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Thinks Their Own Way

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Everything posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. Once a upon time their was a gender fluid teenager locked away in a fortress alters the fate of world because of their genitals.
  2. I get where he's coming from, I feel that he should be the last person to complain about someone's lack of leadership because the moment he joined Beruka Berkut's army, he was basically Berkut's bitch (as of Act 3).
  3. Just an observation from when I bought the game; I wasn't struggling to find a normal copy. Hopefully this isn't indicative of what sales might be.
  4. From his appearance; when someone was first saying that he was gay, I feared that he would be every offense stereotype that would not fly in 2017. But to my surprise, he isn't so I'm super grateful and one of favourites so far.
  5. Favourite: Saber, he's a cool dude. Delthea, mainly because seeing her putting in the work against Berkut and what's his face was utterly hilarious. Least Favourite: Reina Rinea, the fact that I had to look up her name should give you a clue. Most of the new characters in general do nothing for me. I'll give Faye this... out of all the new characters, I can remember her existence.
  6. When you're in the dungeons, not a fan of the controls (or lack of) when running, the cantors are just obnoxious for no reason what so ever (I hate that the amount they summon is random) and to give Faye credit where it's due, out of the new characters, I remember her existence.
  7. Update: I retract that better than Awakening statement, summoner spamming alone is making me down grade my opinion of Echoes; they just drag this shit out for no reason; it's not fun to battle against and it's adds nothing in terms of difficulty.
  8. Extremely useful... I love it; I wish this mechanic was in a harder game tho because more often than not I find that I don't really have to use it.
  9. I'm at Act 3 (just defeated Deen), it's a good game; it's not a game I see myself coming back to in the future because I feel like once I complete it the first time, I pretty much gone through what the game has to offer. Doesn't really open itself up to fun challenge runs.
  10. Then Felicia because of the extra magic she gives to Kana and during pair ups.
  11. So far the good news is that even on my older system (2DS) it does run well, no lagging so I'm happy, I just recruited Clair so as of now... I like it better than Awakening. When I say I don't care about story in video games, I really don't care about story in video games... characters are fine, not spectacular... I like them enough, no L'Arachel's so far (my least favourite FE character ever). My only problem from a gameplay perspective is that it's really easy if you know anything about Fire Emblem (especially normal mode). If I had to rank it so far it's: Fates Sacred Stones Shadows of Valentia Awakening Blazing Sword
  12. I thought you could get Eliwood as a 5 star because he was a focus during one of the grand hero battles; guess they changed that. I don't think F!Corrin is happening because she's a free hand out to Android users (a free 4 star is pretty nice tho). I think the system of special focuses during GHB is the way you'll get these characters as 5 stars.
  13. I've played the GBA games and I still don't know what they do.
  14. While in the grand scheme of things I didn't rank really high; I'm at over 17K feathers now (I will soon have that 5 star Effie, +Attack/-Res). And now I wait for the free 20 orbs.
  15. I like that all 3 routes feel like different games, even when they would re-use maps; they would more often than not play differently. I like that every skill is useful in their own way. I like the Japanese inspired designs for Hoshido and want future games to incorporate different cultures into their designs. 1-2 range healing and Live to Serve should be the new standard for healers from now on. With re-classing and inheritances, I like that the marriage partner also benefits from the pairing. I love characters like: Charlotte, Niles, Elise, Takumi, Effie, Azama, Laslow, Setsuna, Felicia, etc... even Iago is entertainingly campy to me.
  16. As long as no one is receiving death threats (I remember the days of The Dark Knight Rises); I find it funny that people always say that reviews don't matter; but act all butt hurt when one disagrees with their preconceived notions.
  17. I'm going off people I already have: Red: Sword: Ike Tomb: Leo Dragon: N/A (I have an Adult Tiki, I just never use her) Blue: Lance: Catria/Effie/Ephraim Tomb: Olwen Dragon: F!Corrin Green: Axe: Camilla Tomb: Julia Dragon: N/A (I have no green dragon) Colourless: Bow: Takumi Dagger: Felicia Staff: Clarine
  18. Just do Marth x Caeda and Alm x Celica. It's safe, easy and won't cause the apocalypses. With this banner, avoid any games that let's the player choose pairings (no Awakening or Fates or Blazing Sword or Sacred Stones).
  19. I'm a hoarder, especially with stat boosters; I opened my heavily grind file of Awakening and realized I had: 10 Seraph Robes 6 Energy Drops 4 Spirit Dusts 8 Secret Books 10 Speedwings 9 Goddess Icons 6 Dracoshields 3 Tailsmans 2 Arms Scrolls
  20. I'm on Team Julia if anyone is interested: 06812611687 She's my lead and is +Attack and - Res; but is still able to send a M!Robin or Reinhart into the next dimension; fact.
  21. Avatar: 10 Utility is the reason why, you can make them whatever you want them to be. Even classes you can't normally have access to on Conquest. Even in their base class, Yato is a great personal weapon, access to tombs as a Nohr Noble and the Dragonstone is useful for magical damage and defense bonuses (which get better with the upgraded Yato you get on Conquest).
  22. As long as they distributed in a way that doesn't make me go, "what the fuck were they thinking"; I'm cool. I prefer higher/average, I like gaining at least 3 or 4 ideal stats when leveling up.
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