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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Doesn't have a signature badge request thread
  2. Knows that Michalis and his Dragoons still ruled the sky in Shadow Dragon
  3. Subaki: Subaki is that kind of perfectionist I like: someone that works a lot to be able to handle everything, but ends up making mistakes on several things. He can be also proud and arrogant, but that strangely makes me like him even more. As a unit, he is just overshadowed by Hinoka as a pegasus knight. Tough that doesn't deny the fact that he can be a pretty decent unit Hinoka She is a fantastic unit and, when she promotes, destroys everything she touches most of the time. There is only one problem with her: her personality. Seriously, there is nothing that I can like or dislike about her, unlike her minor sister or her Nohrian counterpart. Also, while I appreciated her part in CQ, I hated how she disappears in birthright after the part where you find Ryoma and basically doesn't talk again until the final part of BR.
  4. Likes a character who is basically a copy of her father but cuter
  5. Doesn't know that Azama is our god and savior and will protect us from healer with low defense then again, I still have to find someone who loves Azama as much as I do
  6. When I was a kid, I always tought that the people with super powers present in the films, have these super powers in real life as well.
  7. Doesn't like my favorite game in the series
  8. It's ironic that your Velouria wasn't able to surpass keaton in speed since, in general, It will be the stat that she will have higher than her father. Anyway, Ophelia is perhaps the best magic unit in the game since she has a personal skill that will boost her critical rate by just having at least 3 tones in her inventory and a poweful personal tome. She has also good stats in general. Even if Ophelia is very powerful, I wouldn't call her "broken": yes, she kills everything she touches, but, like other mages, she is very fragile and can be killed very easily, especially in CQ, where the enemies actually have decent hit rate.
  9. Seems interesting, in particular the Birrhright drama. I admit I would have liked if It was during when Takumi e Ryoma were separated by the nohrian forces tough, since we just know that Takumi fell in the bottomless canyon and Ryoma went to Cheve after that.
  10. Well, he doesn't have to: the ROM is easy to find pre-patched with a good patch. But anyway, I too recommend LAL: it does have some problems, such as bringing you to use a guide to do and find certain things that you wouldn't be able to do or find otherwise or his combat system, which can require some time before you may be able to fully understand it(even tough It's very fun when you do), but It's a very enjoyable and fantastic game.
  11. Has made a patch that makes the gaiden chapters of SD automatically playable, without having to do the requirements.
  12. Uh, I forgot about that line. Oh well. Pretty much. Also, I like the fact that every chapter gives an amazing atmosphere, be it because of the story or because of other facts, at least for me. Anyway, I can't wait to see your analysis about FE5 and, especially, FE8, since It has my favorite character in the series.
  13. Like many said, Fuga needed more supports to be more interesting because, while I did like his role in the story of all the three paths, there isn't anything else that stand out about him. Except the "wind" he create when he attacks. That was cool.
  14. Sword: Laslow Sword Katana: Raijinto Lance: Silver Lance Naginata: Guard Naginata Axe: Aurgelmir Club: Dual Club Dagger: Hunter knife Shuriken: Kagero's Dart Bow: Hunter Bow Yumi: Fujin Yumi Tome: Brynhildr Scroll: Horse Spirit Staff: Entrap Rod: Silence
  15. Hasn't played any of the three versions of Fates yet
  16. Oh Gods, I met a lot of elitists like that and they made me very depressed sometimes and even unable to enjoy the newer FE, making me questioning my own tastes too And this still happens when I see a very VERY negative opinion of a game I like in general.
  17. As a character, I really like her: her gimmick is well done and I like her supports in general. As a unit, she is always an important part of my team and never disappoints me.
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