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Everything posted by bethany81707

  1. Recap my summon: And now my brother's summon: Now I know that my sister's the better summoner. Also, what do I do with these Gwendolyns?
  2. All right, just so I'm up to speed on the business with Zach... Is that about right?
  3. Got nothing worthwhile but Lachesis and maybe another Triangle Adept fodder in Selena. Gwendolyn, Arthur and Serra were the others.
  4. They're really laying on the intrigue with the whole Bruno/Zacharias/Masked Man stuff this time, aren't they?
  5. God Titania, too. Unless my Klein and Robin (F) should've dealt no damage?
  6. I cast "Summon Bigger Fish!" *Meet Demelza. Triangle Adept, B Tomebreaker.*
  7. Cavalry and infantry separation is practically required to handle that, though. And yeah, the gauntlet banners don't really count. Though it's just a theory, I wouldn't count Oscar out yet. Elincia's almost definitely coming later, but we've definitely seen a generic pretending to be Oscar (which may or may not count as evidence against my theory).
  8. Bit too samey-niche with either Ike or Mist regardless of which they chose? (Did they ever have a banner with two heroes of the same niche?) I'm right with you on waiting for her, though.
  9. 8 had rudimentary skills, but really, if you're counting them, you're basically counting Lethality, and then Skills never disappeared. And that makes a lot more sense, thank you.
  10. ...Which makes my previous sentence sound dumb because ANZAC Day is basically an Australian Memorial Day. Though yes, this is fair. As a kid who struggled to buy things online, though, the kid one sounds super modern. Australia has four terms with two week breaks in between each, and a five-to-six week break for the summer/Christmas period. Is this significantly different elsewhere?
  11. So what's Golden Week? I ask because it still is ANZAC Day here in Australia, and that's not exactly a holiday that screams 'profits'.
  12. And it wiped the floor with me my first time around. ...Although now I honestly forget how this relates to whatever the original argument was about.
  13. On the other hand, that's using the starting base, and I think the opening map having four named characters is a bit too dangerous that early in the story. This, on the other hand, is the final map of a set, and the fifth unit is both somewhat unneccesary and looks tacked-on to the enemy side. Of course, I acknowledge it's only a theory.
  14. This is actually something that I thought about a little more: remember the generic Lance Cavalier we saw in the trailer? Of course, it's supposed to be Oscar... but even knowing that, it seems a tad random. But what if, in the update proper, it actually is Oscar? What if we do get Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Shinon, Gatrie and Rhys (and maybe Mia), just not on the banner?
  15. Aesthetically, I don't mind it. Most people dislike it on the principle that it's sort of like turning, say, Elincia into a moe-blob.
  16. Not really built in- he just has it on him. Which makes him more along the lines of Klein or Tharja, who like their default skills anyway.
  17. 3* won't be that 'make the thieves cry to mommy Navarre', but she'll definitely make them think twice. Though as a warning, Triangle Adept makes it harder for Robin to hit Navarre for damage.
  18. A good point, but my exact wording appears to be 'Eldigan was never playable'. Reinhardt theoretically demonstrates that at least the sympathetic villains might turn up in the lottery pool, were it not for Camus messing that up. If we get more random villain draws, I expect they'll be characters like Selena and Levail.
  19. "Maybe she can survive" he says. Robin with that build makes the thieves ask themselves that question. ...Unless you haven't trained her, in which case forget I said anything.
  20. Eldigan and Reinhardt weren't playable, Robin and Navarre were. Though yes, I do see villains erring to the duel-to-first-blood method of recruitment in the future, now that some of the obvious ones are out of the way.
  21. Watersweep on a mage at least makes sense in the fact that they're the sort of target's who'll hit back- but I do think I'd prefer a mage not being hit by bows and daggers instead.
  22. Also, since Ike is a Distant Counter swordsman, I guess the chances of Ryoma being on the vs Xander Banner just shot up. If the devs cite 'Ryoma's too OP for a banner', they've run out of room to talk.
  23. The designers made Ike exactly as broken as he is in his home game (except for lacking Nihil), but they messed up Soren? They're not very adept at this, are they?
  24. Same boat. Considering the fact I still barely know anything about the 3DS characters, I'm surprised it took me so long to acquire and start using a classic character- and even then, it's Klein.
  25. That one, I think I give you. I'm thinking more about the 'Ana mentions Ike a lot, I mention Tana a lot' sort of obsession vested interest.
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