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Everything posted by bethany81707

  1. Thanks: as it turns out, my Ursula is nowhere near getting Blarwolf. Armoured bow users and anti-cavalry physical weapons are going to make this situation more common...
  2. Sticker Star didn't have much in the way of actually gaining experience beyond getting better gear. Aside from that, I actually do like Xenoblade's system of experience, though I do agree that maybe combining it with permanently missable sidequests and the ease with which one can become overlevelled are genuine flaws of the system. You don't have to grind (except, ironically, in a speedrun).
  3. This does bring to mind the idea of there being a finite amount of experience in the game, handed out through significant plot events and maybe sidequests. Probably not sidequests, that'd defeat the purpose. You're still growing stronger, but you shouldn't need to grind. It'd be weird, though.
  4. Actually, I was thinking more about the visual interface- does it show a check, an exclamation or some combination of the two? (Also, is there a map where I might be able to reasonably check this myself?) @ILikeKirbys My Lissa achieved high levels just by being used for softening, sniping and healing in literally every match. So I'd imagine doing both damage and healing can help.
  5. Can anyone tell me what happens if you're both super-effective against a unit (giant check mark) and weak to the same unit (giant exclamation mark)? I'm thinking Kagero vs Kagero or Ursula vs Ursula as the easiest explanations.
  6. Binding Blade was the first game to have Supports, so naturally, it took a while for them to get accustomed to it. I honestly think each game improved on the quantity of quality supports, especially since FE9 could make use of plot points more liberally. It's exactly like Lachesis, more exaggerated than Eirika, and... you know, I started with Tellius, and I don't know if that game had any incestual undertones. Probably means it didn't, but considering incest doesn't bother me that much, you never know.
  7. ...Honestly, I just read his supports, and I think he's kinda meh, too. Granted, I'm fairly sure that's most Binding Blade characters. Klein is the Archery General of Etruria. Etruria is the Begnion of Elibe, and it has four generals (in the game, this is Douglas, Perceval, Cecilia and Klein). He has five supports, like most characters- except most of Klein's tend to put more focus on the other character. Tate's in love with him, Elphin is secretly Mildain, Perceval is a grouchy comrade (though that support had world-building), Dieck was an old mercenary that saved him from lions once, and Clarine is hopelessly in love with him. Honestly, Klein is more famous for being a half-decent archer and his recruitment map being a pain in the butt. Also, he's the target of one of Fire Emblems incesty relationships (Klein/Clarine).
  8. Strictly speaking, I suppose it'd have been more accurate to say it was the pegasus knight banner that gave me all my five stars. Considering the kinds of Tanas I roll (hello, max Strength, Speed and Luck naturally), I kind of expected it.
  9. And I've been rolling many more 5*s since I gave my phone to my sister. Correlation does not equal causation, any statistician will tell you that. And most Fire Emblem players tend to develop informal degrees in on-the-spot statistics.
  10. Bowbreaker's probably worse than Quick Ripotse, Desperation, or even some other breaker skill in the hands of a pegasus anyway. It's the principle of the matter that bothers me.
  11. ...The rarity comes before the character- which is why the 3* pool being small is a problem in the first place.
  12. And my situation was exactly what I was complaining about when I was talking about pegasus knights not having access to Bowbreaker, right down to the example.
  13. Fun fact: I'm fairly sure Kagero can do this by default: she comes with Daggerbreaker, which counters Poison Dagger.
  14. ...Can't units get breakers of weapon types that happen to have their weaknesses (like a cavalry unit with a Tomebreaker countering a -wolf tome)?
  15. Shout-out to armoured units having access to Pass, but pegasus knights being unable to get Bowbreaker despite the skill being mediocre on them due to the mechanics of Heroes and the lack of Javelins.
  16. Ditto. Gronnraven+ Robin (F). Plus, when I went through the drought of no 5* characters, my 4* were more than enough.
  17. ...I wish I knew the Speed tiers so I could say something informed. At the very least, I have all three Darting Blow 3 users at 4*, and if it works, I'll definitely sacrifice Rebecca. I have Klein, and Tharja and Florina are too precious.
  18. ...That one appears to be red-type, and I definitely cleared that with Ryoma/Robin/Effie/Lissa.
  19. ...There was a quest to complete 5-3 with a tome? I saw Cavalry, Flying and Lunatic Armour, but not tome.
  20. I did the Lunatic first with my Arena team. I mustn't have been paying attention when Robin (F) got me that. Also, I got Alm's first 'dud' level: his quote mentions Kiran (or in my case, Bethany). Neat detail- has any other unit done this?
  21. ...Proof I am not the best at numbers in this game. At any rate, I'll take not having a -Atk Alm. -Atk Ryoma was bad enough.
  22. Windsweep sounds like a great callback to the original Falchion. Fortress Def sounds like it wants to make Lukas a knight.
  23. My Alm is +Def -Atk, yours is +Res -Def. Which makes Alm's base 21/10/6/6/4.
  24. I have Alm and Lukas. Alm: 21/9/6/7/4 Lukas: 19/9/5/9/5 But I'm not the person to ask about the meaning of numbers.
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