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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Ops, sorry for that. I confuse "his" with "her" sometimes, so this isn't the first time that happens. Favors the game that few people favors
  2. Hmm, I can see your points, but some of these traits are present in other FE characters, so I don't personally see them as something that a certain character takes from another. Perhaps another reason I tend to not mark these kind of similarities is because I didn't like Ricken and Cordelia(which is weird since I love Subaki and Hayato). As for Siegbert, both he and marth tend to put their duty as Prince(s) before anything else(I admit this is present in Xander too tough) and they don't want the others to see their "weaknesses". Also, I don't know why, but the way Siegbert speaks reminds me of Marth's. As for Elincia...well, Siegbert reminds me more of the Elincia from POR, since in that game she doesn't feel to be ready to lead a nation and she thinks that she won't meet the expectations of her. I could be forgetting something ttough because It's been a while since I've played FE9/10/11/12 By the way, I agree that the poll will be decisive for a possible character return.
  3. I didn't know that the game was a fan of lana x Seliph too Anyway, this was a very enjoyable reading and made me understand that Genealogy's story isn't amazing as I tought. But I still love it tough. Ah, one thing before I forget it to precise it again but
  4. If I can be honest, I never felt that (T)Subaki and Hayato were just better clones of Cordelia and Rickeb: yes they share the same gimmick and class(in Hayato's case, his supports with Corrin is very similar to the one between Ricken and Robin), but, aside from that, what else they have in common? Also, I have another question: May I ask what Siegbert takes from Chrom? Not to be rude of course, I'm asking this because I don't see much similarities between the two and I personally feel like that Siegbert takes more inspiration from character like Marth or Elincia. Anyway Siegbert could actually have a decent reason to be in the next game, since, in his epilogue, It's said that he traveled around the world, after the events of Conquest/ Revelation. Again, I apologize if I seem to be rude.
  5. Personally, I could see a returning character only if the continent of FE15 was in the same world of Fates and if said character is someone that decides to travel around the world like Shiro or Hayato, for example. But I personally don't want it to happen because It leaves slot for a new and possibly interesting character.
  6. Grass: yes, It has a lot of weaknesses, but I like most of the pokémon of this type a lot.
  7. I really like Shadow Dragon story: It's very simple and is very classic too, but, because of this, It gives me a fantasy feeling that no other title is able to give me. For New mistery, I must say that enjoyed Its story, altough It doesn't have the "fantasy feeling" that SD(and the originals games too) had for me and Kris was terrible abd didn't add anything interesting for the story. But I liked the assassin subplot(It's not amazing, but I personally don't find it to be awful either)
  8. Like everyone here, I was really surprised by Saizo, showing a very good personality and having good supports for the most part. He is also a good unit, altough i find his brother to be superior imho
  9. Edit: I made a double post by mistake, I apologize.
  10. My favorites are: - Alight and Dark Fall: they fits respectively Hoshido and Nohr too well, with one being calm and peaceful, while the other is very intense and frenetic, giving the atmosphere of a war. - Road Taken: this was the first track I listened of the game and I fell in love with it from the first moment. It's just so relaxing. - You of the light: this tracks gives me the feeling that, as long as there is hope, one must keep fightning, which is exaclty what the Hoshidan siblings do in Conquest: they will keep fightining Corrin and the nohrian army until their hope stops to shine. - Pray to the dark: such an amazing theme, It's my favorite support theme in the game and I love it to the point that It made some supports even better than what they really are. - Resolve(Dark): my favorite preparation theme of the series, It's so good that, sometimes, I didn't start a chapter just because I want to keep listening such a great track.
  11. 1: Laslow/Inigo: He was my favorite character in Awakening and i loved him in Fates too, showing to be a little more mature and his gimmick isn't too used like for other characters. #2: Shigure: i need to see more of his supports, but I like his character, in particular his love for the art in general since is not something you see everyday ina a FE character. He also has been very useful in my first CQ playtrough, so he get extra points for that and for being dubbed by Matthew Mercer. #3: Selkie: No opinion on her: i never bothered to use her to see her supports. #4: Flora: I must say, while she doesn't have many supports, her moments in the story made me respect her quite a lot by showing how much she cares for her tribe. #5: Scarlet: I like her, tough not as much as other people do. #6: Selena/Severa: I must admit that my opinion about her has become more positive in this game: It's probably because here she isn't as bitchy as she was in Awakening #7: Nyx: Nothing to say #8: Takumi: I love Takumi: in Conquest, he hates Corrin for good reasons and becomes "conquered" by his own hatred: i just wish they didn't the whole "he was possessed lol" In birthright and in Reveletion is fantastic both as unit and as a character and is one of my favorite in the game too, altough, as a character, i personally prefer Leo. #9: Corrin: I don't hate Corrin as much as many people. I just wish he wasn't an avatar, since he wouldn't get the whole worship thing that the avatars seems to suffer and perhaps, in this way, he could have been a good lord character-wise. #10: Sophie: While she seems to be a mix between Cynthia and Sumia, I like that she has an actual bond with her horse. Also, she is apretty good unit too and can be a good substitute if Silas get RNG screwed. #11: Shura: my favorite of the Corrinsexual: has an interesting backstory and his boss dialogue with Kotaro is perhaps one of my favorite in the series. I'm very pissed he doesn't have supports with other characters, since there was so much potential to give him much more characterization imho
  12. Knows that Camus with the Gradivus is not invincible.
  13. I'm not sure if It answer your question, but in the designer notes was written that Arvis let Deirdre see Sigurd because he was so worried that Deirdre could leave him alone that he couldn't control himself. I'll put the part about that:
  14. I would say i'm a mix between Lyon from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Azel from FE4 and Azama from Fates(without his typical humorism)
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