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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. I've beaten both chapter 20 and 21: The first one, once I understood how the Wind gimmick works, was really fun and I managed to complete it in 16 turns; chapter 21 is probably one of the most borijg escape chapter I've ever seen: All you have to do is pair Xander with the Avatar and destroy eveything.
  2. I don't see many things in common between the two: Sophie is a an inexpert Knight that have trouble to control her horse(this is the reason I Like her) and Cinthia want to be some kind of hero. And even personality wise there isn't Too much to say. But then again, You haven't read many supports about them, so I can understand why you would think that.
  3. As a Midori fan boy, I can't really decide which is better but, considering that there is only one choice, I'll go with "This mighty sting a Little" only because is the one I hear more. Also, since I noticed this topic only now, I want to say that my favorite critical quote of Sophie is "I'll do my duty": It's hilarious when she does a letal critical attack as a Great knight.
  4. Benvenuto! Comunque, il tuo Nick mi รจ familiare: forse ho visitato un tuo castello, ma potrei sbagliarmi.
  5. Best: the GBA games, in particulary FE6 with the crappy hit rate some weapons have, but I want to add FE4 and 9 too because, aside from the bosses, there weren't many enemy able to hit you Worst: I agree with those who says Shadow Dragon: not only the enemy has decent stats; they also has decent weapons, especially on the hardest modes. Btw, I don't think Fates Dodge tanking is that bad: I mean, I was able to get, most of the time, hit rates between the 40 and 50%. Or maybe I'm just too lucky on Conquest.
  6. You've been pretty lucky with Erk and the only reason he could be superior it's his staff rank. Btw, unlike you, I've been always unlucky with Erk: He ended up doing well only in speed, but the other stats were really bad. After the first two playtrough, I stopped to use him and give the exp of Lyn story to other units. Perhaps, in my next playtrough, I should give him another chance and see if he can be good when I use him.
  7. I've actually done the paralogue of Kana, Shigure and Midori. About Midori: I've read only the supports with Kaze, the mother and Shigure as a brother(yes, I made Kaze marry azura), but she has instantly became my favorite character of the game. And what about you guys? Who is your favorite child in the game? Btw, I've also changed Camilla and Xander into the Great Lord classe and they are really OP, especially Xander, considering he loses his weakness to the best killer, the Hunter Knife and any other thing super effective to mounted units.
  8. The RNG is both evil and good to me: I can't even count how many times my units dodged an 80-90% hit. And I can't count how many times the enemy critted either Also, ironically, the first who got an enemy crit. was Arthur. On the map he joins. I don't why, but I laugh when I think about it.
  9. Well, FE4 has 20 years by now so I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to add him in Fates as a DLC. No okay, I would, considering how they totally forgot to give him a DLC in FEA.
  10. Really? I'm training Laslow and he is actually pretty good, having some little issues with speed, but he just need a tonic or a speed wing to fix it. Btw, I'm on chapter 18 and oh man, the ninja(s) are annoying. Really annoying.
  11. Mine is Odin's win quotes "My darkness was darker than yours" and "You...uh, have passed your test" but I also like Jakob critical quote 's "Time to take out the trash" and Sophie 's "I'll do my duty"
  12. Just beaten chapter 13: It was really easy and didn't give me any problem. Btw, one problem I have with Conquest is that It throws many units that you want to use, but can't decide who to bring because you are limited to only twelve units; this is the first time that I have such a problem...
  13. Yeah, chapter 10 is an Amazing chapter and probably one of the best defense chapter in the Series, beaten only by chapter 14 from FE5, for me. Anyway, Can I farm some supports with "Before Awakening"? Because Arthur and Effie are near to reach Support S and I want Arthur son now
  14. I'm thinking Lazward, considering how much I loved him in Awakening, but Leo is interesting too... Anyway, I'm playing Conquest(I'm at chapter 8) and I'm loving it: It's really fun and the more I play, the more I want to continue with the game.
  15. Personally, I would like to see the return of the designer of the remakes of the akaneia games or the designer from thracia 776 As for the writers, I have to say the one who wrote the Secret chapter from Live a Live(I think it's Takashi Tokita, but I'm not too sure...): I mean, it's probably One of the best Stories that Square ever made(or maybe I am just a fanboy of LAL)
  16. I will have to wait until Tomorrow to buy my copy of Fates, but I personally don't care anymore how long I have still to wait: I just want to play it. But anyway, I'm happy for those who got theirs copies, I hope you are having a lot of fun with the game. :)
  17. That's the opinion of most of the fan base about Gaiden, so it's not really unpopular. Anyway, Gaiden is really repititive, but other than that, I think is a fine game if you don't take in account the fact that hasn't aged well. Also, we all know that IS loves gai- okay, I won't do that meme
  18. Added all of you! My code is 3024 6117 9950 Anyway, I really envy those who can get the game now, but waiting will make the moment where I'll get the game more. Or at least, I want to see it in this way.
  19. I've beaten FE2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 13. I've just played the prologue of FE12 and didn't even touched FE1. Oh, and Fates because It hasn't been released yet here in Europe.
  20. I've added you too! My code is 3024 6117 9950 Anyway, about the Cipher Cards, How much they actually cost? Because they have always got my attention and when I'm able to get my own work, I want to begin to buy them.
  21. Oscar get my vote: He always turns out amazing in every playtrough I do and because I like him both character and design-wise. But if there wasn't Oscar, I would have chosen Geoffrey, mainly because he reminds me of Ephraim with his design, but also because he was the only one, along with Elincia, who was actually fun to use in part 2.
  22. Man, I can't still believe there are only 4 days left. The only things I'm doing are memorizing my parts for a recital(which is in 20 May, the same day where Fates comes out. Yay.) and playing a little AW: Dual strike, and I'm in the last mission of the game, so I can concentrate exclusively for Fates gaming-wise.
  23. For me: FE6 > FE7, thanks to the ridicolus crit rate of the Sword Master and Berserker class. Oh, and because I had a lot more fun with the maps from FE6(especially the western isles arc) than the ones from FE7.
  24. Hey guys, I'm a new european here and I think I've all of those who have posted their code. Feel free fo add me Too! Code: 3024 - 6117 - 9950 Name: Azer Anyway, about spoilers: I've just spoiled some maps of conquest and Birthright, but It just made me more hyped. As for the DLC, I think I'll buy the entire Pack, considering I'm interested in all of the DLC.
  25. Lyon: In my first playtrough, I tought that Lyon was simply a good villain, but after replaying Sacred Stones, I noticed that wasn't just a good villain, but the character who was more similar to me than any other character that was created: this made Lyon, not only my favorite character in the Series, but also of all time. Medeus: At first, to me, Medeus looked like a terrible villain in SD, but after playing Mistery of the Emblem, I understood that he was more interesting than I tought. Leif(Thracia 776): Initially, I tought he was going to be a bland Lord like Eliwood, however, the more I progressed with the game, the more I liked him: He is just a child that tought he could save his People, becoming the hero they wanted, but his naive leads him to do some huge mistakes that will male him more strong and mature.
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