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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Congrats on that! I just played Sky SC and I WAY underestimated the Death Scream art. Damn, its busted. Xd
  2. I was simply just having fun, I apologise if that came across differently!
  3. Pretty sure said bosses quotes were ingrained into my head after that point. XD
  4. So true! Literally THE biggest hurdle of the game lol.
  5. Any Sky SC player should understand this. XD
  6. Best of luck with the upcoming boss fight! I pray you did not select Nightmare difficulty! Xd
  7. "CS III and IV got updated with some fixed text errors.* *Reverie*... R.I.P lmao
  8. We've been saying play XCX for how long now? Xd
  9. Why is Enid using Thunder over Fire except when fighting specific dragons? XD
  10. Good thing most enemies lack ADF compared to DEF lol
  11. See the thing about arts, is you only need action/cast for it to take off.
  12. Estelle hardly deals damage, though. XD I don't know if effort vs reward is there.
  13. Joshua is a disagree along with Estelle imo. AT Delay lost it's magic after SC. Anelace shouldn't even get fielded most of the time lol Tita is the only other "real" choice here.
  14. Richard literally carries craft users, anyone else is best of arts casting.
  15. I still would honestly say 3rd is way too flawed. Arts still rule the game, which imo gets stale after a while.
  16. After playing Sky SC again, i'll always love its storyline to death, but there is no denying the gameplay is... Not good.
  17. I really don't deserve any thanks, I just pray that it works out for you!
  18. I can't recall if that's the exact order, i'll look it up when i have time, but i recommend having a backup of any save files from the vanilla game. Besides that, no issues should occur.
  19. If you are using Atmosphere to load mods it just goes it Atmosphere folder ----> Contents ----> Game ID folder ----> Romfs folder I believe. Edit, I assume you already modded your Switch. There are tutorials out there for that.
  20. It was... A joke. Since players constantly had to buy new joycons, it likely made more seperately than the console.
  21. I wonder what made them more, the console or people needed to replace joycons? lmao
  22. Reverie is in a whole 'nother league with its horrible voice work.
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