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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. I hope It won't: It forces to equip a "weapon" that can't do anything in the hand of a healer, since, most of the time, they will have pathetic strength and, when they get tomes, they can't counter attack properly just because they used a stave. It's funny when the healer is able to do at least 1 damage tough, I'll give it that.
  2. Has the name of two pokémon as her username.
  3. Eh, for what we know, It could be mentioned only in the backstory of some Pokémon and never seen in the game. Btw, the Alola form of Marowak looks really cool and Yowashi is quite interesting and I'm curious to see how his "transformation"(even tough It's not exactly a transformation, but whatever) will work
  4. Azura: I like some of her supports(the one with Keaton is perhaps my favorite since It explores tje inability of Azura to show her sentiment in a very funny way), I love her as a unit(she was so useful in CQ that I don't even dare to think how It would be to play the game without using her), however, I find her character in the story to be quite disappointing. Mozu: I like Mozu: her supports, in general, are well-done and her personality is that of a typical girl from the farm, but It doesn't feel too exaggerated like with Donnel from Awakening(I still like you, Donny) and she is a very good unit as well, especially as an archer(altough she doesn't surpass Takumi, in my opinion). Also, her design is pretty cute. Yukimura: I like yukimura: yes, he isn't fleshed out that much as a character, but I like what the game shows nonetheless. Except in chapter 8. I laughed a bit in that chapter seeing how he acted. Also, I like his design and his VA: they perfectly give the idea of the calm and wise tactician he should be. He is decent as a unit, altough he won't have a plsce in your army since he will likely a lot of units much more stronger than him
  5. I was about to vote the Sci-fi scenario, but I think I will follow and vote for the Wrestler one.
  6. Kaze: While he is a little bland, I really like Kaze since most of his supports are very enjoyable to me and, as a unit, he becomes always fantastic in all three routes. Azama: Azama is probably my biggest surprise talking about the characters of Fates and we share some trait as well, so I couldn't help but to love this friendly troll. Also, he founds his own religion if he doesn't marry anyone, which makes him gain many points on his favor. As a unit, Azama was one of my tankest units on both birthright and revelation, which is ironic since he is healer. His personal skill doesn't really do much after he promotes tough. Gunter: I like that he is a puee jeigan, but I don't like how he isn't that useful in Revelation, where is supposed to be strong in the early game. As a character, I like in particular his master-pupil relationship with Jakob. It's sad that he doesn't have a support with Felicia.
  7. Thank you again for the translation, Kirokan! Anyway, about Zihark origin: Maybe I have bad memory, but didn't the game tell us that he was born in Daein instead of Begnion?
  8. Nina: I like her similarity to Robin hood in the design and her "stealing from the rich to give to the poor" thing, which makes her quite interesting. I also like her "bromance" thing, tough I don't like how It overshadows her other and more interesting trait. As a unit, she has been very useful thanks to shuriken breaker alone Dwyer: I like this guy: he has good supports for the most part and I personally like how he is lazy but is willing to help when others need something. A pity that he is not that great as a unit.
  9. Sorroy if I'm late but I personally prefer the emphasis on the japanese name more as, aside from very few characters, I don't know them and, like you, I also like to see how they differ from the western version. Anyway, maybe I'm strange, but Mist, in the concept arts, looks really cute in her valkyria outfit.
  10. Personally, I would like to see a Lord that fight for a just cause, that seems to be some kind of hero, but is actually a questionable person and has some negative that makes him seem to be a little evil.
  11. Benny: I've done only few of his supports, but he seems a relly sweet guy. Bonus points for having Ignatius as his son. Arthur: he is very gimmicky, but that doesn't stop to be hilarious to me, which is something reinforced by the Italian version of Fates, where he speaks in a very formal manner. Also, his VA is amazing. As a unit, Arthur has been very useful in some of my conquest run both as a berserker and hero. Iago: cool design and voice, but that's it. Hisame: I still have to see a lot of his supports, so I don't really have anything to say about him Camilla: She actually knows how to be an interesting character and her backstory adds some little depths on her character, but this side of her is overshadowed by her obsession towards Corrin, which makes her very annoying most of the time. Izana: I like his funny personality. I just wished IS didn't decide to do whst they did in Revelation.
  12. My favorite type of weapon are lances: they are strong and some of them have also 1-2 range, which can make them quite useful in the games before Fates(tough I would say that the javelin can be still quite valuable in Fates) For magic type, I say the Hoshidan scrolls: I don't know why I like them so much, but perhaps It's because of their boost, which makes them far more useful than the normal tomes in general. For favorite anima magic type, I would say: It has low power, but in the hand of a mage with high magic, It can become very lethal and Its typical low weight doesn't penalize the user much.
  13. Stefan being a descendent of Soan doesn't come a surprise to me, but it's nice to have a confirmation. Seeing this make me kind wish that they explain the lineage of Soan in the Volume about RD(even tough I know they won't). Anyway, Thank you very much for the translation! I really appreciate it!
  14. Petrine sure has got an interesting hobby... Anyway, Petrine being from a Tiger Laguz comes as a surprise to me, since there is nothing in the gsme that hints to such a thing to my knowledge; plus, the fact that she uses a magic weapon instead of a physical weapon doesn't really help. Also, if It's not a problem, may I request the character profile of both Stefan and Mordecai?
  15. I actually like all of them, but I think the one I like the most is probably Rowlet's evolution.
  16. Aww, no Black dragons. Oh well, we'll have to wait for the Volume 2 for them then. Anyway, the Herons surprised me: they are actually a little bigger than I tought. Also, the normal herons are much more cooler than Leanne and Reyson
  17. Eh, I don't think anything would change. Tough, like the others, I would be really curious to know who my real parents are(or were, if they are dead)
  18. My apologies, I'll correct myself by saying Myrmidon Hardin --> Draco Knight Hardin
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