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Everything posted by Reality

  1. I said yes only to Real Time Battles. I don't think IS will actually see the light and use an AP system, but I would love to see something to break Fire Emblem's conservative gameplay design. Never mind. I saw the poll option and got excited, didn't realize it was just PVP and thus still turn based.
  2. Bad things about favorites August: Not playable. Game softpedals his stay with Lifis' group despite it's humanistic stance elsewhere. Jagen: His greatness is bogged down a little by tutorial dialogue. Also he's effectively phased out of the story by FE3/12 C11 Alan/Arran: I like him only because he represents intelligent gameplay design.All Jagen's should fall off even Marcus lasts too long I have no conception of a personality from him at all. Eliwood: The Harken and Lowen supports are lame compred to his other ones. FE7 is also my least favorite GBA game gameplaywise. Garcia: Difficult to say. I like all 5 of his supports and his recruitment chapter. I guess that Hero Crest's being super limited in early epriham route is a downside. It is unfortunate that due to lack of base convo /etc he doesn't say anything about the war ever again after that 1 chapter. Calill: Some days I love the comic relief, some days it is too much. Good things about least favorites Lewyn: I can stand him during Chapter 7. Sety and Fee trying to grow up to be unlike him is pretty great in gen 2. Still doesn't save him from being the lord god of exposition and literally planning everything that happens to Celice since his birth. Manfloy: I think that his conversation with Alvis in chapter 5 is good, but everything else he does -especially in gen 2 - is some saturday morning cartoon villain shit. (except in manga) I still can't get over Chapter 2 implying that the Kurth/Manaann assassinations were done independently of the Lopto cult, but chapter 3 and especially chapter 5 backpedal into having the lopto cult influence them directly. Mae: I used Mae for all 5 Squad Assaults in FEH because I'm not allowed to summon Blue Mages and had no other option. FEH's voice lines are so much less annoying than SoV
  3. HP - Karel at 53. Followed by Brave Hero Ike with current summoner support follows at 48. 4star Draug follows at 47. Atk - Brave Hero Ike at 54. followed by Shiro and Ephiram at 51. Speed - Nino at 42. Tied with Bridal Blessing Cordelia who hasn't SP grinded the third rank of Life or Death yet (currently at 2) Defense - 4 star Draug at 40. Followed by Another 4 star Draug at 37 and also Brave Hero Ike at 37 with current summoner support. Resistance - 4 star Caeda at 35 followed by Trick Or Defeat Sakura at 31 BST - Amelia at 195 followed by Brave Hero Ike at 191 with current Summoner Support.
  4. GOTY 2017 : Divinity Original Sin 2 I have a very complicated relationship with RPGs that I can't really explain without its own thread. The bottom line is- when I recommend things to other people, I cherry picked base on researching THEIR preferences Granted I limit myself to the very many things that I have played myself. When it comes to my OWN preferences, only Wizardry 8 and Divinity Original Sin (2014) cross the threshold of being all-time great games. I tend to prefer RPGs for the beauty of their mechanics and gameplay design than story. I have fond memories of BAD games that still had good engines (Silent Storm / Jagged Alliance 2). The Promise of those games personally helps me to enjoy them more than something like Final Fantasy 6 despite their sometimes appalling misteps. With Western RPGS you tend to find that either Gameplay>story (Most) or Story>gameplay (Baldur's Gate and the other Black Isle games). Divinity 2, like the first Divinity, is one of the few WRPGs to really make an effort in both departments. It is IMO a little toned down since the first one, but it does things to move the genre forward, and still provides a truly meaty experience. Most played in 2017 (released in 2017) - Divinity Original Sin 2 , Breath of The Wild , Persona 5 , Super Mario Odyssey , Puyo Puyo Tetris. Fire Emblem Heroes. Comment - Breath of The Wild has my favorite combat design in the Zelda franchise already, but I have to admit I don't like the open-world design very much... it felt like it asked you to "make your own fun" too much and I really missed having objectives. I ended up playing the game straightforwardly and just railroading from Divine Beast to Divine Beast. I remember being disappointed with the Blight Gannon Boss fights, because even the first one (water blight) I went into over prepared (due to putting that Lynel guarding the shock arrows) Even with only 5 hearts and 20 arrows, The sheer power of the Lynel bow kind of trivialized the boss fight. I have mixed feelings about dodge>Fury Rush - it kind of creates the problems that the overly useful shield did in the N64/GCN Zelda games with over centralizing combat. Persona 5 strikes me as decent fun but I will probably scalp it on amazon after finishing my first play through. (ETA 8-10 days) Super Mario Odyssey delighted me and I'm still playing it. I liked it more than Sunshine/Galaxy, mostly because I felt like I was actually being dumped into the levels to explore as in 64 instead of being sent to complete a "run". Puyo Puyo Tetris was a big surprise, and is unbelievably good, in my personal opinion better than any JRPG or Nintendo IP this year. Fire Emblem Heroes gave me 4 weeks of fun on my 2013 Android before the Winter's Envoy banner made the app too big for me to update. Still twice as long as I spent on Most mainline games, and infernals/squad assault/double chapter chain challenges unironically required me to use more effort and strategy than most of the mainline FE games including some of those with a reputation for difficulty.... Most played in 2017(released other year) Future Tactics: The Uprising. Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim , Meteos , Pokemon Online , Stephen's Sausage Roll, Mario Party 3 , Timesplitters 2. Comment - I returned to Future Tactics this year because I wanted to be able to say that I beat the second playthrrough due to it technically having different mechanics. Also that music. I played tons of Majesty because I saw someone in the forums for it asking for help with a level (and then anothter level..) so I made a bunch of guides and screenshots. Meteos is a game that I like to keep in easy reach at all times. Some days I can't get to bed without grabbing 100,000 points on some level or other in Deluge mode. I played the smogon people on Pokmemon mostly through the Ruins of Alph Past gens tour. Stephen's Sausage Roll I played to back up my claims last year. Mario Party 3 just happened when I invited people over, nothing complicated. Timesplitters 2 was pretty much the 2 player story mode on Hard (with some runs on normal to train my partner). Just wanted it checked off the status screen to go along with the 1 player story mode. Final Thoughts - Puyo Puyo Tetris VS Divinity 2 is almost as hard as DOOM vs Stephen's Sausage Roll for my 2016 GOTY... However, while I think that the minor bonus modes of PPT are quite solid in themselves and superior in quality to entire lesser puzzle games, at heart, playing it in Puyo Puyo Tsu mode is where it's at, and I've been doing that on Puyo Puyo VS forever.
  5. I like the trimmed down video. Couple of weird things. You kind of give the false impression that demon party members can only be used in boss fights and not during the main part of the dungeon, which is funny. I don't think it's too much of a problem since, explaining mechanics too heavily would obviously slow the video down and most of the people interested in watching this probably know better due to at least experience with later games. The way you worded your sentences with the teleporter rooms didn't make it clear if they were supposed to be working but your ROM forgot to put them in or just that you hadn't activated them as plot-progression required from the other end. Anyway, I'm having fun. Keep up the play thorough, you are doing good work..
  6. Top: Suplex Kirby / Referigator Kirby / Bomb Kirby Middle: Wing Kirby / Cutter Kirby / Wheelie Rider Bottom: Donkey Kong Kirby / Sheik Kirby / Plasma Kirby
  7. I don't really like to butt into something like this but FE4 has a lot of game play problems.
  8. Hogfather represent! It counts as a movie in the Box Office release
  9. Reality

    Ryoma art :D

    Thee top one appears to be Callisto due to the presence of the golden apple. I'm not sure what the fight scene is about. It could be the hydra, but that is not traditionally depicted as having wings (and is fought alone). I imagine the other drawing is also of greek goddesses, but I am having trouble examining the headbands looking for possible symbols to narrow down who they are.
  10. The only FE4 Baron's that matter are Langobolt / Reptor / Blume The rest are basically mooks. or reflect negatively on the game Of these- Reptor and Blume use magic in-game. Langobolt uses an axe ingame, but has weapon ranks for magic. Personally I think they are too obscure to justify adding to heroes. Granted I think the same for Valter/Narcian Langobolt/Reptor obviously have a big story presence concerning gen1, but would be viewed as randoms by most of the heroe's audience (and we already have a pseudo battle of barhara map with the Arvis GHB which makes designing a paralouge around a banner introducing them awkward) Blume is overshadowed by other villians during his part of the story, and what's worse, he is mostly passive in his capacity of king(and hence villian), acting under orders from Granvalle/etc to keep his position moreso than inventing his own ways to antagonize the protagonists. Blume could theoretically be added to a potential banner with Leif, allthough that would be confusing, as although Leif fights against him in FE4, he is dealt with offscreen in FE5, so it wouldn't strictly be a Thracia Banner (Especially since Redrick is more central to Thracia than Blume) Gameplaywise, I have mixed feelings about adding non-seasonal ranged flier/armor - they would still be as much a non-entity for most players if 5star locked as the seasonals anyway, because of the nature of pulling for off-banner 5 stars. It would be far better for new ranged flier/armors to be introduced as 3-4 stars. I'm still salty about Lance Azura and Ninian never turning up in my personal experience.
  11. NMH 2 is an improvement, because NMH's vehicle and non-combat sections were so clunky and the money making sidequests were kind of pointless. That said I find a lot of the humor to be hit-or miss on a character by character basis. Probbably won't bother purchasing the third game tbh.
  12. Beat Infernal with a team of Nino , Bridal Cordellia, Olivia, and Taitlu. Had to inherit Sword Breaker onto Taitlu for the occasion. Having no enemy phase is fun
  13. These armor units seem baffling to me. I liked them on paper but then I got to thinking how stat line dependent a lot of the skills were - I mean, taking a non wary-fighter B skill with LitrBlade being a thing is a scary thing for armors unless they KO common mages on their first counter. Having steady breath in the B could give access to armors that formerly had to choose between steady breath and Distant Counter.... but this skill is Heavy Blade.. I don't think it will help bring the to the Quick Pulse + Black Luna horror to armors without built in distant counter - People really shouldn't attack into things they don't kill in 2 hits. Nevermind the lessened value of Quick Riposte type skills in general in the world of healers. Bold Fighter looks funny, but I don't see why you would run it on an armor emblem rather than the traditional Brave Fliers+mass goad fliers. The quad just isn't really neccesary for securing kills , and it precludes the utility of (hit and run/drag back) that made it easier to reposition your units away in the case of flier emblem (nevermind positioning to attack in the first place. Needless to say that an unprotected armor is going to die. I do think it might have potential on ranged armor units. Going to go with the crowd and say that the A slot Brazen skills will be the best, at least for Jakob/Henry. Also it's a double slap in the face to the weapon refinery buff to anti-armor weapons, since these also can't be canceled out,just like the common ward armor. I like the idea of this banner, but personally I'm not comfortable building armors outside of 1 dimension, and that dimension is the world of distant counter/wary fighter and occasional vantage.
  14. Would this mean that the order for upcoming re-runs will be Navarre > Valter > Zephiel > Arvis > Xander > past end of infernals list > Lloyd > Infernals > Camus I can follow how the lists are interlaced to each other, but what is supposed to happen when we get to the part where the first list has 2 more entries than the other one?
  15. The reason is the Playstation 2. Obviously.
  16. I started playing the game only 2 weeks ago, and my initial goal was just to get through all the Squad Assaults - Most fun I had with the game. However, it didn't take as long as I wanted it too, and now I've expanded my goal toward doing the Lunatic Chain Challenges. Personally I feel like special maps range in quality between the more boring Lunatic CCs and the more interesting SA - but I have a hard time getting excited for some of them (Tempest Trials / Voting Gauntlent) due to them not focusing on map design that much... I can definitely see where people who've been with the game since April feel like they are running out of things to do - The pace of Actual new content as opposed re-runs is a little slow, especially considering that (the longtime players) will have much more powerful teams than someone like me, who has to make do with rag-tag units.... So for them, even when new content is released, they can get through it much faster than expected. I think that FEH 's main challenge in the future will be player retention - and it can only really be handled with either "shake ups" or increasing the number of difficult maps - Expanding Squad Assault is obvious, with the only delay seemingly due to not knowing what seal to give as a reward- but the same Main story 1-1 to 5-1 or Paralogue 1-1 to 5-1 thing could be done without too much of a stretch. Ideally they put in some traps/tricks against common player builds. I also kind of think that more chaotic or restricted modes could add strategy - but then again having a "preset team" set of maps kind of goes against the core design philoosophy of the game, even if it would protect the maps against buff emblem teams and force people to work on ground-up strategies. You do see a little bit of the fun of working with limited or psedo random resoucres at times when ASKR trio or daily rotation heroes are given quests / the voting gauntlent if you play it at level 40. But at the end of the day, that experience seems to disappear for long-time players as they approach optimization. It does seem like the game gears you toward focusing more and more on Arena/Arena Assault or fighting community scores as you transition to being a long-time player, (discounting self-imposed stuff like 4 star no inheritance) but I wish that there was another option for things to do as a long term player who has cleared most of the content. Not that I'll have to worry about that for another 2 weeks at the rate I'm going through the Chain Challenges. TLDR: Harder is better, add Infernal difficulties for everything that currently caps at Lunatic
  17. Here is the original Nintendo of America message. Personally, I probbably won't pick it up, but then again, I remember the argument that the Crystal version of the Battle tower is the hardest Player VS Event battling area in any pokemon game other than playing Pokemon stadium 1's round 2 with rentals or the one event (Battle Arena) in the Emerald Battle Frontier that prevented switching. we shall not speak of battle palace On the other hand I don't really want to put myself against the Perfect DV monstrosities again. Stadium and Stadium 2 were enough>< I'd probbably get frustrated and cheese it with toxic/rest strategies. Not a very productive use of my time.
  18. I woke up this morning filling shit. Did one full pull from the T & A banner, And I got ATK+ Def - Amelia, as well as gorgeous fodder (Klein/Hana/Laslow) I think I'll leave it alone till the next banner and or the legendary. Nice to go into that with 115 orbs.
  19. This would be a problem if this was the latest edition of the book published by Penguin books, but it seems like the mistake only comes from the "Black set Penguin 60s" edition produced in 1995. The website of Penguin books seems to have returned to their earlier "classic edition" The David Hawkes translation - produced between 1974 and 1986. This is listed as the 2012 re-publication. I can't confirm what the Penguin 60th anniversary edition contained, but considering that it was part of a series of classic literature that was "meant to be able to be read in an hour" and the the low page count for this edition of Dream of Red Chamber I strongly suspect that the book you linked is actually just a collection of extracts from the novel mixed with commentary. I've never heard of Fyodor Dostevesky writing commentary on this text, but it is possible. Otherwise the book might be referring to Dostoevsky only because his work was included in the same set of abridged classics, especially as the author field seems to have been automatically generated (hence the different orderings of Cao Xueqin's family name and personal name) At any rate, Penguin books is NOT presenting the book as being authored by Dostoevsky. Except unintentionally for that specific "edition" through the online bookstore's store thumbnail. Personally I wouldn't read a Penguin - Dream of the Red Chamber, because I remember being disappointed by Twayne Publishing's translation. I would recommend an academic translation such as Yang Xianyi's 1978 edition. Back to Penguin: I do not see anything unethical or close to cultural appropriation. It seems like an honest mistake or a clerical error. The thing being attributed isn't even the full novel. I am especially confused about why you made this thread- as the edition you cite as "appropriation" is now over 20 years old, is now only avaialbe from secondary distributor's and not Penguin Books itself and was never meant to seriously represent the novel to begin with.
  20. I think they are a good fit for Post-game / Paralogue chapters compared to other alternatives - Converting former bosses or deceased NPC's (such as Queen Ismaire in Sacred Stones or Emmryn in Awakening) doesn't feel right, even if there is no story for that part of the game.
  21. It usually only happens when their are pretty strong hints to the direction I think one recent example of this is for Samurai Jack Season 4 A lot of people kind of guessed that the romance was going to end that way due to familiarly with time travel logic in other stories. I guess you could call it a spoiler? I mean they only made the prediction due to picking up strong hints. I see it as more of an invitation to revisit the material so you can see if the first episodes had the things that justify the prediction. I'm guessing you made this thread in response to the Game of Thrones thing? I would say that was never a spoiler. And with things like the SAW franchise or Boba Fett in Star wars - I don't think anyone can blame the people making wild theories and predictions for "spoilers" when it is obvious that the actual writer's ended up lifting the theories/etc and making them official.
  22. I put Leif as the best - it's mostly because of the interaction with Dorias / August, but still. Only other lords I like as much are Eliwood and Marth. Some people think that Eliwood is given a happier ending than he deserved, but I think it's justifed because it is supposed to be tempered by player knowledge of his early death due to FE7's prequel status. Marth is mostly because of his range in FE3 , FE11 , and FE13 - When he is unsecure he doesn't go into full shinji whiner terriotry, and when he is putting the country before all he is not doing it because of empty sentimentality like Revelations Xander. He's also vert comfortable to me because of how elementary he is, as if he was being used as an example in the Golden Bough or Hero With a Thousand Faces I really don't think Kris is that bad, but I don't really want to bother yelling into the echo chamber. I have to say that Corrin is the worst. I don't really like Alm / Celica / Lyn that much either, and I find Seliph / Roy almost totally unmemorable. I dislike Corrin because he forces everyone to like him upon first meeting them, to the point that once people have joined their cult they will defend his actions even if it puts them at odds with people they have known longer than him (such as family members). All who go against the will of Corrin are presented as if they were doing somethign transparently wrong. Finally, Corrin successfully conquers a country , and after killing the royal family, channels their ghosts to force them to admit that it wasn't Corrin's fault. * I know that wasn't the intent of the writers, but the story is so annoying and over-willing to validate the player, that I actually prefer to see it as a cartoony horror story. Alm I dislike because him being a Royal makes the original conceit of him being a villager ruined, AND it weakens Rudolf's human 's self determination vs Godly intervention angle due to the melodrama and frankly "camp" of father against son. Celica I want to like, but the story doesn't give her the respect it deserves..... I have no problem revisting (non FE obviously) stories where Prayer has real power.... It shouldn't be necessary to qualify it with "she's so spirtual that she's now naive and blind to wordly deception as a tradeoff" I know a lot of people like Lyn's journey after her grandfather, but I consider her to be awful filler (granted it is the maps/tutorials that really annoy me) However once in the main story she isn't really functional - She can provide unnecesary commentary - Roy already shows unease at Hecotr's use of Matthew as spy / decision to hire pirates for transporatation, so why is there is a need to double dip with Lyn? Lyn also forces comedy with Hector to an unnecessary extent... If it weren't for her teasing the fanbase could probbably enjoy his charather more than seeing him as a "charge first, think later meathead" which EVERYONE but Lyn, is able to see outside of like the very first battles he is in. I mean really... Hector is clearly trying some Scarlet Pimpernel thing to get people to think that he can't understand politics, etc, but it is because he wants them to lower their guard, not because he's totally dumb. Seliph's main problem is that the gen 2 villians don't provide very good foils. His other problem is not really displaying plans to find Julius's weakness or any other planning. He just goes from country to country to restore order because he believes that that is right, and it works out for him Because Levin pulled all the strings Roy has a heartwarming respect for his father, but unfortunately is alternately forced into a spirtual retread of Marth's journey and aimless globetrotting.
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