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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. I would love it, since IS could actually explore more the potential of Gaiden's unique ideas. And because I like the game.
  2. It's something that depends on the chapter itself: there are some I can complete in few minutes and others where I need even 2 hours
  3. About silver weapon, I disagree: the debuff didn't make them useless, but It simply made them weapons that should be used only during the player phase and their high power and Hit compensate for the debuff. To be honest, I enjoyed more Fates than Awakening but don't get me wrong: I like Awakening, however the thing is that It was supposed to be the last title in the series and when I was able to buy it, I couldn't wait to return at home to play it and see if It was a great game like many were saying at that time, but when I finished it, I understood that what I got was a good game, but not something worthy to be the last title of a great series, because the gameplay was really terrible and the story wasn't as interesting as the ones from Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance. After this, when everyone were hyped about Fates, I was skeptical about it, but when I heard about Conquest and how good It was gameplay-wise, I admit I got very excited about it and after playing it, I have to say that It satisifed me even more than I expected (I even bought the other two routes thanks to Conquest, altough they didn't give me the same amount of fun), because the gameplay was even funnier than I tought and I appreciated most of the Nohrian characters and the same happened with the Hoshidians characters. And yes, I'm aware how bad the story is and the fact that we know nearly nothing about the world of Fates, but the gameplay was more than enough to keep me playing the gsme. Who knows, perhaps, if I bought Awakening the same day It was released and I didn't hear about the "It was supposed to be the be the last title of the series" thing nor i had high expectations, my opinion would have been the complete opposite.
  4. Personally, the reason why I find the guard stance better than the attack stance is because the guard stance protect you from dual strike, which is extremely useful, especially because the enemy knows to do dual strike. So, I would remove that and perhaps even make that, when the secondary unit protect the lead unit, the secondary unit takes half the damage the lead unit was supposed to take: It would make it more realistic, in my opinion, but I'm aware It would bring the player to use only tanky units as secondary units most of the time.
  5. I would go with Wyvern Rider and then malign knight, since the idea of using Tomes riding an undead dragon sounds really very cool to me, but considering It's not present, I shall go with Wyvern Lord, considering they are just Wyvern Rider with lances/swords However, I would like to be a Sage too
  6. Knows that a man is a miserable pile of secret
  7. Yes, especially in Fates, where It's more balanced and It's used even by enemies, making them more dangerous.
  8. I personally love Brigid's dress: It just enhance her wild beauty so much that I can't stop to love it. Also, I want to mention Mikoto's dress: It looks so gorgeous to me thanks to the various ornaments It has.
  9. I think that Conquest is the most balanced because, while there are bad units such as Nyx and Odin(he is a good Swordmaster tough), they aren't as much as the others titles and yes, there are powerful units like Xander, but they don't completely others units of the same class(except for Camilla maybe) For the least balanced, I name Revelation: the thing is too many units joins with low stats that makes you not want to use them and rely only on those you have used from the beginning + some child + the royals.
  10. I guess I belong to the category of the Person 1, but that's more because, to me, adolescence doesn't look like so different from the years I had as a child; no I can even say that nothing has really changed at all: yes, I've changed my idea on some things and get my own idea on other, but the way I live my life, the bonds I havd with my family, my way to socialize etc... hasn't changed. Perhaps It's a bad thing, perhaps It isn't, but I can personally say that I am satisfied with how things are now.
  11. Granted, but now you will have to see an Ike X Soren fan art where the two are doing sex in every site you will go. Oh, and the pictures will be drawn in a terrible way too. I wish to have more self-esteem.
  12. FE4 and FE5 are my favorites games in the series but the others games created by Kaga didn't conquer me like the Jugdral games, altough I still like them. The post-Kaga era has more title I enjoy and I loved three of them nearly as much as FE4 and 5(these titles are FE6, 8 and Conquest). So...I guess I prefer the post-Kaga era more.
  13. I was able to do it only once and that's because I actually got lucky and haar was able to survive. However, I don't think I will try it again: the BK is just too powerful at that point of the game and surviving one round against him is more than enough for me
  14. Birthday: The closest ones here are Azama, having the birthday on 9 september, and Percy, who has his birthday on 5 September, while I have my birthday on 7 september Name: My name is actually Azel but with an "r" instead of the "l" Looks: I'm not too sure, but RD!Rolf may be the most similar to me, altough I have black hair and I am a little bit fatter. Personality: I'd consider myself to be a mix between Azama, Lyon and Azel.
  15. Now you are more coward than before. I wish the story of the next is written by Matsuno.
  16. Kojima is the worst game developer in the entire world.
  17. I voted no because I had a lot of fun with Fates and I liked the cast of both Hoshido and Nohr, save for a few people. Yes, the story is bad, but to someone like me, who doesn't pay much attention, is not that much of a problem. If IS continue on this road and makes better story and cast, then we would probably have one of the best - if not the best - FE to date.
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