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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Well, as i said Xbows can counter albeit not perfectly reliable, but hey, EXP is EXP isn't it? If i recall, RD puts quite a few enemy mages/archers in for him to fight as well (not to mention the javelin/hand axe spam for enemies)
  2. Yeah, but he can also function as a psuedo tank with those defensive stats. 20/14 is amazing for a starter unit that isn't a knight, and either way he's right behind Gatrie DEF wise.
  3. But like, is it fun having a broken unit handed to you though? He requires 0 investment to get there and dominates... well, pretty much everything honestly.
  4. And that's considering he is an Archer with mostly PP use only (Xbows are kinda niche i guess for 1-2 but not reliable enough)
  5. Like these base stats are stupid high (20 Def!?) And imo it makes him an anti fun to use unit.
  6. For example i don't prefer archers like RD Shinon where their BST is so outta wack, that they kinda can become a crutch/carry unit.
  7. Do you mean the weapon type or the class/chars?
  8. I think this is a fun idea that makes bows less... traditionally simple?
  9. I suppose Oracle of Seasons Onyx fight is difficult if you dont realise you can use the rod of seasons to knock Din away without getting zapped (assuming no green holy ring, if you got it, then its easy)
  10. The Legend of Zelda and the Adventure of Link are both fairly difficult.
  11. That's actually Reverie, and for more than just endgame.
  12. It's usually instances like "oh i started this fight like shit" that i run. But against superbosses allies are dead in seconds, and if i start shit, then the weird warping thing happens often. Fair enough.
  13. Has anyone that's played XC3 noticed that when an ally dies and then the player flees from a fight (Sheathing their weapon then running) the dead ally constantly warps next to the fleeing player? This gets annoying to see after a while, haha.
  14. Both Ryza games 50% off on steam? That doesn't happen often!
  15. TRS kinda gets swept under the rug by Berwick for the most part imo. Like most things TRS has, Berwick just outshines it. Don't get me wrong i still think TRS is a great game for it's time and considering the "issues" with development.
  16. The eyebrows are tilted slightly, but other than that, basically, yeah that's what she looks like.
  17. Anime wars? Oh god, its slowly becoming worse than CS wars! Lmao
  18. Ah right, that one! Yeah, I agree with you there!
  19. Which one is that again? Xd havent played TMS in a while, haha.
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