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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. 4 hours ago, Resuno said:

    Oh wait! I have another question.

    Is there any way to give enemy characters Holy Blood? For my case, I'd like to give DiMaggio Major Hezul blood.

    I tried it in a certain way, and corrupted the whole thing. Thank Naga for backups!

    Pretty sure there's an enemy holy blood editor somewhere as well.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I mean maybe you're just not that good at figuring out strategies? I'm not trying to be rude, but as I've stated multiple times before I do not merge any of my 5-stars and even so I've still beaten every single squad assault and blessed gardens and chain challenge that's been released not long after their release. The only ones that have taken me a bit longer were chain challenges back in the day. And the only one I used a guide on was book 1 chain challenge 11+12 with the obnoxious time limits.

    Hey, this pretty much describes me! That's okay though, I know i'm pretty bad at FE/strategy as a whole.

    20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Get what I'm saying here? Completing a big challenge you hate will satisfy you. But completing a big challenge you love should satisfy you even more! That's all I'd like.

    Also, I know how this feels, but with the opposite, I love completing a challenge that I can't stand.

  3. 7 hours ago, Jave said:

    Banjo Kazooie was an absolute dream come true as they were always one of my top wanted characters, ever since I played both Smash 64 and BK back in the N64 days. When the Jiggy bounced around the screen I knew EXACTLY what was all about, and I couldn't stop smiling until it was over.

    This is a great way to summarize it. I know that they use a lot of things from Banjo and Kazooie as well, which makes it that much better.

  4. 4 hours ago, Resuno said:

    Okay, I found something.

    Go to 05E63C: Change 22 2D A0 84 to 22 33 A3 84
    Go to 05E641: Change 06 to 01
    Go to 05E646: Change 2C to 19

    This will let Sigurd and Celice seize based on their character ID rather than class-Shin

    And about changing the weapon you get from events, since I don't know the weapon IDs, I'm totally lost 😑.

    Dang it, I need to really learn hex editing....

    You need to use the nightmare program to use Lamia's FE4 nightmare modules, and open FE4 player weapon editor. From there go to 09-0A and either change the Silver Sword there, or change it in the offset I told you before. Changing it via nightmare is a lot easier, of course.

  5. 24 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

    Refining Stones (for non-personal weapons) are mainly available from Arena and Arena Assault. They are also available as rank or quest rewards in other game modes:

    • Grand Conquest rank: Some ranks award Refining Stones
    • Tempest Trials Daily quests: 2 for the first battle during the first five days, 4 for the first battle during the second five days
    • Voting Gauntlet quests: 10 per round from the “Win 3 battles” quest
    • iirc, the upcoming Rokkr Sieges mode awards them at some ranks

    And then Divine Dew (for personal weapons) is awarded when you spend Refining Stones, with a 1:1 ratio. It is also available from:

    • Rival Domains: 10 from Infernal difficulty
    • Allegiance Battles: up to 20 based on battle score, once every 3 weeks (AB battle score rewards cycle through Orbs, Feathers, and Divine Dew)
    • Forging Bonds: 5 at the 1200 Friendship mark for every unit
    • Blessed Gardens/Grounds: 20 from some maps

    That’s all off the top of my head, so I may have missed some sources.

    Mmkay, thank you, I've wanted to do this, but had no idea how!

  6. 8 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    While I disagree with your sentiments entirely, and maintain that your tone has at multiple times been unjust and (intentionally or otherwise) offensive in both threads, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that this particular incident was a misunderstanding as you say, and call it a day. Speak reasonably, and I'm more than reasonable. Treat me as you did in the other thread, and any negative opinions that I may or may not form will be natural until I am shown otherwise. That's the way of things, and that's the end of it, if only because I have enough stresses to deal with without it, and there is nothing of value to be gained for either of us here.

    Not that I don't understand being upset, but isn't it a little silly to get upset at somebody for disagreeing with you? Also, you really shouldn't be okay with treating people poorly like it's justified, I mean, don't you want to treat people kindly?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Go to a characters profile, either tap and holding on their icon or pressing the + icon on the characters status at the top of the screen when they are selected, and then tap the heart icon. Simply tap remove and they will be removed from your favs.

    To prevent this in the future, go to Settings and find the Auto-Favorite option. This setting automatically applies a Pink Favorite to heroes of the appropriate rarity and higher, but you can turn it off entirely as well. I personally keep it off, but you may find value in keeping your 5* summons auto-favorited.

    (Pssst. While you're here, you should turn on Asset/Flaw Color Display. It's really convenient)

    Thank you so much, I'm sorry for all the simple questions, again. Also, thanks for the tip about asset/flaws, I never noticed that there either!

  8. 1 hour ago, Sephie-chan said:

    Does anyone know how to change the stat texts of the level up screens? Haven't hacked FE4 for I while and it seems I can't find my notes for it anymore.

    What do you mean by this, do you mean what it looks like or what it says?

  9. 6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    If you aren't looking to copy your save, try making a second user profile on your Switch.

    I made a Link-avi'ed one as my default, and then made a second one with the Meta Knight avi, with which I was able to make a second Breath of the Wild save file. This way, I was able to play BotW anew and still have my first file where I can fight CG without the DBs conquered. The only issue is I can't save pictures to the SD card with my second profile for some reason (which is why I haven't finished this second run), but that won't matter for XC2.

    That's interesting, although it's strange that you have to jump through so many hoops to make another file. I'll have to give this a try!

  10. Going through Xenoblade Chronicles again, just for the great storyline. Every cutscene feels so tense and mysterious in the beginning of the game. Just got to see Xord for the first time. Xenoblade 2 is next, but i'm unsure whether or not I want to delete my save with (almost) all the Blades, and stuff. The grinding was rough, and I hate that you can't have multiple saves like Xenoblade Chronicles.

  11. 13 hours ago, Jedi said:

    Ultimate's balance is the best we've seen since 64 lmao what are you going on about, and considering we have 70ish characters that's pretty impressive. Sure we have outliers, but we have tons of results for most characters.

    Plus I don't think you play anywhere near a competitive level so you can't talk anything about balance. Tiers mean absolutely nothing until the absolute highest level of possible play and even then player skill still can dictate who wins and who loses (and usually does).

    You know, the "best" doesn't mean much when they are all pretty much awful. Heck, i'd be ashamed to compare to Smash 4 in balance. I can tell you 100% that adding pretty much no landing lag across the board was a terrible idea, where is the decision making now? it's all brain dead, back air or nair approaches and in some cases unescapeable infinites since the DI in U is total crap. there is no creativity. And besides, pretty sure most attacks that were broken in smash 4, stayed that way (yes there are few exceptions). And most characters don't even have to aim attacks, I know, I play Lucina in U, so don't say I don't know. There is no effort in learning the game, it's pickup and win and then there is the small hard to learn cast of characters that gets left behind. I don't recall referring to tiers at all in my posts? All I said was " U's balance is terrible", thank you. Sure player skill is important, but there is a reason characters like Lucina are played so often/win so often. Simply put, the statistics aren't fair, of course they aren't things like dolphin slash are 100% free recoveries, not sure how that's "balanced" at all. then you have characters like Link's recovery... which is pathetic, not that this game is the only guilty one for these things mind you, but they should have fixed stuff like frame one I frames, how stupid was that?. And it shows by which character can actually put some wins on the board. And lets face the fact that the game highly supports rushdown characters simply because the games engine is that way. And does Nintendo understand that fast characters should be weaker? It's not the hardest concept to understand yet, you can look up stats and see it's not even close. Cause with Marth's speed and range, he should probably be a lot weaker to balance it out, yet he's really not at all, not to mention the absurd recovery defense issue, which isn't fair. Also, for the record, I didn't even say I believed in tier lists, since people simply rate characters better cause a good player wins with them. Also, really kind of you too assume i'm terrible at the game, which i'm not, since I've played other people a lot, and a lot of them have said I should compete, which i suppose means your wrong in assuming i'm awful at the game.

    EDIT: This is a great way to argue your case, by the way. Just state i'm wrong with no facts at all. What's next,  gonna say I don't know how to play? Petty argument right here.

    18 hours ago, Armagon said:

    I too like fighting regular enemies that take 10 eons to die.

    I never said i didn't, i'd just prefer it if the entire DLC lineup wasn't third party.

    Yeah, but I enjoyed it for some reason, it's not for everyone, I can agree with that.

    Sorry, that wasn't directed at you. I meant generally, sorry for that misconception.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    And yet, getting it to run the Xenosaga trilogy was a pain. Episode I was actual hell, Episode II ran better (but i just watched the cutscenes, fuck the combat), Episode III ran the best by a significant margin. So the way i see it, unless you have a really good PC, PS2 emulation isn't gonna run as good as you want it to.


    II's combat was pretty good. I dont understand why people dont appreciate 3rd party characters.


    35 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Balance does not matter,

    Well of course it doesnt U's balance is a total disaster.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    I also never played Banjo Kaazooie. Never thought it was worth my time due to a "It's just one of many Mario 64-like games" mentality.

    I really like the games dialogue, for sure. Grunty's rhyme's are pretty humerous overall if you ask me, and things like the quiz are pretty fun to do. also, the games pretty difficult if that's your thing, unlike Mario 64.

  14. 1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

    Aether Resort can be found within the Aether Raids menu. Once there, tap the Edit button (with the little house on it), and then go to Build/Improve. The Concert Hall should be in there, and will run you 300 R&R points. If you already have, you can go to Place and select it, then put it wherever you would like it.

    You get 60 R&R points once every season (which runs from PST Tuesday at midnight to Monday at 3:00 pm) for entering certain Aether Resort buildings (this will be noted by the structure erupting a lot of little yellow hearts), and 10 points daily so long as you visit your Aether Resort at all.

    Once your Concert Hall is built, you can manage your music from the Music Settings, and buy more music from Order Music (this will run you 180 R&R per song).

    Mmkay, thank you. I noticed that but never did anything with it, so that's my fault for not checking it out. But thank you for letting me know!

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