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Everything posted by UNLEASH IT

  1. Just pray that your favorite isn't the red unit.
  2. I know the concept of that sounds good, but coloured bows and shurikens are some of the most meaningless additions they've made to this
  3. CYL will forever be the dankest meme
  4. Lmaoing at this game tbh. I can't believe they actually did that
  5. Is there really such a thing? A blatantly pornographic mobile gacha game?
  6. Nice to see Kozaki going full ham with his art. I missed the guy
  7. Does anyone else get Woody Allen vibes from Sothe x Micaiah?
  8. After what happened with Lula and Dilma, it couldn't have been any easier for Bolsonaro. I don't know why people are so surprised at how much support he had, Brazilians would've probably voted for the literal devil instead of the PT after those corruption charges (even though Bolsonaro could end up being quite corrupt himself).
  9. "Well we can't get the black vote so there won't be a black vote" Republicans are on some next level shit.
  10. Collins and Manchin voted yes. Pack it up lads
  11. It's much better to rush everything on this map. I didn't even wait for the third set of reinforcements to show up because Lucina would've essentially had 7-range at that point
  12. Spring Chrom- Don't have him so I can't rate him Spring Camilla- There was a time when you couldn't successfully run a flier team in Arena without her. But with the release of Myrrh and the Iote's Shield seal, she isn't as strong as she used to be. Still, out of all the alts released on the Spring banner, she managed to stay relevant for the longest. 7/10
  13. ISIS's intern is hiding in an underground bunker right now
  14. Can't really see the point of continuing the original tbh. Everyone's character arcs were wrapped up well enough over the 5 seasons.
  15. While they do make fun of themselves, apparently the bulk of the show is about ripping on everything else that DC makes.
  16. Titans would've appealed to me when I was 12 Apparently the movie has gotten pretty good reviews from the pre-screenings (So far). It seems that critics really like when DC shits on itself.
  17. I still don't understand why Nephenee got a prf, she was always good.
  18. Probably Ishtar. Mjolnir+Flashing Blade Seal+Luna/Draconic Aura
  19. Honestly, I just wanted to see the english destroy their own country in a drunken riot had they won. Like philly, but 1000 times worse
  20. Just got a call from football. Plans have changed, it won't be able to make it.
  21. I have to disagree with you on that one. The desert only occupies the upper half of the map and once you clear that part, it's pretty much a standard fare, linear map, like most of the maps in Gen 2. Chapters 3 and 4 are worse imo, since they have even more backtracking than chapter 2. I have to say that RD kinda dicks you over here by forcing you to split up your army.
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