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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. 1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

    Yeah, MMBN4 had a lot of problems. Story reeked of post script season since MMBN3 was supposed to be the finale. The plot should have focused on fighting the Nebula Syndicate and moved the tournament arc stuff as a optional thing that could be repeated anytime so I wouldn't have to play New Game+ three times to unlock everything. It is also riddled with blind idiot translations though some I like ironicly like 'Look at those many electrical store' and 'What a nice man she was'. Also, I felt Double Soul was a step down from Style Change since only a handful of them were good plus Full Synchro is easy to achieve with good Karma and arguably more useful.

    MMBN2 and MMBN3 would be the best to use as a base since they were the pinnacle of the MMBN series though I also liked MMBN5 which I am kind of bias towards since it was the first MMBN game I played. The Liberation Missions were interesting and the game in general was a vast improvement over what MMBN4 did since it did a better job balancing between Liberation Missions and Boss Stages compared to the garbled mess MMBN4 did with the Nebula Syndicate, incoming meteor and tournament arcs.

    I think the translation being awful didn't really help it's cause any. And of course, to advance the story, do tedious quest, compete in tournament, then repeat till endgame. Also I agree that MMBN5's battle system was really unique, being able to use different Navi's for specific situations was actually fun. As far as balance goes, I actually enjoy the insane combos MMBN3 had in it, it feels really rewarding in a way, even if they are kinda game-breaking.

  2. 2 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Its possible they intended the player to get more tier 1 classes? Personally I think thief makes sense.

    Bandit is the weird one I think, because there is no Berserker?

    I assume they have bandit because it's in most Fire Emblem games, so it's more like a consistency thing.

    2 hours ago, NobleSang said:

    Okay, you did a lot for me ! Thanks you, i'm gonna try to find by myself how to change correctly the characters ^^ 

    Oh, good luck then!

  3. 12 hours ago, NobleSang said:

    Yes ! It was the reason ! It was so obvious xD Yeah, I just need the ID of Kezhda, please!

    Sorry if you mean his PID, it's at 32530 in the data file. Also, they might disappear because the games runs an all unit check for the team swapping. Since they dont exist normally, the game skips them I think, so it's like they get removed. This is just me guessing I don't honestly know.

  4. 14 hours ago, Armagon said:

    It's probably the most broken magic spell in the JRPG genre. There's four different Erde Kaisers and you can only get the last one (Sigma) by getting the rest and completing a small sidequest chain. Erde Kaiser Sigma costs 99 EP to use but one of the equippable items you get in the mentioned sidequest chain cuts down every EP cost to 1 with no drawbacks. With Erde Kaiser Sigma, you essentially end every fight in one turn and the final boss will die to it in three hits at most.

    Nah. The skill paths are designed so that you can only invest in one of them and that's kinda upsetting but the gameplay is pretty simple.

    In Episode III, E.Ses had energy which could be reduced or increased with equipment. The amount of energy you have is what determines how many attacks you can use as well as what type of attacks. The more energy you have at the end of your turn, the earlier you get to act. Also iirc, the Boost system wasn't present in E.S battles.

    Alright, thanks for the information. I remember an E.S battle in II that you fought a cannon and it was really hard.

  5. 8 hours ago, NobleSang said:

    Yes ! It was the reason ! It was so obvious xD Yeah, I just need the ID of Kezhda, please!

    And I have a problem, how can we replace a character by another one ? I was trying to replace for example, Fiona by Zelgius, but when i'm putting the right class AND the right portrait, the game doesn't run :/

    Replacing characters isn't as simple as changing item uses, sadly. It might be because the way the events are set up. they need Fiona there and if she isn't, it freezes the game.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    It did have the Boost system but yeah, Episode III's battle system was simplified compared to previous entries. Not that i mind though because i found it to be the best of the pre-Blade Xeno games.

    • Xenogears' battle system is fine but outdated (Gear battles especially)
    • Xenosaga Episode I was supposed to have a better version of Xenogears' combat but failed.
    • Xenosaga Episode II's battle system was actual hell (E.S battles were fine tho)
    • Xenosaga Episode III's battle system has aged the best

    Especially after Episode II, a game in which every battle takes eons to complete, i was really glad to have a more simple but fast combat system in Episode III. That said, i won't deny that previous games did have more depth to their combat systems (even if i personally found them to be badly implemented) so if you didn't like Episode III's combat system for being too simple, i can understand that (especially since endgame can be cheesed with Erde Kaiser Sigma). 


    Really? I actually kind of liked episode II's battle system, it does take a while to get used to, though. I guess I don't understand how the E.S. battles work that I struggled so much, then. Maybe it's just me. Also, Erde Kaiser Sigma? what's that? I don't really think it's fair to judge based of balance/difficulty, since that varies per person. So, that doesn't affect me.

    Is there anything to note about III that's of importance? gameplay wise, I mean. Like the skill paths I kind of just winged it and I suppose maybe that made it a little difficult as well.

  7. 3 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Xenosaga Episode III was in a peculiar situation because it was cramming in Episodes III through VI and that was because Namco fucked everything over. I thought it did things well all things considered. I do find it interesting that you didn't enjoy Episode III though since that's usually considered the best of the trilogy.


    Actually, I think the puzzles were great, and I liked the character's the way they were, sadly the story didn't do them justice in my opinion. Something about it's battle system felt a little to basic to me. I can't remember if they had the boost system in that game or not, but it was something about one and two I really liked. strategically manipulating turns was really in depth for such a simple combat system. Also, I really didn't like the E.S battles. the battle vs Margulis was very luck based without fire resistance, I had one person die cause his special is a one hit kill I couldn't prepare for, and the one against Erich is simply very annoying if anything. On a positive note, I thought that the games sound track was pretty stellar, as with all xeno games they did a fantastic job with putting musics to fit the settings of the scenes or places. I suppose to say it disappointed me isn't the right word, more like, I just liked the other two a lot more.

    • Biggest one for me is easily Kingdom Hearts 3. After I completed it I realized that I went by and not much really happened, no interesting battles, cutscenes, anything. It was just lacking.
    • Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. It's  just really slow and I don't really like any of the map designs either. Plus the battle animations are really hard to watch if turned on.
    • Also going to say Final Fantasy Vii. I guess I don't understand what's so charming about it either. Not that it didn't have it's positive sides, just not noticeable enough for me.
    • Xenosaga 3. Besides Hakox which I found really fun, I can't find it in me to enjoy it at all. I liked the other two for their stories, this one is just odd.
    • Smash 4. Not sure why, but I never really liked it, everything just felt bland.
  8. Did you have those items before you changed how many uses it had? if so, it already is in memory that you only have one use left. get another one and see what happens if you didn't.

    I'm not all that great at this, so sorry if what i'm saying doesn't make that much sense.

  9. I'm pretty sure you just need to search for the item's name. Every item is labeled as IID_ then the item name, so they're pretty easy to search for. Searching through the data.tpl file helps. At offset 11240 Would be the amount of uses for Angelic Robe if your inside the data file.

  10. I actually enjoyed some of those missable events. When looked at face value, yes it's kind of annoying having no idea it even exists, but in a way it encourages more than just blazing through the storyline while giving you all that nice stuff without any effort. I agree the way it was handled could have been better, but I thought it was kind of neat nonetheless.

  11. 5 hours ago, Wraith said:

    I've never really understood the appeal of the Tales Of series. Although it is regarded as one of the bigger JRPG series out there, I feel that most of the games embrace the tropes and cliches of anime way too much. The series as a result to me comes of as decent, but nothing special. Thus I wish to pose the question as to what makes the Tales Of games special to you?

    I'm not sure why, but maybe I just appreciate the simplicity of them. I like the battle system, and things like the skits that delve into character details make me enjoy the characters more. Sure, they might seem cliche, but even so they are just touching. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    What's this tactic regarding LP? Also, titles in this game are pretty much cosmetic, unlike in Symphonia and Abyss (in the latter, they actually had effects - not that you'll know what these effects are without a guide). 


    Well you would have to check I just know on the top left of the map, at nighttime, there is this frog enemy, he is purple-ish? You need Rita with minimum damage skill on, then you keep using violent pain while in overlimit level 1, and keep the fatal strike chain going. Get as many as you want, then end the battle with fs kills. Other things, it hardly appears, so getting a link encounter can be hard. But, you only need to get like 2-3 in a battle anyway. Also, set party members up not to attack, as they mess the chain up.

    And thanks for letting me know, I wasn't really sure.

  13. 8 hours ago, Necrofantasia said:

    Funnily I do not know this place. 


    Technically I have reached the final dungeon. Though I will do the PS3 exclusive dungeon first to collect all the fellarms. Hopefully I can use the dungeon to let my team learn as many skills as possible because the majority has about a half dozen non learned weapons each. Especially in person of Rita it is bad. 

    I will do more sidequests in the English audio run which will follow once I have completed my current JP run. 

    I actually had the same thing, some characters were way behind skill wise, and it's not fun to get them back up to speed. like I stated before, using the lp trick is the quickest way to master abilities. It's fairly easy to do, as well.

  14. Well as far as lp farming goes, the tactic to get 300+ per battle works best, if you don't mind some work for your arms because it gets pretty tiring after a while. Same with grade, sadly. And I agree with needing to use a guide, that was my mistake first playthrough, I missed half the stuff. Also, a question, do titles work like in Tales of Symphonia where they affect stat gains on level? Or are they just purely cosmetic things? If so, is there a guide for this?

  15. 9 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Maybe. Anyway, I never really saw problems with mages' damage output, but that might be because Rita's one of my more used characters. And it does seem like enemy spells go off faster  (at least for spells ranked above novice). Regarding Karol, I think the best thing about him might be the thing about stopping surprise encounters. For what it's worth, he gets his mystic arte before anyone else, too. While he can heal, he's just not effective at it for most of the game - Nice Aid Smash doesn't heal nearly enough (only about 16%, which one or two unblocked enemy attacks could knock off on Hard mode), and it's rather expensive TP wise, too; the tiny area of effect doesn't help much, since if I'm running around trying to not get killed, chances are I could just wind up running out of the area of effect. The altered artes derived from it are better, except you can't access them until near the end of act 2 (the weapon with the skills to alter it is in Zaude, and a Giganto Monster is also blocking said weapon, among other stuff). Simply put, you're better off using Estelle and/or Flynn for healing.

    Hmmm, i'm not sure, I notice around 2,000- 3,000 per hit or so? And a long string combo from Yuri can do around 5,000 easily, without artes. But i'm around level 70. so maybe i'm just doing something wrong, wouldn't be the first time. Regardless, Karol is still in my party, stopping surprise encounters like he always does. I'm not even sure what his mystic arte is, I have only seen Yuri, Flynn, and both of Estelle's. Yeah, I don't think I ever took Estelle out of the party unless it was forced, obviously. Flynn's ability to make spells cast faster is so nice to have, S spell area, I think? It makes moves like regenerate, that take too long, go off in no time, which is nice for comeback revives. Attack spells as well, it just makes them really deadly for combo, holding. 

    I can't say I really had a tough time throughout the game, my playthrough was pretty smooth, except the coliseum fighting Belius, I kind of got reckless cause I haven't really struggled before that point. Even on hard mode, the games not that bad, it's just more about being a little more careful than normal, really. And the extra grade is really appreciated!

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