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Everything posted by Reality

  1. An FE16 lord is kind of in keeping with the use of Roy and to a lesser extent, Corrin They appeared in their smash bros before the respective (JPN) release date of their game. As far as Robin and Corrin being cut despite their movesets being unique: I would argue that Robin's isn't very well off for it because the spacing that he can control isn't very interesting as a projectile charather.. I don't want to get into the technicallites of elfire versus PK fire, thoron being generic horizontal projectile, and his melee attacks having the levin sword/bronze sword's silly properties. Corrin;s moveset stands out a lot more, but he has a seperate problem as he is only familiar to a portion of the playerbase as a DLC chararther, and is also a little awkward for new players pick up as he kind of a technique charather (not as extreme as something like Peach, but then, everyone gets a chance to play peach or be used to her from older smash bros.).
  2. I mean since Mario Tennis got the most screentime, I guess that this direct was targeted at me I do have an undying love for the franchise due to the first 4 games I'm really happy that Aces looks like it will be a return to form after the Gyroscope experiment. I am a little sceptical that slowing down time to aim and breaking rackets might end up as gimmicky or be used to cheese the AI. The game looks like it'll just have tournaments modes ala the console MT games, and not have a RPG mode. I'd like to hold out hope for it though. The Splatoon 2 expansion is really great, especially compared to other Nintendo DLC. For reference, 80 levels is actually more than the 32 levels in the original Splatoon 2 singleplayer. I see this DLC as beeing more like an old school expansion-set , like Age of Empires' conquerer expansion , or Star Craft's Brood War. I love getting a big package all at once that is mostly gameplay. It's doesn't quite look like a "bad guy story" due to being undercover rather than an actual octoling but because of how close it is to being a bad guy story it kind of inspires hope that other nintendo games will get that treatment. I've watched a few people play the PS4 version of Crash trilogy, and it looks liike there are a lot of quality of life improvements over PS1 (The bazooka in Twisted doesn't stop movement, option to use Coco in platformer levels, changes to time trials). It's definately a solid game. Warioware looks like it's trying to be like Mario Party 300 and just compile fan-favorite mingames from every warioware except twisted, which is a good idea in theory. Like all party games, it seems great value for multiplayer, and problematic for singleplayer No more Heroes looks like it's just handicapped Travis' chances to be in smash bros. To be honest I thought it would be a much bigger release on the Switch than this. I don't consider the game's theme to look very promising when the world it was already set in allowwed for crazy stuff to happen even without a computer reality.
  3. Marth: stay Roy: made into an alph type costume for marth Ike: stay Lucina: made into an alph tpe costume for marth Corrin: remove Robin: remove FE 16 charather: added I've mentioned before that I want a lots of gutting for the roster, not just FE. I don't even want to keep Falco in the game
  4. First non seasonal mage flier! Now if only ranged armors would follow suit...
  5. I feel like Fire Emblem Heroes is pretty good value for a mobile game. Just because it's designed to get money out of a portion of the playerbase doesn't mean that it's "outright predatory". I think the main downsides is that it's possible to get through the best-made content (Squad Assault, Chain Challenge Lunatic), in about a 4 week period, especially as new users will have lots of guranteed things with GHB units now being re-run, free 5 stars, etc. (It was possible to do this in October-November without these advantages though) Anyone who graudates to a 2-month total playtime will be able to play through new content on the highest level on the same day it releases. I feel like the game heavily relies on players turning toward the Arena and Arena Assault, at this point, which is okay, but I think a playerbase coming from an RPG background will not be satisfied with this, and not all new content is made at the level of the current strongest teams/meta, which is good for new players, but makes the (player versus event) game have diminishing returns for someone who's played it for any length of time. I do think that there are some steps being taken to make player progress through (high difficulty) content slower than it is currently is, so I'm optimistic about the future of the game. Granted I'm a guy who likes World of Tanks and War Thunder, so maybe my tolerance for F2P business practices is unusually high.
  6. I wanted to make a thread about the upcoming musical. I really like the recreation of the kite chapter that we've seen from the trailers. However, I kind of feel like the film would benefit from taking bits and pieces from multiple books, as the first film did, instead of relying heavily on Mary Poppins Comes Back (as checking the cast list seems to indicate). Although Mary Poppin's cultural impact is mostly through the classic 1964 film, I do feel like it would be nice to see some explorations of some things in the novels. In particular, I kind of like the mythological elements in the books, which can be very surpriing for someone only familiar with the Disney version, as the strange charthers, and even Mary Poppin's herself, although chielfy a source of wonder for the children, are also hinted to be dangerous. A good impression of the greater mythology of Mary Poppin's comes from chapters like " The Evening Out, High Tide, Nellie-Rubina, Mrs. Corrie, Christmas Shopping, and Full Moon" . While I think the first film did a good job of showing that Marry Poppin's opened up a world of imagination for the children and had a lot of magical aspects, it does not really approach the level seen in the books. This is a place where The Peleides (the constelation/star) can come down in human form, . And what is especially interesting about the mythology of the books is how it has no dependence on "usual" mythology. Noah's ark being involved with creating the first snow of winter is a good example. Mary Poppin's herself is a figure of intense mystery, as even great figures like the Sun and the Hamdryad pay a matter of honor to her, but keeping sure that we know that Mary Poppins herself is real and human and slightly below their place in the cosmos. "An Evening Out" probbably has the most developed statement by Travers with its handling of the Moo, and seeing what the children can and can't believe. I hae high hopes for Mary Poppin's charatization, as her self confidence (in the mirror) during the trailer is more in line with how she acts in the novels Mary Poppin's vanity and assuredness is delightful, but the children (or adults) also sow occsaional discomfirt with it, and in particular, The children are actually able to be active charathers in some chapters (Bad Tuesday /Bad Wednesday) instead of simply following Poppins through the story This I feel, could benefit the novel compared to the first one. I understand that some of the best chapters probbably aren't suitable for film (The New One and John and Barbara's story come to mind) My main reservation about the upcoming musical is probbably just that topsy turvy is listed in the cast, which feels a bit redundant considering the first movie already has the first book's laughing gas chamber (Uncle Albert/Mr Wigg). The second book's episode does have a differnt dynamic, but as nice as having another 1964 Mary Poppins would be, I would prefer the movie to explore things that the first movie didn't. Anyway, I'm interested to hear in what people think about this movie. Maybe my prediction that it will largely focus on Mary Poppin's Comes Back will be wrong.
  7. Garcia x Dozla is what I'm in the mood for right now. Cordella x Kellam is definately not.
  8. Alan - Has near mythic status due to being only starter pre-promote to fufill (and not go beyond) intended gameplay function Saleh - My favorite mage, above Calil.l SD and NM class change charathers are excepted Dorias - This charather is largely the thing that elevates the jorney of FE5's lord above the other FE lords August - The most interesting advisor/tactican in the series, bar none. Jagen - Stands up to General Lang like a boss. Is one of the heroes of H4 and H5, although he is ignorable in FE1 and FE11 NM. Roro - Endlessly entertaining when he clarifies the diference between brothers and clones Easier to build in FEH than axe users with similiar stats (Anna/Raven) Clarise - One of my favorite GHB reward units. Functtios fairly differntly than most archers in the game Dozla - The first charather I killed any FE final boss with. He's entertaining in his own right through his supports. Takumi - My first 5 star in FEH, and the final boss of Conquest. I like what he brings even if I'm kinda neutral on him himself. Kagero - Poison Dagger+ is still fun in FEH, the naysayers can stuff it. Marcus - The top man during the interesting part of Hard Mode in both games he's in. Gunter - I think that jakob/felica kind of usurp his role as an early starting unit, but I still like him. I used him a lot in FEH due to indecisveness on who to SI. Reyson - Maybe the multidance abilities of people in FE4 and the other Heron's outclass his, but I still prefer him to them and all other dancers. Ike - Grew on me enormously through his Brave Hero version in FEH. He's pretty fun in smash as well.No pressure to main him unlike the others... Kellam - Awakening, and by extension, all of modern Fire Emblem, is haunted by my use of this guy during my first casual playthrough. If I had done a dream team pre-FEH, I would pretty much have taken a 50/50 split between Axe users and Jagen charathers. Ike, New Mystery and Fates charathers would be the main causalty. Dagda/Garcia/Nolan/Lot/Wendell would be the ones to get theirs.
  9. Oh boy... FE4- Lewyn (or Levin) In the first part of his story, he abandons his responsibilities, as he does not enjoy the life of a noble. He renouces his father's desire that he inherit the throne of Silesia, and when his father dies, he leaves his country for 2 years, eventually settling in the nearby country of Agustria.This is in spite of his mother's tenous reign and the power struggle expected to occur between his uncles (assuming his mother managed to keep isolated Silesia from the rest of the continent untill her death). Because he is also a womanizer, he chooses to live the life of a bard, as this allows him access to the loosest kind of woman. He comes to love "the people" even those of a country like Agustria, and helps out villages against oppresion by minor local nobles, going so far as to kill them himself "Macbeth has to go". At this time in his life he is even naive enough to imagine villager's scournging up a reward and returning to town to bask in the glory and appreciateion of a liberator afterwards. He is convinced that his own country will be fine if it maintains its Neutrality. He sees Sigurd as an aggresor, and when challenges Sigurd's intentions. Levin is convinced by this encounter that Sigurd is a good guy, but isn't so high handed as to ignore the unusually high ratio of females in his army. Levin proves himself to have no moral backbone by sticking with Sigurd during the half year of Sigurd's military regency in Agustria despite the promise he exacted from him earlier. Levin follows Sigurd when the latter takes exile in Silesia His mother is willing to recognize him, desite his attempt to get disinherited. However, she spends much more time talking to Sigurd than Levin, who becomes jealous that he is seen as so lacking in responsibility by comparison. The core of Silesia's army, it's peagus knights, is shattered shortly after, and due to his personal relationship with the leader of the pegaus unit, Levin is finally awakened to the need for him to play a larger role and is reconcilled by his mother after the castle is reclaimed. Levin accompanies Sigurd to Barhara, and Silesia is condemned to retribution by the Empire in the yearsto follow. After his death, the god Forsety comes to inhabit his body, in order to restore balance to the whole continent. The "new" Levin spends some time with his wife in hiding, but leaves her again so early that it affects the development of both of his children. In addition, his wife catches a fatal illness further affecting the development of his children. He is the one to spread the folk legends about Sigurd and Seliph, ensuring that recruitment drives are easy to pull off, and that a properly malleable noble is the one to claim the throne. In his role of strategist, he is crucial to the infant rebellion. He instructs August to do a similiar public relations campaign with Leaf in Lenster. He plans the campaign of liberation to focus on the outlying countries first, so as to bolster the numbers of the army until they are on more equal footing with the empire forces in Granvale's heartland. Lewyn knows of the book of Naga, but as Seliph is the lesser partner in their relationship, he keeps it on a need to know basis, allowing Selph to court Julia during the campaign with the intent to weaponize her from the very beggining. Like Robin and Corrin, he gets resurrected, because he's super special. Like Kris, he is the one actually responsible for the bulk of what the figurehead lord acomplishes but purposely allows the Seliph to claim the credit and have himself written out of history. The only good thing to come out of Levin getting his own game is to see the development of Fee and Sety in more detail. Sety being able to say "a Holy Warrior is more than just someone who wields a weapon" is especially refreshing compared to a father who essentially turns back on his theroy of leadership and insists that only Holy Blood holders can be left in charge. Levin as the god of exposition already has half the dialgoue in gen 2 of FE4 so his own developement doesn't really interest me.
  10. Everyone from FE5 TLDR - Build Growth makes as little sense as stats do in something like Dwarf Fortress. Why should these charathers, including the priests and children, bulk out to the point of being able to the point of carry around fully armored men? Also I guess movement growth letting people equal and later outrun horses is also silly.
  11. I feel like status effects work best with a timer, and NO RESTORE staff in the game. It is way too much of a "ignore design" button. I greatly prefer debuff type status effects to hard status effects. I think buff status effects are dangerous. Even when the only one that existed was magic water, they already promoted map cheesing and worse than this, massive enemy phases. This does not lend itself to particularly intelligent gameplay. This is more if we are talking about having to use "positional" strategy and adapt during the fight. You can get away with a buff- heavy fire emblem if you think pre-planning is the most important strategc part of the gameplay. I think player status's should remain greatly restricted, because they are more interesting in enemy hands.
  12. Enemies that suicide into your units for 0 damage It makes me really question how to advertise the series as a "strategy" game evry time
  13. I thought I'd go all in for 90s stuff, but a lot of those shows I'm happier to watch random episodes that come on legacy networks than to go through and re-watch a large part of the run.
  14. I might go with FE5, because it's dramatic without taking up too much time. It also manages to avoid camp, as some openings kind of mix the reveal of the bad guy kingdom with some fruity (first arc) generals right away.
  15. gameplay, soundtrack, graphics, story. I'm willing to up with extremely ropy graphics, but I do consider them a little important for me. Soundtracks are not often a postive selling point for me (less so than graphics), but they are a bigger reason or me to dismiss a game than graphics are This happens with a few series I would otherwise be interested in, most notably Gundam. I like a lot of videogame stories, but I don't buy games or continue playing games to experience them. John Carmack's quote is the most accurate thing said about story in videogames ever gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> soundtrack > graphics >>>>>> story
  16. This post reeks of lazy politics. Both America and Japan embodied imperialist values in the mid 20th century. There is no real need to outline Hirohito's system of government, but in short, consider Japan's relation to Taiwan and China between 1918 and 1935. Obviously the negative side of American imperalism, particularly in central america, should not be overlooked either, but I feel like absurd "saintification" of the nations that America acted against is un-constructive and seems aimed more at self-sharming than actually trying to appeal for a more progressive foreign policy . Even if you do feel like 20th century America's unflattering history is being whitewashed, taking a sentimental view of Japan is no way to help correct people. As for Fates itself, it's just a pulp fantasy story, the polictics of the story are totally irrelavant and only exist to justify the conflict and the gameplay
  17. The real use of the summoner is enemy manipulation and maybe ferrying other units (the phantom dropping strategy you see in some FE8 drafts) The summoner is still problematic if you treat it as a utility only class, since unlike a dancer, it isn't quite useful enough to justify its use over a combat unit. (when all units are allowed) it's also annoying that you get it so late in the game, since flier mobility that WANTS to go into ballista/arow range would actually be useful in a few chapters which currently have a flier-strategy (the eiraka route carcino chapter comes to mind). Summoner-dropping would be interesting in a few FE6 and FE7 chapters in a hack for similiar reasons. The way I see it, there are two ways to fix the summoner (and the phantoms) A: Make the summoner and phantoms into even more of a support class (it can keep dark tomes, but I expect it's combat to be like the 3DS dancers at best) B: Give the Phantoms some enemy phase potential. The current combat of the phantoms is more or less like archers- if they can reach an enemy on the same turn they are summoned, you get 1 player phase attack, and then they do no damage whatsoever on enemy phase. On the next player phase, that turn's phantom also gets 1 player phase attack, and so on. This is unacceptable in a game where javelins and hand axes are buyable in massive quantities on your other units. I'm not really sure what kind of balance you would go for. Maybe give phantoms the stats of the summoner himself similiar to the Replicate skill in Fates. Maybe give it a generic enemy's level up curve (and be non-targetable by healing). Maybe go through differnt monster summon types depending on the summoner''s level. Maybe instead of giving the phantoms hit points, give them all vantage by default. If it has to stay the way it currently is at least make combat exp that phantoms make transfer to the summoner, so you can realistically see things like the movement growth that they have. Obviously making phantoms dodge tanks or giving them a lot of bulk (2-3 hits should be a hard limit) would also cause problems. Although you could possibly get away with it if you were only allowed 1 phantom per map instead of 1 alive at a time.
  18. You might as well argue Mystery of Emblem Marth was the first traitor lord at that point. Also Sigurd being a traitor only holds so much weight when Arvis and co are themselves traitors for the whole Prince Kurth murder. (yes it's unkonwn at that point).
  19. I watch like, Me TV, THIS, Turner Classic Movies, Starz Encore, and PBS So tehcnically I watch traditional TV, but since they'r all old proggraming broadcast channels I don't really see myself as a television watching person.
  20. It's like pokemon if you got Mewtwo as your starter instead of Bulbasaur, unless we're talking about Genaology, which gives you 6 Mewtwos for just in case.
  21. Kris He should have been written more overtly as a "secret history" type of charather, to go with the "Heroes of Light and Darkness" title. To that extent, there should have been a reason (preferrably motivational, for the sake of Marth's role) for his actions to be unrecognized despite what they would have contributed toward ending the war. In the most extreme cases, you could even imagine an underworld type of Kris being empployed or even the founding of the Assasin's group being a (narrowly avoided)stain on Arachnean History in a slightly revised version of the game.
  22. I think having "official polish" goes a bit further than just using the same artist. In the case of the old games, they were also obligated to commit to a kind of "house style" within the game, which helped keep a level consistency. In fact it's fairly similiar to comic book phenomena, where the same artist can draw the same charather very differently for a one-shot or an out of continuity story, but for the super-heroes main book, they keep him within certain recogniable limits.
  23. My favorites 1943: Battle for Midway Dodonpachi Black Label Thunder Force 3 to 5 R-Type Sometimes I go through the random shooters bundled on the Capcom Classics Compilations, just because they're short. Forgotten Worlds and the other 194X are probbably the main ones. More frequently I'll go through the shooters bundled on the Midway Williams Arcade Treasure Compilations. Sinistar and Defender being the main ones.
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