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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I am not technically on the bet as all I did was crunch numbers and supported Ampharos' team (Subaki, Narcian, Tharja, Olivia). In case you missed my "theoretical walkthrough" that may have been lost in the chaos, here it is. It has turn by turn actions using Subaki, Narcian, Tharja, and Olivia. It should work, especially if everyone is Level 40, but I didn't crunch every single calculation or actually run that team myself. Of course, feel free to figure out the strategy on your own! Edit: Also, I'll be gone for the rest of the day, so best of luck on whoever wins!
  2. OBJECTION! +ATT Ephraim does not OHKO Draug, a Red Unit, with Triangle Adept 3. (54 ATT Boon * 1.4 WTA Mod = 75 || 75 - 39 = 36 // Neutral!Draug has 50 HP, leaving him with 14 Health. // Draug has 27 SPD with the Brave Sword equipped, so Ephraim will not be doubling him.) Other Neutral!Red units not OHKO by Ephraim include... Hinata, Eldigan, Chrom, Seliph * * * * * That aside, that Ephraim looks pretty good! I personally run a +DEF,-RES Ephraim with Defiant DEF and Swordbreaker (with Pivot) instead of Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker (and Reciprocal Aid/Draw Back) since my primary concern is dealing with Swords. Then with Defiant DEF, it boosts Ephraim's defenses against everybody and not just Red units. Magic will still kill him though. One point for wielding Lancebreaker is dealing with Sharena. I know my Ephraim has problems dealing with her due to her high SPD and respectable ATT, and Sharena is fielded commonly enough to warrant thinking about Lancebreaker for Ephraim. The only other lance user I normally find is Effie, but normal Ephraim can handle her just find without Lancebreaker. It will, however, help him deal with Effie's Wary Fighter much easier. As for Triangle Adept, the +ATT Ephraim will one-shot even +DEF Lucina, +DEF Lyn, and even +DEF Marth. He will also take less damage in return due to the greater WTA advantage. (75 - 32 DEF for +DEF Marth = 43 Damage || Marth can only have 41 Health since he has the +DEF Boon.) Overall, I love the combo with the Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker for +ATT, -RES Ephraim. He will be able to deal with the common Reds reliably (Lucina, Marth), and even takes less damage from Red Mages (Tharja, Sanaki). Then with Lancebreaker, he will be able to turn the tide against Sharena and even break Effie's Wary Fighter advantage. Excellent write-up!
  3. All right, I had to share this. I didn't make it and just found it in the Youtube Comments of SpotiFyre Emblem: Heroes, under the user Anaya's Fate4.
  4. Cavalry Quest is finally finished. Funny thing is I did end up sacrificing my only Odin to Ursula for BlarBlade, only to realize that Ursula does not have enough SP to learn it. Oh well, the Odin I had was not the most optimal anyway... All I need to do now is finish up Fliers with my Axe Girls team (Cherche, Cherche, Camilla, Palla [for Goad Fliers, alternative is Caeda for Fortify Fliers]). The only things I am concerned about are Red Units and Mages. Sometimes, even Thieves and Healers can be a pain due to the inflated Lunatic stats, and the two Cherches can only tank so many hits... Still not planning on doing the Armored quest, but "Draug Quest" is progressing slowly. 2* Draug is about level 19 now and learned Steel Sword! How far he has grown...
  5. Who next to 5-Star? Let's see... Nino (+SPD, -RES): I could really use a Green as well as a magic user for my 5* roster. Nino is the most likely candidate for promotion, provided I ever get around to 20k feathers before I change my mind... F!Robin (Balanced): Same as above, but F!Robin leans a bit more towards handling Blue Tomes. I also plan on giving her Gronnraven at some point so she can also cover Greys. She performed really well for me during my Arena runs using her as a Bonus Character. Felicia (+ATT, -HP): Pure favoritism, and the fact I can use Felicia as a "pseudo healer" with Breath of Life. Cherche (+ATT, -RES): To become the ultimate offensive machine with a Brave Axe and Life and Death. Downside is she also requires a lot of 5* skills to function properly. Cherche (+DEF, -RES): To become a flying tank that unleashes Blazing Flames on her opponents. This Cherche is more likely to be promoted as all I need for her is a Silver Axe+ and Quick Riposte 3 to finish up her skills. Kagero (+ATT, -DEF): An Infantry Delete-Button and I have a spare 5* Kagero I could merge into this one. Problem is, she requires a good bit of custom skills to get the most out of her. Chrom (+SPD, -HP): Somewhat out of favoritism and the fact I have a 5* Chrom I can merge into him. Thing is, I already have too many 5* Swords... Nowi (Balanced): To become the destroyer of worlds with Triangle Adept and Quick Riposte. Problem is, that is a heavy investment and I do not have the characters to properly pass on the skills.
  6. Well, if you want a polished turn by turn play with Narcian, Subaki, Tharja, and Olivia, it is in the spoiler. I didn't run the team myself but just performed basic calculations. For now, I'll bow out of this thread. I wonder how everything will go by the time I get back...
  7. I was somewhat reading this topic until it got filled with fluff, so I stopped bothering until I saw my name mentioned. (Why am I responding to my summons? WHY WON'T THE 5* UNITS RESPOND TO MINE! *cries*) Anyways, @Arcanite@MrSmokestack, I did some stuffs. The table assumes max level, but the actual levels are found in the notes. Watch as this be too late... Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Narcian 39 27 26 30 24 Subaki 37 23 36 33 17 Selena 35 23 33 27 28 Olivia 34 26 31 24 23 5* Takumi 40 29 33 25 21 -------------------------------------------------- "Narcian is level 31, balanced. (Anti-Lance Flier & Soldier) Subaki is level 32, +speed/-resistance (Anti-Sword Flier & Cavalier) Selena is level 32, +resistance/-defense I think. (Anti-Michalis) Olivia is level 32, balanced Takumi is level 40, +resistance/-attack, but y'all knew that already. They are all 4*, besides Takumi." 1. -ATT Takumi can not one-shot the Fliers. They have 45 Health while -ATT Takumi can only do 41. Then this is not even considering the Fortify Fliers buff, which will reduce his damage by 6. (29+14 = 43 || 43 * 1.5 MOD = 63 || 63 - 22 = 41) 2. Narcian one rounds the Lance Flier. Since it provided Fortify Fliers, it cannot buff itself. (27 + 8 = 35 || 35 * 1.4 WTA = 49 || 49 - 22 = 27 || 27 * 2 = 54) 2A. Narcian will have to engage in two rounds of combat against the Lance Infantry. She has 52 HP. Yes, the Lance Infantry are female, like Sharena. (27 + 8 = 35 || 35 * 1.4 WTA = 49 || 49 - 30 = 19 || 19 * 2 = 38) 3. Subaki will not be able to one-round the Sword Flier without an ATT Buff. This is also provided the Sword Flier does not have Fortify Fliers on. (23 + 8 = 31 || 31 * 1,4 WTA = 43 || 43 - 22 = 21 || 21 + 21 = 42) Remember, fliers have 45 health. The ATT Buff can be provided by Olivia, or Takumi can finish off the target. 3A. Subaki will have to engage in two rounds of combat against the Sword Cavalier. He has 49 Health. (23 + 8 = 31 || 31 * 1.4 WTA = 43 || 43 - 26 = 17 || 17 + 17 = 34) 4. Selena will only do 14 damage to Michalis. He has 60 Health. (23 + 8 = 31 || 31 * 1.4 WTA = 43 || 43 - 36 = 7 || 7 + 7= 14) Given that he will have his charge ready after combat and Takumi won't do much to him, I highly recommend running a Red Mage to deal with Michalis, like @MaskedAmpharos has stated. Edit: Selena will actually do less to Michalis since she only learns Triangle Adept 2, which is only a 15% modifier instead of 20. So, WTA actually is 1.35 instead of 1.4 5. Olivia dances and provided Hone ATT support. Currently, I would say it is better running Olivia than Takumi given your setup and natures. -ATT Takumi is not going to cut it for this map, dancing and the ATT buff offers far more utility. The only reason to bring Takumi over Olivia is to have him act as an additional off-tank and offer ranged support. * * * * * So yeah, since I was dragged into this, my team setup would prefer... Narcian, Subaki, Red Mage (Tharja?), Olivia ...the same team that MaskedAmpharos has suggested. * * * * * So, in terms of strategies... 1. Narcian lures Lance Flier, kills Lance Flier. Subaki moves to the right to eventually engage the Sword Cavalier. "Tharja" and "Olivia" get into position to attack Michalis. 2. Hostiles move down. 3. Kill Michalis with "Tharja" and "Olivia," hoping they survive an attack from Sword Flier. Try and move Narcian to the left to try and intercept the incoming Lance Infantry, without getting range range of either the Sword Flier or Sword Cavalier. Subaki engages with the Sword Cavalier. 4. Finish up the remnants. Alternatively, instead of moving Subaki to the right to deal with the Sword Cavalier, have him deal with the Sword Flier first or guard "Olivia" and "Tharja." Subaki can kill the Sword Flier, Olivia can dance Subaki, and Subaki can move to cover the incoming Sword Cavalier. Edit 2 & 3: It may help to give Narcian Pivot so he can easily move over to the left side. You may be able to pull it off without Pivot, but it definitely will help with positioning. Without Pivot, a Level 40 Tharja with neutral HP will survive with 1 Health. Since yours is +HP, (the -SPD was worrisome, but the Sword Cav will not double), all should be well. - - - - - Hope this helps, for whatever it is worth.
  8. 1. Camilla is a Brave Axe Flier by default. 2. Camilla has some decent SPD for a Wyvern Flier (32, higher is Minerva with 33, lower is Narcian with 29) 3. Camilla has the highest RES of all Wyvern Fliers (31, closest is 26 with Narcian) B. Of course, if you combine all the fliers, Camilla is just the "balanced Flier" overall. B. Now that I think about, Camilla is pretty similar to Selena in terms of stat distribution... Camilla 37 30 32 28 31 158 Selena 37 25 35 32 28 157 Long story story, Camilla is the "balanced Wyvern Rider," with no real pros or cons. There are other fliers better suited for specialized niches, it's just that Camilla happens to have the Brave Axe, Darting Blow, and Savage Blow by default. Brave Fliers - Cherche, Hinoka, Cordelia, Est Physical Tank - Beruka, Subaki Magical Tank - Caeda, Florina
  9. For Cherche, it depends on how one builds her. (Other characters included for comparison)) Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Michalis 43 34 26 35 19 157 (+N/A, -N/A) Cherche 46 38 25 35 12 157 (+DEF, -RES) Cherche 46 41 25 32 12 157 (+ATT, -RES) Beruka 46 29 23 37 22 157 Subaki 40 25 35 35 22 157 =========================================================== Cherche (ATT) Brave Axe+* || Dragon Fang*, Pivot || Life and Death*, Lancebreaker*, Threaten DEF* Cherche (DEF) Silver Axe+* || Blazing Wind*, Pivot || Iote's Shield*, Quick Riposte*, Threaten ATT* Beruka Killer Axe+ || Ignis*, Rally ATT* || Defiant DEF, Seal DEF*, Threaten ATT* -- Alt A: Iote's Shield* The classic ATT Cherche is best used for the Brave Axe + Death Blow (or Light & Death), but if building a defensive Cherche the Iote's Shield can work quite well. I use Iote's Shield for my Defensive Cherche so she can tanks hits to charge up her special. This charging time goes by faster since Cherche is doubled a lot, and Blazing (Element) can deal a lot of damage combined with Cherche's high ATT and the 1.5 modifier. I have Blazing Flames on mine, but Blazing Wind is likely the most optimal. [Granted, if going this route (Iote's Shield + AoE Skill), it is better to use Michalis since he is already built for that and he has a -1 charge time due to his unique weapon. The only thing Cherche has over Michalis is the higher ATT power, but the reduced charge time of Michalis is far superior.] Personally, I value Iote's Shield on fliers with lots of DEF so bows do little to no damage against them. Beruka and Subaki are good candidates, naturally having 35 DEF, but Minerve, Narcian, and Cherche can also use it with 32 DEF. The reason for this is to "supercharge" long skills, since high DEF heroes tend to be slow and doubled a lot. Alternatively, you can try to put Iote's Shield on your Brave Fliers for more durability, but you can also argue putting a damage passive there to be far better.
  10. I'm one of those crazy people that want to know the entire plot and ending before engaging in the story itself, just so I can see how everything connects to one another. Also, knowing what happens beforehand allows me to save time if said particular story was poor or had a terrible ending. So yeah, I'll be on these boards when it releases. Besides, part of the fun is finding new things or being at the birthplace of memes (Lobster Lord Ryoma, Blame Takumi, etc.). Heck, even fake information can be interesting every once in a while. (Anyone remember the rumor that Sakura was to die to the Faceless in Fates?)
  11. My general rule is: Always spend Orbs immediately. The only times I will not spend Orbs are... 1. The chance to pull a 5* unit resets, and I have pulled from that focus multiple times. (I would really, really would love to stop pulling from Blazing Shadows, but I want my 5* unit! I'm at 5.25%, which is nine pulls without getting a 5-star hero!) 2. The Focus contains characters I have no interest whatsoever in. So far, this has not been the case for the "main Focus" summons. I have skipped over some of the "side Focus" pools ("Battling (x)"), but never the main ones (Legendary Heroes, Deep Devotion, Family Bonds, Sibling Bonds, Blazing Shadows). Since I want to collect them all and have a desire to pull some of those 5* only characters (Lyn, Lucina, Linde, Hector, Takumi, Azura, etc.), that serves as another reason why I pull as often as I do. * * * * * * * * * * Also, as an individual who has spent money on Heroes ($80), I think the pacing for new heroes is mostly fine. Early on with my smaller roster I was concerned about leveling characters, but now that I have a decent number of heroes I think I'll be set for a while. Of course, there is the classic problem of "promoting someone to 5-Star status," and me being far too focused on min-maxing, but those are a different topics entirely. I would like to see a proper story expansion (another "9 Chapter Story" with 5 parts each), with a sizable roster update to accommodate for said expansion. Thing is, this is a Gacha game, and I am not sure if "expansions" are a thing compared to slowly doling out content. The current pace of Paralogues and Xenologues are okay, but I want more story since I'm a story guy. The new maps are also nice to add variation to running the Training Tower constantly.
  12. Round 28* [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Serra || 3* Lissa (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Clarine (+HP, -SPD) || 4* Lon'Qu (+RES, -SPD) || 4* Selena (+SPD, -HP) Round 29 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Robin (+DEF, -SPD) || 4* Barst (+SPD, -HP) || 4* Eliwood (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Nino (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Hana (+SPD, -HP) Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) Do not worry, ladies and gentlemen. I shall bear your burdens of bad luck! My children, place thy curses upon me so thou may pull 5* characters, whereas I shall not... Seriously though, this is getting out of hand. I've been pulling from Blazing Shadows since Round 20 (That is nine rounds now) and there is no 5-Star character in sight. What are the odds of going this long without a 5* unit? Will I reach 12% chance (6% for Focus & Non-Focus)? What is the highest chance anyone has gone without pulling a 5* unit? Will the 5* unit I pull actually be any good? Find out, whenever the next time I get enough Orbs for pulls... ----- That aside, to the summons! First batch sucks. I already have a good Serra, so I'm not going to bother to look her up. Lissa and Clarine do not have their optimal natures, while Lon'Qu has an unfavorable one. For Selena, I was looking for a +ATT, -DEF one, but instead I get +SPD, -HP, which is a combo I already have and have put effort into leveling. So, she hits the bench. Now, for the second batch, we actually have some toys to play with. Robin can go sit with the benchwarmers, but the others... Barst is interesting. I believe he will make for an excellent Axe user, but he will not want the Brave Axe as his weapon of choice. I'll have to look into making a build for him, but Barst is definitely salvageable with his stats. Eliwood is a new character for me, and he happens to come with one of his better Boon & Bane combinations. "But what about his poor DEF?" Eliwood is more anti-mage (and anti-dragon) than anti-physical, and I look forward to giving him Death Blow to see him do +10 damage per swing when on the offensive. +SPD, -RES Nino is probably the best Nino of all time. While I did have a +ATT, -DEF Nino, keep in mind she will want to double using her insane buffs from Gronnblade. Doubling everyone 38 SPD and lower (provided +SPD Nino [39] has a +SPD Buff [39 -> 43]) is far superior than doing a measly +3 damage to fast characters such as Anna, Lucina, and Lyndis. Then, should I give her Life and Death combined with Desperation, and Nino (properly buffed) becomes my delete button. That is, provided she doesn't fall over to a soft breeze. But perhaps one of the greatest treasures of them all is a +SPD, -HP Hana. While I did have several Hanas before, this one is also an excellent candidate for the Life and Death combined with Desperation. The difference between Hana and Nino? Hana can get a Brave Sword. Then, if Hana can activate Desperation on anyone below 38 SPD, then maybe her damage output is not that much of a concern. Hana performing 4 strikes on practically everybody, before they can even retaliate, is no joke. All that aside though, can I have an awesome Azura or Takumi? Please? I'll take a Hector too, as well as Lucina, Linde, and Julia..... * * * * * Past Pulls
  13. Lunatic story quests were extremely easy. 9-5 was the easiest its ever been for me due to proper positioning and the glory that is Ephraim + Swordbreaker. (Ran Ryoma, Ephraim, Erika, + Random for most of the missions, swapping out the last slot for whatever character I needed. For 9-5, I ran F!Robin, Ephraim, Ryoma, and Camilla. Ephraim and Ryoma easily killed Xander and Veronica [Ephraim had F!Robin finish off the massively weak Xander, allowing him to one-shot the Troubadour.] From there it was simply cleaning up.) * * * * * As for the Training Tower quests, it is still rough. I am now leveling up Gunter for my Cavalry Team (currently Stahl, Jagen, Ursula, and Cain), as well as leveling up Palla for my Flying Team (originally Caeda, Cherche, Cherche, Camilla || Palla replaced Caeda). All that is left is get an Odin so I can give Ursula the Blarblade tome, but otherwise I am making slow but steady progress! As for Armors, I'm still not too enthusiastic about doing that quest, but I was inspired to use the "lowly 2* Draug" who has balanced stats. Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Draug 50 30 32 39 18 169 Draug Killing Edge+* || Ignis*, Pivot* || Defiant DEF*, Seal DEF*, Threaten SPD* "Draug was the laughing stock of all armored units. Some knights mocked him for his Brave Lunges that would do little but charge up the enemy, as well as put himself out of position. Other knights scoffed at him, saying his reliance on defensive wards would do little in the long run. The fast Myrmidons run in circles around him, taunting Draug with their Armorslayers. How wrong they all will be... as soon as I get enough feathers to properly promote the guy and all the SP to give him all of these custom skills."
  14. For Growing vs Blazing, it varies. Flame and Thunder will want Growing while Wind and Light will prefer Blazing. As for different elements... 1. Wind is the superior option as enemies tend to clump together. (Blazing Wind, the most useful AoE skill, is currently only available from Hinoka. Given the the fact she is a good unit, has a Brave Weapon, is 5* only, and also has Hone Fliers, she is a bit difficult to get a hold of...) 2. I would say Light would be in second place because of melee utility. Attack with a melee unit that procs Light, and the AoE effect will also hit units adjacent to your melee unit (save for directly behind it.) Ranged units also technically benefit from Light, but it looks cooler when a melee unit does it. 3. Flame and Thunder share third place because they are situational. Sometimes you will want to attack vertically and other times you will want to attack horizontally. Flame is currently the easiest AoE skill to get since Jeorge (Blazing) and Lilina (Growing) can show up as a 4* unit. * * * * * Also, here is another chart showing the patterns. This also showcases the "Basic" patterns instead of the "Extended" (Growing) ones.
  15. He should be able to counter twice with Quick Riposte, even against ranged attacks because Distant Counter is present. The Quick Riposte also helps Hawkeye charge up his special faster too. As for skills, just let him keep the Threaten Atk so it helps with his survivability. I would give him Reciprocal Aid to try and keep his HP high for Quick Riposte, but it is probably better to just run a healer when using Hawkeye and give him an assist skill of your choice. So, Hawkeye with a Killer Axe+, Growing Light, (Assist Skill*), Distant Counter*, Quick Riposte*, and Threaten Atk should be viable, especially against Blue units. I don't know if he will be as viable in the Arena due to the number of Reds, but he should be fine for casual play elsewhere. I would also recommend running a healer when using Hawkeye, while he has good DEF & RES, his low SPD has Hawkeye being doubled easily and he will take lots of damage.
  16. Guess I'll state some of the obvious... Buildable Teams Team Hoshido: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura (Alt: M!Corrin) Team Nohr: Xander*, Camilla, Leo, Elise (Alt: F!Corrin || *When Xander releases in May). Team Corrin: M!Corrin or F!Corrin, [Select Three - Azura, Gunter, Felicia, Jakob) Team Fate: M!Corrin or F!Corrin, Azura, Ryoma, Xander Altean Knights: Marth, Jagen, Cain, Abel Chrom's Shepherds 1: Chrom, Frederick, Lissa, M!Robin or F!Robin Team Askr: Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, [Select One - Matthew, Virion, Raigh] Team Minerva: Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est Other Teams Lyn's Companions: Lyn, Kent, Sain, Wil Team Hector: Hector, Oswin, Matthew, Serra Team Eliwood: Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Rebecca Nobles of Reglay: Pent, Louise, Klein, Clarine Chrom's Shepherds 2: [Choose Four - Stahl, Vaike, Sumia, Mirel] Greil Mercenaries: Ike, Mist, Soren, Titania Dawn Brigade: Micaiah, Sothe, [Select Two - Nolan, Leonardo, Edward] Bloodline of Blades: Karel, Karla, Fir, Barte Renais Militia: Garcia, Ross, Colm, Neimi Bloodline of Ylisse: [Choose Four - Chrom, Lucina, Lissa, Owain, Odin, Ophelia, Emmeryn]
  17. Man, now I'm wondering if I should reconsider wanting Swordbreaker for my Nowi... However, I think I might have a decent answer to this question. But first, are you going to be controlling Nowi, or the AI? If player controlled, Quick Riposte, no contest. Since Nowi can retaliate at any range, Quick Riposte allows her to handle any unit that cannot one-shot her before she retaliates. The only reason to run Swordbreaker is wanting to also use Nowi on the offensive, as well as have a skill that expires at 50% HP instead of 70% HP. If controlled by Artificial Intelligence, both have their uses. I personally would fear a Quick Riposte Nowi more than a Swordbreaker one as if I can not one-shot Nowi, I will be receiving heavy damage if I try to attack her. Then, if I can't attack Nowi, I will be forced to have a unit take a hit and hope Nowi leaves the Quick Riposte range before I can try and take her out. (I have a Camilla and F!Robin that should be able to take on Nowi.) However, in terms of AI usage, I think the AI would make far better use of Swordbreaker than Quick Riposte. Quick Riposte relies on mind games and messing with the attacking player's head while Swordbreaker will be a threat in the hands of an AI (even if players try to work with the WTA to their advantage). Also, as an aside, Swordbreaker is far easier to obtain for players than Quick Riposte, as Quick Riposte 3 is locked behind 5* units. Swordbreaker 3 can be learned from 4* Abel.
  18. ----- Radiant Dawn Geoffrey's Charge (2-3): I love most of the Crimea maps due to their usage of NPC units. It makes the battles seem so much more epic in scale. For this one, I loved the aspect of assaulting the fortress with Crimea's knights. Elincia's Gambit (2-4, Finale): One of the best defense maps ever made, even making its way into Fate's DLC! I still prefer the original though. If I remember right, there was an allied Sage who would heal your forces with Physic and another who would attack enemies with Bolting (or was it Meteor? I don't remember). The Price (3-12): I enjoy the concept of this map, using the high ground and boulders to attack the enemy convoy down below. Blood Contract (3-13): The home of the almighty 3-13 Archer, and another fun Defend map from Radiant Dawn. I think I like this one a little more than Elincia's Gambit because I am slightly partial to the Dawn Brigade and the snowy aesthetic. Rebirth 2 (Final Chapter): The Radiant Dawn version of the duel with the Black Knight. It was also fun fighting the opposing army on the bottom half of the map as well. Rebirth 3 (Final Chapter): The showdown with Dheginsea featuring a lot of Dragon Laguz. Dheginsea's imposing presence and map attack made this memorable for me. ----- Fire Emblem: Fates Port Town of Dia (Conquest 10): Another Defense map! The stunt Takumi pulls and the last-minute defense rush is challenging, but memorable. * * * * * I would list some more, but I don't remember how the maps played or I don't have the map data to try and trigger any memories. I still say Radiant Dawn has the best chapters, but Fates: Conquest did its maps pretty well too. Thing is, even though Conquest had interesting mechanics, they were not always memorable (or at least in a good way. Screw the Ninja Cave, the Kitsunes , and Darude Wind Tribe Village).
  19. I heard my name mentioned. Was I summoned? The easy way to remember this is "if you have more DEF/RES than your enemies, run the DEF/RES Special Skills. If you have less DEF/RES than your enemies, run Moonbow or Luna." I just said 30 for a more casual comparison. If it is below 30, then other options become more valuable. That, and I was not really comparing Glimmer or Draconic Aura (which one should when really trying for efficiency.) For your question, I am going to assume you are running a Neutral ATT 5* Nino (33 ATT) , wielding Gronnblade+ (+13 ATT), and running Life and Death (+5 ATT). So, Nino has 51 ATT. Then if you have a Neutral RES Nino, you will have 21 RES (26 - 5 = 21) or if RES Boon, 25 RES (30 - 5 = 25). To bypass all the math and explanation, just run Draconic Aura (+15 Damage per proc, if Nino has 51 ATT) for your Nino's Special Skill. * * * * * To simplify matters, we first need to determine the benchmark value for Iceberg. For 21 RES, Nino will deal 10 damage per Iceberg proc. (21 * 0.5 = 10.5 -> 10 Damage) For 25 RES, Nino will deal 12 damage per Iceberg proc. 10 and 12 extra damage sounds nice, but they are pretty low compared to bonus damage from elsewhere. Since (color)blade weapons adds buffs to damage dealt, Nino may actually benefit from running Glimmer which increases damage dealt by 50%. As for actual values, Nino will need to consistently deal at least 20-24 damage, before Glimmer kicks in, to beat Iceberg as a special skill. The higher the damage Nino does, the better Glimmer becomes. Just remember that actual damage is modified by the Weapon Triangle! (So, Nino will deal more damage against Blues, but less against Reds. This will also affect Glimmer's bonus damage when it procs.) Another 3 charge skill is Draconic Aura, which adds +30% to your ATT. Since Nino has 51 ATT, she will deal 15 damage per proc. (51 * 0.3 = 15.3 -> 15 Damage) 15 damage per proc is pretty good, and 15 bonus damage is what I use as a benchmark for special attacks. Lastly, there is Luna. Luna is the "last resort" damage skill if none of the other options are good. Since Draconic Aura deals 15 damage per proc, for Luna to beat DA, the enemy needs to have 30 or more RES (there are just 19 characters with 31 or more RES, if the Stats Chart is accurate!). Keep in mind that there are not many "RES Tanks" out there and many people prefer -RES as their Bane, so I would not recommend Luna for Nino. // By extension, this also means that I do not recommend Moonbow, unless you really want that small increase in damage every 3 charges. If you really wanted to go that extra mile, we can compare Glimmer to Draconic Aura. For Glimmer to beat DA, Nino needs to deal at least 30 or more damage. Now, as I don't have a fancy spreadsheet or calculator around, I will not be able to run all the numbers to see which one is better (see Elieson or Ice Dragon for that). To keep things simple though, just run Draconic Aura. It is more consistent than Glimmer (almost always +15 damage), and some may even say it looks cooler. So, Draconic Aura (3 Charge -> 4 Charge due to Gronnblade+), is what I would suggest running for your Nino. I hope this helped! // Now, for some more generic calculations and tips, see the spoiler.
  20. I tend to use Shards and Crystals for characters I don't really care for (merging fodder), or if I really need them to be at a certain level before doing something. Otherwise, I prefer to level up my units. With my recent "discovery" that training characters at 3* rank and 4* rank gives more SP than promoting immediately at 20 (who knew?), it gives me even less of an incentive to use up Shards of Crystals.
  21. Progress - Cavalry: 2/15 || Fliers: 1/15 || Armor: N/A Cavalry Team: 4* Stahl, 4* Jegan, 5* Cain, 4* Ursula || Alt: 3* Gunter, 3* Celicia (Both need training, and Celicia could use a Gronnblade Tome) Flier Team: 4* Cherche, 4* Caeda (Level 28, Fortify Fliers), 4* Cherche, 5* Camilla || Alt: 4* Palla, Lvl 20 * * * * * Managed to complete the Infantry quest, but it is going to be a long, hard road for Cavalry and Fliers... It is looking more and more likely that I will need to train up Gunter for his Hone Cavalry to replace Stahl, and then try to find a spare Odin to give Ursula Blárblade (and Moonbow). Jegan sucks, but he is the only one with Fortify Cavalry and decent RES on the team. Stahl is all right, but he is a heavy liability when facing Blue units due to his Ruby Sword. His low SPD and RES does not help Stahl with mages either. Then, as always, Cain carries the team, but he can only do so much by himself. As for fliers, I have far too many Greens, and all it takes is one Red in the matchup to completely screw my team over, especially if that unit has a Ruby Sword. The only reason I am running Caeda is for Fortify Fliers. There is also Palla that I can use, but I'll need to level her up. Then, there is the "problem" that Caeda and Palla are not optimized to my liking, making me hesitant to train them, but the lure of Orbs are strong... I am not going to worry about the Armor quest. I have Sheena, but she has -ATT and naturally has low ATT in the first place. Then I got a couple Draugs, but they are not that good either.
  22. Did someone say, Cherche? Soon... The final build will be coming soon... (Whenever I get 40k feathers to promote the two...) Name HP ATT SPD DEF RES Total Cherche 46 38 25 35? 12 156 (+DEF, -RES) Cherche 46 41 25 32 12 156 (+ATT, -RES) Cherche (ATT) Brave Axe+* || Dragon Fang*, Pivot || Life and Death*, Lancebreaker*, Threaten DEF* Cherche (DEF) Silver Axe+* || Blazing Flame, Pivot || Iote's Shield, Quick Riposte*, Threaten ATT
  23. Welp, now you done it. I went back and started compiling all of my pulls (and even noticed an error, so I did one more pull than my numbers indicate.) The full information is in a spoiler, but for the condensed version... Investments: $80 Paid 5* Heroes: None (8 Pulls, no 5* unit) Total 5* Characters: 10 Pulled 5* Characters: 9 (Marth, Cain, Ryoma, Seliph, Chrom, Camilla, Ephraim, Erika, Kagero) Promoted 5* Characters: 1 (Sharena) Total Number of Full Pulls: 27 (135 Summoned Heroes) Summon 5* Ratio: 0.0667 * * * * * For comparison, this was my stats in an older topic... And here is the long compiled list of all of my pulls...
  24. Team Composition & Unit Builds - Awakening Trio I finally got around to this! As the title says, the main focus here is about the Awakening Trio, as well as an extra solo build for Selena. In addition, after this post I will be updating some of the other stuff due to newfound information (such as no Fury or Seal skills on Healers). I hope you enjoy the read! Edit: Original Post Updated. Sire's Picks (Team Composition & Builds) have also been updated. Contents 1. Solo Selena "SPD Tank" Build 2. The Awakening Trio + 1 (Selena, Laslow, Odin || M!Robin, F!Robin, M!Corrin, F!Corrin, Lucina, Azura)
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