showed up on the very last summon. Now I am content since I have a Lance user with an AoE NP. Cu may be good against bosses and the like, but I spend far more time farming mobs than needing dedicated boss killers. Now back to saving up again for Saber Wars, unless the New Year's gacha tempts me. Right now I just have Artoria, Caesar, Fergus, and D'Eon in my lineup (with a spot for Saber Lily). I'm still hoping for Saber Alter and/or Nero in the Saber Wars gacha, but I'm at the point that "if I get it, great. If not, it sucks, but there's always another chance down the road."
  15. @QKumber Looks like you reached your friend limit. Either way, I updated the Friend List thingy! * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  16. I have to go with Shadows of Valentia. I absolutely love Twilight of the Gods, Lord of a Dead Empire, and the various themes of Berkut. Then there's A Song for Bygone Days, The Sacrifice and the Saint, with the classic With Mila's Divine Protection... There's so many good pieces in SoV! However, all the Fire Emblem games have amazing pieces of their own. If I started listing all the ones I liked, I'll be here a while!
  17. Just beat London. It turns out that the Battle Suit is more useful than I thought. I've been using its "Swap" command a fair amount, either to switch to Georgios to tank or Herc so he can evade an incoming NP. My team setup was... Nobu, Artoria, or Santa Alter (changed depending on enemy comp) / Tamamo Cat / Support (Mordred) / Georgios / Heracles / Tamamo Mae Here's some talk about the story, in spoilers just in case.
  18. Pretty sure the free 5* CE is a joke, but if I could I'll take a Kaleidoscope. (I got 2 Fragments of 2030, don't think I need a 3rd one...)
  19. I'm still not spending any of my Quartz till Saber Wars. Saber Alter is my primary goal, but getting Nero or Mysterious Heroine X will be a bonus. After that the plan is still Jeanne d'Arc Alter (I need to restock on EXP cards. The Christmas Event definitely spoiled me, now I am craving for materials that I do not have easy access to. Then there's Mash that I need to take care of again...) As for London, I'm enjoying myself playing through the campaign. While I didn't learn about the problem until later, I haven't encountered any issues as of yet. If anything does happen, I'm sure everything will be fine after the fix~ * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  20. Take the warnings at the start of the game seriously. Otherwise, enjoy the ride!
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