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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Thats perfect, thank you! Geez thats slot more simple than i made it out to be. Xd I really suck at this kinda stuff obv. Lmao
  2. I was curious if there was a trick to solving it without a calculator, haha.
  3. Im always confused when it comes to fractions/percent formulas.
  4. Thank you both! Another question, how do you convert things like 3/5 into proper percentages?
  5. Does anyone here understand how to turn a fraction into percentages? Like 1/4 is = to 25% for example.
  6. GBA i am sure it ends your turn. I really thought PoR did as well, but i guess not? Edit: i was ninja'd by Shrimpy i guess.
  7. I haven't played PoR in god knows how long, so i didn't wanna say yes or no definitively. XD
  8. GBA FE-Tellius end your turn on talk command as well, right?
  9. I dunno, i just assumed it was a bug with the HP draining flag. It probably overrides with the 0 damage calculation somehow?
  10. If you havennt played FE4 yet just wait, Great Shield is even WORSE there unless you use Earth Sword/Nosferatu.
  11. Hyperdimension Nep Rebirth 3 gameplay is superior to Megadimension. Currently replaying Rebrith 3 and the calculations for skills and damage is not done dumb like Megadimension. Enemies arent constantly one rounded but fights dont last for hours either, which is good pacing for fights. The stats feel more impactful as well.
  12. Berwick system is superior to FE, thats why. Xd
  13. I still believe inflation isn't the way to handle the system. I appreciate having to consider unit weakness/strength's both, not just how they can wreck the enemy.
  14. Like how far do you go till every unit is basically unbeatable though? And the argument "well 1-2 range" gets old so if its a huge issue, easy solution? Get rid of it. Idc if it's "fun" it's toxic for the gameplay imo.
  15. And isn't Leonardo generally regarded as one of the worst units in RD?
  16. But it clearly isn't big enough a weakness to put him in the same place as Leonardo as a unit. obv BST has alot of influence.
  17. Like yeah he isn't on Ike's level of absurd, but even being compared to that level of a char is crazy in it's own right.
  18. In theory, sure. The way the game plays, that's not the case at all. I've not once used pass on Heather to aquire treasure, there's no point. I would say any unit that is "good" is too reliable overall. As in, they don't have a clear weakness for the other side to exploit well enough for it to show. (as in, any low RES unit has a "weakness" but is irelevent due to shit enemy mage stats)
  19. A unit doesn't have to be the best to be a broken unit, that's just silly imo.
  20. First, why would you use Heather for anything sides treasure getting and stealing? her combat stinks with her low STR growth/cap. 2nd, i don't recall every using the words "best unit", i just said not fun to use due to being too dominant in too many areas. 1-2 range isn't the entire game, if it was, Micaiah would be OP by that logic.
  21. It's not like they can trap him, the pass skill does exist and Heather conveniently joins Ike's team early!
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